Download 21st Century Literature Answer Key Quarter 2 and more Exercises English in PDF only on Docsity! Clean, drinkable water is more than a precious resounce—it's crucial to human
life, Linfortunately, population growlh ane pollution are threatening fo seriously
undermine the availability of dean drinking water in many of the world’s major cities.
Thal means that getting clean, pure drinking water to people has become an
increasingly difficull task, requiring cities nol only to pay for expensive treatments,
but pay for the construction of treatment plants to dole out said expensive
Here are some of tno ways thal art senously messing wilh clean water:
1, Agriculture
* Agriculture is a huge contributor to waber pollution, from fertilizers used for row
crops lo the manure created by large-scale animal agriculture, in Washington
slate, a 2015 lawsuil found thal a huge dairy operation had been pall
groundwater ina nearby community, causing the level of nitrates in resident
drinking water to spike to unsafe bevels, Nitrates,
found in high levels, can cause serious haaltl
problems for both infants and aculs with compromised
immune systema.
» Elsewhere, industrial peoducthon of crops like com
and soy. which naly heavily on fortiizers ta increase
yields, can lead to dangerous algal blooms which,
when toxic, Gan shut down drinking waler for ontire ilies, When feriizer & aver
applied. not all of it can be taken up by crops—the remaining fertilizer ends up
85 runoff in siraams, rivers. and. eventually, lakes and oceans.
2. Fossil fuel production
» Fossil fuel production is anolher human activity that
places considerable strain on drinking water—and nol just
because fracking and coal mining use a great deal of
water, bul because their waste products can pollute
groundwater, and therefore drinking water, as well.
® With fracking—also keown as hydraulic fracturing. when high pressure water,
sand, and chemicals are used lo break open subsurface shale in erder to liberate
the mvural gas trapped thergin—waber is a massive Companent of the entire
process, Each tracked well requires somewhere betwean 1 million and 6 million
gallons of water per well, which can place strain on surface water resources.
® But it's not just natural gas production that can impact water quality—ooal
consumplion can also have serious implications tor water quality. Coal ash, the
byproduct of burning coal for energy, is one of the largest forms of waste
generated in the Untied States. It also contains toxic conlaminants, like arsenic
and mercury, as woll as radioactive material, In some cases, power companies
store coal ash in unlined pits, which can leach into groundwater.
» Mountaintop removal mining—a technique where coal mining companies remove
tops of mouwnlains to reveal coal—can also degrade the drinking water of
communilies that live near the mining sites. The process of removing the
mountaintop requires lols of heavy machinery and explosives, and results in tons
of waste in Ihe form of fallen trees, waste rock, and olher debris.