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CPPA TEST 2 questions & correct answers, Exams of Nursing

CPPA TEST 2 questions & correct answers

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Download CPPA TEST 2 questions & correct answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! CPPA TEST 2 DD214 - correct answer ✔✔What form is a brief, clear-cut document that provides service members with a record of their active service, including awards earned, schools attended, and reason for separation? Command Career Counselor - correct answer ✔✔Who's responsible for the completion of the DD2648? Before the end of the 2nd tour - correct answer ✔✔When must COT LV be used by? PA - correct answer ✔✔Advance Pay FID Transferring Command - correct answer ✔✔Who is responsible for ensuring the member OBLISERVS? No - correct answer ✔✔Does Pearl Harbor require an overseas screening? NPPSC 1800/1 - correct answer ✔✔FLTRES/RET Checklist form # BR - correct answer ✔✔Leave Balance FID Yes (spd code) - correct answer ✔✔Does a DD214 show the reason for sep? CO - correct answer ✔✔Who determines overseas suitability screening? 3 - correct answer ✔✔How many sections are on the NAVPERS 1626/7? NAVPERS 1070/607 - correct answer ✔✔What form is used when the members pay is affected? Copy 8 - correct answer ✔✔Which copy of the DD214 is retained? 180 - correct answer ✔✔Advance pay max days at new command? Meal Deductions - correct answer ✔✔What is not subtracted in the calculation of advance pay? Remainder 51+ or .1457 - correct answer ✔✔Add a day of travel when... SG - correct answer ✔✔What FID can you check to see if proceed time was given? Report date - travel time + 1 day - correct answer ✔✔Calculation of Effective date of Orders FSA-R - correct answer ✔✔What entitlement is the member authorized if the date of marriage is after the effective date of orders? 1. Physical fitness 2. Drug/alcohol issues 3. Performance 4. Disciplinary history 5. Pre-service waivers 6. Financial stability - correct answer ✔✔Name 6 disqualifying factors for special programs? Copies 1 and 4 - correct answer ✔✔What copies of the DD214 does the member get? DD884 - correct answer ✔✔What form is required for the transportation of dependents? NT - correct answer ✔✔Final sep pay FID? Leave Balance - correct answer ✔✔What is not included on the loss report?