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Cppa test 2 with complete solutions graded A+, Exams of Nursing

Cppa test 2 with complete solutions graded A+

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Download Cppa test 2 with complete solutions graded A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Cppa test 2 Running the loss report in nsips will let the cppa review - correct answer ✔✔EDLN, EREN, FLEET RESERVE, EAOS What is EDLN - correct answer ✔✔Expiration date of loss What report do you rent to see future losses - correct answer ✔✔Projected loss What eight items do you look for on the loss report - correct answer ✔✔1. Name 2. UIC 3. PRD 4. Rank 5. SSN 6. Branch 7. Expiration of enlistment 8. EAOS What is MALT? - correct answer ✔✔Mileage allowance in Lieu of transportation MALT is allowed for each day between detaching and reporting - correct answer ✔✔False MALT plus is based on what criteria - correct answer ✔✔Age of dependent and traveling alone or with dependent What form is used for special program screening - correct answer ✔✔Navpers 1306/92 CEOs must provide the requested information and recommendation of stability, reasons for disqualification, and/or waiver requests within how many working days - correct answer ✔✔15 If a member is transferring to a type for duty, what forms will be needed - correct answer ✔✔Operational duties screening, overseas duty screening, page 13 What locations need overseas screening - correct answer ✔✔Kodiak Alaska, Bridgeport/San Clemente/San Nicholas island in California, Key West Florida, Barking Sands Hawaii, Fallon Nevada, Sugargrove West Virginia Which form is used for stability determination of overseas assignment - correct answer ✔✔Navpers 1300/16 If you purchase online is unavailable what form may be sent - correct answer ✔✔Nppsc 1300/1 TIS form - correct answer ✔✔7000/1 Travelers checklist - correct answer ✔✔1300/2 Special Programs - correct answer ✔✔Instructor,recruiting, flag officer duty For a recommendation for special programs, the co must - correct answer ✔✔Review qualifications, background, and personal traits. Provide requested information in recommendation of suitability, reasons for disqualification, and or waiver request within 15 working days What are the dates qualifying factors for special programs - correct answer ✔✔Physical fitness, drug or alcohol related issues, performance issues, disciplinarian history, pre-service waivers, financial stability Report of suitability for overseas assignment - correct answer ✔✔NAVPERS 1300/16 Agreement to Extend Enlistment - correct answer ✔✔Navpers 1070/621