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Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide Questions And Answers 2024 Latest Updated And Graded, Exams of Nursing

Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide Questions And Answers 2024 Latest Updated And Graded A+ Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide Questions And Answers 2024 Latest Updated And Graded A+

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Download Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide Questions And Answers 2024 Latest Updated And Graded and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide Questions And Answers 2024 Latest Updated And Graded A+ anorexia - Exact answer loss of appetite Xerostomia - Exact answer dry mouth water brash - Exact answer Sudden appearance of excessive acid saliva in the mouth, caused by dyspepsia, zgaga Dysguesia - Exact answer altered taste sensation , zaburzenia smaku dysphagia - Exact answer difficulty in swallowing or inability to swallow , trudnosci w przełykaniu globus sensation - Exact answer sensation of a lump in the throat Odynophagia - Exact answer pain on swallowing, bolesne przełykanie heartburn - Exact answer burning pain behind the breastbone bleching - Exact answer excess gas in the digestive tract expelled through the mouth , odbijanie dyspepsia - Exact answer indigestion, niestrawność Early satiety - Exact answer premature fullness on eating, wczesne uczucie sytości nausea - Exact answer feeling sick in the stomach with tendency to vomit, nudności vomiting - Exact answer being sick, the forceful, involuntary ejection of stomach contents through the mouth Haematemesis - Exact answer vomiting blood , krawawe wymioty hiccups - Exact answer a characteritic sound produced by spasms of the diaphragm, czkawka flatulence - Exact answer the passage of gas out of the body through the rectum, wzdęcia altered bowel habit - Exact answer the frequent passage of loose stools or moving bowels less frequently than usual diarrhoea - Exact answer frequent passage of loose stools constipation - Exact answer difficulty in passing stools, zatwardzenie steatorrhea - Exact answer Biegunka tłuszczowa fatty stools haematochezia - Exact answer rectal bleeding melaena - Exact answer black, tarry stools, smołowaty stolce icterus - Exact answer yellowing, also known as jaundice, żółtaczka pruritus - Exact answer intense itching , świąd cough - Exact answer sudden, noisy expulsion of air from the lungs dyspnoea - Exact answer shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, duszności wheeze - Exact answer a whistling, muscial sound during breathing when airflow is obstructed at some level in the airways stridor - Exact answer Crowing sound during breathing, especially inhalation, associated with a partial blockage of the pharyn, larynx or trachea, świst krtaniowy haemoptysis - Exact answer coughing up blood cyanosis - Exact answer bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from an inadequate amount of oxygen in the blood, sinica clammy - Exact answer moist, wilgotny cyanosed - Exact answer Having a bluish discoloration of the skin, fingernails, and mucous membranes caused by a deficiency of oxygen baby skin is very soft and - Exact answer smooth a young person's skin is strong and - Exact answer supple very dry skin may become - Exact answer flaky in exfoliative dermatitis the skin is - Exact answer scaly if blood supply is inaqdequate the skin may appear - Exact answer purpish in addison's disease the skin may look - Exact answer tanned the skin of newborn is usually - Exact answer reddish Psorasis - Exact answer Chronic, reccurent dermatosis marked by itchy, scaly, red patches coverd by silvery gray scales, łuszczyca angina - Exact answer a suffocating choking pain in the chest, dusznica Apnoea - Exact answer a temporary halt ( postój) in breathing, bezdech cyanosis - Exact answer a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood. dysponea - Exact answer breathlessness emaciation - Exact answer particularly severe leanness (chudość) caused by lack of nourishment or disease, wychudzenie haemoptysis - Exact answer the expectoration of blood or blood-stained sputum incontinence - Exact answer an inability to control bowel movements or passage of urine Insomia - Exact answer inability to sleep, bezsenność jaundice - Exact answer yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood obesity - Exact answer the accumulation of excess fat in the body nausea - Exact answer a feeling of about to vomit, nudności pallor - Exact answer an abnormal paleness of skin, bladość syncope - Exact answer fainting, temporary loss of consciousness Cachexia/cachectic - Exact answer physical wasting with loss of weight and muscle mass Tachycardia - Exact answer fast heart rate, częstoskurcz Pyrexia - Exact answer raised body temperature; fever. Oedema - Exact answer swelling caused by excess fluid, obrzęk amenorrhea - Exact answer absence of menstruation, brak miesiączki anxiety - Exact answer An emotional state of high energy, with the stress response as the body's reaction to it. aphagia - Exact answer inability to swallow, niemożność połykania aphonia - Exact answer loss of voice, brak głosu Bradycardia - Exact answer slow heart rate Tachycardia - Exact answer fast heart rate confusion - Exact answer the inability to think clearly, dezorientacja cramps - Exact answer prolonged, involuntary muscular contractions dyspepsia - Exact answer difficult digestion dysuria - Exact answer painful urination -emesis - Exact answer vomiting, wymioty epistaxis - Exact answer bleeding from the nose, krwawienie z nosa palmar erythema - Exact answer unusual redness of the palms of the hands, rumień dłoni exophthalmos - Exact answer abnormal protrusion of the eyeball, huge wide opened eyes, wytrzeszcz oczu glue ear - Exact answer A painless condition in which a thick sticky fluid collects behind the eardrum, wysiekowe zapalenie ucha halithosis - Exact answer bad breath, cuchnący oddech haemorrhage - Exact answer an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel Hyperventilation - Exact answer fast breathing lassitude - Exact answer a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy, zmęczenie, ospałość menorrhagia - Exact answer excessive menstrual bleeding, krwotok miesiączkowy mylagia - Exact answer muscle pain, ból mięśni nocturia - Exact answer excessive urination during the night Orthoponea - Exact answer Prawidłowe oddychanie tylko w pozycji wyprostowanej otorrhea - Exact answer discharge from the ear, wyciek z ucha retrosternal pain - Exact answer pain behind the sternum strabismus - Exact answer abnormal deviation of the eye; crossed eyes, zez vertigo - Exact answer the sensation of dizziness piles - Exact answer hemorrhoids- a painful swelling of a vein in the region of the anus, often with bleeding deafness - Exact answer loss of the ability to hear, głuchota assess - Exact answer Oceniać combat - Exact answer to fight, walka differentiate - Exact answer (v.) - to distinguish, to make different, rozróżniać distinguish - Exact answer Rozróżniać Herald - Exact answer Zwiastować neglect - Exact answer Zaniedbać Persist - Exact answer Trwać Recur - Exact answer Powracać encounter - Exact answer Spotkanie misdiagnosed - Exact answer Źle zdiagnozowane Apnoea - Exact answer absence of breathing brachialgia - Exact answer pain in the arm, rwa ramienna myasthenia - Exact answer Weakness of muscular system , osłabienie mięśni hyperasthesia - Exact answer Increased senitivity Bradycardia - Exact answer Slowness of heartbeat Dehydration - Exact answer Excessive loss of gody water osteodynia - Exact answer bone pain, ból kostny Erythroderma - Exact answer abnormal redness of the skin , czerwonośc skory hypertension - Exact answer High arterial blood pressure, nadciśnienie Hypotension - Exact answer low arterial blood pressure, niedocisnienie icterohepatitis - Exact answer Inflammation of the liver with marked jaundice , zapalenie wątroby z żółtaczka malabsorption - Exact answer Bad intestinal absorption of nutrients , złe wchłanianie pokarmu Oliguria - Exact answer Excretion of a small amount of urine in relation to the fluid intake orthopnoea / orthopnea - Exact answer Difficult breathing excpect in an straight position hemiplegia - Exact answer paralysis of one side of the body polyneuropathy - Exact answer Neuropathy of many perioheral nerves simultaneously pseudoseizure - Exact answer Attack resambling an epileptic seizure but having purely psychological causes , rzekomy napad padaczkowy otorrhoea - Exact answer Flow from the ear stenothorax - Exact answer Abnormal constriction of the chest , wąska klatka piersiowa tachyphagia - Exact answer Rapid of hasty eating , przesadnie szybkie jedzenie common cold - Exact answer Przeziębienie congestion - Exact answer Przekrwienie Profuse - Exact answer Obfity abundant abundat - Exact answer Obfity profuse prostration - Exact answer Skrajne wyczerpanie Afebrile - Exact answer without fever, bezgorączkowy Pain - Exact answer ból Injury - Exact answer uraz Wound - Exact answer blizna Cut - Exact answer rana/przecięcie Acute/sharp pain - Exact answer ostry ból Fracture - Exact answer pęknięcie/złamanie Sprain - Exact answer zwichnięcie gall bladder attack - Exact answer atak/nagły ból pęcherzyka żółciowego chronic pain - Exact answer chroniczny ból, pain that lasts for significant amount of time breakthrough pain - Exact answer ból przebijający, chronic pain that breaks through the medicaments flare.up - Exact answer nagłe wystąpienie silnych objawów, sudden outburst of something aches and pains - Exact answer slight sensation of pains that are considered to not be serious ache - Exact answer nouns that end with this suffix mean that smth. Hurts ache v. - Exact answer means to suffer continous but not violent pain painful - Exact answer causing pain sore - Exact answer painful from a wound or infection bolące miejsce owrzodzenie colic (colicky pain) - Exact answer kolka, acute, paroxysmal abdominal pain cramp/spasm - Exact answer skurcz, is a sudden painful contraction of a muscle stitch - Exact answer sharp pain caused f.e by running twinge - Exact answer kłucie, sudden sharp attack of pain discomfort - Exact answer dyskomfort, slight pain tender - Exact answer czuły, abnormally sensitive to touch ease/alleviate/relieve pain - Exact answer łagodzić/uśmierzać/ulżyć ból agonizing/excruciating/unbearable pain - Exact answer very severe pain numbness - Exact answer drętwienie, loss of feeling skin tightness - Exact answer skin feels rigid and inelastic boring pain - Exact answer ból świdrujący, deep in the body brief pain - Exact answer chwilowy ból burning pain - Exact answer piekący ból constant pain - Exact answer ciągły ból darting pain - Exact answer przeszywający ból dreadful pain - Exact answer silny ból drilling pain - Exact answer bodily pain episodic pain - Exact answer epizodyczny excruciating pain - Exact answer rozdzierający frequent pain - Exact answer częsty gnawing pain - Exact answer gryzący/przeszywający, dull, constant pain or suffering gripping pain - Exact answer chwytający ból, a sharp and sudden pain in your stomach pain - Exact answer boli jak nóż lancinating pain - Exact answer przeszywający, painful as if caused by a sharp instrument mild pain - Exact answer łagodny ból paroxysmal pain - Exact answer ból napadowy, pain caused by genetic condition/redness in various body parts periodic pain - Exact answer okresowy, pain that comes for a while in constant divisions of time persistent pain - Exact answer uporczywy ból, severe pain that just wont stop persisting pain - Exact answer utrzymujący się ból, pain that just wont stop recurrent pain - Exact answer nawracający ból, pain that comes back after silent time short pain - Exact answer krótki sporadic pain - Exact answer sporadyczny/rzadki stabbing pain - Exact answer kłujący steady pain - Exact answer stały, pain that hurts the same and doesnt end suffocating pain - Exact answer zapierający dech w piersi, pain so severe u cant breathe for short period of time transient pain - Exact answer przejściowy ból tugging pain - Exact answer szarpiący ból, pain with sensation of smth. Being pulled onset of pain - Exact answer sposób w jaki ból się rozpoczyna, way of pain starting can be acute and severe or mild circumstances of pain - Exact answer powód/czynność przy której ból wsytępuje site of pain - Exact answer miejsce bólu severity of pain - Exact answer siła/poziom bólu radiation of pain - Exact answer promieniowanie bólu, if pain (radiates to/appears in) other parts of the body aggravating factors of pain - Exact answer czynniki uśmierzające ból, things that make pain smaller/less severe associated symptoms - Exact answer inne objawy występujące razem z bólem, other symptoms that occur among the pain recur - Exact answer powtarzać się suffix .dys - Exact answer painful contact dermatitis - Exact answer kontaktowe zapalenie skóry, an itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it diabetes mellitus - Exact answer cukrzyca, malfunction of control of concentration of glukose in blood epilepsy - Exact answer epilepsja, common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures fatty liver - Exact answer stłuszczenie wątroby, extra fat in liver glaucoma - Exact answer jaskra, group of eye diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness by damaging a nerve in the back of your eye called the optic nerve gout - Exact answer dna/artretyzm, form of inflammatory arthritis that causes pain and swelling in your joints haemophilia - Exact answer hemofilia, rare, genetic blood disorder that happens when your blood doesn't clot and make your bleeding slow down or stop hyperthyroidism - Exact answer nadczynność tarczycy, condition in which thyroid gland produces higher amount of hormone hypochondria - Exact answer hipochondria, type of anxiety disorder hypothyroidism - Exact answer niedoczynność tarczycy, condition in which there is not enough thyroid hormones in blood irritable bowel syndrome - Exact answer zespół jelita drażliwego, common disorder that affects the stomach and intestines leukaemia - Exact answer białaczka, cancer of blood cells metabolic acidosis - Exact answer kwasica metaboliczna, buildup of acid in the body due to kidney disease or kidney failure migraine - Exact answer migrena mitral regurgitation - Exact answer niedomykalność zastawki dwudzielnej, heart valve condition in which the flaps of the mitral valve do not close properly, causing a backward flow of blood back to the heart multiple sclerosis - Exact answer stwardnienie rozsiane, chronic disease of the central nervous system nephritis - Exact answer zapalenie nerki obesity - Exact answer otyłość obsessive - Exact answer compulsive disorder - zaburzenie obsesyjno- kompulsyjne, condition i n which person repeats some actions over and over again osteoporosis - Exact answer osteoporoza, condition caused by lack of vitamin D or calcium it makes ur bones brittle overactive bladder - Exact answer nadreaktywny pęcherz, condition in which the bladder squeezes urine out at the wrong time panic attack - Exact answer atak paniki Parkinson's disease - Exact answer Parkinson, neurological disease that makes every movement of ill to be wobbly peptic ulcer disease - Exact answer choroba wrzodowa, acid in the digestive tract eats away at the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine pharyngitis - Exact answer zapalenie gardła pleurisy - Exact answer zapalenie opłucnej pneumonia - Exact answer zapalenie płuc psoriasis - Exact answer łuszczyca, skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp sinusitis - Exact answer zapalenie zatok nosowych systemic lupus erythematosus - Exact answer venous thrombosis - Exact answer zakrzepica żylna acquired disease - Exact answer choroba nabyta, disease that appeared during the life of a person but they werent born with it acute - Exact answer ostro/mocne, disease is harsher kind of normal one allergic disease - Exact answer choroba alergiczna, illness in which immune system overreacts on foreign substance autoimmune disease - Exact answer autoimmunizacyjna, illness in which immune systam attacking its own organism chronic disease - Exact answer przewlekła - disease which lasts for rest of life and significantly makes it harder to live congenital disease - Exact answer wrodzona, disease that is with us since birth community - Exact answer acquired disease- nabyta przez społeczność, disease that is common in wide group of people concomitant disease - Exact answer współistniejąca, refers to disease that coexists with other contagious/communicable disease - Exact answer zakaźna, disease that can easily spread through population degenerative disease - Exact answer zwyrodnieniowa endemic disease - Exact answer endemiczna, pandemic but only in a small area not the whole globe endocrine disease - Exact answer endokrynologiczna, due to malfaction of hormone producing glands to develop a disease - Exact answer rozwinąć chorobę pathogenesis - Exact answer patogeneza, trying to get to the origins of disease in patient morbid condition - Exact answer stan chorobowy, widely understood as being ill lesion - Exact answer zmiana patologiczna - ulcer - Exact answer wrzód regress - Exact answer regres onset abrupt - Exact answer początek nagły, smth. Starts very fast insidious - Exact answer podstępny/zdradliwy presenting feature of disease - Exact answer feature of disease that is very easily to see arthralgia - Exact answer pain in a joint cephalalgia - Exact answer headache causalgia - Exact answer burning pain in the limb caused by a nerve damage otlagia - Exact answer pain in the ear polymyalgia - Exact answer pain in several muscle groups migrane headache - Exact answer a headache characterized by sudden onset and severe throbbing pain on one side of the head cluster headache - Exact answer excruciating stabbing or burning sensations located in the eye or cheek klastrowych ból głowy throbbing - Exact answer Pulsujący sinusitis - Exact answer inflammation of the sinuses brain tumor - Exact answer abnormal growth of brain tissue and meninges Glaucoma - Exact answer increased intraocular pressure jaskra Meningitis - Exact answer inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord subdural haematoma (SDH) - Exact answer Krwiak podtwardówkowy Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) - Exact answer bleeding into the subarachnoid space—the area between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater surrounding the brain pleurisy - Exact answer inflammation of the pleura zapalenie opłucnej Psorasis - Exact answer is a skin disorder characterized by red papules covered with silvery scales łuszczyca g agoraphobia - Exact answer fear of open spaces arteriosclerosis - Exact answer hardening of the arteries miażdżyca brochiectasis - Exact answer Chronic streching of the bronchi rozstrzen oskrzeli arteriostenosis - Exact answer abnormal narrowing of an artery or arteries cardiomegaly - Exact answer enlargement of the heart cardiomyopathy - Exact answer Disease involving the myocardium Cephalgia - Exact answer pain in the head hyperthyrodism - Exact answer Condition where thyroid gland is too active myeloma - Exact answer Tumor Composed of the Cells normally found in the bone marrow Osteomalacia - Exact answer softening of the bone Pseudocyst - Exact answer false cyst