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2024 MPOETC Certification Test Exam with 100% Correct Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive overview of key legal concepts and procedures relevant to law enforcement officers in pennsylvania. It covers essential topics such as criminal law, constitutional rights, search and seizure, use of force, and court procedures. A series of questions and answers, offering insights into the knowledge and skills required for successful completion of the mpoetc certification exam.

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Available from 11/30/2024

eric-kariuki 🇺🇸

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Download 2024 MPOETC Certification Test Exam with 100% Correct Answers and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!




2 elements of a crime - CORRECT ANSWERS-Physical act of crime (Actus Reus), Mental intend to do so (Mens Rea) Instrument of a crime - CORRECT ANSWERS-Any instrument that is intended to be used to commit a crime 1st degree murder - CORRECT ANSWERS-2502 - killing that is premeditated, deliberate and done with malice Felony Crimes - CORRECT ANSWERS-Murder, rape, kidnapping, arson, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, theft, and perjury 1st Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Freedom of speech, religion and press and the right to petition 2nd Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Right to bear arms 3rd Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-The government may not house soldiers in private homes without consent of the owner 4th Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Freedom from unreasonable search and seizures Probable cause - CORRECT ANSWERS-Facts and circumstances that lead a reasonable person to believe a crime had been committed and the suspect committed the crime Three branches of government - CORRECT ANSWERS-Legislative, Executive, Judicial What branch of government do police fall under? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Executive PA Court System - CORRECT ANSWERS-Common Pleas, Circuit, Supreme

US Court System - CORRECT ANSWERS-District, circuit, supreme Grading of crimes - CORRECT ANSWERS-Felony, misdemeanor, summary State of mind (Mens Rea) 4 - CORRECT ANSWERS-Mental intent to commit crime

  • Recklessly
  • Intentionally
  • Negligently
  • Knowingly Where are statutes of limitations found? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Title 42, section 5552 judiciary code Codification - CORRECT ANSWERS-The act or process of rendering laws in written form 5th Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Double jeopardy, can't incriminate yourself, due process 6th Amendment (1791 - CORRECT ANSWERS-The right to a speedy and public trial. The right to confront the accuser 7th Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Right to a trial by jury in civil cases 8th Amendment (1791) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Prohibits excessive fines and excessive bail/and cruel unusual punishment 14th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Can't deprive a citizen of life, liberty or property without due process Bill of Rights - CORRECT ANSWERS-First 10 amendments to the Constitution PA Constitution - CORRECT ANSWERS-More restrictive than US Constitution Statutes - CORRECT ANSWERS-Written laws made by legislatures civil rights violation - CORRECT ANSWERS-Unlawful arrest, search and seizure without probable cause. Holding a prisoner beyond limitations When can officers enter another jurisdiction - CORRECT ANSWERS-Hot pursuit, asked, mutual aid, official business and felony crimes case laws - CORRECT ANSWERS-Written decision of appellate courts deciding actual cases

Tort - CORRECT ANSWERS-A violation of the civil law Voluntary Manslaughter - CORRECT ANSWERS-2503 - unlawful killing of a human being in sudden heat of passion upon sufficient legal provocation. Felony 2 Stalking - CORRECT ANSWERS-2709 - Repeatedly following, harassing, or threatening an individual. M Kidnapping - CORRECT ANSWERS-2901 - The unlawful removal or restraint of a person against his or her will. Rape - CORRECT ANSWERS-3121 - Penetration however slight, forcible without consent. B Burglary - CORRECT ANSWERS-3502 - Unlawful entry with intent to commit a crime. F Criminal Mischief - CORRECT ANSWERS-Intentional or knowing damage or destruction of property. Police powers derive from - CORRECT ANSWERS-Constitution, case law and statutory law Affiant - CORRECT ANSWERS-Any responsible person capable of taking an oath affirming a criminal complaint 5 Types of bail - CORRECT ANSWERS-ROR Non-Monetary Unsecured Nominal Monetary Venue - CORRECT ANSWERS-Boundaries which a Court has jurisdiction and authority statute of limitations - CORRECT ANSWERS-Summary - 30 Days Misdemeanor- 2 years Felony - 5 years Homicide - no limit Four Corners Rule - CORRECT ANSWERS-No outside evidence may be used against somebody during a search warrant/investigation Search Warrants - CORRECT ANSWERS-Executed within 48 hours

Night Time Warrants - CORRECT ANSWERS-2200- How long to file a citation - CORRECT ANSWERS-Within 5 days How long to respond to a citation - CORRECT ANSWERS-Within 10 days Defendant has a right to a preliminary hearing - CORRECT ANSWERS-Within 3-10 days after arrest Time limit for trial - CORRECT ANSWERS-If incarcerated - 180 days Not incarcerated - 365 days Minimum legal proof to justify arrest - CORRECT ANSWERS-Probable cause Determine legality of an arrest - CORRECT ANSWERS-Totality of the circumstances, reasonable person test Mere encounter - CORRECT ANSWERS-Exchange of information between officer and civilian, no level of suspicion required, civilian free to leave at anytime Investigatory Detention - CORRECT ANSWERS-Need reasonable suspicion supported by articulated facts. Reasonable time is 20-30 minutes Custodial Detention - CORRECT ANSWERS-Probable cause is needed, person is under arrest Terry Search - CORRECT ANSWERS-Searching for weapons only. Must establish reasonable suspicion, believe criminal activity is afoot Plain Feel Doctrine - CORRECT ANSWERS--during frisk, if officer grab something and immediately recognize it, they can seize it Terry search of a car - CORRECT ANSWERS-Search within arms reach unless it's locked, must have a warrant to search trunk Commonwealth v. Mimms - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allowed to order passengers out of a vehicle and pat down for safety Commonwealth v. Brown - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dying declaration 4 sources that govern police powers - CORRECT ANSWERS-4th Amendment Article 1, Section 8 of PA Constitution Case Law PA rules of procedure

Mapp v Ohio - CORRECT ANSWERS-Exclusionary rule: prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial US v Leon - CORRECT ANSWERS-Good faith exception: evidence won't be surprised if acted in good faith Nix v. Williams - CORRECT ANSWERS-Inevitable discovery: prove illegally seized evidence would have been found sooner or later Katz v. US - CORRECT ANSWERS-Expanded 4th amendment to include conversation, expectation of privacy Illinois v Wardlow - CORRECT ANSWERS-Mere presence in crime area isn't sufficient for terry stop Illinois v Gates - CORRECT ANSWERS-Totality of circumstances test staleness - CORRECT ANSWERS-Normally 7 days max, considered unreliable after 7 days. Who can issue warrants in cases of arrest? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Issuing authority within judicial district Subject to seizure - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fruits, instruments, contraband, other criminal evidence Reasonable knock and announce wait time - CORRECT ANSWERS- announcements and 45 seconds Exceptions to search warrant - CORRECT ANSWERS-Existent circumstances, plain view, cars, smell and feel Use of force amendments - CORRECT ANSWERS-4, 8, 14 Golden Rule Test - CORRECT ANSWERS-Use only force necessary to affect arrest, when suspect stops, so do you Tennessee v Garner - CORRECT ANSWERS-Shooting of an unarmed,, nonviolent fleeing felony suspect violates the 4th Amendment Graham v Connor - CORRECT ANSWERS-Reasonableness of use of force judged from viewpoint of another officer on scene Brower v Inyo County - CORRECT ANSWERS-Excessive force: Vehicle deadly force is excessive when wanted for a nonviolent crime.

When to use deadly force - CORRECT ANSWERS-Armed, fleeting a crime where deadly force was used or threatened, immediate arrest is necessary to prevent suspect from escaping Commonwealth v Mocoliocco - CORRECT ANSWERS-Ethnic intimidation/possession of instruments of a crime Georgia v Randolph - CORRECT ANSWERS-Without a warrant police have no constitutional right to search a house Process of a crime scene - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Secure

  • Interview
  • Examine
  • Photograph
  • Bag & Tag prima facie - CORRECT ANSWERS-sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted reasonable suspicion - CORRECT ANSWERS-a suspicion based on specific facts; less than probable cause. Sufficient to believe criminal activity is occurring Force continuum - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. Presence
  1. Verbal commands
  2. Hands/restraints
  3. Intermediate force (Taser, OC, baton)
  4. Deadly force Use of force section - CORRECT ANSWERS- Felony 1st Degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-No more than 20 years, $25, fine
  • rape, arson, kidnapping, burglary Felony 2nd Degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-No more than 10 years, $25, fine
  • burglary with no occupants, DUI related homicide, statutory sexual assault Felony 3rd Degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-No more than 7 years, $15,000 fine
  • terroristic threats, carrying gun w/o permit Misdemeanor 1st Degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-No more than 5 years, $10,000 fine
  • prostitution, assault on official

Misdemeanor 2nd Degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-No more than 2 years, $5,000 fine

  • bigamy, impersonating public servant Misdemeanor 3rd Degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-No more than 1 year, $2, fine
  • prowling, open lewdness Murder degrees - CORRECT ANSWERS-1st - intentional 2nd - during act of felony crime 3rd - voluntary manslaughter (crime of passion) Criminal trespass - CORRECT ANSWERS-Section 3503, no intent to commit a crime necessary Robbery - CORRECT ANSWERS-3701 - Stealing by force or threatening of force. disorderly conduct - CORRECT ANSWERS-5503 - Intentionally or recklessly causing public inconvenience (summary) M3 if they intend to cause serious inconvenience Purpose of title 18 - CORRECT ANSWERS-Forbid or prevent conduct that harms people without justification Totality of Circumstances - CORRECT ANSWERS-A court review of all factors known to the officer at the time of the incident Types of Warrants (6) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Body warrant Warrant for fine and cost Duplicate warrant Re-issue warrant John Doe warrant Bench warrant Reasonable expectation of privacy - CORRECT ANSWERS-Self, in Home/business, I'm curtilage, public place where privacy is implied Field sobriety test - CORRECT ANSWERS-No law requires test, merely adds evidence against defendant CLEAN system - CORRECT ANSWERS-Vehicle information and drivers information

5 categories of controlled substances - CORRECT ANSWERS-Cannabis Narcotics Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens exigent circumstances - CORRECT ANSWERS-Hot pursuit, armed and dangerous, violent crime in progress, in need of immediate police/medical attention Commonwealth v Jefferson - CORRECT ANSWERS-Presence in high crime area and a subjects flight upon observing police probably means criminal activity is afoot. Terry stop permitted PA Criminal Procedure - CORRECT ANSWERS-Crime Investigation Police file complaint Private complaint filed Summons Preliminary arraignment (set charges/bail) Preliminary hearing (Prima Facia) Formal arraignment (submit plea) Trial Sentencing Appeal Subpoena - CORRECT ANSWERS-Court order requiring a person to testify in court Expressed consent - CORRECT ANSWERS-Specifically unquestionable:

  • Verbal
  • Written Implied consent - CORRECT ANSWERS-Consent implied by actions:
  • raising of hands
  • implied by gestures Search warrant must include - CORRECT ANSWERS-Time/date Description of place to be searched Description of what/who to be seized 9th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Citizens entitled to rights not listed in the Constitution 10th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Powers not given to federal government go to people and States

2 ways officers can be sued for - CORRECT ANSWERS-Recklessly Maliciously What section is snow and ice dislodged or falling from moving vehicle? - CORRECT ANSWERS-3720, fine $200-$1, Duties of a driver in an emergency response area section? - CORRECT ANSWERS-3327, fine $ Simple assault - CORRECT ANSWERS-2701, M2 unless underage then M1. Attempts or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury or fear of bodily injury aggravated assault - CORRECT ANSWERS-2702, F Attempts to cause serious bodily injury, includes peace officers Terrorism - CORRECT ANSWERS-2717 - Intimidate or coerce a civilian population, F3 unless mass destruction then F Luring section - CORRECT ANSWERS-2910 - M1, if under 13 then F What surface is not necessary to treat chemically, use powder instead? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non-porous Reckless driving fine - CORRECT ANSWERS-3736 - $ Commonwealth v Edmunds - CORRECT ANSWERS-Good faith rule Terry v Ohio - CORRECT ANSWERS-Stop and frisk Miranda v. Arizona - CORRECT ANSWERS-The accused must be notified of their rights before being questioned by the police What agency investigates civil rights violations - CORRECT ANSWERS-FBI Stare decisis - CORRECT ANSWERS-Case law or precedent 3 Inchoate Offenses - CORRECT ANSWERS-Criminal attempt Criminal solicitation Criminal conspiracy Rules of criminal procedures title - CORRECT ANSWERS-Title 234 Penalty section for drug offenses - CORRECT ANSWERS-780-

Generic fingerprinting - CORRECT ANSWERS-DNA matching Commonwealth v Grey - CORRECT ANSWERS-Nervous suspect doesn't not equal reasonable suspicion What rule does not apply to evidence in PA - CORRECT ANSWERS-Good faith rule Theft - CORRECT ANSWERS- F3 - over $2,000 or vehicle/airplane/vessel F2 - $100,000-$500, F1 - of firearm is stolen, over $500, M3 - $50-$ PA vehicle code title? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Title 75 Vehicle code: licensing of drivers - CORRECT ANSWERS- Vehicle code: commercial driver - CORRECT ANSWERS- Vehicle code: classic vehicle - CORRECT ANSWERS-15 years old Vehicle code: change of address in how many days - CORRECT ANSWERS- Within 15 days Vehicle code: junior drivers license can't drive when - CORRECT ANSWERS- Between 11p-5a Vehicle code: turn signal when - CORRECT ANSWERS-Less than 35mph - 100 ft Over 35mph - 300ft Vehicle code: antique vehicle - CORRECT ANSWERS-25 years old Vehicle code: gross weight - CORRECT ANSWERS-Combined weight of vehicle or combination of vehicles Vehicle code: chapter for fees? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Vehicle code: registration chapter - CORRECT ANSWERS- Vehicle code: insurance chapter - CORRECT ANSWERS- 12th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-separation of votes for President and Vice President

5 levels of certainty - CORRECT ANSWERS-Beyond a reasonable doubt Probable cause Preponderance of evidence Reasonable articulable suspicion (RAS) Mere officer suspicious 3 acts during probable cause - CORRECT ANSWERS-Arrest Search/Seizure warrant Warrantless search exception 7 warrantless search/seizure exceptions - CORRECT ANSWERS-Search incident to arrest Consent Stop/frisk Plain view Abandoned property Exigency Open fields Arizona v Gant - CORRECT ANSWERS-Area within reach, lunge or grab can be searched Search incident to arrest - CORRECT ANSWERS-Probable cause to make arrest Lawful arrest made Conduct a search incident to arrest Carroll Doctrine - CORRECT ANSWERS-Doctrine that allows legal search of a readily moving vehicle US v Jones - CORRECT ANSWERS-Court found that police use of a GPS tracker constituted a 'search' and required a valid warrant Oliver v US - CORRECT ANSWERS-No privacy in an open field under federal law Weeks v US - CORRECT ANSWERS-Established exclusionary rule, evidence gotten without a warrant isn't admissable in a federal court