Download Chapter 10 | POLS 102 - Intro/Political Science and more Quizzes Political Science in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Interest groups DEFINITION 1 An association that pressure government for policies it favors. They are non-publicly accountable. Divergent interests almost always lead to group formations-poor and uneducated don't form groups. The better off in society (more educated, wealthy) are the ones that have more sway because they organize and participate in government. TERM 2 Political groups DEFINITION 2 Parties influence policy through elections, interest groups odn't. Interest groups won't support from both republicans and democrats. Big tent: political parties (large diversity) Narrow focus: purity (interest groups). TERM 3 The circle of life...of interest groups DEFINITION 3 1. forms subsidies: gov't program-->organized interest group. 2. Gov't creates interest groups by medeling in society. 3. Initial problem leads to gov't program which leads to interest which leads to organized interest group. 4. "Its alive!" interest groups start to control gov't. Corporation in U.K. and in sweden TERM 4 Political culture DEFINITION 4 Interest groups flourish in pluralistic socieites that have traditions of local self-gov't and of forming associations. French didn't have it. French interest groups are considered "unobjective" TERM 5 The rise of big money DEFINITION 5 Enough money can do the work of lots of people in influencing the gov't. "Best congress money can buy". Corruption (japan): use of public office for private gain. Public financing (Germany and Sweden): Using tax $ to fund something such as elections. Why doesn't the U.S. use this: U.S. campaigns are really long processes bc we have to run primaries, very expensive, we know when the next elections are, there is a strong emphasize on freedom, American legislators have not been able to find a formula that works.