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ATS 621: Midterm Review Questions
The following are some conceptual questions that we will go through together next class in preparation for the midterm. This is a starting point for your studying, but I recommend reviewing your homework and going through additional problems from the book in preparation for the exam. Note that the exam is closed note, closed book and I expect you to be familiar with basic equations (eg. geostrophic wind, barometric law, ideal gas law).
- What are the different measures of atmospheric composition? What are each of these measures best suited for?
- What is the oxidation number of C in methane? In carbon dioxide? Is the atmosphere reducing or oxidizing?
- What is a radical?
- What is a three-body reaction?
- How do you calculate the reaction rate for chain reactions?
- If you have an unsaturated parcel of air in the atmosphere at a specified T and P how could changes in the environment lead to the formation of clouds or fog?
- What is the pressure and temperature structure of the atmosphere and how do we explain it?
- How would you calculate the mass of the troposphere?
- Why does a cool ocean breeze accompany warm summer days on the beach?
- How do the depth of the Martian and Venutian atmosphere compare to Earth? Why?
- What does steady state mean?
- What is the difference between an Eulerian and Lagrangian mass balance equation?
- What is the definition of lifetime? What does it mean physically?
- What controls atmospheric oxygen?
- What have been the human impacts on the nitrogen cycle? How?
- What is the seasonal cycle of O 2 and CO 2?
- What are the sources and sinks of atmospheric CO 2?
- Where has all of the CO 2 from fossil fuel burning gone?
- Why is the ocean slightly basic?
- Why is deep water formation important for atmospheric CO 2?
- What role does the dissolution/formation of calcium carbonate shells play in atmospheric CO 2 levels?
- What are the typical time scales for global horizontal and vertical exchange in the atmosphere?
- Why are horizontal winds stronger in the winter?
- Why is the Hadley Circulation wrong?
- What are the connections between buoyancy, stability and mixing? How do you determine atmospheric stability?
- Explain the three principal inversions mentioned in class: a. Subsidence inversion b. Night-time inversion c. Stratosphere
- For a continuous pollution source at the surface, what time of year and time of day would you expect to be breathing in maximum concentrations?
- Why can heavy CFC’s make it into the stratosphere?
- How is air transferred across the ITCZ?
- How can you explain high pollution levels in LA?
- What is a blackbody?
- If a body #1 has a higher temperature than body #2 what are the relative differences in their blackbody curves?
- What is Kirchoff’s Law of radiation?
- What does “effective temperature” mean? What does it depend on?
- If you examine the terrestrial radiation spectrum from space, how can you establish the approximate height of different gases in the atmosphere?
- What is the atmospheric window?
- What is the greenhouse effect?
- What makes a gas an effective greenhouse gas?
- Explain the concepts of radiative forcing and greenhouse warming potential (GWP)
- What kind of photon is required to break a (strong) O2 bond? How do O2 and O3 photolysis differ?
- What does a photolytic rate constant depend on?
- What is the major source of OH in the atmosphere?
- How can you identify a propogation reaction?
- Explain the location of the ozone layer
- Why do we treat species in chemical families (ie. Ox, NOx, etc.)?
- What is the Chapman mechanism? What did calculations based on this mechanism reveal about the balance of O3 production and loss in the stratosphere?
- What are the stratospheric O3 catalytic loss cycles? What are the sources/sinks of the catalysts?
- What time of year does the Antarctic ozone hole appear? Why?
- What process is responsible for ozone depletion in the Antarctic?
- Why can PSCs form at T>185K?