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1.When coding in operative report what action would NOT be recommended?- : Coding from the header with out reading the body of the report 2.If an NCD doesn't exist for a particular service/procedure performed on a Medicare patient who determines coverage?: Medicare administrative contractor (MAC) 3.MAC stands for what!?: Medicare administrative contractor 4.What is the definition of coding?: Translating documentation into numerical/al- phabetical codes used to obtain reimbursement. 5.How many components should be included in an effective compliance plan?: 7 6.Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?: Acts as a gland by synthesizing vitamin A. 7.What is affected by myasthenia gravis?: Neuromuscular junction
8.The term "episiotomy" Best describes a procedure of what type?: An incision made into the perineum to enlarge the passage for the fetus during delivery 9.A patient is diagnosed with inflammation of the testes and epididymis. The medical term for this condition is:: Orchiepididymitis 10.A condition where the thyroid is overactive is called:: Thyrotoxicosis 11.What does ICD 10 CM stand for?: International classification of diseases - 10th revised - clinical modification 12.What is the sequencing order when coding a sequela (late effect)?: The residual condition is coded first, in the code(s) for the cause of the late effect are coded as secondary 13.What is the ICD 10 CM code for hives?: L50. 14.20-year-old comes into the ED with symptoms of a severe headache, vomiting, stiff neck, and fever. The ED physician suspects that the meningitis is bacterial and performs a lumber puncture. The ED physician reviews the re- sults in the patient is admitted in the hospital for meningitis. The ED physician suspects that the meningitis is bacterial. Which ICD 10 CM code is reported by the ED physician?: G03.
15.45 year old female with malignant Mullerian duct cancer is receiving her first treatment of chemotherapy. What diagnosis codes are reported?: Z51.11, C57. 16.The patient is a 12 month old with a history of muscle weakness. Unfortu- nately his etiology is unknown and to help delineate the diagnosis neurology has consulted us to obtain a right biceps muscle biopsy. What diagnosis code is reported?: M62. 17.The provider orders the following serum blood tests as part of a pre-em- ployment physical exam. The patient goes to the local hospital for the follow- ing tests: CBC automated and automated differential WBC count (85025), com- prehensive metabolic panel (80053), and a thyroid stimulating hormone assay (84443), all part of the general health panel. A drug screen for multiple drug classes was also collected (80100). What diagnosis code is reported?: Z02. 18.What ICD 10 CM code is reported for a patient who is a habitual abuser of cannabis?: F12. 19.What codes, according to ICD 10 CM sequencing guidelines, describe a patient that has heart disease due to malignant hypertension with left heart failure?: I11.0,
20.A 45-year-old male patient has developed in ulcer on his upper back. He has had diabetes for many years and is on insulin. The physician determines that the ulcer is
due to his diabetes. What ICD 10 CM code are reported?: - E11.622, L98.429, Z79. 21.What does the root word cool/o stand for?: Vagina 22.What does the abbreviation CKD stand for?: Chronic kidney disease 23.The patient is in for in initial replacement of a leaking dialysis catheter. What ICD 10 CM code is reported?: T82.43XA 24.What is/are the external cause code(s) for a passenger involved in a MVA that lost control on the highway and hit a guardrail?: Y92. 25.A patient was admitted three weeks following a normal vaginal delivery with a postpartum breast abscess. What ICD 10 code should be reported?: - O91. 26.A 28-year-old male was rushed to the ED after being found unconscious. Information from family members indicated that the patient had left a suicide note and taking a large amount of LSD (a hallucinogenic). What ICD 10 CM codes are reported?: T40.8X2A, R40. 27.A 63-year-old fractured her scaphoid bone in her right wrist three months ago in an accident. She now presents with a non-union of the scaphoid bone. What ICD 10 CM code is reported?: S62.001K
28.What three components are considered when relative value units are established?: Physician work, practice expense, malpractice insurance 29.What is the correct HCPCS Level II code for a removable metatarsal foot arch support which is pre-molded?: L 30.What is another term for hives?: Urticaria 31.The patient has a suspicious lesion of the left Jolle line. Clinical diagnosis of this lesion is unknown but due to the appearance malignancy is a realistic concern. The lesion was excised into the suspicious that measuring .8 cm and margins of .1 cm on each side. Hemostasis was achieved using light pressure. The wound was closed in layers using 5.0 Monocryl and 6.0 Prolene. Pathology revealed a benign nevus with clear margins. What CPT and ICD 10 CM codes are reported?: 12051, 11441-51, D23. 32.44-year-old male with biplanar deformity acquired limb length discrepan- cies in tibial nonunion has undergone deformity correction. He now requires exchange of an external fixation strut 45 days postoperatively. The intraoper- ative mounting parameter deformity parameters and initial strut settings are inserted into the computer prior to Jim's discharge and a daily schedule is generated for him to perform the gradual deformity correction necessary. What CPT code should reported?: 20697
33.A young female patient was taken to the operative suite, and was placed under appropriate anesthesia. She has been suffering from pain and a poten- tial rotator cuff tear of the right shoulder. The right arm was sterilely draped and prepped. Arthroscopic portals were created anteriorly- posteriorly. The joint line was carefully examined. The biceps insertion was noted to be normal. The middle and inferior glenohumeral ligaments were visualized in noted to be normal. The undersurface of the rotator cuff was clearly visualized and also noted to be normal. There was a large anterior spur formation. The blur was introduced through a lateral portal and the anterior lip of the acromion was resected. The undersurface of the clavicle was noted to be quite prominent and part of the impinging process. There was intense bursitis and a bursectomy was performed, allowing for acromial decompression and release. Spurs were removed from the distal clavicle. All instruments were removed skin incisions were closed and a dress was applied. The patient was placed in a sling and returned to the recovery room. What CPT code is reported?: 23415-RT 34.What modifier must always be applied to medicare claims for test per- formed in a site with CLIA Waived certificate?: QW 35.What does "in vivo" mean?: in the living body
36.what is the code for gross and microscopic examination (surgical pathol- ogy) of the breast tissue from a simple mastectomy?: 88307 37.A patient presents with worries she is at risk for cancer. She asks for tests to verify whether she has cancer. The test comes back normal. What type of service is this considered?: screening services 38.If the findings on examination of a pap smear are normal and described as "negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy" this is a example of what type of results reporting?: Bethesda 39.What ICD-10-CM code is reported for elevated blood sugar?: R73. 40.What ICD-10-CM code is reported for an abnormal cervical pap smear?: - R87. 41.A lab test reveals an excessive level of alcohol in the blood. What ICD-10- CM code is reported?: R78. 42.What do the services in the Reproductive Medicine Procedures section of the Pathology and Laboratory chapter of CPT report?: Services related to in vitro fertilization 43.What is usually found in the blood if a person has or used to have an infecting virus?: Antibody
44.A patient with AIDS presents for follow up care. The total T-cell count is ordered to evaluate any progression of the disease. What CPT code is report- ed?: 86359- Code 86359 is for total T-cell count. If other studies were performed and they were not ordered they may not be billed, no matter how seemingly appropriate. In the CPT Index, look for T Cells/Count. 45.A patient with AIDS presents for follow up care. An NK (natural killer cell) total count is ordered. What CPT code is/are reported?: 86357- Although there are a number of cells that attack viruses and other infectious organisms, NK cells are specifically identified by code 86357. In the CPT Index, see Natural Killer (NK) Cells. 46.A virus is identified by observing growth patterns on cultured media. What is this type of identification is called?: Presumptive- Presumptive identification identifies microorganisms like by viruses by observing growth patterns and other characteristics. 47.CPT stands for:: Current Procedure Terminology 48.Which term reflects the technologic advances made in medicine that are incorporated into the CPT manual?: special reports 49.How man sections is the CPT manual divided into?: 6
50.Where is specific coding information about each section located?: Guide- lines 51.In which CPT appendix would modifiers be found?: Appendix A 52.In which CPT appendix would additions, deletions, and revisions be found?: Appendix B 53.A list of the unlisted procedures for use in a specific section of the CPT manual is contained in:: Guidelines 54.Who requires a special report with the use of unlisted codes?: Third-party payers 55.Which of the following represents three of the six elements that a special report must contain?: nature, extent, need 56.Which punctuation mark between codes in the index of the CPT manual indicates a range of codes is available?: hypen
57.Which punctuation mark between codes in the index of the CPT manual indicates two codes are available?: comma 58.The words that follow a code number in the CPT manual are called:: proce- dure/ service descriptor 59.A code that has all the words that describe the code following it is called what type of code?: stand alone 60.According to surgery guidelines, is surgical destruction part of a surgical procedure?: yes 61.First division in the CPT: SECTION 62.Second division in the CPT: SUBSECTION 63.Third division in the CPT: SUBHEADING 64.Fourth division in the CPT: CATEGORY 65.What is the largest single mass of lymphatic tissue?: Spleen 66.Which main coronary artery bifurcates into two smaller ones?: Left 67.What is the term for the divider between the heart chamber walls?: Septum of coronary vessel is called:: Angioplasty angio= vessel plasty= repair 70.Where is the hypertension table located in ICD-10-CM?: there is no hyper- tension table in ICD-10-CM 71.Which statement is true regarding codes for hypertension and heart dis- ease in ICD-10-CM?: Hypertension and heart disease without a stated casual relationship must be coded separately. 72.What information is needed in order to accurately code hypertension retinopathy in ICD-10-CM?: The affected eye(s) 73.What is the default code for coronary artery atherosclerosis?: 1125. 74.How many layers of tissue does an artery have?: 3 75.The conduction system contains pacemaker cells, nodes, the , and the .: Purkinje fibers and Bundle of His 76.What part of the cardiovascular system is responsible for the one-way flow of blood through the chambers of the heart?: Heart valves 77.What information is required to accurately code PVD due to diabetes in ICD-10- CM?: Whether the patient has gangrene 78.Bile empties into the duodenum through what structure?: Common bile duct
79.Which of the following is not a function on the skin?: Acts as a gland by synthesizing vitamin A. 80.What ICD-10-CM code is reported for spontaneous pneumothorax?: J93. 81.When a patient has a blood test for HIV that is inconclusive, what ICD-10- CM code is assigned?: R 82.What does MRSA stand for?: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus 83.When do you code acute respiratory failure as a secondary diagnosis?: - When it occurs after admission 84.When the type of diabetes mellitus is not documented in the medical note, what is used as the default type?: Type 2 85.If a patient uses insulin, what type of diabetic does it mean the patient is?: The use of insulin doesn't specify the patient is a certain type of diabetic 86.According to ICD-10-CM Guidelines, when a patient is seen for manage- ment of anemia due to malignancy, how is it reported?: The malignancy is reported first, followed by the code for the anemia. 87.First episode of an acute myocardial infraction: I21. 88.secondary neoplasm of the descending colon: C78.
89.In which circumstances would an external cause code be reported?: caus- es of injury or health condition 90.adverse effect: rash developing when taking oenicillin 91.colp/o: vagina 92.CKD stand for:: Chronic Kidney Disease 93.Which statement is TRUE for reporting burn codes?: The highest degree of burn is reported as primary code for diseases and disorders of the nails: chapter 12 Skin 95.What does the 7th character A indicate in Chapter 19?: initial encounter 96.What codes are reported voluntarily to payers to provide evidence-based performance-measure data?: CPT Category II codes 97.CPT Category III codes are reimbursable at what level of reimbursement?- : Reimbursement, if any, is determined by the payer 98.HCPCS stands for:: Healthcare Common Procedures Coding System 99.How many days does it take for CMS to implement HCPCS Level II Tempo- rary Codes that have been reported as added, changed, or deleted?: 90