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A-level Geography paper 2 revision
questions and the answers
What is place? - ANS Anywhere that has a unique physical and/or human characteristic What are the 6 characteristics that give a place its identity? - ANS -socio-economic
- Physical geography
- Demography
- Culture
- Political
- built environment What is globalization? - ANS Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. What is time-space compression? - ANS the idea that the amount of distance between things has become less significant because of increase in communications and tr ans portation Natural characteristics of Limestone - ANS small valley, by the Exe estuary Demography of Limestone - ANS top heavy age structure, 98.9% white population Socio-economics of Limestone - ANS most people have houses as well as a car, average income of £30,000 (above average) Cultural characteristics Lympstone - ANS majority of people are christian Political characteristics of Lympstone - ANS parish council with 11 selected members built environment of Lympstone - ANS old buildings and houses however some new housing has been constructed, the town centre has been subject too strict planning to protect the old architecture. TOXTETH!!!!!!!!! - ANS in liverpoole present day characteristics of Toxteth - ANS run down, high unemployment, diverse community, high crime rate demographic of Toxteth - ANS diverse: Caribbean, Muslim, 78.6% white
socio-economics of Toxteth - ANS below average income (27,000), unemployment, poverty cultural face of Toxteth - ANS increasingly muslim, more mosques being built, Friday prayer built environment of Toxteth - ANS abandoned factories and docks, run down what is the average house price in Toxteth and Lympstone - ANS Toxteth = £134, Lympstone = £477, life expectancy in Toxteth and Lympstone - ANS Toxteth = 71 Lympstone = 85 unemployment rates in Toxteth and Lympstone - ANS Toxteth = 10.2% Lympstone = 1.2% Sectors of the economy - ANS primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary What is the Gini coefficient? - ANS Measures variations in income in a country. Values between 0 (where everyone earns the same) and 1 (where one person earns all the money in a country) DETROIT - ANS South East Michigan, USA history of Detroit - ANS population grew in 1950s due to industrialisation, it was the automotive capital of the world (Ford, General Motors, Fiat Chrysler) Detroit today - ANS crime rates among the highest in the US, shootings, drugs, theft Detroit demographic - ANS 82% black population
- average income in Detroit
- average house price in Detroit - ANS income = $19, house price = around $70, Jembatan Besi - ANS Indonesia, Jakarta demographic in Jembatan Besi - ANS young, life expectancy = 69yrs old Javanese, 85% Muslim education in Jembatan Besi - ANS limited opportunity only 13 badly reviewed schools economy in Jembatan Besi - ANS some tertiary mostly informal jobs, unskilled and casual labour, self employment is high.
$4/day but not a regular income Northwood - ANS US, California demographic in Northwood - ANS average age of 45 life expectancy = 80yrs old mostly white Christian education in Northwood - ANS 1 of the best education states caltech uni nearby 5 private high schools economy in Northwood - ANS white collar workers $86,500/year $142,000/household reasons to rebrand - ANS remove negative image of a place make a run down place better reduce crime rates modernise a place strategies of rebranding - ANS gentrification top-down flag ship legacy events or themes what is the difference between quality of life and standard of living - ANS Standard of living refers to the level of wealth, comfort, material goods, and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class or geographic area. Quality of life, on the other hand, is a subjective term that can measure happiness. HUMAN RIGHTS - ANS the basic rights to which all people are entitled as human beings Global governance - area of conflict - ANS Afghanistan:
- poor country with political instability
- 2013 HDI was 0.468 (169th out of 187)
- 65% live on $2/day political issues in Afghanistan - ANS Taliban - group of fundamentalist muslims
- control around 90% since 2001
- government was then overthrown by USA and its allies
- us left in 2021 = Taliban regrew control 2014 NATO in Afghanistan - ANS - negotiating peace
- began meeting with Taliban representatives
- however attacks still continue into 2016 as Taliban insist they will not stop until all foreign troops have left UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) 2002 - ANS - help achieve peace and development
- promote accountability Afghan Aid - NGO - ANS involved in sustainable rural development strategies, work with un and afghan government. global governance of human rights in Honduras, an LIDC - ANS - UN sent a human rights adviser at request of the government. aim to strengthen government and build stronger human rights
- USA provided $50 million in security between 2010 and 2014 and provides assistance through Central America regional security initiative. military and police changes in HDI - Honduras - ANS HDI in 1980 was 0.461 and in 2013 was 0.617. women rights in India - ANS - Unicef says that 52% of women in India think it is okay for a man to beat his wife.
- Domestic violence is widely tolerated
- In 2014, 14.3 million people subject to modern slavery
- Only 25% of women return to work after child birth
- 70% of girls attend primary school, less attend secondary consequences of gender inequality in India - ANS - 2012 there was 8233 dowry deaths
- Maternal mortality = 43.2 live births per 1000 in 2014 Changing norms and strategies in India - ANS - Indian government has joined the UN on the elimination of discrimination against women.
- NGOs work with local communities to improve education. Acts of parliament in the improvement in India - ANS - prohibition of child marriage act
- dowry prohibition act 2008.
- protection against domestic violence act 2005.
- sexual harassment of women at. workplace act and rules 2013 Global Migration Flows - ANS