Download 2024 AWHONN FETAL MONITORING COURSE EXAM WITH CORRECT ANSWERS and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! 2024 AWHONN FETAL MONITORING COURSE EXAM WITH CORRECT ANSWERS what is the number one way to know a babies age - CORRECT- ANSWERSsonogram normal uterine activity- less than or equal to____ contractions in _____ minutes averaged over a _____ minute window - CORRECT-ANSWERS5, 10, 30 tachysystole - greater than ____ contractions in ____ minutes averaged over a _____ minute window - CORRECT-ANSWERS5, 10, 30 is it tachysystole if it is 5 contractions? - CORRECT-ANSWERSNO normal fetal heart rate range - CORRECT-ANSWERS110-160 what could it mean if FHR is high - CORRECT-ANSWERSinfection, low o2, young what could it mean if FHR is low - CORRECT-ANSWERSpost date pregnancy moderate variability is a good sign of an adequately oxygenated baby, guarantees a ph of ____ - CORRECT-ANSWERS7.10 there has been no change in anything with fetal monitoring except what - CORRECT-ANSWERSincrease c/s rate listening with fetoscope or hand held doppler ultrasound - CORRECT- ANSWERSintermittent auscultation detects heart sounds - CORRECT-ANSWERSfetoscope detects reflected sound from heart motion - CORRECT-ANSWERSdoppler detects fhr baseline detects fhr rhythm verifies presence of irregular rhythm detects increases and decreases from FHR baseline clarifies double counting or half counting by EFM - CORRECT- ANSWERSfetoscope detects fhr baseline detects fhr rhythm detects increases and decreases - CORRECT-ANSWERSdoppler direct monitoring of fetal ECG indicated when continuous detection of FHR clinically necessary and not achievable by US transducer - CORRECT-ANSWERSfetal spiral electrode fetal spiral electrode requires what - CORRECT-ANSWERSruptured membranes and 2 cm dilation when the heart rate goes up when contractions goes up, what is on the strip - CORRECT-ANSWERSmoms heart rate results from mechanical limitations of the monitor, electronic interference or weak signal. appears as gaps or dots with external monitoring and irregular lines of varying lengths with a fetal scalp electrode - CORRECT- ANSWERSartifact out of herpes, hiv, placenta previa, hepatitis, what can you use the fetal spiral electrode with - CORRECT-ANSWERShepatitis when palpating to assess uterine activity, what do you put on the maternal abdomen over the area where changes in uterine firmness is best felt (usually funds) - CORRECT-ANSWERSfingertips detects changes in shape of abdomen resulting from uterine tension - CORRECT-ANSWERStoco what does the toco detect from the uterine muscle - CORRECT- ANSWERSpressure quantitative measurement for strength of contractions and resting tone; still have to palpate - CORRECT-ANSWERSintrauterine pressure catheter what do you do an amnioinfusion for?; can be gravity or on the pump. make sure what goes in comes out - CORRECT-ANSWERSvariable decels subtract resting tone from peak uterine activity for each contraction and add them all up in a 10 minute period - CORRECT-ANSWERSmontevideo units what is associated with shorter labor duration and lower frequency of both prolonged labor and oxytocin use - CORRECT-ANSWERSincreased iv fluids never have pitocin running with this tracing - CORRECT-ANSWERScategory 3 if base excess greater than 12, what type of acidosis - CORRECT- ANSWERSmetabolic the approximate mean FHR rounded to increments of ____ bpm during a ____ minute window, excluding: -accelerations and deceleratons -periods of marked variability - CORRECT-ANSWERSbaseline fetal heart rate, 5, 10 for baseline fetal heart rate there must be at least ___ minutes of identifiable baseline segments in a ___ minute window or the baseline for that period is indeterminate - CORRECT-ANSWERS2, 10 bradycardia is a baseline of < ____ bpm for > ___ minutes - CORRECT- ANSWERS110, 10 tachycardia is a baseline of >___ bpm for >___ minutes - CORRECT- ANSWERS160, 10 what can cause bradycardia - CORRECT-ANSWERScontractions, high pitocin what can cause tachycardia - CORRECT-ANSWERSinfection, drugs, hypothyroid, fetal anemia smooth wavelike pattern for at least ____ minutes, associated with fetal _____ - CORRECT-ANSWERSsinusoidal, 20, anemia what can cause sinusoidal FHR - CORRECT-ANSWERSbleeding fluctuations in the baseline FHR that are irregular in amplitude and frequency - CORRECT-ANSWERSbaseline variability undetectable amplitude range - CORRECT-ANSWERSabsent variability > detectable amplitude range but less than or equal to 5 bpm - CORRECT- ANSWERSminimal variability 6-25 bpm amplitude range - CORRECT-ANSWERSmoderate variability greater than or equal to 25 bpm amplitude range - CORRECT- ANSWERSmarked variability what does variability show a sign that the baby is - CORRECT-ANSWERSwell oxygenated what category is absent variability with recurrent decels - CORRECT- ANSWERS3 what category is absent variability without recurrent decels - CORRECT- ANSWERS2 minimal variability is unlikely to be associated with hypoxia during labor unless with what? - CORRECT-ANSWERSrecurrent decels marked variability may be related to what? - CORRECT-ANSWERSfetal hypoxemia FHR pattern associated with uterine contractions, p is for pain - CORRECT- ANSWERSperiodic FHR pattern not associated with uterine contractions - CORRECT- ANSWERSepisodic decelerations that occur with at least 50% of uterine contractions within a ____ minute period - CORRECT-ANSWERSrecurrent, 20 decelerations that occur with less than 50% of uterine contractions within a ___ minute period - CORRECT-ANSWERSintermittent, 20 visually apparent abrupt increases in FHR above the baseline - CORRECT- ANSWERSaccelerations accelerations go from onset to peak in less than ____ seconds - CORRECT- ANSWERS30 in fetus 32 weeks or more, the accelerations peak ____ bpm and last for ____ seconds from onset o return to baseline - CORRECT-ANSWERS15, 15 if fetus less than 32 weeks, the accelerations peak ____ bpm and last for ___ seconds from onset to return to baseline - CORRECT-ANSWERS10, 10 accelerations greater than 2 minutes but less than 10 minutes in duration - CORRECT-ANSWERSprolonged acceleration early decel definition - CORRECT-ANSWERSgradual greater than 30 seconds from onset to nadir, nadir simultaneous with peak of contraction late decel definition - CORRECT-ANSWERSgradual greater than 30 seconds from onset to nadir , nadir after peak of contraction variable decel definition - CORRECT-ANSWERSabrupt onset less than 30 seconds from onset to beginning of nadir, lasting more than 15 seconds but less than 2 minutes, depth more than 15 bpm prolonged decel definition - CORRECT-ANSWERSdecrease greater than 15 bpm lasting more than 2 minutes but less than 10 minutes late decels lead to decreased uteroplacental oxygenated and transfer to the fetus with acidemia. which acid base imbalance - CORRECT- ANSWERSmetabolic acidosis should you perform scalp stimulation during a decel - CORRECT-ANSWERSno can exaggerate response what does category 1 tracing need - CORRECT-ANSWERSbaseline 110-160, moderate variability, no late or variable decels category ____ tracing, indeterminate, not predictive of abnormal fetal aid- base status, require evaluation , surveillance - CORRECT-ANSWERS2 what category tracing? -bradycardia without absent variability -tachycardia -minimal baseline variability -absence of induced acceleration after fetal stimulation -prolonged decels -recurrent late decels with moderate variability - CORRECT-ANSWERS2 category 3 tracings include either - CORRECT-ANSWERSabsent baseline variability and recurrent late decels, recurrent variable decels, bradycardia, OR sinusoidal what tracing requires prompt evaluation and expeditious resolution - CORRECT-ANSWERS3 what can you do for category 3 tracing - CORRECT-ANSWERSposition change, discontinue tocolytics, IV fluids, oxygen how far apart the contractions are from beginning of one to beginning of the other in minutes - CORRECT-ANSWERSfrequency how long the contraction lasts in seconds - CORRECT-ANSWERSduration contractions -mild, moderate, or strong- palpation or internal monitor - CORRECT-ANSWERSintensity