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2024 MPOETC Certification Test Exam with 100% Correct Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive set of questions and answers for the 2024 mpoetc certification test. It covers a wide range of topics relevant to law enforcement training, including domestic violence, use of force, criminal procedure, and traffic law. Designed to help individuals prepare for the mpoetc certification test and ensure they have a thorough understanding of the essential concepts and procedures.

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Available from 11/30/2024

eric-kariuki 🇺🇸

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Download 2024 MPOETC Certification Test Exam with 100% Correct Answers and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!




What are the 2 factors involved in domestic violence situations: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Power and control Mary approaches Sam at a local bar and asks Sam to beat-up Jack, her old boyfriend, because he has started to date another woman. Mary tells Sam that if he puts Jack in the hospital, she will give him $500. What charge can be brought against Mary? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Criminal solicitation Which United States Supreme Court case established the "objective reasonable standard" to be applied to law enforcement officers in use of force incidents? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Graham v Connor What is NOT a good tactic during a car stop? - CORRECT ANSWERS-walking between cars Which of the following is NOT one of Pennsylvania's Branches of Government? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Federalist Who is the father of modern day policing? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Robert peel Which level of proof is established in the United Stated Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights? - CORRECT ANSWERS-PC Communication and distance: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Proxemics Ethnic Intimidation - CORRECT ANSWERS-Does NOT involve gender or sexual orientation Astudent hits a teacher, what should you do: - CORRECT ANSWERS-File a juvenile petition

Criminal acts involving juveniles are called: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Delinquent acts 5th amendment gives the right to what? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Due process What's the 4th amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Search and seizures right to be secure in their persons the name for driving lanes not including sidewalks or what - CORRECT ANSWERS-Roadways 14th amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Equal rights protection clause When giving a citation, instead of signing it the person signs with a copy right symbol ,it sian indicator that they are: - CORRECT ANSWERS-A sovereign citizen You search someone andfinda knifewhich has a spring mechanism, you cancharget h e mwith: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Possession of a prohibited weapon (the spring indicates it si a switchblade) Which of these scenarios is a mere encounter: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Plain clothes officer in front of 7-11 talking to a w o m a n Girl grabs the wheel and car crashes what kind of crash is this? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non reportable crash because of deliberate intent In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which court is at the top of the hierarchy and has the most judicial authority? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Supreme Court According to the Pa Crimes Code, Title 18, a person who enters a building or occupied structure with the intent to commit a crime therein should be charged with which crime? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Burglary What is the level of proof needed for a criminal court case? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Proof beyond a reasonable doubt robbery - CORRECT ANSWERS-the taking of property from a person's possession by using force or threats

Serious Bodily injury is defined a/an: - CORRECT ANSWERS-injury which creates substantial risk of death. What are the BAC levels - CORRECT ANSWERS-.08 legal limit .04 CDL .02 bus drivers .02 teen drivers During an interrogation, the primary goal is to get: - CORRECT ANSWERS-The truth Which oft h e s e scenarioscarries the presumption of theft?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Woman putting shampoo in her purse When searching a prisoner and you find a handgun, you should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Handt o cover officer/partner, let them handle it When photographing a crime scene, should be done: - CORRECT ANSWERS- Overall, mid range, close up with scale Best way to do measurements at an auto accident site: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Straight base line measurements Two parents at a baseball game get into an argument and push/shove each other: - CORRECT ANSWERS-The charge is Harrassment (not assault, not assault on sports official - it's just 2 parents, the umpire is not involved) When approaching a bank robbery inprogress: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Do not park directly out front;wait for them to come out Best way to stay in the safety envelope of a vehicle - CORRECT ANSWERS- Seatbelt Gangs/transient criminals,what is NOT true: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Joint task forces are NOT an effective way of targeting gangs Reddiamond hazard symbol - CORRECT ANSWERS-Flammable Couple plans to steal from video game store, andalarm goes off, they are charged with: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Theft and conspiracy order of courts - CORRECT ANSWERS-Minor courts, Court of common pleas, PA Superior Court, PASupreme Court, US Supreme Court Which ofthese times should you get a nighttime search warrant: - CORRECT ANSWERS-

Most common driver errror at night - CORRECT ANSWERS-Overdriving headlights Which type of PFA is NOT atype of PFA: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Long term (the three actual types are emergency, final, and short term When serving a PFA and you have to confiscate weapons in the home, where should they be sent to? - CORRECT ANSWERS-The appropriate law enforcement agency Which of thesescenarios requires a search warrant? - CORRECT ANSWERS-A police officer climbing a ladder to look over a fence As a cover officer in a domestic situation, your job is to: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Position yourself Mirroring what someone says and repeating it back to them is an example of:

  • CORRECT ANSWERS-Reflective listening You respond to a domesticviolence situation where the male has violated a PFA and slapped the woman, he will be chargedwith: - CORRECT ANSWERS- separate charges (for violating PFA and for assault) Urban speed limit if not posted - CORRECT ANSWERS-35 mph 3 phases ofDUI enforcement: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Vehicle in motion, personal contact, and pre-arrest screening When applying a tourniquet, where and what should you write?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-On forehead and time applied Asking "whose beer is this?" on a car stop is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Not a violation of Miranda rights I the defense attorney wants to talk to you before trial, what should you do: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Do NOT talk to them Any driver who drives a vehicle in a willful or wanton disregard forthe safety of others will be chargedwith: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Reckless driving Best way tosecure your home from trespass/burglary: - CORRECT ANSWERS- Well lit entry way When approaching a domestic situation, you and your partner should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Split the doorway/entrance

Achild is walking down the street and a man offers him a ride home, he would be charged with: - CORRECT ANSWERS-No crime has been committed; for luring to be charged there would have to be more enticement given What is NOT one of the Graham factors considered: - CORRECT ANSWERS-A nofficer's previous history You stopsomeone without probable cause but hepunches you (the officer) in the face, he will be charged with: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Aggravated assault (b/c you are a protected person) Ahome is broken intoa n d the offender uses force on the owners, they will be charged with: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Burglary and robbery What is an innovative first responder model of the police based crisis intervention with community, health care andadvocacy; officers that are trainedt o handle calls involving people withintellectual disabilities or thosewith mental impairments/emotionally disturbed persons: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Crisis Intervention Team and Training (CIT) CruiserreadyAR: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Bolt closed, chamber empty, magazine in magazine well How tocheck double lock has been applied to handcuffs - CORRECT ANSWERS-Squeeze the cuffs to see fi they tighten 8th Amendment protects against: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Cruel and unusual punishment Domestic situation with parents and child: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Don't interview child with parents Duringfelony car stops - CORRECT ANSWERS-One officer gives command (contact officer) You respond toa car crashwhere a deathhas occurred and there is a witness who isvery shaken up, you should NOT - CORRECT ANSWERS-Continue to remind the witness that he has not been injured Someone spills soda in a car and they stopsuddenly, one girl smacks her nose on the seat and it bleeds,this is an exampleo f a: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non collision crash Someone comes upt o a red light and turns right on the steady red despite signs posted

prohibiting turning, charge with - CORRECT ANSWERS-3111 disobedience to traffic devices Guygoes limp when you're arresting him but he doesn't fight, this is an example of: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Passive resistance Someone grabs your gun what should you do - CORRECT ANSWERS-Keep strong hand on weapon Someonerobsabankandgetslockedbetweenthedoorswithnoteandmask,heisch arged with - CORRECT ANSWERS-Robbery because he had the note and intention You encounter someone having a seizure but they are breathing fine - CORRECT ANSWERS-You should time the duration of the seizure How should your patrol vehicle be positioned when doing a traffic stop - CORRECT ANSWERS-3 feet behind offset to the left What si an exceptionto hearsay, that would be admissible in court - CORRECT ANSWERS-A dying declaration Best way to search a person - CORRECT ANSWERS-Feet spread4-5 feet apart with body leaning forward onthe wall If a parent does not speak English, you should NOT - CORRECT ANSWERS- Use child as a translator How would you packagecriminal evidence containing underwear and sheets - CORRECT ANSWERS-Each in separate paper bags If a restaurant will not let you payforyourfood and your partner/fellow officer does not pay their share, you should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Leave your fair share on the table How to determine the legality of anarrest: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Totality of the circumstances, reasonable person test If you and your partner testify and the defense attorney says your stories do not match up, you should - CORRECT ANSWERS-State that you can onlytestify to what YOU observed If someone is driving DUI and they go of the road and leave car stranded, this si a: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non reportable crash

If you are talking to a person and they admit to a crime, you can: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Arrest or get warrant to arrest If you find a gun, this si considered what type of evidence - CORRECT ANSWERS-Direct If you have a felony car stopand multiple suspects, the FIRST thing you should do is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Maintain the sceneand order all occupants tokeep their hands in your sight. Aladytries tostab a man, she can be charged with: - CORRECT ANSWERS- Aggravated assault Lockhards exchange states that: - CORRECT ANSWERS-The criminal will leave something of themselves (DNA, etc.) at the scene and will take something with them as well; its inevitable Main ingredient in marijuana is - CORRECT ANSWERS-THC If a mother will not let the father see his child on his weekend, you should - CORRECT ANSWERS-Advise him tocontact his lawyer and begin civil proceedings Motorcycle class license is what - CORRECT ANSWERS-M class Motorcycle in driveway: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Need a warrant; it's on the curtilage of the home Yourmainobjectiveduringa domestic call: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Manageand limit the space ofthoseinvolved The PA Constitution offers - CORRECT ANSWERS-MORE protection for citizens than the US Constitution (because it is more strict order of encounters in criminal proceedings - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Mere encounter; reasonable suspicion; probable cause; prima facie; proof beyond a reasonable doubt You are shot ni the leg (grazed) while responding ot an active shooter incident, you should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Continue on to eliminate the threat Best way for an officer to handle alarge crowd: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Walk around the outside of the crowd

People are breaking sheet glass on atruck, you should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Use non deadlyforce to get them to stop Physical evidence si good because: - CORRECT ANSWERS-It stands alone; speaks for itself; does not need testimony to hold up Police do bad thingsbecause of the following: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Greed anger and lust Priority in helping injured.. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Partner, victim, offender If youhave probable cause tomake an arrest and a lawful arrest is made, you can: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Search incident to arrest Rape victim on aroof, he is threateningtopush her over, case law states that you can: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Shoot him, deadly force is justified fi he is threatening death or BI to someone Prosecution needs to prove - CORRECT ANSWERS-Proof beyond a reasonable doubt What can police not doduring a car stop: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Revoke driver's license two objects coming into the same space is called - CORRECT ANSWERS- Maximum engagement Weapon i n cover mode should be aiming: - CORRECT ANSWERS-At subject'sbeltline, with finger OUTSIDEt h e trigger guard Undevelopedopenwoodlandareaoutside the curtilageof a home is called: - CORRECT ANSWERS-An open field What colordoes a police officer work in: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Yellow Reliving the dramatic experiences ofone's life is asign of: - CORRECT ANSWERS-PTSD Asearch warrant must include the following: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Time and date, description of property to be seized, description of person/place being seized 6th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Right to speedy trial, right to counsel, right to be confronted By witnesses Asmall amount of marijuana is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-30 grams

If someone gets punchedin the face and suffers anose bleed, theyarechargedwith: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Simple assault Someone is stavingin a hotel and someone else forces entry and rapes them, the offender is charged with: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Burglary and rape Youstop someone you knowt o have previously been arrested for burglary, you search his bag and find narcotics: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Al evidence will be inadmissiblebecause you did not have cause to search him Where do you take a 302 commitment - CORRECT ANSWERS-mental hospital When thereare summary charges and thenthere are felony charges added, the summary charges will be automatically - CORRECT ANSWERS-Held over for court What do you need to pull over a vehicle?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-probable cause What can you do during a domestic dispute (not violence) call - CORRECT ANSWERS-Make referrals to counseling When the three sights on your gun are aligned on a target - CORRECT ANSWERS-Sight picture What is the best community policing strategy on patrol - CORRECT ANSWERS-Footpatrol What is not discussed under the mairjuana act - CORRECT ANSWERS-Vapor What mostfrequently would start a court case?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-A warrant less arrest What level of drugs have NO medical use - CORRECT ANSWERS-Schedule 1 What should you doif you write the wrong address in your field notes? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Cross out withone single line, write the correct address and initial next to it What must happen in order for rape to be charged - CORRECT ANSWERS- Penetration What should you do first before cleaning a weapon - CORRECT ANSWERS- Unload it

When pursuing a suspect frombehind, you should - CORRECT ANSWERS-Push from behind, do not tackle When law enforcement are driving in response to a call, they may do all EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Damage property Whereis the best place to directtraffic, but also the most dangerous - CORRECT ANSWERS-The center of the intersection When your car hydroplaneswhat should you do? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Push brakes slowly Where should yourgrip on yourweapon begin - CORRECT ANSWERS-Holster When taking a juvenile back to t h e station, they must be - CORRECT ANSWERS-Under constant supervision When should you get a search warrant - CORRECT ANSWERS-Always get a warrant When can you doa Terry stop?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-When youhavereasonable suspiction thatcriminalactivity is afoot and that the person mayb e armed What should you do when passing an emergency response situation - CORRECT ANSWERS-Pass in a lane not adjacent tot h a t of the emergency response area if possible Wife gives you permission to search husband'sunlocked closet: - CORRECT ANSWERS-That is admissible, her consent issufficient because it is unlocked Can a landlord give permission to search tenant's apartment? - CORRECT ANSWERS-No You respond to a domestic situation,who should you be most concerned with attacking you?. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Anyone and everyone in the house Which scenario is not correct for a motorist to do - CORRECT ANSWERS-Wait 3seconds and then pull forward to look for any other cars coming You respond to a call for a bar fight where two men are fighting, you should - CORRECT ANSWERS-Use non deadly force to separate themand stopthe fight

Why do prosecutors like physical evidence - CORRECT ANSWERS-Because you do not need testimony to explain it With reasonable suspicion, what can you frisk for? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Weapons only When is the biggest threat of attack during a car stop - CORRECT ANSWERS- The enforcementphase/when serving the citation Under the 4th Amendment a search warrant may be issued only on what - CORRECT ANSWERS-Probable cause supported by oath or affirmation You observea n exchange of an unidentified itemo na public street, what can you do?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-You cannotarrest, ahand to hand transaction does not establish probable cause When is evidence NOT admissible in court - CORRECT ANSWERS-Anything obtained illegally- considered fruits of the poisonoustree What is Rule 400 - CORRECT ANSWERS-Officer is instituting summary proceedings A policeofficer's powersa r e derived from what - CORRECT ANSWERS-US constitution, P Aconstitution, case law, statutory law, rules of criminal procedure Rule 502 of PA Rules of Criminal Procedure, what methods are used by police to institute criminal prosecution in misdemeanor/felony cases - CORRECT ANSWERS-Filing a written complaint or summons, OR an arrest with orwithout awarrant What is the exclusionary rule? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Evidence that is discovered illegally due to unconstitutional conduct. *READ SCENARIOS C A R E F U L L Y W I T H T H I S R U L E NI M I N D. * Aunt is rentinga room to her nephew, can she give police consent to search his room - CORRECT ANSWERS-No What is direct testimony - CORRECT ANSWERS-Ties defendant directly to the crime When an officer develops reasonable suspicion, he may engage in an - CORRECT ANSWERS-Investigatory detention When do you need to Mirandize someone - CORRECT ANSWERS-When they are in CUSTODY and being INTERROGATED

The number of people whohandle evidence in time and commission? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Chain of custody What not to do when maintaining acrime scene - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow many supervisors to freely come and go from the crime scene Don't use 10 codes- speak inplaincommon language - CORRECT ANSWERS- Plain speech When you have evidence that has been able to be accessed by many hard time holding up in court because you can'tprove - CORRECT ANSWERS-Chain of custody when taking field notes you should - CORRECT ANSWERS-Makesure your final report matches your field notes Impairment of physical condition or substantial pain is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Bodily injury What shouldyou doif you arrest someone and they are injured - CORRECT ANSWERS-Secure and get medical help Before touching evidence you should always - CORRECT ANSWERS- photograph Before being conducted, the DA or court of common pleas must sign off on this: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Search Warrant What si the minimum legal proof needed to justify an arrest - CORRECT ANSWERS-PC What isthe difference betweencriminal level of proof and civil? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Civil requires preponderance of the evidence; criminal requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt When handling someonewith anintellectual disability, you should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Ask a parent or guardian who they are, seeif theycan help you What should never be included in police reports - CORRECT ANSWERS- Opinions What are thesethings examples of? (Active listening, calming, etc): - CORRECT ANSWERS-Deescalation techniques Definition of high speed chase - CORRECT ANSWERS-High speed chase

What can cause a police officer tonot take his or her job seriously, make mistakes, etc?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Complacency When responding to adomestic call, you should never: - CORRECT ANSWERS- Park directly out front What cannot be used or brought upin courtas arape defense - CORRECT ANSWERS-Victims past sexual history What is NOT a reasonelderly people do not report crimes committed against them by scams/transient criminals?: - CORRECT ANSWERS-They do not trust police Aperson from another countryisarrested and asks you NOT ot contact their consulate, but the consulate is on the must contact list: - CORRECT ANSWERS-The consulate must be contacted immediately 6th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Right to speedy trial, counsel, witnesses 10th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Powers Reserved to the States 7th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Right to jury in civil trials. 1st Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition 2nd Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Right to bear arms 3rd Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-No quartering of soldiers 4th Amendment - CORRECT ANSWERS-Protection against Unreasonable Search and Seizure what isn't a hiding place in the car for contraband - CORRECT ANSWERS- Dealership cubby distance for spills - CORRECT ANSWERS-gas 300 solid 75 liquid 150 (default ) cover officers main job - CORRECT ANSWERS-provide cover/ back to contact officer

how should cover/contact stand when talking to suspect - CORRECT ANSWERS-triangle shape suspect at top both officers next to exchother proper way for support hand on handgun - CORRECT ANSWERS-support hand cupped under magazine what should you not put in report - CORRECT ANSWERS-drawings/illustrations blood dna determines - CORRECT ANSWERS-gender race and bio geographical ancestry form for dui - CORRECT ANSWERS-dl motorcycle permit NOT ALLOWED - CORRECT ANSWERS-ride at night can only ride sunrise-sunset