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2024/2025 Entire Test Bank - Nursery Landscape Actual Exam Questions with 100% Correct Ve, Exams of Business Statistics

2024/2025 Entire Test Bank - Nursery Landscape Actual Exam Questions with 100% Correct Verified Answers Graded A 2024/2025 Entire Test Bank - Nursery Landscape Actual Exam Questions with 100% Correct Verified Answers Graded A 2024/2025 Entire Test Bank - Nursery Landscape Actual Exam Questions with 100% Correct Verified Answers Graded A 2024/2025 Entire Test Bank - Nursery Landscape Actual Exam Questions with 100% Correct Verified Answers Graded A

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2024/2025 Entire Test Bank - Nursery Landscape Actual

Exam Questions with 100% Correct Verified Answers

Graded A

Which of these is a safety feature on a chainsaw? chain brake An orange triangle displayed on the back of equipment that is moved short distances along public roads is referred to as a(n) _____ sign. slow-moving vehicle Which of these statements is true? Landscapers generally purchase their plants from wholesalers. What is the ANLA? American Nursery and Landscape Association Which of these can be a plant disease vector? all of these Most landscape irrigation systems are installed using _____ pipe. PVC The majority of a plant's stomata are located on the: leaves A plant in the window, growing toward the sunlight, is an example of: phototropism The major function of the root hairs is to: absorb water and minerals

Which are signal words used on pesticide labels? Caution, Warning, Danger Most deciduous shade trees and non-flowering shrubs are best pruned during: late winter and early spring A common cause of tall, spindly growth of container-grown nursery stock is: over crowding A low LD50 rating of a pesticide means that the pesticide is: highly hazardous to humans Which of these are relatively new landscape features designed to prevent rapid water runoff from landscapes? Retention and detention ponds and rain gardens When sodding a lawn: the sod strips should be placed tight against the adjoining sod. Which is the recommended method of aerating turf? core aerators The _____ on hydrangeas can be changed by adjusting the pH of the soil. flower color Soil pH refers to the _____ of a soil. acidity or alkalinity Silvery trails on and around plants are a sign of: slugs Which of these insects is the smallest? aphids

Landscape night lighting provides: all of these Many insects, such as whiteflies, are attracted to _____, which is the color often used in sticky traps. yellow Landscape plantings near the base of a residence are known as _____ plantings. foundation What is callus in horticulture? Callus is a plant tissue that forms around the base of a cutting during the rooting process. Small, corky pores along the stem that allow for gas exchange between the atmosphere and plant cells are: lenticels Which of the following is NOT an example of a hardscape item? foundation plantings If a fertilizer contains 17% potash, 15% nitrogen, and 16% phosphorus, what analysis should be written on the bag? 15 - 16 - 17 Evergreen trees planted in the path of the prevailing wind can reduce _____ in the winter. wind chill A new hydrangea has a note on the tag that read, "Reproduction of this plant is prohibited without license." That means it is probably: patented Which of these is a landscape drawing tool used to draw long, strait, vertical, and horizontal lines? T-Square Which term is NOT a horticultural term meaning a place where plants are grown?

Colloquium In plant nomenclature, the word "rubra" appearing in a scientific name means: red Why is it recommended to place crushed stone behind retaining walls before back filling? to assist in water drainage Before digging, homeowners and landscapers should call a designated number, usually an 800 number, and get advice to: all of these Asexual propagation is the only reliable propagation method for most plants that are: hybrids A pH range that includes the desired pH for most landscape plants is: 5.5 to 7. Which of the following is a function of mulch? conserves moisture Which of the following is NOT considered landscape drawing equipment? Caliper Which grass is most often used on golf greens? Bentgrass Which of the following is NOT a cool-season turf grass? Bermuda grass An herbicide used to control existing weeds is called: post-emergence A topsoil with a balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay is known as a(n):

loam Walk-behind tillers and mowers usually have four-cycle engines that rate ___ horsepower. 3 to 6 If an area is too steep to mow then _____ should be considered for planting in that area. groundcovers The spiny seed balls of the _____ tree are a common problem in the landscape, and planting a non- fruiting variety from a nursery is about the only solution. sweetgum When using a walk-behind tiller, the normal tilling depth for breaking up a new area for planting would be in the range of ___ inches. 6 to 12 The best new rose varieties introduced each year are indicated by the letters: AARS How many spark plugs do most walk-behind lawn mowers have? 1 The natural purpose of rose hips is to: produce seeds Which of the following is true about nitrates? Nitrates are used in fertilizers such as sodium nitrate. Which of the following mulches most often becomes moldy when it is wet and applied too deep? fresh grass clippings Xeriscaping is the use of landscape techniques that: conserves water Which landscape tool can be used to cut tree limbs from 1 inch to 1.5 inches in diameter?

lopping shears Which of the following is NOT a term used to describe the arrangement of leaves on a stem? cross-slot Azaleas prefer a pH of about: 5 Electric and gasoline powered landscape blowers generally have a rating of between ___ mph. 100 and 300 A soil sample should be taken to a depth of about: 6 to 8 inches Which of these soil mix ingredients is derived from volcanic rock, contains no mineral nutrients, does not easily deteriorate, and promote drainage in the soil mix? perlite Bascillus thuringiensis is most effective against which pest? caterpillars In horticultural terms, what is bolting? The premature or unwanted production of flowers and seeds Shoots on roses that arise below the bud union should be: pruned off Landscape fabrics for mulching do all of the following except: keep out air-borne diseases The larvae of _____ are highly beneficial in the control of aphids. lady beetles Which of the following is a common disease of roses?

powdery mildew This structure in plants, if allowed to develop, produces a chemical that signals to the plant to stop production. seed pods Which is NOT a recommended practice in pest control? use pesticides with the highest toxicity to end the problem quickly What gives green leaves their color? chlorophyll Changing the form of the land during landscaping is done by a process called: grading Which of the following indicates that a rotary mower blade is dull? the cut grass has ragged, shredded leaf tips The process of water movement out of plant leaves through the stomata and into the atmosphere is known as: transpiration Which of the following is a common recommendation as one step in reducing moss growth in a lawn? increase sunlight to the area Which disease is known to cause partial or complete circular bands of grass that are darker green than the remainder of the turf, often with mushrooms growing in the dark green areas? fairy ring The public area of a landscape is generally considered to be the: front yard and front door area Which term describes a non-native plant that has adapted to the new environment and has become established as if native?

naturalized plants A plant that is non-woody, such as Shasta Daisy, is termed: herbaceous A method of lawn establishment that uses core or small pieces of turf planted a few inches apart is known as: plugging A pH reading of below 7.0 is known as: acidic The maximum depth that the ground will freeze in winter is known as the: frost line What is the term used to describe the accumulation of excess grass stems and leaf blades in turf just above the soil surface? thatch How many pounds of nitrogen are contained in a 100 pound bag of 5- 10 - 15? 5 Which of the following is NOT an example of asexual plant propagation? seeds When terminal buds on plants are pruned, the _____ buds are induced to grow. lateral Junipers are classified as: needleleaf evergreens The main source of landscape plants for most landscapers is: wholesale nurseries Which of the following would have the greatest effect on the percent of cuttings rooted successfully?

bottom heat If a customer wants an organic fertilizer, which of the following would be the best choice? cow manure Many landscape equipment engines require a little extra fuel in the carburetor to start. Most models use a(n) _____ to supply the extra fuel for starting. primer bulb or choke Knowing where underground utility lines are buried before starting a landscape digging project helps prevent injury as well as penalties and repair charges. The national telephone number for the "Call Before You Dig" program is: 811 Two of the most pressing current issues for the landscape maintenance industry include: emissions and noise pollution A hardwood stem cutting usually needs _____ to root. at least one node above the soil and one below the soil Lopping shears can be used to cut off limbs up to about ___ inches in diameter.

The water table should be _____ of the soil surface for most plants growing in the landscape. well below 24 inches Polyvinyl chloride pipe is put together in irrigation systems using: glue The practice of growing and using plants for decorative purposes is known as: ornamental horticulture Which of the following is not true about balled and burlapped plants? Balled and burlapped plants have an intact root ball of native soil..

Which type of mower would generally make the cleanest cut and would allow the turf to be cut lowest? reel mower Which nutrient is most easily lost from the soil? nitrogen Plant containers in the nursery trade are generally measured by the: gallon Which of the following states are all among the top 10 nursery plant producing states? California, Florida, Texas Which of these is NOT a horticulture term? whey Spark plugs are best removed from a mower engine with: a spark plug socket Which type of plant propagation accounts for the greatest genetic variation? sexual This nutrient causes rapid growth in most plants. nitrogen Some organizations, universities, and individuals maintain old plant varieties that are poor producers compared to modern varieties. What is the best reason these varieties should be maintained? genetic diversity Which of the following is generally true of safe pesticide disposal? Empty metal, plastic, or glass pesticide containers should be rinsed out three times. Which of the following is the correct ranking of chemical signal words from least toxic to most toxic? Caution, Warning, Danger

What term is used to describe the crossing of two un-alike plants, resulting in offspring that are better than either of the parents? heterosis What is the primary activity in a micropropagation facility? tissue culture What are the two most common disease agents causing root rot? pythium and rhizoctonia Which of the following is a macronutrient? calcium Which of these describes the best way to prepare earplugs for insertion? roll the earplug in your hands A major factor in determining the size and number of sprinkler heads that can be installed in an irrigation line/circuit is: the water pressure available for irrigation "Dead-heading" is an important operation on many annual plants because it makes them more attractive by removing dead materials and encourages: continued blooming A one-story ranch-style home probably should be framed with relatively short trees (mature height) to provide for proper _____ of the landscape. scale Noise pollution has become a big issue for landscape professionals. The sound from landscape equipment and other noise is measured in: decibels A procedure to expose more plant tissue on the base of cuttings, and hopefully increase rooting, is called:

wounding If a container crop is continuously over-watered: roots will begin to die from the bottom of the pot Most plant diseases are caused by: bacteria, fungi, and viruses Zero-turn commercial mowers have become popular because of their: tight turning radius Plants intended for resale to the consumer are purchased by businesses such as garden centers and landscape companies from _____ _____. wholesale nurseries Which two protective items must be worn when operating a gas powered string trimmer? hearing protection and eye protection Turf grasses can be propagated using _____ and _____ when present. stolons, rhizomes If a plant is listed as hardy in zones 9-10, what does that mean? The plant does not do well in areas with minimum temperatures below 20-25 degrees F. The home landscape is generally divided into three areas: the private, service, and _____ areas. public Which of these soils will generally dry the fastest? sandy loam An inorganic growing media ingredient made by exposing mica to high temperatures, where it "pops" to form a lightweight media ingredient several times its original size with good water holding capacity is: vermiculite

The disease cedar-apple rust uses cedars and junipers as a(n) _____ host. alternate A fertilizer with an analysis of 5- 10 - 15 contains ___ percent of phosphorus. 10 Many plants are propagated asexually and are clones of the parent plant. This is a common practice in horticulture because: many plants do not "breed true" from seed. What factor(s) are important for landscapers to consider when selecting power equipment? all of these Which of the following is true about flower parts? the pollen is male To saw a four-inch limb off a tree, be sure to make the _____ cut first to prevent stripping off the bark. under A dichotomous key in horticulture is: used to identify unknown plants A disorder of plants called "wind-burn" is caused by: desiccation of plant tissues On which group of plants is the operation "dead-heading" usually performed? annuals A multi-strategy tactic to economically maintain/control pests below levels of significant economic and environmental damage is called: Integrated Pest Management Which of the following is a horticulture occupation? all of these

A plant that is propagated by sexual reproduction is: generally not a genetic duplicate of the parent plant Which of these is a professional organization serving the landscape industry? PLANET Some high-end turf mowers, especially commercial models, are termed _____ mowers because of their tight turning radius. zero-turn A residential concrete walk from the driveway to the front door should generally be at least: 36 inches wide and 4 inches thick Underground stems of turf grasses are known as: rhizomes Which of these mediums is the smallest in particle size? clay What season is the LEAST desirable time to prune shrubs? late fall Soil compaction and loss of permeability are most likely on soils that contain which of the following? a high percentage of clay Which of the following is the primary function of endosperm in the sexual reproduction of flowering plants? surrounding and nourishing the embryo in the seed What is the purpose of surfactants used in horticulture? to help the spreading and wetting ability of spray material A 16- 4 - 8 fertilizer contains ___ percent of trace elements. It cannot be determined form the analysis given

Which flower part is responsible for producing pollen grains? anther How many plants can be grown on an acre if each plant requires 3 square feet? 14, The yellowing of plant vegetation due to a reduced amount of chlorophyll is called: cholorosis There are approximately ___ elements needed to provide all necessary plant nutrients. 17 Glyphosate (Roundup) should be used carefully when spot-spraying weeds in the landscape because: it will kill the grass and other vegetation along with the weeds. A home landscape that has the same number, size, and shape of materials on the left side of the house as the right side of the house is said to have _____ balance. symmetrical Which type of mower is used to mow golf greens? reel mower Many turf irrigation systems have a _____ to keep sprinklers turned off when it is raining. rain detector A tree or shrub that is used alone for accent or as a focal point is called a: specimen plant Working soils when they are excessively wet, especially with a tractor, rotary tiller, etc., can destroy: soil structure The type of landscaping that uses fundamental principles to conserve water, such as installing low water consuming plants, is called: xeriscaping

If you propagate 100 plants from tip cuttings of a dioecious plant, what percent of the plants produced will be male and what percent will be female? Either 100% will be male or 100% will be female. Plants that have gracefully drooping limbs are often described in horticultural terms as: weeping How many pounds of lime should be applied to a 3000 square foot lawn? Not enough data is provided to answer. In landscapes where the soil has become compacted, air can be added by the use of a(n): aerator When sun-loving plants are grown in too much shade, they tend to: be tall and leggy Which of these are NOT elements essential to plant growth and development? W, Ta, Au Which of these is not a part of plant cells? paragraphists How are cold frames normally used in landscape plant production nurseries? to provide winter protection A water feature and patio are most appropriate in the _____ area of a home landscape. private Which of these is the best definition of an invasive plant? a plant with the ability to thrive and spread aggressively outside of its natural range Which plant tissue carries water and nutrients from the plant roots to the stems and leaves? xylem

Which of the following is a turf grass disorder associated with buried wood/stumps, etc? fairy ring The planting hole for a balled and burlapped tree should be: at least 12 inches wider than the rootball Foundation plants of a home landscape that are arranged to move the viewer's eye to the front door of the home is an application of this principle of design. focalization Small, white, elongated, cocoon-like structures occasionally found growing out of the bodies of caterpillars are most likely: the larvae of parasitic wasps parasitizing the caterpillar Which of the following is used to alleviate pressure on stone and masonry retaining walls? weep holes In 2005, the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) and the Professional Lawn Care Association of America (PLCAA) joined forces to become the Professional Landcare Network or: PLANET Plants, such as daylilies, which produce foliage and flowers during the growing season, die back to the ground during the winter, and resprout next spring are: herbaceous perennials If you examine the roots of a nursery plant that has been growing in a container for several months and find that the roots in the top half of the pot are healthy but the roots in the bottom half are dead, a likely cause is: over-watering Zacchaeus was explaining the virtues of the sycamore tree to a customer at his nursery. Besides being hard to climb, which of these is true about sycamore trees? have beautiful white trunks and limbs on older trees

Leaching refers to the: washing-out or passage of nutrients through the soil What landscape soil type is generally best for plant growth? loam The modification/weakening of a seed coat so that the seed can germinate is called: scarification Water loss through plant leaves is called: transpiration The surface shape and features of the landscape are referred to as the site: topography Which of these should be recommended for planting landscaping plants near a septic system? plant trees and shrubs away from the septic field Which of these is the term used in horticulture to describe spray materials being blown from the target area to non-target plants, etc? drift Which is true about using Roundup (glyphosate)? Visible results are usually seen within 2-7 days. Which of these occupations is NOT associated with the study of horticulture? herpetologist Which of these horticulture professions is most likely to require a four-year degree and a license from the state government or other certifying organization? landscape architect A canker in landscape terminology is defined as: a localized diseased area on a plant

One of the main objectives of installing landscape retention and detention ponds is to: slow rain water run-off Which of the following is correct about APHIS? it stands for Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service The word "alba" in a plant name usually means that the blooms will be: white There are two basic types of weeds: _____ and _____. grassy, broadleaf The usual time to use oil sprays in the landscape is: just before bud break in the spring Many insect traps use chemical sex attractants called _____ to lure insects into the trap. pheromones On what part of a golf course is grass cut shortest? green Repetition of plants or groups of plants in the landscape helps to achieve which principle of design? unity A small, one-story home framed by very large oaks in the back and on the sides creates a problem with this landscape principle. scale The imaginary line directly beneath the outer edge of the branches of a tree is called the: drip line The most widely used method of asexual propagation in the nursery industry is: stem cuttings

Three of the six landscape design principles are: balance, proportion, and simplicity. What are the other three? rhythm, unity, focalization If a container crop is kept in the container too long or otherwise out-grows the container, resulting in matter or tangled roots, the plant is said to be: pot-bound or root-bound Which of these is a term used to describe a part of a flower? corolla Dead and decomposed stems and leaves in turfgrass are often referred to as: thatch A common disease of germinating seedlings called Damping-off is caused by a: fungus Which of these nutrients/elements are needed by plants in the greatest amounts? carbon, hydrogen, oxygen Normally, a sheared hedge should be: wider at the bottom than at the top If a plant is "disease-resistant," the plant: is not as likely to get a disease as non-resistant plants Hybrid tea roses are: usually budded or grafted Traditional garden centers, in many cases, have been able to compete with chain department stores by providing: better service On which section of the golf course is the grass usually cut the shortest?

green Why is it undesirable to have a weedy overgrown area next to your lawn? The weeds go to seed and spread to your lawn and adjacent areas Though not recommended, if 2 cycle engine fuel is actually used in a 4 cycle engine: the engine will likely smoke a lot, but it will run What is the process that gradually exposes young transplants to stress, making crops adapt to somewhat cooler temperatures? Hardening When Lindsey pulled up some of the cuttings she was trying to root, she noticed that they did not have roots, but they had a gnarled, whitish growth on the base. This growth is called callus If you determine that the pH of your soil is 5.2, how much lime will it take to bring the pH up to the proper level? There is no way to tell without an adequate soil test "Scalping" is a term used in: turfgrass mowing Which soil will drain best, if all other conditions are the same? sandy What is the difference between landscape and hardscape? Hardscape involves installation of physical elements such as fences and patios in the landscape Which one of the following hardiness zones is warmer than Zone 5? Zone 6 Large berms are often used to: add landform interest and divert noise

One characteristic of Roundup (Glyphosate) that customers sometimes object to is: that it takes several days to kill weeds Larger nursery pots are measured by the: gallon Water ____________ to help reduce disease in nursery crops. early in the day Which of the following is a beneficial insect? Lady beetle Which of the numbers listed below is a normal fertilizer analysis you might find on a fertilizer bag? 12 - 12 - 12 Of the following choices, which would be the best soil mix for potted nursery crop production? 1 peat: 1 sand: 1 perlite A plant which dies to the ground at the end of each growing season but comes back from the same rootstock year after year is most accurately described as a(n): herbaceous perennial Which method of reproduction provides the most opportunity for variability, adaptability, and change within a plant species? sexual reproduction The amount of water which the soil can hold against the pull of gravity is called: field capacity Which plant pathogen or pest can generally be controlled only through the use of good cultural practices—preventing initial infection? virus PPM stands for:

parts per million. The soluble salt content of soil in plant containers can usually be reduced by: leaching One reason modern horticultural fabrics used in landscaping are said to be better than black polyethylene film is they: allow exchange of gases between soil and air Who is responsible for establishing the binomial system for naming plants? Linnaeus The part of a newly grafted plant that will form the branch system is the: scion. Which plant type below has the most limited range of planting time, generally late fall through late winter? bare root trees The best type of sand to use in soil mixtures for container grown plants is _____ sand coarse textured Scientific names generally consist of two words, the first being the genus and the second being the: species Changing the form of the land during landscaping, is done by a process called grading Which term is not a principle of design? realism What is the most desirable topsoil for general use in the landscape? loamy In _________, old branches that are large and unproductive are removed.

renewal pruning Which of the following statements about pots is true? Tall pots drain better than short pots Which of the following is generally true about shrubs that bloom in the early spring? They bloom on old wood A tumor in plants caused by bacteria is called a: gall Fire blight is caused by what type of organism? Bacteria Which is a Signal Word on a pesticide label? Caution In the name Acer rubrum 'October Glory', 'October Glory' is a : cultivar What is the function of the auxiliary bud on the stem? to produce a new leaf or stem Compacted and poorly drained soils contain little _____, a gas that tree roots need to survive and grow. Oxygen If a leaf cell is plump with water (not wilted) it is said to be: turgid The term Awhip@ would most properly be used with which of the following? young, unbranched seedling trees Which of the following pairs of plants are most closely related?

Which of the following does the least amount of damage to landscape plants? Ants If the first frost date is October 1 and the last frost date is May 15, which would be the least favorable time to prune Japanese Holly? 1 - Sep The factor used as an indication of grade and general vigor of Hybrid Tea Rose plants sold at retail is the number of good healthy: canes Which of the following is a source of nitrogen? all of the answers listed Which of the following insects would be most desirable to have in the landscape? praying mantis When partially decomposed sawdust is added to landscape soils, the plants often turn yellow. What is responsible for this condition? "The breakdown of nitrogen in the sawdust" Which of the following is one indication of a fertile soil? earth worms Balled and burlapped plants should be carried by the: rootballs Which of the following tools cuts most like a pair of scissors? reel mower The art and science of designing and maintaining interior landscapes is known in the trade as: Interiorscaping