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cartilaginous - CORRECT ANSWERS type of joint held together by cartilage synovial - CORRECT ANSWERS type of joint in which two bones are surrounded by membrane synovial - CORRECT ANSWERS _________ membrane lines the capsule of a joint synovial - CORRECT ANSWERS The most common type of joint in the body is __________ synovial fluid - CORRECT ANSWERS Lubricates, nourishes, and keeps the joint moveable ligaments - CORRECT ANSWERS synovial joints are held together with ______ (plural) gases - CORRECT ANSWERS the cracking sound in your knuckles is because of the ______ (plural) ball and socket - CORRECT ANSWERS this type of joint allows circular movement and is found in the shoulders and hips hip replacement - CORRECT ANSWERS procedure more common in women because of osteoporosis hinge - CORRECT ANSWERS a joint allowing movement in one plane only (singular) elbow - CORRECT ANSWERS hinge joint in arm (singular) knee - CORRECT ANSWERS hinge joint in leg (singular) gliding - CORRECT ANSWERS type of joint which allows one bone to slide over another (singular)
carpals - CORRECT ANSWERS example location of gliding joint (plural) pivot - CORRECT ANSWERS a freely moving joint in which movement is limited to rotation (singular) proximal radioulnar - CORRECT ANSWERS pivot joint in arm saddle - CORRECT ANSWERS freely movable joint that allows movement of one bone to slide in two directions (singular) metacarpal I - CORRECT ANSWERS saddle joint is found in _______ _ condyloid - CORRECT ANSWERS a rounded condyle fits into an oval cup shaped articular surface, allows for movement in two different planes (singular) wrist - CORRECT ANSWERS location of condyloid joint in arm (singular) oval - CORRECT ANSWERS movement of a condyloid join forms what shape (singular) medial colateral ligament - CORRECT ANSWERS ligament on medial side of knee lateral colateral ligament - CORRECT ANSWERS ligament on lateral side of knee cruciate - CORRECT ANSWERS shaped like a cross prevent twisting - CORRECT ANSWERS the cruciate ligaments serve to _____ ____ of the knee
articulations - CORRECT ANSWERS Joints; points where two bones meet. (plural) diarthrotic - CORRECT ANSWERS Freely movable joint synarthrotic - CORRECT ANSWERS immovable joint amphiarthrotic - CORRECT ANSWERS slightly moveable joint suture - CORRECT ANSWERS fibrous synarthrotic joint in skull (singular) teeth - CORRECT ANSWERS fibrous synarthoric joint in buccol cavity (singular) pubic symphysis - CORRECT ANSWERS cartilaginous amphiarthrotic joint in pelvis intervertebral - CORRECT ANSWERS superior posterior cartilaginous joints fibrous - CORRECT ANSWERS type of joint held together by fibers anterior cruciate ligament - CORRECT ANSWERS ligament that goes from anterior tibia to posterior femur posterior cruciate ligament - CORRECT ANSWERS ligament that goes from posterior tibia to anterior femur cadaver - CORRECT ANSWERS ACL can be repaired with a synthetic or from a _____ (singular) meniscus - CORRECT ANSWERS a disk of cartilage that serves as a cushion between the ends of bones that meet at a point
curled meniscus - CORRECT ANSWERS a ______ ______ can cause your knee to lock up flexion - CORRECT ANSWERS decreasing the angle between two bones, or bringing anterior body parts closer together extension - CORRECT ANSWERS straightening a joint or moving anterior body parts further apart knee - CORRECT ANSWERS flexion works in opposite direction for this body part (singular) hyperextension - CORRECT ANSWERS the extreme or overextension of a limb or body part beyond its normal limit elevation - CORRECT ANSWERS raising a body part depression - CORRECT ANSWERS lowering a body part opening - CORRECT ANSWERS if you are depressing your mandible you are _____ your mouth closing - CORRECT ANSWERS if you are elevating your mandible you are ______ your mouth circumduction - CORRECT ANSWERS circular movement of joint abduction - CORRECT ANSWERS moving of a body part AWAY from the central axis of the body adduction - CORRECT ANSWERS moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body
atmospheric pressure - CORRECT ANSWERS inflamation in joints can cause more pain because of _______ _______ (old farmer predicts rain) inflammation - CORRECT ANSWERS damaging a synovial joint will result in __________ (singular) hip - CORRECT ANSWERS inferior ball and socket joint (singular) shoulder - CORRECT ANSWERS superior ball and socket joint (singular) lateral - CORRECT ANSWERS if you abduct your arm you are moving it in a ________ direction protraction - CORRECT ANSWERS push a bone forward, mandible retraction - CORRECT ANSWERS pull a bone in, mandible chewing - CORRECT ANSWERS protraction and retraction are for _________ pectoral girdle - CORRECT ANSWERS an example of elevation is raising your _______ ______ bursa sacs - CORRECT ANSWERS small fluid filled pockets in connective tissue found in synovial joints (plural) prepatellar bursa - CORRECT ANSWERS prevents friction between the patella and the skin (singular) housemaids knee - CORRECT ANSWERS imflamation of the prepatellar bursa
suprapatellar bursa - CORRECT ANSWERS superior to the patella between the quadriceps tendon and the femur (largest in the knee) (singular) infrapatellar bursa - CORRECT ANSWERS distal to the patella - separated by a large infrapatellar fat pad (singular) bursitis - CORRECT ANSWERS inflammation of a bursa radiocarpal - CORRECT ANSWERS condyloid joint in wrist (singular) carpal tunnel syndrome - CORRECT ANSWERS painful condition resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel gomphosis - CORRECT ANSWERS Type of joint attaching a tooth to its socket trochlea - CORRECT ANSWERS A smooth, grooved articular process, means pulley (singular) osteoarthritis - CORRECT ANSWERS damaged cartilage in a joint is not replaced, causing bone to scrape against bone rheumatoid arthritis - CORRECT ANSWERS autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the tissues in joints causing swelling and pain lyme disease - CORRECT ANSWERS inflammatory disease caused by ticks causes joint pain tendonitis - CORRECT ANSWERS inflammation of the tendons temporomandibular - CORRECT ANSWERS synovial hinge joint in skull atlantoaxial - CORRECT ANSWERS Synovial pivot joint which allows for rotation of the head
glenohumeral - CORRECT ANSWERS another name for shoulder joint intercarpal - CORRECT ANSWERS name for gliding joints in wrist interphalangeal - CORRECT ANSWERS name for hinge joints in fingers knuckle - CORRECT ANSWERS condyloid joint in the hand (singular) ankle - CORRECT ANSWERS hinge joint in foot (singular) plane - CORRECT ANSWERS another name for a gliding joint (general name) (singular) cartilage - CORRECT ANSWERS meniscus is made of this (singular) coronal - CORRECT ANSWERS abduction and adduction occur in the ______ plane transverse - CORRECT ANSWERS protraction and retraction occur in the _______ plane sagittal - CORRECT ANSWERS elevation and depression occur in the _______ plane hinge - CORRECT ANSWERS _____ joints allow flexion or extension only knee - CORRECT ANSWERS the largest and most complex joint of the body (singular) shoulder - CORRECT ANSWERS the most free moving joint of the body (singular)