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orthographic A multiview drawing is also known a(n) __________ drawing. auxiliary A(n) __________ view is projected from an inclined surface. section A(n) __________ view allows you to see the interior of an object. removed A(n) __________ section is usually not aligned with a the primary view. offset A(n) __________ section shows interior features not in a straight line by bending the cutting plane line at 90° angles. viewing plane line The __________ indicates the position of a removed view and line of sight. cutting plane line The line showing where an object is cut for a section and line of sight is the __________.
size An object can be made if its __________ and shape are fully-described. shape An object can be made if its size and __________ are fully-described. bevel A(n) __________ is a slanted surface along a straight edge. chamfer A(n) __________ is a slanted surface along a hole or the end of a cylinder. center Chain lines show projected tolerance zones and are drawn as a thick __________ line. dimension A(n) __________ linetype includes arrowheads and is commonly paired with extension lines. 60 The depth lines for an oblique pictorial view are usually drawn at 30 to __ degrees to the horizontal. rhomboid A quadrilateral with opposite sides of equal length is a __________. center A(n) __________ linetype may be used to represent an axis of symmetry. 25. 1 inch is exactly equal to __ millimeters. 10
There are __ millimeters in 1 centimeter. 10 There are __ decimeters in 1 meter. leader A(n) __________ linetype includes a short, horizontal "shoulder." phantom A(n) __________ linetype is used to represent alternate positions of a moving part. three-point A(n) __________ perspective drawing is used to draw tall objects. 2 A two-point perspective drawing has __ vanishing points. size An auxiliary view is used to show the true __________ and shape of a surface not parallel to any of the six principal views. shape An auxiliary view is used to show the true size and __________ of a surface not parallel to any of the six principal views. foreshortened A surface viewed from any angle other than 90 degrees is __________. edge The reference or fold line must be constructed parallel to the __________ view of a surface to draw the true shape and size of a surface.
secondary When a feature of an object is in an oblique position relative to the principal projection planes, a(n) __________ auxiliary view is needed to find true size and shape. parallel To draw an auxiliary view, the auxiliary plane must be __________ to the inclined surface. primary For an inclined surface, the auxiliary plane is perpendicular to one of the three principal drawings planes; this will produce a(n) __________ auxiliary view. depth An auxiliary view taken from an object's front view is a(n) __________ auxiliary view. width An auxiliary view taken from an object's side views is a(n) __________ auxiliary view. height An auxiliary view taken from an object's top view is a(n) __________ auxiliary view.