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2025 AESC 2050 Final Exam – Comprehensive Study Guide and Practice Questions for Agricultural Engineering and Safety Successes
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Archeologist believe it was this EATING HABIT of early Humans that was a key to us becoming the Alpha species on planet earth? - -correct ans- - We were Non-Selective Omnivores - we would literally eat anything This early Human eating habit led to an abundant access of this NUTRIENT, which was also key in our development? - -correct ans- - PPT says Fats, beckstead says protein WHY are your eyes on the front of your head? - -correct ans- - Because it produces a large binocular field of vision (You are a predator) WHY don't we (Americans) eat these animals (puppies) - -correct ans- - culturally unacceptable These are the national dishes of Kazakhstan. WHAT animal do they come from? - -correct ans- - Horse We are all familiar with the term "Room and Board". We all know what "Room" means, but what is "Board"? - -correct ans- -Food Why did old drugstores have soda fountains in them? - -correct ans- - the medicine that was given to patients was gross, and they would wash it down/mix it with the soda so it didn't taste so bad.
What famous Atlanta-based food product was created within this concept? - -correct ans- - The Coca-Cola Bottling Company Who is this food industry legend? (KFC Dude) - -correct ans- - Colonel Sanders How are these 2 fast food chains uniquely connected? (KFC and Wendys) - -correct ans- -The Story of KFC Wendy's Dave Thomas who worked for Colonel Sanders, Founder of Wendy's This picture (of Chicken processing inedible by-products (offal)) is over 10 years old. HOW do I know that? - -correct ans- -this picture had chicken feet, which we sell now Name the 3 ingredients in my Chinese chicken soup. - -correct ans- -Liver, heart, gizzard 1816 - A year without a summer. Why? - -correct ans- - •Low solar activity
One bushel of corn can provide..... - -correct ans- - 22 lbs of starch 2.8 gallons of fuel ethanol 33 lbs of sweetener 22 lbs of fiber 1 bushel of corn is = to how many pounds? - -correct ans- - unlikely things that were made with corn - -correct ans- -paint, candles, fireworks, adhesives, antibiotics, sandpaper, soap 8 bushels of corn could _____ - -correct ans- - fuel your car with 22 gallons feed one person in the US for a year feed 1/3 of the starving population Food and religion relationship - -correct ans- - •Food is an important part of religious observance and spiritual rituals for many faiths. sacrificing animals offering food Why can't all people agree on Baklava? - -correct ans- - Because not everyone has the same religion Christians make it with 33 layers for Christs lives Jews eat it at Rosh Hashana Muslims eat it during Ramadan We are putting _____ into food? - -correct ans- -morals, you feel guilty after eating something then the association is there
Hinduism diet - -correct ans- -cows are sacred, so they are vegetarians it may vary based on sect they can eat fish, fruits, vegetables they feast during some festivals and fast at others Christianity diet - -correct ans- -involves eating body and blood of Jesus (communion, not really body and blood its actually bread and wine) -No coffee, tea, alcohol, meat sparingly -No meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Ramadan - -correct ans- -fasting during the day, feasting at night
Why are food and various religions related? - -correct ans- -religion gives food a higher importance than just nutrition religious beliefs make partaking of food a moral issue What is religion - -correct ans- - •A distinction between sacred and profane objects.
Macrobiotic - -correct ans- -includes unprocessed vegan foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and allows the occasional consumption of fish. Sugar and refined oils are avoided. Food may not be the new religion, but it's becoming the new ___________ - -correct ans- -moral code How much was cut from agriculture in the new Farm Bill? - -correct ans- -Cut 15 billion dollars from agricultural and conservation programs (7%) How much was cut from SNAP in the new Farm Bill? - -correct ans- -Cut 8 billion dollars from SNAP (1.04%) How much of the farm bill is SNAP programs? - -correct ans- -80% How much of the US population does SNAP help? - -correct ans- -15% What was the US annual budget? - -correct ans- -3 trillion dollars How much does the new farm bill save taxpayers? - -correct ans- -23 billion dollars What else besides agriculture is included in the US budget? - -correct ans- - •Health and Human Services 24.7% -Medicaid and Medicare
US government borrows approximately ______on every dollar it spends, which means we borrow approximately ________ billion dollars a day - -correct ans- -14 cents, 1.4 billion We have more ______ than ______ which leads to a trade deficit - -correct ans- -imports, exports How much of the EU budget is spent on common agricultural policy? - -correct ans- -40% the EU has a _______ scheme which means that they pay the farmers directly and not the commodity - -correct ans- -Single payment What affect does food subsidies have on world agriculture? - -correct ans- - •Encourages overproduction and export of food
Who mainly voted to approve this farm bill? - -correct ans- -Republicans Who supported this farm bill? - -correct ans- - • National Pork Producers Council
What is the "right to farm" - -correct ans- -if a person moves to an established ag area, then there cannot be any complaints related to ag practices North American Free Trade Agreement - -correct ans- -No tariffs on products being sold throughout Canada, Mexico, and the United States Why is NAFTA good? - -correct ans- -more exports and imports of fresh foods we cannot grow in America, gives people jobs Nearly _____ of U.S. total goods imports from Canada and Mexico are used in the production of Made in America products and services - -correct ans- -60% Trade deficit - -correct ans- -The amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports current U.S. trade deficit - -correct ans- -40.8 billion how does the deficit impact farmers? - -correct ans- -Agriculture productivity is growing faster than domestic food and fiber demand, which means that demand will be down how does the deficit impact us? - -correct ans- -U.S. dependence on foreign oil, consumer products (consumer electronics, clothing, household goods) U.S. agriculture example: corn production per acre Transition: Due to political disputes countries use laws to control which products are brought into their border. A common practice of this is through food embargoes what are Food embargos? - -correct ans- -an order of a government prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports
Russia's list of embargo countries includes _______ - -correct ans- -EU, Norway, US, Canada, Australia How does Russia's embargo affect the US? - -correct ans- -we exported them 300 million in poultry, but government says it wont neg impact us because of other countries demands for our products other examples of embargoes besides Russia - -correct ans- -Venezuela, government regulations have caused food to be banned which has led to riots and long lines at food stores, increased food prices, and poor rapport bw civilians and government effects of a quota - -correct ans- -Federal gov't guarantees a minimum price for sugar -To maintain this price the gov't restricts low-priced imports by establishing a quota that limits the amount of sugar Americans can import what is the most expensive ham that is imported to the US and where does it come from? - - correct ans- -Iberian ham, Spain, over 300$/lbs because they are fed acorns before slaughter and curated for 3 years after (whole ham is around 2k) scientific uncertainty - -correct ans- -you can't be sure about anything. It's difficult to predict the future. Scientific uncertainty far outweighs firm knowledge of cause and effect. Green revolution - -correct ans- -Development and spread of technology, plant varieties, and agricultural practices between 1940-1960s What features were attributed to the green revolution? - -correct ans- -Focus on high yield, high nutrient varieties that responded to fertilizers (reduction in varieties)
Growth Promotors in plants and animals - -correct ans- -Drugs like antibiotics and hormones herbicides pesticides fertilizer GMOs Genetic selection rBST- Bovine Somatotropin - -correct ans- -Protein Hormone produced by the cow naturally to stimulate milk production Controversy about rBST in cows - -correct ans- - •Produced in bacteria (cheap) and injected into cows (increase levels and milk production)
implications of GMOs - -correct ans- - •Rich countries benefit more from technology
the best way to slow down population growth is _________ - -correct ans- -to ensure infants and children don't die (vaccines) Four Pillars of Food Security - -correct ans- -availability access utilization Stability Goals besides food security - -correct ans- -educate, eradicate poverty and hunger, promote gender equality, improve mental health, decrease HIV rates, sustainability Food now is ______ than before. - -correct ans- -safer rating system for global food security - -correct ans- -consumer affairs, biosecurity, traceability and management, recalls US is ranked ______in the world based on all 4 categories - -correct ans- -4th farmers receive ____ per every dollar on food - -correct ans- -16 cents determinants of food availability - -correct ans- -domestic production, imports, aid determinants of food access - -correct ans- -transport and market infastructure determinants of stability - -correct ans- -weather, price fluctuations, politics, economy determinants of utilization - -correct ans- -safety, hygiene, diet quality
Food Safety Modernization act of 2011 (federal level) - -correct ans- -controls recalls, imports, international affairs, inspections FDA - -correct ans- -Food and Drug Administration is charge of the safety of our foods CDC - -correct ans- -Center for Disease control keeps track of food born diseases, responsible for epidemiology Tester-Hagan Amendment - -correct ans- - •Exempts small businesses from food safety measures ($500,000 per year and sell 50% within 400 miles)
challenges with being a first generation farmer - -correct ans- -resources limited, not a lot of money, lack of knowledge, dependent on nature, finding a good staff, already having another job, advertising FNS - -correct ans- -Food and Nutrition Service providing food to the poor and the unemployed, started during the Great Depression Things that FNS does - -correct ans- -1.We work in partnership with State and local agencies, and grocers 2.We provide food assistance and increasingly we provide nutrition education in a way that meets needs for integrity, with a low error rate and a good cost to benefit ratio
How much of the money SNAP assists you in do they want you to put towards food? - -correct ans- -30% Types of people that get SNAP - -correct ans- -elderly, children, disabled, Leading cause of world hunger? - -correct ans- -Poverty Who is Responsible for tracking and monitoring foodborne illnesses? - -correct ans- -CDC When you're donating to a cause, what happens often? - -correct ans- -90% of the overhead costs go to the administration, not the actual problem you want to donate to. Types of Propoganda - -correct ans- -Assertion, Bandwagon, Name calling, plain folk, transfer, lesser of the two evils, card stacking Examples in Food Inc of different types of propoganda - -correct ans- -Assertion: no backup Bandwagon: everyone else is going along with it, winning team Name Calling: saying bad things about opponent Plain folk: ordinary people promote Transfer: emotions Lesser of Two Evils: picking which side is better even though they're both bad choices Card Stacking: omission of important info As % of money spent on food increases... - -correct ans- -conflict around the world increases currently SNAP is.... - -correct ans- -contracting
How would it be possible for the US to not be dependent on oil? - -correct ans- -If Mexico, Canada, and US were solely used for oil and nothing else State where the most oil is found - -correct ans- -Nebraska What is agriculture? - -correct ans- -The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, clothing, and other products what is culture? - -correct ans- -the ways of living of a group of human beings, transmitted from one generation to another. what is urban agriculture? - -correct ans- -the practice of producing, harvesting, and farming in an urban setting such as a city. How much money goes towards the Ag reform act? - -correct ans- -1 trillion How much was recently cut from SNAP? - -correct ans- -1.5% What kind of program is SNAP? - -correct ans- -entitlement what is an entitlement program? - -correct ans- -they set the bar and if you're below it, you get the benefits. Who farms the most? - -correct ans- -larger family farms (2/3 is family farms but they only make 5% of our food bc industrialized practices MAKE the most since they are EFFICIENT) What is a BT toxin? - -correct ans- -FDA approved for preventing pests and other insects from ruining corn crops
Who should be implementing the laws? - -correct ans- -government organizations should be What is administer SNAP and farm bill under? - -correct ans- -USDA What is the difference between the agriculture in nepal and the United States - -correct ans- - community work, low mechanisms, low sanitation, men in charge, everybody works (men, women, children), crops differ to regional plains Mountains can grow potatoes, lowlands have a lot of farming so the regions are very different and very important positives of urban ag - -correct ans- -ff the grid, sustainable, fed themselves, made their own biodiesel neg of urban ag - -correct ans- -Market had to be available, whole family pitched in, animals needed for fertilizer and to eat the bugs, full time job, expensive, cost of land per acre how do we get cultural diversity - -correct ans- -Changes in geographical location and climate People adjusted their habits and lifestyles to take advantage of the terrain, vegetation, climate, and wildlife of the regions they inhabit and technological improvements Changing global interactions What was the significance of Battle of Cajamarca? - -correct ans- -169 Spaniards faced an army of 80,000 Inca soldiers. In the first ten minutes, there were 7,000 Incas dead but not a single Spaniard was dead. Why did Europeans discover, invade, and conquer the Americas and not the other way around? (smallpox killed 50% of Inca's during the first epidemic) Government: funding, military strategy, religion Horses
What happened to the Pima Indians? - -correct ans- -maintained much of their regular lifestyle until their water source was disrupted by Americans. This caused poverty and malnutrition. When WW2 happened they enlisted and contact with Americans led them to eat unhealthy Simplistic concept of sustainability - -correct ans- -This ignores energy use and emissions in production, normal sustainability definition is "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" What is the problem with buying local? - -correct ans- -It affects the poor because wealthy countries can find produce locally that originally these poor countries made what is domestication? - -correct ans- -taming of a population of organisms in order to accentuate desirable traits How have dogs adapted to live with humans? - -correct ans- -understand emotions of humans understand language Genetic changes have specific purposes How have humans adapted to live with dogs? - -correct ans- -oxytocin chemical signal to release endorphins improve health (emotional) farming practices can understand barks Domestication has to be a _______ change - -correct ans- -genetic
Traits of domestication - -correct ans- -breed in captivity docile behavior serves a purpose for humans have a very different diet social hierarchy What has happened to animals because of domestication - -correct ans- -change in physical traits dumber more docile increased fat Gene and Culture Co-evolution - -correct ans- -Humans and lactose resistance milk was fermented to reduce level of lactose How is corn related to culture? - -correct ans- -The mayans viewed corn as sacred, they cultivated it for the sole purpose of pleasing the Gods. Since corn is adaptable in a variety of climates, it spread across the world rapidly good source of nutrition so it improved the health of many cultures (mainly mesoamericas) Why was the potato so popular? - -correct ans- -easier plant to grow and good caloric intake Chinese Gooseberry was also called _______ and popular because _______ - -correct ans- -kiwi, Native to N China, we went there for the Cold War and soldiers had it, loved it, brought it to US
Who is considered the pioneer in the poultry industry and why? - -correct ans- -Cecille Steele, Ordered 50 chickens from Sears catalog, and they sent her 500, told her to keep them, she multiplied her brood and sold to butchers in Philly Who was Jesse Jewel? - -correct ans- -gave feed and chickens to farmers since they couldn't pay his mother who owned the feed store, then took a portion when they made money from them from harvest, started his own hatchery process If GA was a country, it would be the _____ largest broiler country in the world - -correct ans- -7th Difference between a pet and a food animal - -correct ans- -Pet: Have names, emotional connection, usually helpful, long term Food animal: Used for food, no emotional connection, short term, selected for growth traits, Have a number not a name _______ percent of the workforce produces, sells, and distributed food - -correct ans- -15% Farmers get _____ out of every dollar the company makes on food - -correct ans- -16 cents Problems with farmers in FL? - -correct ans- -oyster farmers are having water problems because of the pollution in the Atlanta water flowing downwards towards them this means they have less product what percent does transportation account for in terms of emissions in global food miles? - - correct ans- -10%How much of our diet is carbs? - -correct ans- -50% How much of our diet is fat? - -correct ans- -35%