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AAPC CPC Exams Questions and Answers: A Guide to Medical Coding, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the aapc cpc exams, covering key concepts in medical coding. It explores various scenarios and provides correct answers, helping students prepare for the certification exam. Topics such as hiv coding, sepsis coding, and mrsa coding, offering valuable insights into the complexities of medical coding.

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AAPC CPC Exams Questions with

Complete Solutions 2023

HIV Can only be coded if confirmed case true or false? - correct ansTrue, you can only code HIV if case is confirmed Does confirmation of HIV require documentation of positive serology or culture? - correct ansNo, the providers diagnostic statement that the patient is HIV Positive or has and HIV related illness is sufficient. Proper sequencing for HIV depends on what? - correct ansThe reason for the admission or encounter. If a patient is admitted for an HIV related condition what is coded first? - correct ansB20, HIV followed by additional diagnosis codes for all reported HIV related conditions. What conditions are always considered HIV related conditions? - correct ansKaposi's sarcoma, lymphoma, pneumocystis cabrini pneumonia, cryptococcal meningitis, and cytomegalovirus disease. These conditions are consider opportunistic infections. What is coded first with HIV disease admitted for unrelated condition such as fracture? - correct ansThe code for the unrelated condition would be first, and then B20, and any additional dx codes for all reported HIV related conditions. Code Z21 Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection status is applied when? - correct ansPatient is HIV positive, but does not have any documented symptoms of HIV related illness. Do not use if term AIDS is used. Code R75 Inconclusive laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus is used when? - correct ansInconclusive HIV serology, and no definitive diagnosis or manifestation of the illness. True or False. After a patient has developed HIV related illness the patients condition should be assigned B20 on every subsequent admission//encounter? - correct ansTrue, never assign R75 or Z21 to a patient with an earlier diagnosis of AID or symptomatic HIV What is the sequence for HIV infection in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium? - correct ansFirst would be code from subcategory O98.7-Human immunodeficiency virus disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium, followed by B20, and the codes for HIV related illness, and Z3A for weeks gestation

What sequence for patients with asymptomatic HIV infection status admitted or presenting for a healthcare encounter during pregnancy? - correct ansO98.7 followed by Z21, and Z3A for weeks gestation What code is used for a patient being seen to determine HIV status? - correct ansZ11.4, encounter for screening for human immunodeficiency virus, code signs and symptoms, Z71.7 HIV counseling if provided A patient has toxic shock syndrome caused by staphylococcus aureus what would be the sequence? - correct ansA48.3 Toxic shock syndrome followed by the organism that caused B95.61 Methicillin susceptible staphylococcus aureus infection A patient has penicillin resistant pneumonia what would be the sequence? - correct ansJ18.9 Pneumonia, followed by Z16.11 Resistance to penicillins. What is the appropriate code for sepsis when the tie of infection or causal organism is not further specified? - correct ansA41.9 Sepsis unspecified organism True or False. The code R65.2 should be assigned when there is no acute organ dysfunction documented. - correct ansFalse, R65.2 Severe sepsis should not be assigned unless severe sepsis or an associated acute organ dysfunction is documented. Should negative or inconclusive blood cultures and sepsis preclude a diagnosis of sepsis in patients with clinical evidence of the condition? - correct ansNo, however the provider should be queried Urosepsis - correct ansa nonspecific term it is not to be considered synonymous with sepsis. It has no default code in the alpha index, provider must be queried for clarification. Sepsis with organ dysfunction - correct ansIf a patient has sepsis and associated acute organ dysfunction or multiple organ dysfunction, follow instructions for severe sepsis. Acute organ dysfunction not clearly associated with the sepsis - correct ansDo not code from severe sepsis R65.2, If not clear query the provider. Coding sequence for Severe Sepsis - correct ansCode underlying systemic infection first if causal organism is not documented assign A41.9, Then subcategory from R65.2, and then the associated acute organ dysfunction. Can Severe sepsis R65.20-R65.21 be sequenced first? - correct ansNo, this would always be sequenced following the underlying cause.

If patient was admitted for bladder cancer, and cause of kidney failure was from bladder cancer not the sepsis how would this be coded? - correct ansC67.9 Bladder cancer, N17.9 Kidney failure, A41.9 Sepsis unspecified What is the sequence for coding septic shock? - correct ansA41.9 Code for systemic infection, followed by code R65.21 Severe sepsis with septic shock or code T81. Postprocedural septic shock, and any additional codes for acute organ dysfunctions Septic Shock - correct ansRefers to circulatory failure associated with severe sepsis. It represents a type of acute organ dysfunction. Cannot be assigned as a principle diagnosis. If severe sepsis is present on admission and meets principle diagnosis how would this be coded? - correct ansUnderlying systemic infection should be first A41.9, then severe sepsis R65. If severe sepsis develops during an encounter how would this be coded? - correct ansThe underlying systemic infection A41.9 and severe sepsis R65.2 would be secondary diagnoses. If reason for admission is both sepsis or severe sepsis and a localized infection such as pneumonia or cellulitis what would be the sequence? - correct anscode for underlying system infection A41.9 first, and the code for localized infection secondary, and severe sepsis R65. If admitted for localized infection such as pneumonia and sepsis/severe sepsis develops after admission what is the sequence? - correct ansCode the localized infection (pneumonia) first followed by sepsis codes. Sepsis due to post procedural infection - correct ansCode post procedural infection code would be coded first such as T80.2 Infections following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic infection, T81.4 Infection following a procedure, T88.0 Infection following immunization or O86.0 Infection of obstetric surgical would, followed by code for specific infection, then severe sepsis if appropriate and organ dysfunction. Postprocedural infection has occurred and resulted in severe sepsis what would be the sequence? - correct ansCode the precipitating complication such as T81.4, infection following a procedure or O86.0, infection of obstetrical surgical wound , followed by R65.2, a code for the systemic infection should also be assigned. Postprocedural infection has resulted in post procedural septic shock how would you code? - correct ansThe precipitation complication such as T81.4 infection following a procedure or O86.0 Infection of obstetrical surgical wound, followed by t81.12 post procedural septic shock, a code for the systemic infection should also be coded.

Noninfection process such as trauma that lead to an infection which resulted in sepsis or severe sepsis how would this be coded? - correct ansIf the noninfectious condition meets definition for principle dx that would be coded first, followed by for the resulting infection, then severe sepsis if present and organ dysfunction When diagnosed with an infection that is due to mMRSA (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus how would this be coded? - correct ansIf infection has a combination code such as A41.02 Sepsis due to MRSA or J15.212 Pneumonia due to MRSA use the combination code do not use B95.62 MRSA do not assign code from Z16.1 Resistance to penicillins. When there is a current infection such as wound infection, stitch abscess, UTI due to MRSA, and no combination code how would this be coded? - correct ansAssign the appropriate code to identify the condition along with code B95.62 MRSA infection. Do not code from subcategory z16.11 resistance to penicillins. Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and MRSA colonization - correct ansThe condition or state of being colonized or carrying MSSA or MRSA is called colonization or carriage, while an individual person is described as being colonized or being a carrier. present in body without necessarily causing illness. What code to assign for MRSA carrier or suspected carrier and MSSA Carrier or suspected carrier - correct ansMRSA Z22.322, MSSA Z22. MRSA Colonization and infection - correct ansUse code for colonization Z22.322, and code for the MRSA infection Zika virus infections - correct ansCode only confirmed cases A92.5, do not code if says possible A patient is admitted to the hospital for repair of an open fracture, type 1, of the head of the femur. The patient has been previously diagnosed with symptomatic HIB. Applying the coding concept from I/C/1/a/2/b what code(s) is/are reported for the admission? A. B B.S72.052B C. B20, S72.052B D. S72.052B, B20 - correct ansD. S72.052B, B A 22 year old female is admitted to ICU for acute renal failure due to sepsis (casual organism unknown). Applying the coding concept from ICD-10-CM guideline I.C.1.D.1.B, what codes are reported? A. A41.9, R65.20, N17. B.N17.9, R65.20, A41. C. R65.21, A41.9, N17. D. N17.9, R65.21, A41.01 - correct ansA. A41.9, R65.20, N17.

A patient is admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Testing indicates the patients pneumonia is due to Staphylococcus aureus and is methicillin resistant (MRSA). what code(s) is reported? A. J18. B. J15. C. J15.212, A49. D. J18.9, A49.02 - correct ansB. J15. After determining primary and secondary sites of malignant neoplasms which is coded first? - correct ansDepends on which is the primary reason for the patient care How is a Person with multiple malignant neoplasms in the same site coded? - correct ansWhen the sites are contiguous such as upper and lowe outer quadrant you would choose 1 code for the overlapping sites. If the sites are not contiguous such as upper outer and lower inner quadrant then you would code 2 separate codes. Malignant neoplasms of ectopic tissue, for example, ectopic malignancy of the thyroid is coded to what? - correct ansC73 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland. If information regarding the primary site of malignant neoplasms of topic tissue are not available when the encounter is directed at the secondary how would you code? - correct ansCode secondary site, followed by C80.1 (Malignant (primary) neoplasm unspecified If patient is admitted for administration of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or external beam radiation therapy what would be coded first - correct ansAssign the appropriate Z51. code, and the diagnosis or problem for which the service is being performed as secondary. When admitted for management of an anemia associated with malignancy, and the treatment is only for anemia what is coded first? - correct ansMalignancy is first followed by the appropriate codes for the anemia such as D63.0 Anemia in neoplastic disease. When management of anemia associated with an adverse effect of the administration of chemo or immunotherapy and the only treatment is for the anemia how is it coded? - correct ansAnemia is first followed by the appropriate codes for the neoplasm, and the adverse effect (T45.1X5-, adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosupressive drugs When admission is for management of anemia associated with an adverse effect of radiotherapy which is coded first - correct ansThe anemia code, followed by appropriate neoplasm code, and code Y84.2, Radiological procedure and radiotherapy When admission is for treatment of dehydration due to malignancy and only the dehydration is being treated which is coded first - correct ansThe dehydration followed by the code for the malignancy.

When the admission if for treatment of a complication resulting from a surgical procedure which is coded first - correct ansThe complication as the principal or first listed diagnosis if treatment is directed at resolving the complication. After a neoplasm has been treated, the primary malignancy has been removed, and is no longer being treated, the patient is not receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy associated with an active neoplasm, there is no evidence of any remaining malignancy how would this be coded? - correct ansShould use code from Z85 personal history of malignant neoplasm. Any mention of metals to another site is code as a secondary malignant neoplasm to that site. The secondary site may first with the z85 secondary. When an episode of care involves the surgical removal of a neoplasm followed by chemotherapy or radiation treatment during the same visit which should be coded first?

  • correct ansCode the neoplasm first followed by the therapy When main reason for encounter is for chemotherapy (Z51.11), Immunotherapy (z51.12), and radiation therapy (z51.0) which is coded first? - correct ansThe Z code first, followed by active code for malignant neoplasm even if that neoplasm has already been removed. If complications develop during an encounter for chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiotherapy what is coding sequence - correct ansThe code for therapy is listed first followed by the complication When the admission is to determine the extent of the malignancy or for a procedure such as paracentesis or thoracentesis what is the sequence? - correct ansprimary malignancy or appropriate metastatic site is first despite administration of chemo or radiotherapy. Code C80.0 Disseminated malignant neoplasm, unspecified is for use when? - correct ansOnly in the cases where the patient has advanced metastatic disease and no known primary or secondary sites are specified. Pregnant patient with malignant neoplasm - correct ansA code from subcategory O9A. Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium followed by neoplasm and code for weeks gestation. Pathologic fracture due to a neoplasm - correct ansWhen the pathologic fracture is treated a code from M84.5- Pathologic fracture in neoplastic disease is sequenced first followed by neoplasm code. If neoplasm is being treated you would code neoplasm first then fracture. The category for leukemia and category C90, Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms for codes for when this type is in remission which are - correct ansZ85. Personal history of leukemia, and Z85.79 Personal history of other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues

A malignant neoplasm of a transplanted organ requires 3 codes... - correct ansFirst report the transplant complication from subcategory T86 Complication of transplanted organs and tissue, next C80.2, followed by code to specify the malignancy What is reported when patient has neoplasm related pain? - correct ansWhen visit is for the pain then G89.3 Neoplasm relate pain, and then neoplasm is secondary. If visit is for the neoplasm and mentions pain the G89.3 would be secondary to the Neoplasm. A 32 year old female had a mastectomy for breast cancer. The mastectomy completely removed the breast cancer with no further treatment. On a follow up visit to her oncologist, it is determined the cancer has metastasized to the right lung. The patient is now undergoing a lung resection for the lung cancer. What codes are reported? A. C50.911, C78.01, B. Z85.3, C78. C. C78.01, C50. D. C78.01, Z85.3 - correct ansD. C78.01, Z85. A 45 year old female with ovarian cancer visits her oncologist to receive an injection of Procrit. The procrit has been prescribed to her for treatment of her anemia resulting from antineoplastic chemotherapy treatment. What codes should be reported? A. D64.81, C56.9, T45.1X5A B. D64.81, C56. C. C56.9, D64. D. T45.1X5A, D64.81, C56.9 - correct ansA. D64.81, C56.9, T45.1X5A A patient with a pancoast tumor in the left lung arrives at the oncologist office for chemotherapy. What code should be reported? A. C34. B. Z51. C. C34.12, Z51. D.Z51.11, C34.12 - correct ansD. Z51.11, C34. WHEN ANEMIA IS ASSOCIATE WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE WHICH IS CODED FIRST? - correct ansN18.4 Chronic kidney disease, stage 4, and then D63. Anemia in chronic kidney disease. When using a code from category D63 it is also necessary to code what first? - correct ansThe chronic condition causing the anemia Mr. Mcfarland visits his oncologist for prostate cancer. He is reporting more fatigue than usual. Lab test determine the patient has anemia due to cancer. What codes should be reported? A. C61, D63. B. C61, D64. C. D63.0, C

D. D64.81, C61 - correct ansA. C61, D63. Mrs. Fryer visits her nephrologist for an erythropoietin infection for her anemia. She has stage 3 chronic kidney disease, which is the cause of anemia. Codes should be reported for the EPO injection. A. D63. B.N18.3, D63. C. D63.1, N18. D. N18.3 - correct ansB. N18.3, D63. Diabetes mellitus are combination codes that include what? - correct ansthe type of diabetes mellitus, the body system affected, and the complications affecting that body system. 4 character refers to underlying conditions with specified complications, whereas, the 5th defines the specific manifestation such as neuropathy, angiopathy Is age of patient the sole determining factor of type of diabetes? - correct ansNo, though most type 1 diabetics develop the condition before reaching puberty. For this reason type 1 DM is also referred to as juvenile diabetes.