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CSRC Sputum Bowl Practice Questions Exam with 100% Correct Answers 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

CSRC Sputum Bowl Practice Questions Exam with 100% Correct Answers 2024 CardioPulmonary Rehab According to the ATS, what are the two specific objectives of pulmonary rehabilitation? - Correct Answer: 1 - To control and alleviate symptoms and complications of respiratory impairment 2 - To teach patients how to achieve optimal capacity for activities of daily living Egan VII, p - 1226 Gas Therapy What is the weight of CO2 in a full D cylinder at 21 degrees Celsius and 14.7 psig? - Correct Answer: 4 lbs McPherson, p - 26 Airwaycare Of what material are Jackson tracheostomy tubes made? - Correct Answer: Silver Egan VIII, p - 667 Pathology Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a hereditary disorder associated with what lung disease? -

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Download CSRC Sputum Bowl Practice Questions Exam with 100% Correct Answers 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! CSRC Sputum Bowl Practice Questions Exam with 100% Correct Answers 2024 CardioPulmonary Rehab According to the ATS, what are the two specific objectives of pulmonary rehabilitation? - Correct Answer: 1 - To control and alleviate symptoms and complications of respiratory impairment 2 - To teach patients how to achieve optimal capacity for activities of daily living Egan VII, p - 1226 Gas Therapy What is the weight of CO2 in a full D cylinder at 21 degrees Celsius and 14.7 psig? - Correct Answer: 4 lbs McPherson, p - 26 Airwaycare Of what material are Jackson tracheostomy tubes made? - Correct Answer: Silver Egan VIII, p - 667 pg. 1 professoraxe l Pathology Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a hereditary disorder associated with what lung disease? - Correct Answer: Emphysema Egan VII, p - 473 Pharmacology How does beta2 adrenergic stimulation effect vascular smooth muscle? - Correct Answer: causes vasodilation Rau, p - 143 Diagnostics The ATS publishes standards for the performance of diagnostic spirometers. What is the "ATS"? - Correct Answer: the American Thoracic Society Egan VII, 394 Anatomy & Physiology How much anatomic deadspace would a normal 150 pound man have? - Correct Answer: 150 mL Egan VII, p - 258 pg. 2 professoraxe l Egan VII, p - 189 Neonates & Pediatrics Because of their high metabolic rate, infants require more calories per kilogram than adults; approximately how much more? - Correct Answer: Twice as much as adults Egan VII, p - 1008 Pharmacology Define "Therapeutic Index". - Correct Answer: The ratio of the median lethal dose of a drug to its median effective dose ( LD50:ED50 ) Rau, p - 26 Airwaycare The ASTM is responsible for specifying the labeling, sizing and performance requirements for endotracheal tubes. What does the acronym ASTM stand for? - Correct Answer: American Society for Testing & Materials Egan VIII, p - 664 Management pg. 5 professoraxe l In legal terms, what is a tort? - Correct Answer: A civil wrong, other than a breach of contract. Egan VIII, p - 78 Pathology A bulbous soft tissue swelling of the terminal phalanx and loss of cuticular angle is commonly referred to as what? - Correct Answer: Clubbing Egan VII, p - 348 Management Consultation with a Medical Director must be available on what time basis? - Correct Answer: 24 hours a day / 7 days a week Egan VIII, p - 5 Diagnostics What are the two major divisions of lymphocyctes called? - Correct Answer: T cells B cells Dantzker, p - 339 pg. 6 professoraxe l Gas Therapy What is the Pin Index Safety System pin ID's used for Oxygen? - Correct Answer: 2 and 5 Mcpherson, p - 31 Anatomy & Physiology What is the range of the normal concentration of serum sodium? - Correct Answer: 137 - 147 mEq / L Egan VII, p - 333 Chemistry & Physics Nitrogen and Oxygen comprise 99% of room air gas volume. There are eight other gases commonly listed as trace elements; name five of these. - Correct Answer: Argon Carbon Dioxide Helium Krypton Neon Nitrous Oxide pg. 7 professoraxe l Approximately how many drops per mL? - Correct Answer: 16 Rau, p - 78 Acute Care Define cardiac output. - Correct Answer: The amount of blood ejected per minute by the heart. Dantzker, p - 216 Acute Care What is the normal range for mixed venous Oxygen saturation? - Correct Answer: 65 - 75% Dantzker, p - 237 Gas Therapy Within the lung, what cell type is first affected by oxygen toxicity? - Correct Answer: Pulmonary capillary endothelium Egan VII, p - 831 History pg. 10 professoraxe l The first English medical malpractice lawsuit was filed in the 14th century against what type of physician? - Correct Answer: a surgeon Dantzker, p - 1182 Neonates / Pediatrics What are the two main factors in the increased heat loss of infants compared to adults? - Correct Answer: Infants have: 1 - Less subcutaneous fat 2 - Larger surface area to weight ratio Egan VIII, p - 1163 Airwaycare Artificial tracheal airways bypass three critical functions of the upper airway; list two of these. - Correct Answer: 1 - Heat the inhaled gas 2 - Filter the inhaled gas 3 - Humidify the inhaled gas Egan VIII, p - 681 pg. 11 professoraxe l Pathology What disease produces a characteristic gray appearance of the sputum? - Correct Answer: Legionnaire's disease Wilkins IV, p - 29 Chemistry & Physics What is the most influential factor in evaporation? - Correct Answer: Temperature Egan VII, p - 88 Microbiology Alcohols, phenols, halogens, iodophores, quatenary ammonium compounds and acetic acid are disinfectants that provide Low and Intermediate level coverage. What are they not effective against? - Correct Answer: Spores and Non-lipid viruses Egan VI, p - 64 CardioPulmonary Rehab In exercise stress testing, what are the two accepted test end- points? - Correct Answer: pg. 12 professoraxe l Anatomy & Physiology What is eupnea? - Correct Answer: Normal rate and depth of breathing ( normal breathing ) Wilkins V, p - 35 Microbiology What is the term for when people act as their own source of infection? - Correct Answer: Autogenous infection Egan VI, p - 60 Neonates / Pediatrics In classifying fetal heart rate decelerations, a decrease of 50 BPM would be what? - Correct Answer: Severe deceleration Egan VIII, p - 1157 Pathology What disease produces a characteristic gray appearance of the sputum? - Correct Anatomy & Physiology pg. 15 professoraxe l If a blood pressure cuff is too narrow, how will this affect the measurement? - Correct Answer: the values will be higher than actual Wilkins V, p - 60 Gas Therapy What is the air to oxygen mix ratio for 28% Oxygen? - Correct Answer: 10:1 McPherson, p - 74 Neonates & Pediatrics At what age is the adult number of alveoli developed? - Correct Answer: 8 - 10 years of age Egan VII, p - 995 Diagnostics What device quantifies flow by sensing thermal loss? - Correct Answer: a hot-wire anemometer Mosby RCE, p - 217 Physiology pg. 16 professoraxe l What is the range of normal transmural pressure in quiet breathing? - Correct Answer: -5 to -10 cmH2O Egan VI, p - 250 Diagnostics What test signal is used to demonstrate ATS spirometric performance for the MVV test? - Correct Answer: a sine wave pump Egan VI, p - 412 Pathology What is kyphosis? - Correct Answer: A spinal deformity in which the spine has an abnormal antero-posterior curvature. Egan VII, p - 307 Anatomy & Physiology Excess fluids in the pleural space tend to pool within what satructures? - Correct Answer: the costophrenic angles Egan VII, p - 144 Gas Therapy pg. 17 professoraxe l What is the mechanism of action by which acetylcysteine reduces the viscosity of mucus? - Correct Answer: breaking the disulfide bonds between cross-linked mucus strands Rau, p - 211 Acute Care Which is the most commonly cannulated artery for arterial line placement? - Correct Answer: the radial artery Dantzker, p - 215 Mechanical Ventilation Airway resistance during mechanical ventilation is estimated by the difference between the peak airway pressure and plateau pressure divided by what? - Correct Answer: the inspiratory flow rate Egan VIII, p - 974 Anatomy & Physiology What are the two most significant organic phosphates involved in respiration? - Correct Answer: 1 - ATP ( adenosine triphosphate ) 2 - 2,3 DPG ( Diphosphoglycerate ) pg. 20 professoraxe l Egan VI, p - 281 Diagnostics What is the primary difference in the Forced Vital Capacity curve between obstructive and restrictive disease? - Correct Answer: The slope of the expiratory curve Egan VI, p - 426 Anatomy & Physiology Tissue resistance accounts for what percentage of the total resistance to lung inflation? - Correct Answer: 20% Egan VI, p - 247 Anatomy & Physiology Which seven bones articulate with the manubrium? - Correct Answer: 1 - 1st ribs right & left 2 - 2nd ribs right & left 3 - clavicles, right & left 4 - gladiolus ( body of the sternum ) Egan VIII, p - 156 pg. 21 professoraxe l Neonates & Pediatrics Anatomical closure of the ductus arteriosus occurs through fibrosis, normally how long after birth? - Correct Answer: Three weeks Egan VIII, p - 998 Airwaycare The Jackson tracheostomy tube has two less features than the standard tracheostomy tube used in critical care; what are these? - Correct Answer: 1 - no cuff 2 - no 15mm adapter Egan VIII, p - 667 Anatomy & Physiology Name the four heart valves? - Correct Answer: 1 - Tricuspid 2 - Pulmonic 3 - Mitral 4 - Aortic pg. 22 professoraxe l 2 - Residual VolumeEgan VIII, p - 375 History Who first suggested there should be a temperature at which all molecular activity ceases and the associated gas volume is zero? - Correct Answer: William Thomson ( Lord Kelvin ) Mosby RCE, p - 14 Neonates & Pediatrics The patient's age, breathing pattern and time constant of the lungs are all considered when selecting what parameter for the mechanical ventilation of children? - Correct Answer: Inspiratory time Egan VII, p - 1020 Pathology Wheezing can be classified as monophonic or polyphonic. Polyphonic wheezing is much more common during what phase of ventilation? - Correct Answer: Exhalation Egan VII, p - 314 Pharmacology pg. 25 professoraxe l The sympathetic nervous system has the fight or flight response. The parasympathetic system has the SLUD. What does acronym S.L.U.D. stand for? - Correct Answer: Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination and Defecation Rau, p - 100 Acute Care What is the most commonly used monitor of hemodynamic status? - Correct Answer: the arterial blood pressure Dantzker, p - 215 Acute Care How does the respiratory rate perform in terms of sensitivity and specificity as an indicator of respiratory pathology. - Correct Answer: it is Sensitive, but not Specific for the presence of respiratory pathology Dantzker, p - 243 Anatomy & Physiology What structure develops from the dorsal extension of the primitive foregut, in human morphogenesis? - Correct Answer: the esophagus pg. 26 professoraxe l Egan VIII, p - 141 Airwaycare What are the three of the most common causes of tube obstruction? - Correct Answer: 1 - kinking / biting the tube 2 - cuff herniation 3 - Jamming of the tube orifice against the tracheal wall 4 - mucus plugging Egan VII, p - 611 Anatomy & Physiology How is the Cardiac Index calculated? - Correct Answer: Cardiac Output divided by Body Surface Area. Wilkins V, p - 293 Mechanical Ventilation What are the four phase variables in mechanical ventilation classification? - Correct Answer: 1 - Trigger pg. 27 professoraxe l