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ACSM Study Guide Questions And Answers Rated A+, Exams of Advanced Education

ACSM Study Guide Questions And Answers Rated A+

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ACSM Study Guide Questions And Answers Rated A+

BIOMECHANICS ANS principles of physics related to energy and force as they apply to the human body PROXIMAL ANS CLOSER TO THE TRUNK DISTAL ANS further from the trunk SUPERIOR (CRANIAL) ANS above, toward the head INFERIOR (CAUDAL) ANS lower than, toward the feet ANTERIOR (VENTRAL) ANS toward the front POSTERIOR (DORSAL) ANS toward the back MEDIAL ANS closer to the midline LATERAL ANS further from the midline THREE CARDINAL BODY PLANES ANS sagittal plane, frontal plane, transverse plane SAGITTAL PLANE ANS makes a division into right and left portions FRONTAL PLANE ANS makes a division into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions TRANSVERSE PLANE ANS makes a division into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) portions ROTATION ANS movement around a longitudinal axis, either toward or away from the midline

CIRCUMDUCTION ANS a combination of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction EVERSION ANS turning the sole of the foot away from the midline INVERSION ANS turning the sole of the foot toward the midline Bones of the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum... ANS AXIAL SKELETON VERTEBRAL COLUMN (SPINE) ANS serves as the main axial support for the body 4 Major curvatures of the adult vertebral column ANS cervical curve, thoracic curve, lumbar curve, sacral curve KYPHOSIS "primary curves" ANS curves of the thoracic and sacral regions LORDOSIS "secondary curves" ANS curves of the cervical and lumbar region Commonly found abnormal curves in the sagittal plane ANS hyperkyphosis and hyperlordosis HYPERKYPHOSIS ANS exaggerated posterior thoracic curvature HYPERLORDOSIS ANS exaggerated anterior lumbar curvature Commonly found abnormal curve in the frontal plane ANS scoliosis STERNUM ANS midline of the chest What are the 3 parts of the sternum? ANS manubrium, body, xiphoid process

RF for family history ANS myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization or sudden death to a 1st degree family member when >55 male, >65 female RF for cigarette smoking ANS within 6 months Risk factor for Dyslipidemia LDL ANS Lgreater than 130 mg/dL RF Dyslipidemia Total Cholesterol ANS greater than 200 mg/dL RF Dyslipidemia low HDL ANS less than 40 mg/dL RF Sedentary minutes of activity, days of week, past # of months ANS less than 30 min/day, 3 days/week, for at least 3 months RF Prediabetes fasting blood glucose ANS greater than or equal to 100 mg/dL up to 126 greater than or equal to 126 mg/dL ANS Fasting Blood Glucose for Diabetes diagnosis RF for Obesity ANS body mass of greater then or equal to 30kg/m2; waist girthgreater than 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women RF Age men, women ANS 45 men, 55 women Negative Risk Factor ANS HDL greater than 60 mg/dL RF for hypertensive ANS systolic greater than or equal to 140; diastolic greater then or equal to 90; confirmed by 2 separate occasions or on hypertension meds obesity ANS excessivly high amounts of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass

overweight ANS increased body weight, in relation to height when compared to some standard of acceptable or desirable weight percent fat ANS the total amount of weight that is measured as fat tissue body mass index BMI ANS the height to weight ratio can be misleading because it does not consider body type lean body mass ANS not fat tissue: muscle, bone, skin etc anorexia nervosa ANS the disorder of self-induced starvation bulimia nervosa ANS the psychologically addictive cycle of binging/purging USRDA food pyramid ANS 1. fat, oils & sweets: use sparingly

  1. milk, yogurt &cheese 2-3 servings;
  2. meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, nuts, eggs: 2-3 servings;
  3. fruits: 3-5 serv;
  4. veggies: 3-5 serv.
  5. bread, cereal, rice, & pasta: 6-11 serv female athlete triad ANS amenorrhea, osteoporosis, and eating disorders; when left untreated they damage the musculoskeletal and reproductive systems

of kilocalories in one gram ANS Carbo= 4; fats=9; protein=4; alcohol=

guidelines for losing weight ANS 500 - 1000 cal daily to lose 1-2 lbs. per wk; same to increase kilocalaries ANS equivalent to losing 1 lb of fat 3500cal waist-hip ratio ANS Hips/Waist (ex. 45" waist and 36" hips... 36/45=.8)

ratios above .86 for women and .95 for men indicate abdominal adiposity Heart Rate (HR) ANS total # of times the heart contracts in one minute, increases with work-rate during exercise Stroke Volume ANS amount of blood pumped from the left ventricle in one beat Cardiac Output ANS the amount of blood pumped from the heart in one minute Blood Pressure ANS arterial pressure providing force for blood flow (systolic and diastolic pressure) Arteriovenous Oxygen Difference ANS difference between oxygen content of arterial and venous blood Blood Flow ANS distribution of the cardiac output Maximum Oxygen Consumption ANS highest rate and amount of oxygen achieved at maximal physical exertion Types of muscle tissue ANS cardiac, smooth, and skeletal Cardiac muscle ANS cardiac muscle tissue is involuntary, it is the tissue of the heart smooth muscle ANS involuntary muscle tissue that lines the arterial walls and organs of the body skeletal muscle ANS voluntary and made up of striated fibers Kinesiology ANS the study of human movement Bones ANS mineral reservior, internal skeleton (levers)

joints ANS where two bones meet (fulcrum and axis) muscle tissue ANS elastic tissue with contractile properties (pulley) tendons ANS connective tissue that connects muscles to bone ligaments ANS connective tissue that connects bone to bone cartilage ANS white fibrous tissue that cushions surfaces and prevents friction (cushions bones) anterior/posterior ANS front/ back inferior/superior ANS below/ above medial/lateral ANS closer to midline/further from midline proximal/distal ANS closer to trunk/further from trunk abduction/adduction ANS movement away/into from midline horizontal abduction ANS the row horizontal adduction ANS chest press supination/ pronation ANS rotational movement, results in the palm facing upward/downward flexion ANS decrease joint angle (elbow curl) extension ANS increase in joint angle

lateral flexion ANS decrease in joint angle (spine side bend, love handles) Physical Activity ANS bodily (musculoskeletal movement leading to caloric expenditure Exercise ANS movement done for improvement in one or more components of fitness 5 components of Physical Fitness ANS a group of characteristics a person achieves/possesses related to physical activity and cardiorepiratory, muscle endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, body composition cardiorespiratory ANS increases the capacity of the heart, lungs, and blood carrying vessels to deliver oxygen; also called aerobic fitness muscle endurance ANS refers to a muscle's ability to perform repeated contractions or hold static contractions muscle strength ANS the amount of force a muscle can exert in a single all-out effort (1 Rep Mas/1RM) flexibility ANS refers to a joint's range of mobility (ROM) Body Composition ANS refers to th ratio of lean body mass compared to fat mass Principle of Adaptation/Overload Training and Progression ANS - greater then normal demand is placed upon muscles,

  • to enhance the muscular fitness, the system must be progressively overloaded
  • tension required for strength gain is about 60% - 80% of 1RM
  • fleck and kraemer recommend 75 - 90% Progression involves increasing/changing one or more of the exercise training components to promote adaptations

Principle of Specificity of Training ANS The body adapts to specific exercise training stimulus with specific physical and physiological adaptations. Cardio adaptations ANS - resting heart rate decreases by approx 10 - 15 bpm

  • SV increases both at rest and during exercise
  • Resting SBP/DBP may decrease (if prev elevated) Exercise Program Components ANS (FITTE) Frequency, Intensity, Time/Duration, Type/Mode, Enjoyment Warm up Considerations ANS Should include appropriate cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal activity Cool Down Considerations ANS Appropriate cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal activity serving to enhance venous return and decrease the chance of postexercise hypotension during recovery Initial treatment for Musculoskeletal injury for the first 24-72 hrs ANS (RICES) rest (prevents further injury, ice (reduces pain, swelling, and initiates inflammatory response) compression (reduces swelling and bleeding) elevation (controls edema and decreases blood flow) stabilization (assists in muscle relaxation, diminishing spasm Symptoms of Angina (chest pain) and myocardial infaction (heart attack) ANS a. chest pain, b. pressure discomfort in the chest, c.left jaw, neck or shoulder-may radiate distally, d. shortness of breath and lightheadedness, e. back pain, which may be experienced by some women Treatment for chest pain and heart attack symptoms ANS a. stop exercise immediately and place person ina comfortable sitting or lying position, b. 911, monitor HR, and be prepared to begin CPR, c. Automated External Defibrillator AED may be used if cardiac arrest Signals of heat exhaustion ANS a. cool, moist pale, ashen, or flushed skin b. headache, nausea, dizziness, c. weakness, exhaustion d. heavy sweating e. body temp will be near normal Signals of heat stroke ANS 1. red, hot dry skin 2. rapid weak pulse, shallow breathing 3. changes in the level of consciousness 4. vomiting 5. body temp will be very high as high as 105

Hydration recommendations according to ACSM ANS approx. 3-6 ounces of water every 1-2 miles of the race ATP-PC phosphagen system (anaerobic) ANS 25 - 30 seconds of high intesity work (spints, weight lifting) Anaerobic Glycolysis/Lactic Acid System (anaerobic) ANS 1 - 2 min of high intensity work 400-800m distance sprint Oxygen System (aerobic) ANS fuels activities lasting more than 2-3 min. Capacity is limited only by oxygen and fuel avail. to the cell Ipsilateral ANS same Side Contralateral ANS opposite side unilateral ANS one side bilateral ANS both sides supine ANS lying face up prone ANS lying face down upper respiratory system ANS nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx ...filters air lower respiratory system ANS trachea, bronchi, bronchiloes, alveoli...puts oxygen into blood anatomical sites of pulse ANS carotid, brachial, radial, femoral type 1 fibers ANS slow twitch, slow oxidative and red twitch fibers (aerobic)

type IIA fibers ANS have aerobic and anaerobic capabilities and refered to as intermediate fibers, continuum fibers, fast oxidative glycolitic fibers type IIB ANS anaerobic in nature. refered as fast glycolitic fibers sliding filament theory ANS the events that occur b/w actin and myosin during muscle contraction and relaxation

  • when nerve impulse is received, the cross bridges of myosin will put the actin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere and tension is created neuromuscular activation ANS stimulus for vol. physical activity initiates in the brain and is then transformed into a movement pattern antihypertensive meds ANS reduces high blood pressure anti-anginal ANS reduces angina/chest pain brochodilator ANS relaxes bronchial passageways hypoglycemic ANS reduces blood sugar anti-arrhythmic ANS prevents/controls abnormal heart rhythms psychotropic ANS affects behavior antihistamine ANS prevents system of allergic response vasodilator ANS widens blood vessal beta-blocker ANS reduces resting and exercise heart rate and blood pressure

caffine ANS may extend endurance in moderate aerobic exercise alcohol ANS dehydrating-may impair exercise tolerance and increase risk of heart injury nicotine ANS may elevate HR,BP and respiratory response A.O.M.S ANS Acute-onset muscle soreness; muscle fatigue and discomfort dimininishes when exercise stops D.O.M.S ANS delayed onset muscle soreness;muscle discomfort 24-36 hr after exercise overuse/chronic muscle and joint injury ANS tendonitis, fasciitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis tendonitis ANS inflammation of a tendon fasciitis ANS inflammation of the fascia; fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, binding those structures together in much the same manner as plastic wrap can be used to hold the contents of sandwiches together bursitis ANS Bursitis is inflammation of the fluid-filled sac (bursa) that lies between a tendon and skin, or between a tendon and bone osteoarthritis ANS chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints normal acute cardiorespiratory response to aerobic exercise ANS elevated HR, SV, Cardiac output, BP, Blood Flow, Arteriovenous oxygen difference, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption pulmonary ventilation ANS vol of air exchanged per minute Force ANS any interaction b/w 2 objects producing a change in magnitude or direction of motion

torque ANS rotary force 1st class lever ANS primarly for balance;see saw, head on cervical vertebrea 2nd class lever ANS primarly for power; wheel borrw, plater flexion during walking 3rd class lever ANS range of motion; shovel, exbow flexion; we use this the most isometric/static contraction ANS tension is created within the muscle fiber, but the fiber change length and there is no change in joint angle F=R Isotonic/dynamic contraction ANS muscle fibers change length and joint angles; Work= force x distance; can concentric or eccentric concentric ANS muscle fibers creating cross bridges while shortening in length against the pull of gravity F>R eccentric ANS muscle fibers creating cross bridges while returning to resting length while going with gravity R>F Isokinetic ANS variable force w. accommodating speed agonist ANS muscle responsible for producing joint movement ex. bicep during curl antagonist ANS opposing muscle to the prime mover synergists ANS muscles involved in stabilizing, fixating or assisting at the joint SPIES ANS Social: support systems

Physical: physical/phyiological well-being Intellectual: Open to Learn Emotional:Coping Skills Spiritual:living in harmony Transtheoretical Model stages of change ANS Pre-contemplation: not ready to exercise Contemplation: thinking about behavior change Preparation:doing something related to exercise, but not meeting the guidelines Action: meeting set criteria of at least 6 months Maintenance: met criteria of 6 months, and continuing internal/external rotation ANS transverse plane rotation towards/away from midline retraction/protraction ANS scapula toward (add) and away from midline (abd) hyperextension ANS extension beyond normal degree of extension Work = ANS Force x distance = work dose response ANS sedentary individuals will demonstrate significicant improvements in fitness early in training program regular physical activity can improve health and reduce health risks by... ANS reduces...

  • cardiovascular disease
  • risk of stroke
  • reduces high blood pressure
  • risk of colon cancer, lowers
  • cholesterol/triglycerides,
  • depression/anxiety/stress


  • lipoproteins
  • self-esteem
  • healthy body benefits of flexibility training ANS - reduces muscle tension
  • promotes relaxation
  • muscle contractions become easier/smoother
  • improves ease of movement benefits of resistance training ANS - stress management
  • MET capacity
  • increased resting metabolism
  • osteoporosis prevention/management
  • injury prevention/rehab consequences of physical inactivity ANS - heart disease
  • stroke
  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • obesity
  • depression/anxiety
  • certain cancers Direction of blood flow ANS The Right Atrium, receives "used blood" from the body. Blood will be pushed through the tricuspid valve to the Right Ventricle, the chamber which will pump to the lungs through the pulmonic valve to the Pulmonary Arteries, providing blood to both lungs. Blood is circulated through the lungs where carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen added. It returns through the Pulmonary Veins, which empty into the Left Atrium, a chamber which will push the Mitral Valve open. Blood then passes into the

Left Ventricle. As it pumps, the pressure will close the mitral valve and open the aortic valve, with blood passing through to the Aorta, where it will be delivered to the rest of the body. Mitral valve prolapse ANS heart problem resulting from the mitral valve not regulating the flow of blood between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart Arrhythmias ANS An arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart rate (pulse) or heart rhythm, such as beating too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly. atrophy ANS decrease in the mass of the muscle;Muscle atrophy results from a co-morbidity of several common diseases, including cancer, AIDS, congestive heart failure, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), renal failure, starvation hypertrophy ANS Enlargement of muscle 2 types of hypertrophy ANS sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar sarcoplasmic ANS volume of sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle cell increases with no accompanying increase in muscular strength myofibrillar ANS actin and myosin contractile proteins increase in number and add to muscular strength as well as a small increase in the size of the muscle Par-Q ANS Physical Activity Readiness identifies people who should not be tested in a field setting. Proceed with caution if a client answers yes to one or more questions. May require physician clearance informed consent ANS lets person know there is a risk to exercise order of exercise assessments ANS 1.resting mesurements (BP/HR/Body Fat/height/weight) 2.cardio test 3.muscular endurance 4.flex

Heart rate reserve ANS HRR = HRmax − HRrest Karvonen formula ANS aka max heart rate reserve method; training HR = (max HR - resting HR) X target intensity (40/50-85%) + resting HR FITTE (resistance training) ANS Frequency(2-3x a week), Intensity (2 to 4 sets of 8-12 reps w/ 2-3 mins b/w sets) Time no longer then 60 mins, Type (various resistance equipment), Enjoyment Risk stratifications (low) ANS men/women w/ 1 or less CVD; can participate in moderate(40%-60%) and vigorous (>60% VO2R) exercise w/o prior medical testing Risk stratifications (med) ANS Men 45 or older Women 55 or older and Those who meet the threshold for two or more positive risk factor are considered moderate risk; can participate in moderate(40%-60%) but need prior medical testing for vigorous (>60% VO2R) exercise Risk stratifications (high) ANS Cardiac, peripheral vascular, or cerebrovascular disease Chronic OPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease, or cystic fibrosis Diabetes type 1 or 2, thyroid disorders, renal, or liver disease VAK ANS visual learner: Auditory Learner Kinesthetic Learner the learning process ANS cognitive phase:learn general skill concepts associative phase: practice and refine automatic phase: skill is developed and consistent

social learning theory ANS the theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished. SMART Goals ANS Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely active listening ANS Empathic listening in which the listener echoes, restates, and clarifies Body composition testing ANS Skin Fold Caliper

  • Circumference (waist/hip)
  • Infra-red (x-ray)
  • BMI (mass(lb) x 703/ ((height(in))^
  • bioelectrical Impedence
  • Hydro-static under water weighing Dietery Recommendations ANS Carbs: 55%-60% Fat: 25%- 30% Protein: 10% - 15% 6oz of grains (3oz of whole-grain), 2.5 cups veggies, 2 cups fruits, 3 cups milk Periodization ANS Macrocycle: largest cycle Mesocycle: next largest (4 - 6 in yr) Microcycle: smallest cycles (1 - 4 wks) Linear v Non Linear Linear changes intensity every 4- 6 wks
  • hypertrophy (high vol,short rest)
  • Strength/power (reduced vol,increase load/rest)
  • Peaking (low vol/high load/rest)
  • Recovery (active rest) Non Linear changes every day within a 4- 6 wk period

1RM table ANS 60% = 17 70%= 80%= 8 90%= 100%= exercise and pregnancy ANS - Supine position should be avoided after 1st trimester

  • low/mod intensity
  • non-ballistic
  • proper clothing and hydration to prevent overheating high risk flexibility ANS standing toe touches, barre streches, hurdler strech, neck circles, yoga plough, knee hyperflexion Static stretching ANS active: muscle is actively moved through ROM passive:muscle is actively moved through ROM by partner/device Ballistic Stretching ANS a series of quick but gentle bouncing or bobbing motions designed to stretch your muscles Dynamic Stretching ANS Stretching that involves moving the joints through their full range of motion to mimic a movement used in a sport or exercise to increase joint flexibility, core temp and circulation Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation PNF ANS Stretch muscle statically, contract and stretch muscle statically beyond initial static stretch Sarcomere ANS smallest contractile unit of a muscle cell; composed of 2 types of muscle protein,
  • actin "thin filament", which contains troponin and tropomyosin
  • myosin "thick filament" : contains many cross bridges

Anaerobic Glycolysis ANS - transformation of glucose to pyruvate when limited amounts of oxygen (O2) are available

  • glycolysis doesnt use oxygen and is considered anaerobic
  • The burning sensation in muscles during hard exercise can be attributed to the production of hydrogen ions which form lactic acid along with lactate tricuspid valve ANS situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle; controls the flow of blood from RA to RV mitral valve ANS located between the left atrium and left ventricle; prevents blood from flowing back into the LA after it has entered the LV heart chambers ANS Right atrium Right ventricle Left atrium Left ventricle Right atrium ANS The upper part of the heart that receives oxygen-depleted blood from the body via the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava and pumps it through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Right ventricle ANS the lower part of the heart that receives oxygen-depleted blood from the right atrium and pumps it through the pulmonary valve into the lungs via the pulmonary artery. Left atrium ANS the upper part of the heart that receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins and pumps it through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Left ventricle ANS the lower part of the that heart receives oxygen-rich blood from the left atrium and pumps it through the aortic valve to the entire body via the aorta, including to the heart muscle itself through the coronary arteries. Artery ANS a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body

Radial: thumb side of forearm Brachial: groove formed b/w tricep and bicep Carotid: anterior portion of the neck arterioles ANS the smallest arteries that connect with the capillaries which allow the exchange of blood and other nutrients with various tissue veins ANS blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart venules ANS small veins that drain blood from the capillaries and then join to form a vein Fibrous joints ANS Fibrous joints connect bones without allowing any movement. The bones of your skull and pelvis are held together by fibrous joints. Cartilaginous joint ANS Cartilaginous joints are joints in which the bones are attached by cartilage. These joints allow for only a little movment, such as in the spine or ribs. Synovial joints ANS Synovial joints allow for much more movement than cartilaginous joints. Cavaties between bones in synovial joints are filled with synovial fluid. This fluid helps lubricate and protect the bones. Bursa sacks contain the synovial fluid. saddle joint ANS A saddle joint allows movement back and forth and up and down, bot does not allow for rotation like a ball and socket joint. Ball and socket joint ANS A ball and socket joint allows for radial movment in almost any direction. They are found in the hips and shoulders. (Like a door knob) Ellipsoid joints ANS Ellipsoid joints are similar to a ball and socket joint. They allow the same type of movment to a lesser magnitude. The wrist is an ellipsoid joint. Pivot joints ANS Pivot joints allow rotation arround an axis. The neck and forearms have pivot joints. In the neck the occipital bone spins over the top of the axis. In the forearms the radius and ulna twist arround each other.

gliding or plane joint ANS In a gliding or plane joint bones slide past each other. Midcarpal and midtarsal joints are gliding joints testing preliminaries ANS have clients min. factors that influence heart rate including:

  • non prescription heart rate altering meds
  • caffeine
  • exercise
  • large meals
  • fatigue
  • test anxiety 3 min step test ANS 12" step 96 bpm locate radial pulse first client steps up up down down for 3 mins @ 96bpm with no talking check pulse within 5 secs after test Arthritis ANS inflammation of a joint
  • flex training recommended osteoarthritis ANS - caused by mechanical stress and destruction of hyaline cartilage in the joints
  • many degrees of severity
  • degenerative arthritis rheumatoid ANS inflammation of synovial membrane, which then cause the body to initiate autoimmune response humerus ANS major bone of arm rotator cuff muscles ANS SITS Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis

major joint action for

  • pec major
  • post deltoid ANS - shoulder horizontal adduction
  • shoulder horizontal abduction major joint action for
  • mid trap
  • pec minor ANS - scapular retraction(add)
  • scapular protraction(abd) major joint action for
  • latissimus dorsi
  • middle delt ANS - shoulder adduction
  • shoulder abduction major joint action for
  • rotator cuff muscles ANS - shoulder abduction/ext rotation/int. rotation major joint action for
  • erector spinae
  • abs ANS - spinal extension/flexion major joint action for
  • biceps brachii
  • triceps brachii ANS elbow flexion elbow extension major joint action for
  • gluteus maximus
  • Ilopsoas ANS Hip Extension Hip Flexion major joint action for
  • quads
  • hams ANS knee extension knee flexion major joint action for
  • gastrocnemius
  • tibialis anterior ANS planter flexion dorsiflexion major joint action for
  • obliques ANS spinal rotation and lateral flexion skinfold abs ANS vertical fold 2cm right of belly button skinfold triceps ANS vertical fold posterior midline of middle right arm, halfway b/w the acromion(shoulder) and olecranon(elbow) processes skinfold bicep ANS vertical 1 cm above mark of tricep on belly of bicep skinfold chest/pec ANS diagonal fold half the distance b/w anterior axillary line and nipple (men) 1/3rd the distance b/w anterior axillary line and nipple (women) skinfold midaxillary ANS vertical fold

Midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum skinfold Subscapular ANS Diagonal fold 1 to 2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula skinfold suprailium ANS Diagonal fold Anterior axillary line immediately superior to the iliac crest in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest taken skinfold thigh ANS Vertical fold Anterior midline of the thigh Midway between the proximal border of the patella (upper knee) and the inguinal crease (hip) skinfold calf ANS Vertical fold maximum circumference of calf on the midline of medial border 9 site skinfold locations ANS abs tricep bicep chest midaxillary subscapular suprailium thigh calf 3 site skinfold locations ANS (men)chest, abs, thigh (women) triceps, suprailium, thigh metabolic syndrome ANS fat deposited in the abdom. area is more highly correlated to heart disease

asthma ANS narrowing of airways brought about by allergens and stressors

  • avoid outdoor exercise in cold and high pollen or pollution negligence ANS the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern malpractice ANS Malpractice is a type of negligence committed by a professional and Negligence is failure to exercise due care % of fat for increased risk ANS men- 22% women-32%