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A&P Final Exam Review Questions with Answers, Exams of Animal Anatomy and Physiology

A&P Final Exam Review Questions with Answers

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A&P Final Exam Review Questions with Answers

1.Which structure or region could one clearly see when you are viewing the anterior side of an individual standing in standard anatomical position?: Palm of the hand 2.which of the following structures or regions could you NOT clearly see when you are reviewing the posteriori side of an individual standing in the standard anatomical position?: Palm of the hand 3.Amputation of the arm at the shoulder would be a?: parasagittal plane 4.cutting open the chest at the sternal marking would represent a?: midsagittal plane 5.A solution with a PH valve grater than 7 is?: alkaline basic 6.a chemical compound that helps control the PH of a solution is..: buffer 7.How is the PH value of a solution related to the solutions hydrogen ion concentration ?: it is inversely proportional 8.a solution with a PH valve is less than 7 is?: acidic 9.which of the following is polysaccharide that serves as a storage form of energy in the human body: glycogen

10.what is NOT true regarding the nucleic acids: both RNA and DNA are single stranded 11.The monomers of protein are...: amino acids 12.this type of lipid is the body' s primary long-term storage molecule: triglyc- eride 13.which of the following is a monomer of carbohydrates?: monosaccaride 14.what are the hydrophobic parts of phospholipids?: fatty acid tails 15.which type of membrane protein extends across the entire lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane touching both intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid?: transmembrane protein 16.which of the following is the transport process by which CO2 and O move through a cell membrane (note: the cell membrane is freely permeable to CO2 and O2): simple diffusion 17.A cell placed in an isotonic solution will..: stay the same this transport process the energy from ATP is DIRECTLY used to drive substances across the membrane against their concentration gradients?: pri- mary active transport 19.what transport process uses the energy stored in the Na+ concentration gradient to drive other substances across the membrane against their own

concentration gradients? (in other words Na+ is going down its own gradient and another molecule is "piggy-backing" going up its gradient.): secondary active transport 20.which of the following refers to the ability of a solution to change the (volume) (shape) of a cell by changing the cell's water content?: tonicity 21.a cell placed in a hypotonic solution will: swell or burst 22.which of the following is NOT TRUE about DNA?: it leaves the nucleus to direct protein synthesis on the ribosome 23.the following is a particular sequence of a base triplet on DNA molecule: ATG what is the corresponding codon for the mRNA?: UAC 24.---- tissue moves food through the digestive tract: smooth muscle 25.the extracellular matrix of connective tissue consists of...: protein fibers and ground substance 26.which cells support the electrically excitable cells in the nervous system- : neuroglial cells 27.which cells are considered excitable because they are able to produce electrical signals: muscle fibers and neurons 28.the pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs are composed of:

fibrocarti- lage 29.a needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the foramen in which order?- : corneum, grandulosum, spinosum, basale 30.which glands secrete sebum: sebaceous glands 31.the reason the hypodermis acts as a shock absorber is that: the major part of its makeup is adipose 32.the dermis has two major layers. which layer constitutes 80% of the dermis and is responsible for the tension lines in the skin?: reticular layer 33.the composition of the secretion's of the eccrine gland is ....: 99% water, sodium chloride, trace amounts of wastes and vitamin C 34.Apocrine glands which begin to function at puberty under hormonals influence seem to play little role in thermoregulation. where would we find these glands in the human body?: axillary and anogenital areas

  1. which of the following examples listed below illustrates homeostasis main- tained by a negative: release of sweat by eccrine glands in response to heat 36.which layer of epidermis will be supplied w/ the highest levels of oxygen from the blood: stratum basale

37.which of the following is NOT one of the functions of skin: gives the body its overall shape 38.a light skinned person who is very cold may have a pale appearance which of the following is the best explanation for why this might be so?: the person's blood vessels in the dermis have undergone vasoconstriction (narrowing) 39.a light-skinned person may appear pink when they became over heated. the best explanation for this is: the blood vessels of the dermis have undergone vasodilation , bringing a greater volume of blood to the skin 40.the structure of the bone tissue suits the function. which of the following bone tissues is adapted to support weight and with stand torsion stresses?- : compact bone 41.yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of......fat 42.the cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the.......osteoblast 43.a fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the: diaphysis 44.which of the following is implicated in osteoporosis in older women: estro- gen deficiency due to menopause 45.which of the following is the single most important stimulus for epiphyseal plate activity during infancy and childhood?: growth hormone

46.which of the following NOT a function of the skeletal system?: communica- tion 47.the central (haversian) canal that runs through the core of each osteon is the site of ..: blood vessel and nerve fibers 48.bones are constantly undergoing resorption(breaking bone down) for var- ious reasons. which of the following cells accomplishes these process?: os- teoprogenitor 49.which hormone increases osteo clast activity to release more calcium ions into the blood stream?: parathyroid hormone 50.wolff's law is concerned with...: the thickness of a bone being dependent on stresses placed upon it 51.the effect of the hormone calcitonin is to: decrease blood calcium 52.spongy bone contains: trabeculae 53.choose the structures that must directly provide nutrients and remove wastes from osteocytes in compact bone: cahaliculi 54.when an osteoblast becomes completely surrounded by it's own matrix secretions it is referred as to an: osteocyte 55.the orange pigment in skin is: carotene 56.opening of ligand gates of the sarcolemma is directly caused by:

aceto- choline attachment 57.which correctly lists the sequence of structures that action potentails must move through to excite skeletal muscle contraction: axon of nueron, sarcolemma, T-tubules 58.during muscle contraction, thin filaments are pulled towards...: M line

  1. what is the result of acetylcholine attaching to the ligand gates of the motor end plates?: the sarcolemma increases permeability sodium 60.what is a true statement: the force of a muscle contraction depends on the length of sarcomeres in muscle prior to contraction 61.why would cardiac muscles have longer refectory periods than skeletal muscles: to preserve the normal rhythm of the heart and prevent tetanus 62.contraction of myo fibrils within a muscle fiber begins when: calcium is released from sarcoplasmic reticulum 63.skeletal muscle contraction is triggered to begin when calcium is released from: terminal cistems of sarcoplasmic reticulum 64.What energizes the myosin head?: ATP hydrolysis reaction
  2. after prolonged strenuous exercise has stopped, heavy breathing will often continue for several minutes in order to provide oxygen needed to...:

all of theses choices are correct 66.what microscopic structure is found only on the cardiac muscle tissue: in- tercalated discs 67.when an athlete is preparing to perform a pullup they hang from the bar. they are performing what type of contraction?: isometric contraction 68.where is troponin locate: on tropomyosin 69.writer's cramp can occur in A&P lecture class. what factor would most likely contribute to the muscle not being able to relax: a deficit of ATP keeping myosin from detaching 70.what is true about smooth muscle?: the actin filaments are attached to dense bodies 71.which ATP production mechanism would be sufficient to run in place for one minute: anaerobic glycolysis 72.what directly prevents the myosin heads from binding to actin: tropomyosin 73.when an athlete performs a pull up the process of lowering your body down: eccentric contraction 74.A brief contraction of all muscle fibers in a motor unit in response to single action potential moving down the somatic motor neuron is known

as...: twitch 75.which is contributing factor in rigor mortis: decreased ability of the Ca++ pump to move Ca++ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum 76.if a post synaptic neuron is stimulated to threshold by spatial summation that implies that....: the postsynaptic cell has many synapse w/ many presynaptic neuron 77.saltatory conduction is describe by which statement: 2,3, 78.the motor portions of autonomic nervous system can be divided into: sym- pathetic and parasympathetic division action potential is regarded as an example of a positive feedback which of the following examples below illustrates the positive feedback aspect of action potential?: threshold stimulus will cause the opening of voltage gated sodium ion channels that will cause further depolarizing stimulus. this stimuli will open still more voltage gated sodium ion channels 80.diffusion, enzymatic degradation and uptake by cells are all ways to: re- move neurotransmitter 81.a depolarizing graded potential: membrane less polarized

82.electrical excitability is seen in which cell?: neurons a post synaptic cell is stimulated to threshold by temporal summation that implies that..: the presynaptic neuron is sending frequent EPSP 84.The depolarization phase of an action potential is punctuating by the closing of inactivation gates in the voltage gated sodium ion channels all of the following are consequences of this activation except one. choose the statement below that is NOT a consequence of the closing of inactivating gates.: this allows for the efflux of potassium ions resulting in the repolarization of the cell inhibitory post-synaptic potential--- the post synaptic membrane: depo- larizes 86.what is true about action potentials: they are all or none 87.which electrical signal can allow for rapid long-distance communication within the nervous system: action potential 88.--- open and close in response to the physical deformation of receptors: - mechanically-gated channels