Download AAOS EMT Exam 2 Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2023-2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! AAOS EMT Exam 2 Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2023-2024 Shock - Correct Answer-inadequate cellular perfusion; hypoperfusion Care of a patient in anaphylaxis (symptoms, priorities, medications, other care?) - Correct Answer-Sever allergic reaction Signs & Symptoms: itching or burning, hives, edema (swelling), pallor, cyanosis, weak pulse, drop in blood pressure Histamine causes reaction Vasodilate, walls permeable, airways restrict Widespread vascular dilation, increased permeability, and bronchoconstriction Give Epinephrine: 0.3 mg, IM Call med control before assisting patient with injection Scene size-up - Correct Answer-• Scene safety • Scene management -Impact of the environment on patient care -Addressing hazards -Violence -Need for additional or specialized resources -Standard precautions -Multiple-patient situations Primary Assessment - Correct Answer-Primary assessment for all patient situations -Level of Consciousness (LOC) -ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) -Identifying life threats -Assessment of vital functions -Initial general impression -Begin interventions needed to preserve life -Integration of treatment/procedures needed to preserve life Primary Assessment - Correct Answer-Determine Priority of Patient: Only checking for life threats Load and go: If life threat, decreased level of consciousness, compromised ABCs For Trauma: Rapid Assessment (sweep with hands checking for immediate life threat) Secondary Assessment - Correct Answer-History Taking -Determining chief complaint -MOI/NOI -Associated signs and symptoms -Investigation of Chief Complaint -Past medical history -Pertinent negatives (negative findings that warrant no care or intervention) Secondary Assessment -Perform a rapid full-body scan -Focused assessment of pain -Assessment of vital signs (BP, pulse, O2, respiratory rate & quality) -Physical examination SAMPLE (Secondary Assessment) - Correct Answer-Signs and symptoms Allergies Medications Pertinent past medical history Last oral intake Events leading up to the injury/illness OPQRST (Secondary Assessment) - Correct Answer-Onset of event Provocation or palliation (what makes it worse or better?) Quality (what does it feel like?) Region/radiation (where is pain and does it radiate/spread from site?) Severity Timing (exact time pain started) AVPU - Correct Answer-Level of Consciousness: Alert Verbal Pain Unconscious If unconscious, check breathing/pulse; if there is a pulse, check airway first If slow respiratory rate (7-10): use BVM ABCs ABCs - Correct Answer-Airway Hypovolemic Shock - Correct Answer-A condition in which low blood volume, due to massive internal or external bleeding or extensive loss of body water, results in inadequate perfusion. Neurogenic Shock - Correct Answer-Circulatory failure caused by paralysis of the nerves that control the size of the blood vessels, leading to widespread dilation; seen in patients with spinal cord injuries. Obstructive Shock - Correct Answer-Shock that occurs when there is a block to blood flow in the heart or great vessels, causing an insufficient blood supply to the body's tissues. Psychogenic Shock - Correct Answer-Shock caused by a sudden, temporary reduction in blood supply to the brain that causes fainting (syncope). Septic Shock - Correct Answer-Shock caused by severe infection, usually a bacterial infection. Shock - Correct Answer-A condition in which the circulatory system fails to provide sufficient circulation to enable every body part to perform its function; also called hypoperfusion. Pulse Pressure - Correct Answer-The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure cardiac tamponade - Correct Answer-Compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood or other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cardiac output. Hypoxic drive - Correct Answer-COPDers drive to breathe. It is their lack of oxygen that keeps them trying to breathe. Can kill a COPDer by giving them too much oxygen b/c causes them to lose their hypoxic drive. Hypercapnic drive - Correct Answer-high CO2 levels cause body to breathe in to expel CO2 and increase oxygen Aspirin - Correct Answer-Names: Bayer Action: Anti-platelet, prevent clotting, anti-inflammatory, anti-fever Indications: Relief of mild pain, headache, muscle aches, fever; CHEST PAIN of CARDIAC origin Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, recent bleeding Doses: 160 to 325 mg; chewable tablets Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding Route: PO (oral) Epinephrine - Correct Answer-Names: (EpiPen) Action: Stimulates nervous system, cause bronchodilation Indications: Anaphylactic reaction