Download Club Pilates Written Exam Latest 2024. All Questions and Correct Answers. Graded A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Club Pilates Written Exam Latest 2024. All Questions and Correct Answers. Graded A+ A client with sciatic nerve entrapment should avoid sitting for extended periods of time - ANSTrue After finding out that a client has a healthy back, you should always start their spinal flexion in a hinge, NOT articulation - ANSFalse Are neutral based movements with slight amounts of extension for clients with Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)? - ANSYes As long as you are cueing safely, there is no need to do an initial assessment with your clients. - ANSFalse (ALWAYS do a client intake form and re-assessment at least every 6 months) Bridge variations on the Reformer strengthen the back muscles and posterior chain overall. - ANSTrue Bridge with knee extensions is a beginner move because it introduces a longer lever angle on the low back. - ANSFalse Choose the exercises that best fits the scenario below: After warming up my small group mat class, I Plan on having them do _________________ to get the back of their body warm and then _______________ to get the front of their body warm. - ANSBridge variations and Hundreds Clients should always be in thoracic extension when jumping supine on the jumpboard? - ANSFalse Depending on the type of hip replacement, some clients will eventually be able to move their knee and hip beyond 90 degrees - ANSFalse During Chest Lift, the client should maintain a neutral pelvis. - ANSTrue During Side Lying Legs in Straps Series, the spine should be in a neutral position. - ANSTrue During Side Lying Legs in Straps Series, when the leg sweeps forward, it should only sweep to the point that the hip and leg do not rotate or shift. - ANSTrue During the exercise Teaser, how does bending the knees into the chest change the exercise? - ANSChanges the intention of the exercise and indicates the client might not be ready for the exercise, Teaser. They should start with Teaser Prep to develop the strength for each of the fundamental components of the exercise in progression before pursuing the full Teaser exercise. Explain the difference between yellow and purple springs on the Springboard - ANSYellow springs are shorter and used for upper body like Hands in Straps, Purple springs are longer and used for lower body like Legs in Straps Footwork on the reformer shows the instructor key indicators of how the client's functional patterns may have created misalignments - ANSTrue For a client who has valgus knees, what is the most effective positioning and prop to use during footwork? - ANSFeet parallel, Magic Circle at the outside of the upper knee area For a client with very tight shoulders, which of the following exercises could the client perform with the most success? - ANSKneeling Cat For Chest Expansion standing facing the Springboard, the springs should be at which height? - ANSShoulder height For Supine Arms in Straps series, the safest client progression would be in what order? - ANSStart with head down & legs in table top, then progress to thoracic flexion with arm movement, followed by maintaining thoracic flexion the entire time and legs in extension. From shortest to longest, which order of strap length is correct for the Suspension Trainer? - ANSFully Shortened, Mid Length, Mid Calf, Fully Lengthened From the options below, a client with which condition is contraindicated from performing self-myofascial release? (select all that apply) - ANSAnticoagulant therapy, Osteoporosis, High blood pressure, Any time the instructor is unsure of a condition, Diabetes, Varicose veins, Pregnancy Full Teaser on the reformer is performed on the Short Box. - ANSFalse (Full Teaser should be done on the long box) Having both legs in table top is considered a closed kinetic chain and this is good for clients with low back issues. - ANSFalse Mermaid cannot be modified and should not be done unless the client is ready. - ANSFalse (Mermaid has modifications where the client can have multiple limitations and still get the benefit from the move) Most people have a shortened set of anterior muscles from overly kyphotic patterns in daily life, which means they also have weak posterior muscles like the __________. - ANSGlutes Of the below options, which are the local stabilizer(s) for the spine? (Select all that apply) - ANSMultifidus, Internal Obliques, Diaphragm, Transverse Abdominis Of the options, choose the exercise most appropriate for each client type listed below: - ANSHunched Shoulders (Over-Kyphotic) - Single Leg Circle Post-Natal (Cleared for light workouts) - Swimming Hip Replacement, cleared for light/limited Range of Motion (ROM) - Pelvic Rocks or Tilts Young athlete who does Yoga - Corkscrew On the Chair, what is the name of the metal appliance where you hook the springs? - ANSCactus Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is often referred to as "Runner's Knee." PFPS is associated with abnormal forces or prolonged repetitive compressive or shearing forces on the knees. These forces cause which of the following? (select all that apply) - ANSAn imbalance of the VMO, Improper patella tracking, Weak VMO with improper timing of muscle firing Pick the correct group of contraindications for articulation during Bridge on the Reformer. - ANSPregnancy, hip replacements, slipped disc, osteoporosis Pick the correct list of possible matwork variations that could be taught on the reformer with arms in straps. - ANSSingle leg stretch, Double leg stretch, Lower and lift, Scissors, Helicopters, Criss-Cross, Frogs Pick the most level-appropriate sequence to START a class. (Beginner: Side-lying single leg jumping, 4-point), (Intermediate: 4 point kneeling jumping, Side-lying), (Advanced: Double leg footwork on the reformer, single leg) - ANSAdvanced Pulling Straps Series develops posterior chain strength which beneficial for better posture. - ANSTrue (make sure that you always tell your clients the "why" behind the move) Single leg bridge variations are a good introduction to lateral strength and flexion for the spine. - ANSTrue (Single Leg variations can be modified and ROM can be lessoned so that clients who need lateral flexion but cannot do full ROM can still get through the stabilization theory) Supine Arms in Straps Lower and Lift is done in which plane of motion? - ANSAll planes The anchor point should be 7-9 feet off the ground. - ANSTrue The correct starting position for Backstroke on the long box is supine on the box with the head near the footbar and the torso flexed and supported on the box, legs in table top with the arms straight up and facing the ceiling. - ANSFalse The Equalizer Loop hands 7 to 9 feet above the ground. - ANSTrue The following describes with posture listed below: "Flexed thoracic spine with an anterior tilt in the pelvis" - ANSKyphosis-Lordotic posture The following statement describes which TRX Principle: "The TRX Suspension Trainer naturally hangs straight down in a neutral position beneath its anchor point. You can assist or resist an exercise by changing the starting position relative to the neutral position." - ANSPendulum Principle The following would be a good example of using the "P" in PEACE R&R. - ANS"Start in supine, on your back with your heels on the center of the footbar about 3 inches apart. Your back should be relaxed and your shoulders should not be pressing against the rests." The foot cradles on the TRX are not adjustable. - ANSFalse The only way to make a move more difficult on the Reformer is by adding more resistance. - ANSFalse (the Reformer is meant to challenge the body by requiring strength through stability and alignment which is met by a lighter resistance. The moves that have less springs are often times more difficult) The postural muscles are stabilizers during Presentation. - ANSTrue (Yes, the postural muscles keep the body from swaying during the movement) There are multiple types of barrels. What is another name/are other names for what Balanced Body calls the foam Spine Corrector? (Select all) - ANSPilates Arc, Small Barrel There are no contraindications for myofascial releases. - ANSFalse True or False, Matwork is the most simple way to perform Pilates exercises. - ANSFalse (Although it may look less intimidating without giant apparatus, Mat work is actually the most difficult in many cases as it gives no assistance like the springs and machines do) True or False: A client has a weak pelvic floor and cannot maintain table top with a stable pelvis may jump on the Jumpboard if they request it - ANSFalse True or False: Always suggest that clients use a thin mat or towel for their Pilates Mat classes. It doesn't have to be a thick Mat, it should just cover the area under your client's body. - ANSFalse True or False: Clients with certain health limitations or concerns should consult their physician before performing self myofascial techniques - ANSTrue True or False: During myofascial release, clients tend to feel a range of discomfort, but clients should not feel pain. - ANSTrue True or False: The three different textures on the GRID roller mimic the feeling of the palm, fingers, and fingertips. - ANSTrue What are the benefits of performing Foot Release on the MB1? (Select all that apply) - ANS? Foot releases will help you get more out of your Footwork on the Reformer, Foot releases stretch the foot What are the benefits of post-exercise foam rolling? - ANSFlush tissue, Create pliability, Initiate recovery process What are the contraindications for Swan on the Reformer? - ANSPregnancy, shoulder replacement, slipped disc, osteoporosis What are the elements of good flow programming when teaching group Pilates classes? - ANSProgressions, Transitions, Creative Sequencing What are the four main muscles emphasized during footwork on the reformer? - ANSTransverse Abdominis, Contralateral Obliques, Glutes, Hamstrings What are the major muscles emphasized in supine arms in straps series? - ANSTransverse abdominis for stabilization, hip flexors to hold legs in place and latissimus dorsi & the long head of the tricep for arm movement What are the most common postural change(s) that can occur during pregnancy? (Select all that apply) - ANSAnterior pelvic tilt, Slight kyphosis, Lumbar spine lordosis What are the Six sins in the TRX format? - ANSSlacking, sagging, sawing, scraping, stopping, starting incorrectly What piece of apparatus came first: the Springboard or the Cadillac? - ANSCadillac What piece of apparatus does the Springboard mirror? - ANSThe lower end of the Cadillac What piece(s) of the Ladder Barrel should the instructor adjust with the client sitting on top? - ANSNone, the ladder barrel should not be adjusted with a client on the apparatus What props and tools are used in FSM? - ANSGliders, Ball, Barre, Springboard What spinal position is maintained while performing Earthquake? - ANSNeutral Spine What two pieces of apparatus does the Cadillac merge? - ANSReformer and Trapeze Table What type of client should not do a Bridge exercise on the Chair? - ANSA client with a hip replacement, A client who is pregnant, There are potential contraindications for Bridge in all of the above options, A client with a knee replacement What's the easiest variation of the Teaser at the Cadillac? - ANSWith knees bent and feet grounded When a client is completing Footwork on The Cadillac using the Push-Thru Bar with springs from below, what should you consider when determining if the exercise/apparatus combination is appropriate for the client? - ANSAll of the choices (Height of the Push-Thru Bar, Tightness of their hamstrings, Height of the client) When a client is performing Quad Stretches at the Ladder Barrel, what form/alignment is most important? - ANSASIS in line with one another When a client with fused vertebrae is performing Short Box Series on the Ladder Barrel, which variation should they omit? - ANSRound Back with Rotation When anchored at the proper height, the locking loop should be about _______ feet off the ground. - ANS6 When is a client ready to jump? - ANSWhen they have a stable pelvis and they are able to maintain a basic level of proprioceptive awareness? When is it imperative for the instructor to use hands-on support for the set up of a Ladder Barrel exercise? - ANSFlat Back Lower and Lift When performing Side Lying Leg series at the Springboard, what number should the leg springs be hooked onto - ANS4 or 5 When performing Spinal Extension prone on the Spine Corrector, what should the teacher be doing? (Select all that apply) - ANSAssisting the clients while keeping their ankles and legs steady, Watching their form and alignment nearby When performing the TriggerPoint Piriformis Release, what is the correct order of programming? - ANSLeg lifts, external rotation, pivots When you choreograph a class, you MUST stick to the plan and force everyone to do what you planned - ANSFalse Which is the "best" way to transition? - ANSInstructor changes the springs while clients do a different move to distract them. Which is the best choice to elicit an objective response? - ANS"On a scale of 1-10, how is your left/right shoulder feeling today?" Which of the below invented the Springboard? - ANSEllie Herman Which of the below is/are the determining factor(s) to change the positioning of the Ladder Barrel? (Select all that apply) - ANSThe leg length of a client, The height of the client, The arm length of a client Which of the following applies to the anatomy of the Spine Corrector? (Select all that apply) - ANSStep, Barrel, Handles Which of the following exercises would be best to introduce to a client who was just cleared to resume activity after a spinal fusion? (Select all that apply) - ANSPlanks, Quadrupled balance challenges Which of the following statements could be used to describe Fascia? (select all that apply) - ANSPeel your second finger back on a table and it will snap back, Feel your back above sacrum and notice it is denser than your front as we have more fascia posterior than anterior for support, Cut an orange or grapefruit in half and all the pulp is held together with a similar structure as the human fascia Which order of movements explains how to apply Pilates principles of movement progression? - ANSFlexion/extension, lateral rotation, circumduction Which part of the Ladder Barrel is adjustable? - ANSThe space between the Barrel and the Ladder Which set below contains an exercise that cannot be performed on both the Reformer and Chair? - ANSRoll Over and Pushups, Mermaid and Swan, Teaser and Airplane Which TriggerPoint product is used for psoas and piriformis releases - ANS? Neither, MB1, The GRID Who inspired Joseph's passion for movement? - ANSAll of the options (People "doing" life, Animals in nature, His parents and their active & healthy lifestyles) Who is the co-founder of Barre Above? - ANSLeslee Bender Why is Shave the head more advanced than Hug a Tree? - ANSIt has back extension involved, which requires more upper body strength and control Why would you place the leg straps above your client's knees during feet in straps series? - ANSIf your client needed a smaller Range of Motion (ROM) in the hip joint Would Guillotine be a safe exercise to perform with someone with arthritis in their cervical spine? - ANSNo You are evaluating a client for the first time and find they have a major anterior tilt in their pelvis and no injuries in the past. The client has been cleared to begin a fitness plan after not having exercised or worked out for the past 4 years. What moves would you make sure to teach the client in their first workout? - ANSBridge, Roll Up, Quadruped You can increase the level of difficulty/advance Bridge variations on the Chair by: - ANSLowering the resistance while maintaining the lift in the hips and pushing the pedal down (and then raising it up)