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Download 2024|ATLS POST TEST|2024-2025 NEWEST UPDATE|RECENTLY TESTING REAL EXA QUESTIONS|COMPREHENS and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!




1.Which of the following is least reliable for diagnosing esophageal intuba- tion?: ETT above carina on chest x ray 2.Which of the following signs necessitates the need for a definitive airway in severe trauma patient?a: Severe maxillofacial trauma 3.Twenty seven people are severely injured in an aircraft crash at a local air- port. The principles of triage include:: Produce the greatest number of survivors based on available resources 4.Which of the following statements are correct?: Cerebral contusions may coalesce to form an intracerebral hematoma 5.The primary indication for transferring a patient to a higher level trauma center is:: Resource limitations as determined by the transferring doctor

6.A teenaged bicycle rider is hit by a truck traveling at high speed. In the emergency department, she is actively bleeding from open fractures of her legs, and has abrasions on her chest and abdominal wall. Her blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg, heart rate is 140 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 8 breaths per minute, and GCS score is 6. The first step in managing this patient is to: a) obtain a lateral cervical spine xray. b) administer 2 liters of crystalloid solution. c) insert a central venous pressure line. d) perform endotracheal intubation and ventilation.: D. Perform endotracheal intubation and ventilation 7.Contraindication to nasogastric intubation is the presence of a:: Fracture of the cribiform plate 8.Which of the following statements regarding patients with thoracic spine injuries is true?: Log rolling may be destabilizing to fractures from T12-L 9.A young man sustains a rifle wound to the mid-abdomen. He is brought promptly to the ED by prehospital personnel. His skin is cool and diaphoretic, and his systolic blood

pressure is 58mmHg. Warmed crystalloid fluids are initiated without improvement in his vital signs. The next, most appropriate, step is to perform: A. a laparotomy B. An abdominal CT-scan C. Diagnostic laparoscopy D. Abdominal ultrasonography E. A diagnostic peritoneal lavage: A celiotomy

  1. Young women sustains a severe head injury as the result of a motor vehicle crash. In the emergency department her GCS is 6. Her BP is 140/90 mmHg and her HR is 80. She is intubated and is being mechanically ventilated. Her pupils are 3 mm in size and equally reactive to light. There is no other apparent injury. The more important principle to follow in the early management of her head injury is to:: Prevent secondary brain injury
  2. 22 year old man is brought to the hospital after crashing his motorcycle into a telephone pole. He is unconscious and in profound shock. He has no open wounds or obvious fractures. The cause of his shocks is most likely caused by:: Hemorrhage into the chest of abdomen

12.30 year old man is struck by a car traveling 35mph. He has obvious fractures of the left tibia near the knee, pain in the pelvis area, and severe dyspnea. His HR is 180, RR 48 bpm with no breath sounds heard in the left chest. A tension PTX is relieved by immediate needle decompression and tube thoracostomy. Subsequently his HR decreased to 140, his RR decreased to 36 bpm, and BP 80/50 mmHg. Warmed LR is administered intravenously. The next priority should be to:: Perform external fixation of the pelvis

  1. 8 year old girl is an unrestrained passenger in a vehicle struck from behind. In the ED, her blood pressure is 80/60, heart rate is 80 bpm, and respiratory rate is 16 breaths per minute. Her GCS score is 14. She complains that her legs "feel funny and won't move right", however, her spine x-rays do not show a fracture dislocation. A spinal injury in this child:: Can be excluded by obtaining a CT of the entire spine 14.Immediately chest tube insertion is indicated for which of the following conditions?: Massive hemothorax 15.18 year old helmeted motorcyclist is brought by ambulance to the emer- gency department following a high speed crash. Pre-hospital personnel report that he was

thrown 50 feet off his bike. He has a history of hypotension prior to arrival in the ED, but is now awake, alert, and conversational. Which of the following statements is true?: The patient probably has an acute epidural hematoma 16.Crosstable, lateral XR of the cervical spine:: Is unacceptable unless 7 cervi- cal vertebra and the C7 to T1 relationship are visualized 17.During resuscitation, which one of the following is the most reliable as a guide to volume replacement?: Urinary output

  1. Which one of the following is the recommended method for initially treating frostbite?: Warm 40C water 19.A young man sustains a gunshot wound to the abdomen and is brought promptly to the ED by prehospital personnel. His skin is cool and diaphoretic, and he is confused. His pulse is thready and his femoral pulse is only weakly palpable. The definitive treatment in managing this patient is to: A. Administer O-negative blood B. Apply external warming devices

C. Control internal hemorrhage operatively D. Apply a pneumatic antishock garment (PASG) E. Infuse large volumes of intravenous crystalloid solutions.: C. Control internal hemorrhage operatively 20.To establish a diagnosis of shock, A. Systolic blood pressure must be below 90mmHg B. The presence of a closed head injury should be excluded C. Acidosis should be present by arterial blood gas analysis D. The patient must fail to respond to intravenous fluid infusion E. Clinical evidence of inadequate organ perfusion must be present.: Clinical evidence of inadequate organ perfusion must be present. 21.absence of breath sounds and dullness to percussion over the left hemo- thorax are findings explained by:: Left hemothorax 22.A 17-year-old helmeted motorcyclist is struck broadside by an automobile at an intersection. He is unconscious at the scene with a blood pressure of 140/90mmHg, heart rate of 90 beats per minute, and respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute. His respirations are sonorous and deep. His GCS score is

6. Immobilization of the entire patient may include the use of all the following EXCEPT: A. Air splints B. Bolstering devices C. A long spine board D. A scoop-style stretcher E. A semi-rigid cervical collar: Air splints??? 23.During an altercation, a 36-year-old man sustains a gunshot wound above the nipple line on the right, with an exit wound posteriorly above the scapula on the right. He is transported by ambulance to a community hospital. He is endotracheally intubated, close tube thoracostomy is performed, and 2 liters Ringers lactate solution are infused via 2 large-caliber IV´s. His blood pressure now is 60/0mmHg, heart rate is 160 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 14 breaths per minute (ventilated with 100% O2). The most appropriate next step in managin this patient is: A. Laparotomy B. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage C. Arterial blood gas determination

D. Administer packed red blood cells E. Chest X-ray to confirm tube placement: D. Administered packed red blood cells 24.Which of the following statements regarding injury to the central nervous system in children is true?: Children suffer spinal cord injury without an XR abnormality more commonly than adults 25.5 year old boy is struck by an automobile and brought to the emergency department. He is lethargic, but withdraws purposefully from painfully stimuli. His blood pressure is 90 mmHg, HR 140 BPM, and RR is 36 bpm. The preferred route of venous access in this patient is:: Pertained veins in the upper extremities 26.The response to catecholamines in an injured, hypovolemic pregnant woman can be expected to result in: A. Placental abruption B. Fetal hypoxia and distress C. Fetal/maternal dysrhytmia D. Improved uterine blood flow E. Increased maternal renal blood flow: Fetal hypoxia and distress

27.Cardiac tamponade after trauma:: Can be confused with a tension pneumoth- orax

  1. 30 year old man sustains a severely, communities, open distal right femur fracture in a motorcycle crash. The wound is actively bleeding. DP and PT are easily palpable on the left, but heard only by Doppler on the right. Immediate effort to improve circulation the injured extremity should involve:: Tamponade of the wound with a pressure dressing 29.24 year old male sustains multiple fractured ribs bilaterally as a result of being crushed in a press at plywood factory. Examination in the ED revealed a foil segment on the patient's thorax. Primary resuscitation includes high flow, oxygen administration via a non-breathing mask, and initiation of ringers lactate solution. The patient exhibits progressive confusion, cyanosis, and kidney. Management at this time she consist of:: Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
  2. 23 year old man is brought immediately to the emergency department from the hospital parking lot where he was shot in the lower abdomen. Examination reveals a single bullet wound. He is breathing and has a thrash pulse. However, he is unconscious

and has no detectable blood pressure. Optimal immediate management is to:: Transfer the patient to the operating room while initiating fluid therapy

  1. 25 year old woman is brought to the emergency department after a motor vehicle crash. She was initially lucid at the scene and then developed the dilat- ed people in contralateral externally weakness. In the emergency department, she's unconscious and has a GCS score of six. The initial management step for this patient should be to:: Perform endotracheal intubation 32.Which of the following is false concerning Rh is immunization in the pregnant trauma patient?: Initiation of Rh immunoglobin therapy does not require proof of fetomaternal hemorrhage 33.24 year old woman passenger in an automobile, strikes the windscreen with her face during a head-on collision. In the emergency apartment, she's talking and has marked artificial demon crepitus. The highest priority should be given to:: Upper airway protection 34.Early central venous pressure monitoring during fluid resusciation in the ED has the greatest utility in a:

A. Patient with a splenic laceration B. Patient with a inhalation injury C. 6 year-old child with a pelvic fracture D. Patient with a severe cardiac contusion E. 24-year-old man with a massive hemothorax: D. Patient with a severe cardiac contusion

  1. 32 year old male is brought to the hospital unconscious with severe facial injuries and noisy respirations after an automobile collision. In the emergency department, he has no apparent injury to the anterior aspect of his neck. He suddenly becomes apneic, and attentive ventilation with a face mask is unsuccessful. Examination of his mouth reveals a large hematoma of the fairing so lots of normal atomic landmarks. Initial management of his airway should consist of:: Performing a surgical cricothyroidotomy
  2. 42 year old man injured in a motor vehicle crash, suffers a closed, head in- jury, multiple palpable left roof fracture, bilateral femur fracture. He is intubat- ed orotracheally without difficulty. Initially, has ventilations are easily assisted with a bag device. It becomes more difficult to ventilate the patient over the next five minutes,

and his hemoglobin oxygen saturation level decreases from 90% to 89%. The most appropriate next step is to:: Auscultate the patient's chest

  1. 42 year olds man is trapped from the waist down beneath his overturned tractor for several hours before Medical systemized. He is awake and alert until just before arriving in emergency department. He is now unconscious in response only to painful stimulate by moaning. His pupils are 3 mm in diameter and symmetrically reactive delight. Prehospital personnel indicate that they have not seen the patient move either of his lower extremities.:: A pelvic fracture 38.An electrician is eletrocuted by a downed power line after a thunderstorm. He apparently made contact with the wire at the level of the right mid thigh. In the ED, his vital signs are normal and no dysrythmia is noted on ECG. On examination, there is an exit wound on the bottom of the right foot. His urine is positive for blood by dipstick but not RBCs are seen microscopically. Initial management should include: A. Immediate angiography B. Aggressive fluid infusion C. Intravenous pyelography D. Debridement of necrotic muscle

E. Admission to the ICU for observation: B. Aggressive fluid infusion - suspected rhabdomyolyse 39.Which one of the following physical findings suggest the causes of hyper- tension, other than spinal cord injury?: Presence of deep tendon and reflexes 40.Regarding shock in the child, which of the following is FALSE? A. Vital signs are age-related B. Children have greater physiologic reserves than do adults C. Tachycardia is the primary physiologic response to hypovolemia D. The absolute volume of blood loss required to produce shock is the same as in adults E. An initial fluid bolus for resuscitation should approximate 20ml/kg Ringers Lactate: D. The absolute volume of blood loss required to produce shock is the same as in adults 41.All the following signs on chest x-ray of a blunt injury victim may suggest aortic rupture except:: Mediastinal emphysema 42.An 8 year old boy falls 15 feet from a tree in a sprout to the emergency department by his family. His vital signs are normal, but he complains of leftover quad pain. And

abdominal CT reveals a moderately severe laceration of the spleen. The receiving institution does not have 24 hour a day operating room capabilities. The most appropriate management of this patient would be to:: Transfer the patient to a trauma center 43.A 20 year old athlete is involved in a motorcycle crash. When he arrives in the ED, he shouts that he cannot move his legs. On physical examination, there are noe abnormalities of the chest, abdomen or pelvis. The patient has no sensation in his legs and cannot move them, but his arms are moving. The patients RR is 28 bpm, HR is 88bpm and BP is 80/60mmHg. He is pale and sweaty. What is the most likely cause of this condition? A. Neurogenic shock B. Cardiogenic shock C. Abdominal hemorrhage D. Myocardial contusion E. Hyperthermia.: neurogenic shock 44.A 22 year old male presents following a motorcycle crash. He complains that the inability to move or feel his legs. His blood pressure is 80/50, heart rate is 70,

respiratory rate 18. GCS is 15. Oxygen is 99% on 2 L nasal prongs. Chest x-ray, pelvic x- ray, fast or normal. Extremities are normal. His management should be:: 2L of Crystalloid and vaso pressors if BP does not respond 45.A 6 months old infant being held in her mother's arms, is ejected on impact from a vehicle that struck head on by an oncoming car traveling at 64 km/h. The infinite arrives in the ER with multiple facial injuries, lethargic, and in severe respiratory distress. Respiratory support is not effective using a bag mast device. Oxygen saturation is swelling. Repeated attempts at or a tracheal intubation or unsuccessful. The most appropriate procedure to perform next is:: Perform needle cricothyrotomy with jet in insufflations 46.28 year old male is brought to ER. He was involved in a fight in which she was beaten with a wooden stick. His chest has multiple severe bruises. Airways clear, respiratory rate 22, heart rate is 126, and systemic blood pres- sure is 90. Which of the following should be performed during the primary survey?: GCS 47.Which of the following injuries is addressed in the secondary survey?: - Forearm feavture

48.Which of the following statements is true regarding access in pediatric resuscitation?: Good chance you can be delivered through interosseous access 49.A 35-year-old female sustained multiple injuries in a motor vehicle vehicle crash was transferred to a small hospital in full spinal protection. She has a GCS of four is being mechanically ventilated. IV access is established and warm Crystalloid is infuse. She remains hemodynamically normal and full spinal protection is maintained. Preparations are made to transfer to another facility for defendant neurosurgical care. Prior to transport, which of the following test or treatments is mandatory?: Chest XR 50.A 23-year-old male stabbed below the right nipple. He is alert, and his oxygen is 98%. Chest tube was placed for treatment of hemo pneumothorax. BP 90/60 after one leader of crystalline solution. What is the next step in treatment?: Re-examine the chest 51.A 22-year-old male is assaulted in a bar. A semi rigid, cervical collar supply, and he is immobilized on a spine board. On initial exam, vital signs are normal,

GCS is 15. Which of the following is an indication for CT in this patient with possible minor traumatic brain injury?: Presence of hemotympanum 52.A 23 year old construction worker is brought toe the ED after falling more than 9 meters from scaffolding. He is complaining bitterly of lower abdominal and lower limb pain, and has obvious deformity of both lower legs with bilater- al open tibial fractures. Which one of the following statement concerning this patient is true? A. Pelvic injury can be ruled out based on the mechanism of injury B. Blood loss from the lower limb is most likely cause of his hypotension C. Spinal cord injury is the most likely cause of his hypotension D. X-ray of the chest and pelvis are important adjuncts in his assessment E. Aortic injury is the most likely cause of his tachycardia.: D. X-ray, the chest and holes are important at junction his assessment. 53.A 25-year-old female in a third trimester of pregnancy is brought to the ER following a high-speed motor vehicle crash. She's conscious in a mobilize on long spine. Respiration is 24, heart rate is 120, BP is 70/50. Lab show a PACO 240 mmHg. Which of

the following statements concerning this patient is true?: The patient has likely impending respiratory failure 54.A 30-year-old male is stabbed in the right chest. On arrival to ER, he is very short of breath, heart rate is 120 and BP is 80/50. His neck pains are flat. There's no diminish air entry on the right side and there is dullness to percussion. These findings are most consistent with: Hemothorax 55.A specific aspect of the treatment of thermal injuries is:: Chemical burns require the immediate removal of clothing 56.A 15-year-old male is brought to ER after being involved in a motor vehicle crash. He is unconscious and was intubated at the scene by EMS. In ER, O2 is 92%. Heart rate is 96 and BP is 150/85. Breath sounds are decreased on the left side of the thorax. The next step is:: Reassess the position of the ETT