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Available from 01/03/2025

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What is the psi for a non pressure tank cars? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>60 to 100 psi What is the capacity for a non pressure tank car? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>4,000 to 45,000 gallons What can a non pressure tank car carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>flammable/combustible liquids flammable to solids oxidizers organic peroxides corrosives poisons molten solids What hazard classes does a non pressure tank car carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9 What is the psi for a pressure tank cars? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>100 to 600 psi What is the capacity for a pressure tank car? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>4,000 to 45,000 gallons What can a non pressure tank car carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>flammable/nonflammable gases What hazard classes does a pressure tank car carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 2 & 3

Name one physical characteristic about the pressure tank car that differentiates it from the non pressure tank car. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>gauging is located inside a protective housing What is the psi for a cryogenic tank car? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>25 psi or less What can a cryogenic liquid tank car carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>argon ethylene hydrogen nitrogen oxygen What is the temperature that a cryogenic liquid tank car need to be? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>-150 degrees or colder Name one physical characteristic about the cryogenic liquid tank car that differentiates it from the non pressure tank car. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>tank within a tank space filled with insulation and under a vacuum control valves are located in a compartment along side What hazard classes does a cryogenic liquid tank car carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2. What is a bulk container consisting of a single metal tank mounted inside a metal supporting structure and can be used interchangeably on different modes of transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Intermodal tank container What are the three types of tank cars? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Non pressure Pressure Cryogenic Liquid What are the two types of non pressure intermodal tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>IM- 101 IM- 102 What is the psi for the IM-101 intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>25. to 100 psi

What is the capacity of the IM-101 intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>6,300 gallons What hazard classes does an IM-101 intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3, 4, 5, 6, 8 What are examples of what the IM-101 intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>food grade commodities liquid fertilizers resins sodium cyanide water treatment chemicals whiskey What is the psi for the IM-102 intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>14. to 25.4 psi What hazard classes does an IM-102 intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3, 6, 8 What are examples of what the IM-102 intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>wine whiskey What is the psi for the pressure intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 100 to 500 psi What are examples of what the pressure intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>liquefied gases What hazard classes does an pressure intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2, 3 What are the two types of specialized intermodal tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>cryogenic tube modules What is the pressure range for the cryogenic intermodal tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>25 psig or less

What is the capacity of a pressure intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>5,500 gallons What is the capacity of a cryogenic intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>4,500 to 5,000 gallons What hazard class does the cryogenic intermodal tank carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2. What is the international designation of a cryogenic intermodal tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>IMO Type 7 What is the pressure range for tube modules specialized intermodal tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3,000 to 5,000 psi What hazard class does the tube modules specialized intermodal tanks carry? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 2 What is the capacity of the tube modules specialized intermodal tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>varies according to container Name one physical characteristic about the tube modules specialized intermodal tank that differentiates it from the pressure intermodal tank. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>high pressure cylinders permanently mounted within an ISO frame What are the types of cargo tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Non pressure liquid low pressure chemical corrosive liquid high pressure cryogenic liquid dry bulk compressed gas tube trailers What are cargo tanks used for? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Transport by highway flammable/combustible liquids, corrosives and flammable/nonflammable compressed gases What is the DOT identification for a non pressure liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 406

What is the DOT identification for a low pressure chemical tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 407 What is the DOT identification for a corrosive liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 412 What is the numerical identification for a high pressure cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 331 What is the numerical identification for a cryogenic liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> 338 What is the non pressure liquid cargo tank typically made of? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>aluminum What is the allowable working pressure of a non pressure liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3 to 5 psi What is the capacity of a non pressure liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>10,000 gallons What is the non pressure liquid cargo tank used to transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>fuel oil gasoline alcohol flammable/combustible liquids What hazard class can the non pressure liquid cargo tank transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> Name one physical characteristic about the low pressure chemical tank that differentiates it from the non pressure liquid cargo tank. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>horseshoe shape ends What is the capacity of a low pressure chemical tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2,000 to 7,000 gallons What hazard class can the low pressure chemical tank transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3, 8

What is the internal vapor pressure of the low pressure chemical tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>18 psi at 100 degrees What is the low pressure of the low pressure chemical tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>40 psi at 170 degrees Name one physical characteristic about the corrosive liquid cargo tank that differentiates it from the low pressure chemical tank. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>reinforcement ribs longer and thinner coated with a black, tar like material What is the tank pressure of the corrosive liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>35 to 50 psi What is the capacity of the corrosive liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>5,000 to 6,000 gallons Name one physical characteristic about the high pressure cargo tank that differentiates it from the low pressure chemical tank. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>hemispherical or ellipsoidal ends What is the service pressure of the high pressure cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>more than 100 psi What is the capacity of the high pressure cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2,500 to 11,500 gallons What hazard class can the high pressure cargo tank transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> Name one physical characteristic about the cryogenic liquid cargo tank that differentiates it from the low pressure chemical tank. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>tank within a tank ends are dished What is the design pressure of the cryogenic liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>23.5 to 500 psi

What is the capacity of the cryogenic liquid cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>5,000 to 14,000 gallons What hazard class can the cryogenic liquid cargo tank transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2. What is the capacity of a dry bulk cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>up to 1,500 cu ft What is the pressure of a dry bulk cargo tank? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>80 psi What hazard class can the dry bulk cargo tank transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>5.1, 9 Name one physical characteristic about the dry bulk cargo tank that differentiates it from the low pressure chemical tank. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>one or more cone shaped bins What is the pressure change of the compressed gas tube trailers? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3,000 to 5,000 psi What is the minimum water cap of the compressed gas tube trailers? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>1,000 lbs T/F All cylinders in a compressed gas tube trailer contain different material, independently piped. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>False How is the product of compressed gas tube trailers filled and discharged? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>manifold header What are the three primary types of fixed storage tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>pressure non pressure cryogenic What are the installed locations of fixed storage tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>above ground below ground inside of buildings

What are the types of non pressure facility tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>cone roof floating roof with geodesic dome floating (open) roof lifter (covered) roof vapor dome roof horizontal (atmospheric) What is the pressure of the non pressure facility tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>0 to 0.5 psig What are the shipping papers called on highway transport vehicles? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Bill of lading What kind of markings are used for fixed facilities? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>NFPA 704 What kind of markings are used on individual packages? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Labels What kind of markings are used on vehicles? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>DOT placards What identification is required on cargo tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Metal certification plate with serial number shipper's ID placard What identification is required on intermodal tanks? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Metal certification plate with serial number shipper's ID placard What are shipping papers called for tank cars? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Waybill What identification is on tank cars? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>placards leased or owned by shipper shippers identification number

What identification is on facility containers? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Product name container/tank size NFPA 704 planning docs tank ID What identification can be found on a pipeline marker? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Product owner emergency telephone number Where will you find a pipeline marker? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Where Intersects with a street or railroad What information is provided on pesticide labels? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Complete product name correct spelling signal words precautionary statement hazard statement EPA registration number and active agreement What are the signal words for pesticide labels? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Caution warning poison/danger What does caution mean on a pesticide label? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Might make you sick What does warning mean on a pesticide label? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Will make you sick What does poison/danger mean on a pesticide label? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Will kill you How are active ingredients identified on a pesticide label? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Name percentage

What are the parts of a EPA registration number? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>1. Manufacturer

  1. Specific product
  2. Distributors name What are the fissile classes? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Radioactive White I Radioactive Yellow II Radioactive Yellow III What fissile class indicates low external radiation levels? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Radioactive White I What fissile class indicates medium levels of radiation on the external surface of the package? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Radioactive Yellow II What fissile class indicates highest levels of radiation on the external surface of the package? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Radioactive Yellow III What is the rate of decay as it pertains to radioactivity? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Content activity What is the starting point for determining if the integrity of the package has been breached? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Transport index What surounding conditions should be noted by responders when surveying hazardous material incidents? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Topography land use accessibility weather conditions bodies of water public exposure potential overhead and underground wires and pipelines storm and sewer drains possible ignition sources adjacent land use nature and extent of injuries building information

What are ways to verify information obtained from surveying an incident? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>ERG CHEMTREC shippers electronic databases What are 3 additional hazards that could be associated with an incident involving terrorist activity? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>secondary events intended to incapacitate or delay armed resistance use of weapons booby traps secondary contamination What is used to predict the behavior of hazardous material? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>hazards behavior characteristics suggested response options What are the six basic groups that collected information about hazardous material organized? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>material identification information physical properties chemical properties physical hazards health hazards response information How are hazardous materials classified? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>primary danger What is class I? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Explosives What class is any substance or article that is designed to function by explosion or that, by chemical reaction within itself, is able to function by explosion? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> What is division 1.1? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>mass explosion What are examples of division 1.1? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Black powder dynamite


What is division 1.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>projection What are examples of division 1.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>aerial flares detonation cord What is division 1.3? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>fire What are examples of division 1.3? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>liquid fueled rocket motors What is division 1.4? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>minor explosion What are examples of division 1.4? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>practice ammunition signal cartridge What is division 1.5? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>very insensitive explosives with mass explosion What are examples of division 1.5? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>blasting agents prilled ammonium nitrate fertilizer What is division 1.6? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>extremely insensitive no mass explosive What is an example of division 1.6? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>squib devices What class is compressed gases that are also flammable, oxidizers, poisonous or cryogenic? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> What does BLEVE stand for? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion What division is flammable gases? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2. What division is non-flammable, non-poisonous, compressed gases? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2.

What division is poisonous gases? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2. What is an example of division 2.1? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>propane What is an example of division 2.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>anhydrous ammonia compressed nitrogen What is an example of division 2.3? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>arsine chlorine What is any material that is a gas at 68 degrees or less and has a 14.7 psi of pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>flammable gas What is any material that exerts in the packaging an absolute pressure of 41 psi at 68 degrees? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>nonflammable, nonpoisonous compressed gas What is a gas that vaporizes easily, very dangerous to life, even in small amounts, and is known to be so toxic to humans as to pose a hazard to health during transportation? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>poisonous gas T/F Canadian placards are in the shape of circles. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>False What division is a placard with red background and white flame (flammable gas)?

  • CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2.1 Flammable What division is a placard with green background and white cylinder? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2.2 nonflammable What division is a placard with yellow background and flaming "O"? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2.2 oxidizer What placard is a white background with skull and crossbones? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2.3 poison gas What division is any liquid having a flash point of not more than 140 degrees? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3.1 flammable liquid

What division is any liquid that does not meet the definition of any other hazard class and has a flash point between 140 and 200 degrees? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>3.2 combustible liquid What is an example of division 3.1? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>acetone gasoline What is an example of division 3.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>mineral oil peanut oil What division is flammable solids? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>4. What are the types of flammable solids? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>desensitized explosives self-reactive materials readily combustible solids What is an explosive wetted down with sufficient water, alcohol, or plasticizer to suppress explosive properties? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>desensitized explosives What is a material that is thermally unstable and can undergo a strongly exothermic decomposition even with participation of oxygen? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>self-reactive materials what are solids that may cause a fire through friction and any metal powders that can be ignited? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>readily combustible solids What is division 4.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>spontaneously combustible material What are the types of division 4.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>pyrophoric material self-heating material What is division 4.3? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>dangerous when wet materials What is an example of 4.1? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>magnesium What is an example of 4.2? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>charcoal

phosphorous What is class 5? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>oxidizers organic peroxides What division is a material that may, by yielding oxygen, cause or enhance the combustion of other materials? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>5.1 oxidizer What division is any organic compound containing oxygen in the bivalent structure that may be considered a derivative of hydrogen peroxide? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>5.2 organic peroxide What type of organic peroxide is forbidden for transportation? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Type A What type of organic peroxide can undergo a thermal explosion? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Type B What type of organic peroxide cannot undergo a thermal explosion? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Type C What type of organic peroxide detonates only partially with medium to no effect when heated under confinement? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Type D What is an example of Class 5? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>methyl ethyl ketone peroxide What is class 6? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>poison What division is a material, other than gas, that is either known to be so toxic to humans as to afford a a hazard to health during transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>6. What division comprises materials known to contain a pathogen (known to cause disease in humans or animals)? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>6. What are examples of Class 6? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>anthrax botulism rabies

What is class 7? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>radioactive Radioactive material is any material having a specific activity greater than what? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>0.002 microcuries per gram What is an example of class 7? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>uranium What is class 8? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>corrosives What is a liquid or solid that causes visible destruction in human skin tissue at the site of contact? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>corrosive What are examples of class 8? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>nitric acid sulfuric acid What is class 9? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>miscellaneous hazard material What class is any material that has an anesthetic, noxious or other similar property that could cause extreme annoyance or discomfort to a flight crew member during transport? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>> What are examples of class 9? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>PCBs molten sulfur What is a material that presents a limited hazard during transportation due to its form, quantity and packaging? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Other regulated material Where can a MSDS be found on post? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>Fire department building manager Where can a MSDS be found in the civilian sector? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>shipper CHEMTREC shipping docs internet LEPC

T/F CHEMTREC is a public service of the Chemical Manufacturers Association. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>True What information needs to be furnished to CHEMTREC? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>callers name and number location and nature of problem name and ID of material guide number being used name of shipper or manufacturer and point of origin rail car or truck number carrier's and consignee's name container type and size quantity of material transported and released local weather, terrain, proximity to schools, etc injuries and exposures local EM services notified T/F CHEMTREC provides prewritten information provided by the manufacturer. - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>True What are the standard procedures used by CHEMTREC? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>confirm chemical emergency exists details recorded provide immediate technical assistance contacts the shipper of the material or other experts What are two methods of contacting the manufacturer to obtain hazard info? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>CHEMTREC MSDS What type of assistance can local law enforcement provide? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>scene security crime scene preservation evidence collection What is the temperature of a substance when the vapor pressure exceeds atmospheric pressure and the liquid turns into a gas at the surface? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>boiling point

What is the ability of a material to undergo a chemical change? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>chemical reactivity What is a measure of a substance's tendency to deteriorate in the presence of another substance? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>corrosivity What has a pH value of less than 7? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>acid What has a pH value of 7 - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>neutral What has a pH value of greater than 7? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>base What is a range between lower explosive limit and upper explosive limit? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>flammable (explosive) range What is used to measure limits for flammable range? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>combustible gas indicators What is the minimum concentration of vapor to air considered "too lean to burn"? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>lower explosive limit What is the maximum concentration of vapor to air considered "too rich to burn"? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>upper explosive limit What is the temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors that will ignite readily given an ignition source? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>flash point What is the minimum temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion in the absence of any source of ignition? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>ignition temperature What refers to solids and is expressed in microns? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>particle size what is the materials ability to stay within the area of release for long periods of time? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>persistence What consists of particles or high-energy rays? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>radiation

What consists of ultraviolet and visible light sounds waves, microwaves and magnetic fields? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>non-ionizing radiation What is the ratio of the weight of a liquid or solid as compared to an equal amount of water? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>specific gravity What is the ratio of the weight of a vapor as compared to an equal amount of air? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>vapor density What is the pressure at any given temperature at which the vapor and liquid phases of the substance is in equilibrium in a closed container? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>vapor pressure What is the ability of a material to blend uniformly with another? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>water solubility What is the transfer of a hazardous material to persons, equipment and the environment in greater than acceptable quantities? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>contamination Who is contaminated from direct contact with the material usually as a result of a release? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>victims Who is contaminated during control operations? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>responders What is the indirect transfer when contaminated personnel or equipment carries a contaminant away from the hot zone and transfers it to another person? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>secondary contamination If a person is exposed to a hazardous material are they contaminated? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>no If a person is contaminated have they been exposed to the hazardous material? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>yes What is something capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health and safety? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>hazard

What is the process by which people, animals and equipment come in contact with a hazardous material? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>exposure What is caused by exposure to harmful microorganisms? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>infectious What is capable of being transmitted from one individual to another through contact? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>contagious T/F Acute effects present symptoms immediately - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>true T/F Acute exposures are considered small concentrations over a long period of time - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>false What is considered to be effects that manifest at a later time? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>chronic What kind of exposure is over long periods of time with repeated periods of contact at relatively low levels of concentration? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>chronic What are the three types of stress that could cause a container system to release its contents? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>thermal mechanical chemical What are the five ways a container can be breached? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>disintegration run-away cracking closures opening up punctures splits/tears What are four ways in which containers can release their contents? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>detonation violent rupture rapid relief spills and leaks

What are the seven dispersion patterns that can be created upon release of hazardous materials? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>hemisphere cloud plume cone stream pool irregular What kind of dispersion √ is a semicircular pattern and still in contact with the ground? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>hemisphere What kind of dispersion pattern is a bell shaped pattern that has risen above the ground? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>cloud What kind of dispersion pattern is irregularly shaped and the wind and/or topography influences it? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>plume What kind of dispersion pattern is triangular shaped with a point source at the breach and a wide base downrange? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>cone What kind of dispersion pattern is a liquid material flowing with the topography but generally consistent in width? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>stream What kind of dispersion pattern is a liquid that is a equally shaped circle and accumulates in low areas? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>pool What kind of dispersion pattern is an irregular shape or pattern? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>irregular What factors influence dispersion patterns? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>amount form weather topography breach release What are the three general time frames for predicting the length of time that exposures may be in contact with hazardous materials? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>short term

medium term long term What is long term exposure typically measured in? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>years generations What is TEAMCPRP? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>thermal etiologic asphyxiation mechanical corrosive poisonous harm radiation psychological harm what are burns from excessive heat or cold? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>thermal What is contamination from bodily fluid born diseases? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>etiologic what is the inability of the lungs or blood system to carry or deliver oxygen to the body's tissues? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>asphyxiation What is due to explosion or fire - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>mechanical What is breaking down the layers of skin? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>corrosive What results from materials that inhibit the body's normal biological functioning? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>poisonous harm what is damaging/mutating the body through waves or particles? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>radiation What is any material that causes cancerous growth in living tissue? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>carcinogen What is a chemical falling within the categories of lethal dose, or lethal concentration? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>highly toxic

What is the median lethal dose administered orally? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>50 mg or less per kg of body weight What is the median lethal dose administered by continuous contact? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>200 mg or less per kg of body weight What is the amount of material in air that is expected to kill 50 percent of a group?

  • CORRECT ANSWER>>>>median lethal concentration What is a chemical that is not corrosive but one that causes a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue at the site of contact? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>irritant What is a chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people to develop an allergic reaction? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>sensitizer what are chemicals that produce liver damage? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>hepatotoxins What are chemicals that produce kidney damage? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>nephrotoxins What are chemicals that produce their primary toxic effects on the nervous system?
  • CORRECT ANSWER>>>>neurotoxins What decreases the function of hemoglobin in the blood and deprives tissue of oxygen? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>blood agents What irritates the lung or damages the pulmonary tissue? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>pulmonary agents What kind of chemicals affects the reproductive capabilities? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>reproductive toxins What kind of chemicals affect the dermal layer of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>cutaneous hazards What is a substance that can cause unconsciousness or death by suffocation? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>asphyxiant

What is any material that causes cancerous growths? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>carcinogen What can cause changes in the genetic systems? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>mutagen What is any substance that causes growth abnormalities in embryos? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>teratogen What are three things that can reduce exposure to radioactive materials? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>time distance shielding Most warfare agents are what division? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>6.1 What division is hydrogen cyanide? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>6.1 What division is chlorine? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>2.3 Is the operational level responder expected to engage in intricate calculations for potential harm? - CORRECT ANSWER>>>>no