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Chapter 1 | MU 101 - Music Appreciation, Quizzes of Music

Class: MU 101 - Music Appreciation; Subject: Music; University: California State Polytechnic University - Pomona; Term: Spring 2013;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 04/04/2013

hawaiiangirly818 🇺🇸

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Download Chapter 1 | MU 101 - Music Appreciation and more Quizzes Music in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Staff DEFINITION 1 Five lines with 4 spaces TERM 2 Octave DEFINITION 2 interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency. TERM 3 ledger lines DEFINITION 3 notate pitches above or below the lines and spaces of the regular musical staff to add more notes. TERM 4 Phrase DEFINITION 4 paragraph TERM 5 Cadence DEFINITION 5 like punctuation TERM 6 Rhythm DEFINITION 6 action of time or flow of a measured motion. TERM 7 Metronome DEFINITION 7 keeps beats steady TERM 8 Tempo DEFINITION 8 changing speed of beat TERM 9 Quarter note DEFINITION 9 1 beat of sound TERM 10 Time Signature DEFINITION 10 specify how many beats are in each measure and which note value constitutes one beat. TERM 21 Polyphony DEFINITION 21 many soundsor 2 independentlinestype of texture TERM 22 Polyphonic Imitation DEFINITION 22 Ex: Row row row your boattype of texture TERM 23 Homophony DEFINITION 23 most commonIn music, homophony is a texture in which two or more parts move together in harmony, the relationship between them creating chords. EX John Mayortype of texture TERM 24 HomoRhythm DEFINITION 24 EX: hallelujahIn music, homorhythm is a texture where there is a "sameness of rhythm in all parts" or "very similar rhythm" as would be used in simple hymn or chorale settings.type of texture TERM 25 Form DEFINITION 25 organizes structuresEX: Shoo fly don't bother me TERM 26 Ternary DEFINITION 26 ABAEX: Shoo fly don't bother me TERM 27 Binary DEFINITION 27 AB TERM 28 Improv DEFINITION 28 no form TERM 29 Expressive Qualities DEFINITION 29 TempoDynamics (f Forte & p Piano) f=loud p=softtimbre (tone color)metronome TERM 30 4 western instrument families DEFINITION 30 string (violin, cello, string bass)woodwinds (flute, clarinet, sax, oboe,bassoon)brass (trumpet,trombone, tuba, french horn)percussion (kettle drum, symbols, drums, xylophone) TERM 31 whats a piano trio? DEFINITION 31 one pianotwo strings TERM 32 what does a concert band not have? DEFINITION 32 string instruments TERM 33 Cadence DEFINITION 33 like the punctuation of the music piece TERM 34 Chords DEFINITION 34 3 or more notes played at the same with.enhances the melody TERM 35 Triads DEFINITION 35 o 5th o- Means a line is going through ito 3rd o-o root o- change 3rd to 1/2 step for a minor note TERM 46 diatonic scale DEFINITION 46 5 whole steps + 2 1/2 stepswith up or down pitches TERM 47 Major scale DEFINITION 47 5 whole steps + 2 1/2 notes BUTthe half steps are between 3-4 and 7-8 TERM 48 Minor Scale DEFINITION 48 5 whole steps + 2 1/2 steps BUTthe half steps are between 2-3 and 5-6 TERM 49 sharp sound DEFINITION 49 goes up TERM 50 flat sound DEFINITION 50 goes down TERM 51 tonic DEFINITION 51 the first note which will also always be at the end TERM 52 tonality DEFINITION 52 using notes from a scale and contouring them to make melodies TERM 53 transposition DEFINITION 53 changing the entire piece of music to a different key or scale TERM 54 modulation DEFINITION 54 change scales within a piece of music or change the keys from # --> b