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Century Literature from the Philippines

and the World Quarter 1

Module 1

Geographic, Linguistic and Ethnic Dimensions of

Philippine Literary History from Pre-Colonial to the


Aurora Pioneers Memorial College


Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

Tel. # (062) 945-0256 / Email: [email protected] Module Guide:

  1. Study the topic presented below.
  2. Answer the exercises presented after the topic content below.
  3. DO NOT write anything on this module.
  4. White your answer on SEPARATE SHEETS.
  5. For online activities, send it to me through my gmail account: [email protected]
  6. For questions or clarifications you can contact me through my gmail account, facebook or messenger: Nene N. Depio.


  1. 2.^ 3.^ 4.^ 5.^ 6.^ 7.^ 8.^ 9.^ 10. Lesson 1 Module # Geographic, Linguistic and Ethnic Dimensions of Philippine Literary History from Pre-Colonial to the Contemporary What’s In 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World, encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
  2. What do you know about the different Literary Periods in Philippine Literature?
  3. What are the essential elements of the literary pieces under different periods of literature? Task 1. Literary Timeline Directions: Try to complete the literary TIMELINE below. Choose your answers from the given choices written below. a. Japanese Period f. 21st^ Century b. Rebirth of Freedom g. Spanish c. Post EDSA h. Period of Enlightenment d. American Period i. Period of Activism & New Society e. Pre-Spanish Period j. Period of Literature in English What is It Think About This! Our forefathers already had their literature, which reflected in their customs and traditions. They had their alphabet even before they had colonized. The Spanishfriars burned their alphabet in the belief that they were works of the devil or were written on materials that quickly perished, like the barks of trees, dried leaves, and bamboo cylinders, which could not have remained firm even if efforts were made to preserve them. Our unique geographic location is there as on why wear rich. PRE-SPANISH LITERATURE - is characterized by:  Folk tales. These are made up of stories about life, adventure, love, horror, and humor where one can derive lessons. An example of this is THE MOON AND THESUN.  The Epic Age. Epics are long narrative poems in which a series of heroic achievements or events, usually of a hero, are dealt with at length.  Folk Songs. These are one of the oldest forms of Philippine literature that emerged in thepre-Spanish period. These songs mirrored the early forms of culture. Many of these have 12 syllables. Examples of which are Kundiman, Kumintang oTagumpay, Ang Dalit o Imno, AngOyayi o Hele, Diana, Soliraning and TalindawUnderstanding What’s New

faith, religion, and the arts. o Three types of poems emerged during thisperiod: a. Haiku , a poem of free verse that the Japanese like. It was madeupof17syllablesdividedintothreelinesand b. Tanaga – like the Haiku, is short, but it had measure and rhyme. c. Karaniwang Anyo (UsualForm) PHILIPPINE LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (1941-1945) Because of the strict prohibitions imposed by the Japanese in the writing and publishing of works in English, Philippine literature in English experienced a dark period. For the first twenty years, many books were published both in Filipino and in English. In the New Filipino Literature, Philippine literature in Tagalog was revived during this period. Most themes in the writings dealt with Japanese brutalities, the poverty of life under the Japanese government, and the brave guerilla exploits. PERIOD OF ACTIVISM (1970-1972) According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes. Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. The Literary Revolution The youth became vocal with their sentiments. They demanded a change in the government. It was manifested in the bloody demonstrations and the sidewalk expressions and also in literature. PERIOD OF THE NEW SOCIETY (1972- 1980) The period of the New Society started on September 21, 1972. The Carlos Palanca Awards continued to give annual awards. Poems dealt with patience, regard for native culture, customs, and the beauties of nature and surroundings. Newspapers donned new forms. News on economic progress, discipline, culture, tourism, and the like were favored more than the sensationalized reporting of killings, rape, and robberies. Filipinos before were hooked in reading magazines and comics. PERIOD OF THE THIRD REPUBLIC (1981-1985) After ten years of military rule and some changes in the life of the Filipino, which started under the New Society, Martial Rule was at last lifted on January 2, 1981. The Philippines became a new nation, and this, former President Marcos called “The New Republic of the Philippines.” Poems during this period of the Third Republic were romantic and revolutionary. Many Filipino songs dealt with themes that were true-to-life like those of grief, poverty, aspirations for freedom, love of God, of country and fellowmen. POST-EDSA 1 REVOLUTION (1986-1995) History took another twist. Once more, the Filipino people regained their independence, which they lost twenty years ago. In four days from February 21-25, 1986, the so-called People Power (Lakasng Bayan) prevailed. In the short span of the existence of the real Republic of the Philippines, several changes already became evident. It was noticed in the new Filipino songs, newspapers, speeches, and even in the television programs. The now crony newspapers that enjoyed an overnight increase in circulation were THE INQUIRER, MALAYA, and the PEOPLE’S JOURNAL.

21 st^ CENTURY PERIOD The new trends have been used and introduced to meet the needs and tastes of the new generation. 21st Century learners are demanded to be ICT inclined to compete with the style and format of writing as well. New codes or lingos are used to add flavor in the literary pieces produced nowadays. What’s More Activity 1. Who’s Who? Direction: Identify the author of the following literary pieces written by the Ilustrados. Write the letter of your correct answer. A. Jose Rizal B. Marcelo H. Del Pilar C. Graciano Lopez Jaena

  1. Sa Mga Pilipino 6. El Filibusterismo
  2. Mi Ultimo Adios 7. Kaingat Kayo
  3. Filipinas Dentro De CienAňos 8. Ang Fray Botod
  4. Pag-IbigsaTinubuangLupa 9. Sobre La Indolencia Delos Filipinos
  5. La Hija del Fraile 10. Dasalan at Tocsohan Assessment 1. Characterize Me! Directions: Complete the table below by writing the characteristics of the following literature during the Pre-Spanish Period Legends Folk Tales (^) The Epic Age Folk Songs