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MSU Student Guide: Using Planner to Manage Classes & Enroll, Study notes of School management&administration

Michigan State UniversityCourse EnrollmentStudent Information SystemsAcademic Planning

A step-by-step guide for Michigan State University students on how to use the Student Information System (SIS) Planner to manage classes, add courses from the catalog or requirements, and enroll in courses for current or future semesters. It includes instructions on how to navigate the Planner interface, add courses from the catalog or requirements, view academic progress reports, and move courses to specific terms.

What you will learn

  • How do I add courses to my planner using the Michigan State University Student Information System?
  • How can I view my academic progress report in the Michigan State University Student Information System?

Typology: Study notes


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Download MSU Student Guide: Using Planner to Manage Classes & Enroll and more Study notes School management&administration in PDF only on Docsity! I Student Information System r~ MICHIGAN STATE U IVERSITY STUDENT GUIDE Using the Planner 03/30/2021 C Student Information System MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Contents Planner .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Add from My Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Add from Course Catalog.................................................................................................................................................... 8 Student Guide: Using the Planner 03/30/2021 1 Student Information System MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Foundation Courses .. X Not Satisfied Complete the fo llowing MC111 O Satisfied MC112 i In Progress MC201 O Satisfied MC202 )( Not Satisfied MC 202 Courses 1 required, O taken, 1 needed Courses The fol lowing courses may be used to sat isfy this requirement: Course 0 Description 0 Units 0 Intro Study of Public Aft II 4.00 Courses Completed 0% L 0% 100% When/Typ ically Offered 0 Spring every year 1 row Grade 0 Status 0 In the example below, the Foundation Courses requirement is Not Satisfied, and an MC 202 course is still needed. 4. Click the arrow for the Not Satisfied course and you will be directed to the requirement details page to see additional details of the course that will satisfy the requirement. In this example, course details for MC 202 are displayed. 5. Click the hyperlink description for the course to add to your planner. The Course Detail page will open. Student Guide: Using the Planner 03/30/2021 4 Student Information System MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MC202 X Not Satisfied MC 202 Courses 1 required, 0 token, 1 needed Courses The following co urses may be used to sa tisfy this requirement: Course ◊ Description ◊ MC202 ~ Units ◊ 4.00 When/Typically Offered ◊ Spring every year Course Detail MC 202 has been added to your Planner. Description 1row Grade ◊ Status ◊ Cont inued interdiscip li nary exploration of enduring issues and confl icts in American and internationa l public a ffa irs. Histor ical, socia l sc ience, and comparative approaches. 6. Click Add to Planner in the top right corner of the page. You will receive a confirmation that the course has been added to your Planner. Once the course has been added, the next step is to identify the term that you plan to take the course. MC202 Introduction to the Study of Public Affa irs II Avoilable OS of 09/01/2021 Course Deta il Course Career Undergraduate Units 4.00 Grading Undergraduate Graded Course Component Lecture Academic Group James Modison College Academic Organization James Madison College Deon MiFHHI· ~ Add to Planner J 7. Click the Go to Planner hyperlink at the bottom of the page. Student Guide: Using the Planner 03/30/2021 5 Student Information System MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Planner ~ Q_ D : e Planner Terms I Unassigned Courses Unassigned Courses Course Description MC202 Int ro Study of Public Aff II Total Units Add from Course Catalog =',;o:, Add from My Requirements MC202 Introduct ion to the Study of Pub lic Affa irs II Th is course is in your p la nne r under Unassigned Te rm Course Detail Course Career Undergraduate Grading Conversion Units 4.00 Course Component Lecture Academic Group James Madison College Academic Organization James Mad ison College Dean Requirement Details 0 Enrollment Information Typically Offered Spring every year Units Courses 4.00 1row Units Typically Offered Requirements Status 4.00 Spring every year 0 ~ 4.00 I Move to Term I w+++ I De lete I The Planner will now display a section for Unassigned Courses. This is where the most recent addition to your Planner will be listed, until you assign it to a term. 8. Click Unassigned Courses. Here, you can view a list of all courses that have not yet been assigned to a term. 9. Click the arrow for the Unassigned item. The Course Detail page will open. You can see the recently added course. Student Guide: Using the Planner 03/30/2021 6