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Medical Terminology and Coding Practice Test, Exams of Nursing

A practice test with 112 questions and complete solutions related to medical terminology, coding systems, and healthcare procedures. It covers various topics such as hematocrit, malpractice suits, medicare part b, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, heart rate, surgical procedures, ekg/ecg, negligence, reciprocity, modifiers, anatomical structures, insurance claims, needle lengths, hemopoiesis, infections, blood specimens, icd codes, truth in lending act, alphabetic filing, third-party relationships, drug action, muscles, intestines, arteries, korotkoff sounds, silence, measles, temperature, surgery, antibody reaction, casts, stroke, electronic information, nonfeasance, etiology, blood samples, necessary, colposcope, trichomoniasis, and psychosocial development.

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Available from 04/11/2024

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Download Medical Terminology and Coding Practice Test and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! CMA Practice test 112 questions with complete solutions The measurement of packed red blood cells in relation to total blood volume Correct Answer: Hematocrit Malpractice suits Correct Answer: Civil law Medicare Part B Correct Answer: Covers certain doctor services, outpatient care, medical supplies and preventative services Electrocardiogram Correct Answer: recording of electrical action of the heart in relation to time Systolic blood pressure Correct Answer: Pressure against the artery wall when the ventricles contract Child's heart rate - 2 yrs Correct Answer: 90-140 beats per minute A star on a code for surgical procedures Correct Answer: means each phase of the procedure is billed separately EKG/ECG- chest lead V2 is placed - Correct Answer: at the 4th intercostal space at the left margin of the sternum The 4 D's necessary to prove negligence in a malpractice case Correct Answer: Duty, Derelick, Direct Cause, Damages Reciprocity Correct Answer: When one state accepts another state's license Modifiers E and M Correct Answer: letter E is used for "cause of the wound". These letters specificity of the cause of a problem Structure that separates the Left Atrium and the Left Ventricle Correct Answer: Mitral valve Most frequent reason for insurance claim to be rejected Correct Answer: The procedures are not linked to the diagnosis Intra-dermal needle lenght Correct Answer: Short - 3/8 inch Hemopoiesis Correct Answer: Occurs in the red bone marrow Incision into the eardrum Correct Answer: Myringotomy Encounter form and Superbil Correct Answer: another name for Charge Slip Payments made to providers under Medicare Part B Correct Answer: RBRVS - Resource Based Relative Value System Blood specimen collected for CULTURE in a sterile evacuated tube Correct Answer: Yellow top The first 3 digits of an ICD code Correct Answer: Identify the general area Overdue bills should be followed up by a telephone call Correct Answer: 90 days past due An insurance program that will pay a % of the charge for each service Correct Answer: Indemnity Plan A complete Blood Count includes Correct Answer: RBC, WBC, hematocrit and hemoglobin A minor offense that usually results in only a fine Correct Answer: Infraction A filing system that maintains anonymity Correct Answer: Numeric Plural form for iris Correct Answer: irides EKG - the ST segment is elevated Correct Answer: Myocardial Ischemia Medicare Part A Correct Answer: Provides coverage for hospitalization Capitation Correct Answer: Plan that pays primary doctor quarterly, semi annual, or annual payments in return for providing all care to pt's including visits to specialist A two digit modifier Correct Answer: is an addition to a procedure that indicates unusual circumstances related to procedure Ethical Standards are Correct Answer: Norms When a drug reduces the effect of another Correct Answer: Antagonism Fee-for-service Correct Answer: how specialists are paid ac Correct Answer: before meals the correct order of blood Correct Answer: Red (no additives) Blue, Green, Lavender EKG/ECG that relates to depolarization Correct Answer: QRS complex ECG lead 1 measures the activity of the heart from Correct Answer: Right Arm to Left Arm What dietary fat source would be most beneficial for patient who is trying to maintain a healthy diet Correct Answer: Corn Oil Phase 1 of the Korotkoff sound identifies Correct Answer: Systolic pressure The use of silence Correct Answer: Allows patient to direct the conversation anywhere they want to go Rubeola Correct Answer: Measles Rectal temperature is Correct Answer: 1 degree higher than Oral temperature CPT book refers to surgery in what section Correct Answer: 10021-69990 Specific body defense mechanism Correct Answer: Antegen-Antibody reaction Woman has given birth to 2 or more children Correct Answer: Mulipara In alphabetic system - each name is broken down into Correct Answer: Units The letter style, new paragraph 5 indent spaces Correct Answer: Semi Block Squeezing the site of a capillary puncture can result in Correct Answer: Dilution of the blood with tissue fluid Ishihara test Correct Answer: Color vision Medical information can be released without written consent to: Correct Answer: A referring physician when it pertains directly to course of treatment Directing communication toward important topics Correct Answer: Focusing S.O.A.P. Correct Answer: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan Scheduling system - post office hours - seen in order they arrive Correct Answer: Open Hours Bacteria is plural for Correct Answer: bacterium Child's head circumference is measured to what age Correct Answer: 36 months Action of acetaminophen Correct Answer: Antipyretic (reduces fever) When a cast has been on for a long time Correct Answer: Atrophy (muscles will shrink) CVA - CerebroVascular Accident Correct Answer: Stroke Largest unit for storage of electronic info Correct Answer: Gigabyte Scientific research - doing nothing is as dangerous as the procedure or treatment Correct Answer: Nonfeasance The study of a CAUSE of disease Correct Answer: Etiology A blood sample that requires serum Correct Answer: RED top (serum is collected in a tube without additives abbreviation meaning necessary Correct Answer: prn Evacuated tubes with no additives Correct Answer: Used to test Serum (red top) Instrument to examine vagina and cervix Correct Answer: Colposcope STD caused by protozoal infestation Correct Answer: Trichomoniasis Suffix that means "formation" Correct Answer: -poiesis Open punctuation Correct Answer: Using no punctuation after salutation and closing 8 stages of psychosocial development Correct Answer: trust vs mistrust, autonomy vs shame and doubt, initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, identity vs role confusion Childhood immunization - IPV doses Correct Answer: 4 doses The electrolyte that has important influence of the activity of the heart muscle Correct Answer: Potassium Payments under Medicare are made to hospitals on the basis of Correct Answer: Primary Diagnosis Excess carbohydrates are stored in muscles and liver as Correct Answer: Glycogen Region between vagina and rectum Correct Answer: Perineum
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