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Understanding Muscular Strength, Fitness Components, and Exercise Principles, Exams of Nursing

Comprehensive information on muscular strength, types of stretching, components of fitness, heart rate and exercise, body composition, benefits of regular exercise, exercise intensity calculations, muscle actions, joint actions, anatomical position, assisted movement, buoyancy, inertia, exercise behavior change, aquatic exercise principles, and aging effects. It also covers topics such as overtraining symptoms, deep water exercise, aquatic shoes, acoustics in pool areas, transitional depth training, deep water training, core postural muscles, floatation belts, vertical recovery techniques, cool-down, sensory changes associated with aging, exercise for people with diabetes, heat intolerance, and vitamins and minerals.

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Available from 05/24/2024

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Download Understanding Muscular Strength, Fitness Components, and Exercise Principles and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!


____ is defined as the maximum force that can be exerted by a muscle or muscle group against a resistance (1) - correct answer✔✔ muscular strength what type of stretching activates the muscle spindles, specialized receptors in the muscle that monitor muscle length change and the speed of muscle length change? (1) - correct answer✔✔ ballistic stretching name the six skill-related components of fitness (1) - correct answer✔✔ balance, coordination, speed, power, agility, and reaction time what is the difference between maximal heart rate and heart rate reserve (1) - correct answer✔✔ maximal heart rate is the highest heart rate a person can achieve. it is measured with a max HR test or estimated with 220- age. Heart rate reserve is your maximal HR minus your resting heart rate. how does compression lower your heart rate in the water? (1) - correct answer✔✔ water compresses all the body systems, including the vascular system, causing a smaller venous load to the heart, reducing heart rate. what is the ACSM (2018) recommended frequency for resistance training? (1) - correct answer✔✔ two to three days/week for each major muscle group define body composition (1) - correct answer✔✔ the body's relative percentage of fat as compared to lean tissue (bones, muscles, and organs) list five benefits of regular exercise (1) - correct answer✔✔ improves physical appearance, increases functional capacity, heart becomes stronger, strengthens the walls of the blood vessels, improves strength and endurance,

when calculating exercise intensity, a popular method is the Karvonen Formula, which is also known as the ____ (1) - correct answer✔✔ Heart Rate Reserve method ____ is a subjective method of assessing effort, strain, discomfort, and fatigue experienced during exercise. (1) - correct answer✔✔ rating of perceived exertion The skeletal system provides our bodies with support, protection, and _____. (2) - correct answer✔✔ Structure During the cardiac cycle, ____ is the active contraction of the heart muscle and ___ is the relaxation of the heart muscle. (2) - correct answer✔✔ Systole, Diastole Which characteristic of muscle allows it to shorten and thicken (2) - correct answer✔✔ Contractility The ____ muscle group flexes the leg at the knee. (2) - correct answer✔✔ Hamstrings What is a motor neuron (2) - correct answer✔✔ Efferent neurons that relay outgoing information from the central nervous system to the muscle cells Describe the valsalva maneuver (2) - correct answer✔✔ Holding one's breath while exerting. Creates unequal pressure in the chest, causing blood pressure to drop and decreasing blood flow to the heart. Resuming normal breathing creates a surge of blood flow to the heart, causing a sharp increase in blood pressure. Name the 5 systems of the body most actively involved in movement and exercise (2) - correct answer✔✔ Skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems In a muscle pair, the muscle that is actively contracting is referred to as the ____, or prime mover (2) - correct answer✔✔ Agonist List the three types of muscle tissues in the human body (2) - correct answer✔✔ Visceral, cardiac, and skeletal

The process by which bones grow in the body is called ____ (2) - correct answer✔✔ Ossification ____ states that you train only that part of the system or body that is overloaded (3) - correct answer✔✔ Specificity Muscle balance should be considered for the front and back, left and right sides, and ____ parts of the body (3) - correct answer✔✔ Upper and Lower Which metabolic system yields the highest amount of ATP for the working muscles? (3) - correct answer✔✔ Oxidative system Recovery pertains to two segments of training: recovery ____ exercise and recovery ____ an exercise session. (3) - correct answer✔✔ During; after List 5 physical and psychological symptoms that commonly accompany overtraining (3) - correct answer✔✔ Reduction in performance and coordination, elevated resting heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite, soreness, increased illness or infection, as well as issues with sleep, depression, and a reduced self-esteem Which type of muscle tissue is best suited for endurance activities? (3) - correct answer✔✔ slow twitch Concentric and eccentric muscle actions are part of a(n) _____ muscle contraction (3) - correct answer✔✔ Isotonic When initiating exercise, the time of inadequate oxygen supply is called ____ (3) - correct answer✔✔ Oxygen deficit A given overload must be exceeded in order to see improvements in fitness. This is referred to as ______ (3) - correct answer✔✔ Threshold of training Name the three types of muscle actions that skeletal muscle can generate (3) - correct answer✔✔ Isotonic, isometric, isokinetic

______ is moving away from the midline of the body (4) - correct answer✔✔ Abduction Flexion and extension are performed primarily in the ______ plane (4) - correct answer✔✔ Sagittal In a third-class lever, the _____ is between the ____ and _____ (4) - correct answer✔✔ Effort; Fulcrum; resistance What type of joint is the elbow? (4) - correct answer✔✔ Hinge Name the three natural curves of the spine (4) - correct answer✔✔ Cervical, thoracic, lumbar The deeper the water in which you are exercising, the more you have to consider the center of _____ (4)

  • correct answer✔✔ Buoyancy List and define at least 6 terms used to identify joint actions (4) - correct answer✔✔ Abduction and adduction; elevation and depression; protraction and retraction; pronation and supination; inversion and eversion; hyperextension; medial rotation and lateral rotation; circumlocution; tilt Define anatomical position (4) - correct answer✔✔ The body is erect, arms by the side, palms facing forward, legs together, feet directed forward. Joints are neutral except for the forearms, which are supinated _____ refers to any part in the range of motion of an exercise movement that is facilitated by the forces of gravity or buoyancy or by the proportion of the equipment (4) - correct answer✔✔ Assisted movement Movement toward the pool bottom with buoyant equipment is buoyancy resisted and is usually a _____ muscle action (4) - correct answer✔✔ Concentric What are three key principles of exercise behavior change? (5) - correct answer✔✔ It takes more than goals and will power to change. There are multiple levels of influence on motivation. Finding meaning in exercise and being healthy are important

It takes approximately _____ of sustained efforts to turn a new habit into one that will be maintained (5)

  • correct answer✔✔ Six months T/F: Helping participants plan and self-monitor can help them stick with exercise, since new exercises often underuse these tools. (5) - correct answer✔✔ True With the initiation of an exercise program, the body adapts to the physical challenges in a few weeks; participants can expect to see positive mood and energy benefits within _____ (5) - correct answer✔✔ A few days How can you use the psychosocial benefits of exercise to help your participants sustain their motivation long term? (5) - correct answer✔✔ Help them build an identity as an active participant and understand how being a healthier version of themselves will make a positive impact on their lives outside the water in their roles as parents, employees, or colleagues What are the three strategies for motivating participants for sustained change? (5) - correct answer✔✔ Create a task-focused, growth-oriented climate in your work. Use a motivational interviewing approach for individual encounters. Before they drop out, help participants identify and proactively address barriers to their exercise goals. The idea of a growth mind-set means to get your participants to focus on _____ rather than on their ability, especially as compared to others (5) - correct answer✔✔ Their own effort and improvement What are the three needs within self-determination theory that guide motivation? (5) - correct answer✔✔ Autonomy (freedom of choice), competence (confidence in skills, improvement) and relatedness (meaningful connection to others) Asking participants to make notes of their improvements with exercise and daily activities can help build _____ (5) - correct answer✔✔ Competence ________ is a set of counseling questions and techniques that helps participants who are unmotivated or ambivalent to change (5) - correct answer✔✔ Motivational interviewing

By adding the element of travel in aquatic choreography, you are increasing intensity using the law of _____ (6) - correct answer✔✔ Inertia Describe the two ways that the law of acceleration can be used to alter aquatic exercise (6) - correct answer✔✔ Pushing harder against the pool bottom to propel the body upward or through the water and pushing harder against the water's resistance with the arms and legs Friction between the molecules of a liquid or gas is referred to as ____ (6) - correct answer✔✔ Viscosity Which movement is more intense based on frontal resistance, an alternating wide jog traveling forward or an alternating aid jog traveling to the side? (6) - correct answer✔✔ An alternating wide jog forward List the three types of inertia that are experienced in water exercise (6) - correct answer✔✔ Movement of the limbs, movement of the entire body, and movement of the water Would pushing the arms forward while jogging in the water increase or decrease intensity? (6) - correct answer✔✔ Increase Will you sink or float if you weigh more than the water you displace? (6) - correct answer✔✔ Sink What is the primary force that causes resistance in the aquatic environment: buoyancy, gravity, or the water's viscosity and drag? (6) - correct answer✔✔ The water's viscosity and drag Incorporating impeding or assisting arm movements applies which physical law to alter exercise intensity in the water? (6) - correct answer✔✔ Action and reaction List the two important factors to consider when applying the law of inertia in aquatic exercise programing (6) - correct answer✔✔ Participant fitness and skill levels; acoustics of the pool environment How is radiation different from convection in relation to heat dissipation during exercise? (7) - correct answer✔✔ Radiation is heat loss through vasodilation of surface vessels, and convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a liquid or gas between areas of different temperatures

What are the concerns associated with performing vertical exercise in water 78 degrees Fahrenheit or below? (7) - correct answer✔✔ Metabolic rate and heart rate decrease, and the majority of the blood remains near the core of the body to keep the organs warm and functioning. When circulation is reduced to the extremities, these muscles become cold and inflexible, increasing risk of injury. Reduced circulation related to immersion in cold water also limits available oxygen for the muscles in the extremities, which may lead to muscle cramping What is an ideal water temperature range for a typical cardiorespiratory aquatic fitness class? (7) - correct answer✔✔ 83 to 86 degreed F What is the recommended water depth range for conducting a shallow-water aquatic fitness program? (7) - correct answer✔✔ A depth of 3.5 to 4.5 feet is considered ideal for most shallow-water programs, but a slightly larger range will accommodate most adult exercisers comfortability at the recommended water depth of mid-rib cage to mid-chest depth The optimal working space for deep-water exercise is ____ shallow-water exercise (7) - correct answer✔✔ Slightly larger than T/F: The participant cannot dissipate heat by sweating when exercising in the water. (7) - correct answer✔✔ False The general recommendation for indoor pool air temperature is a range of ______ (7) - correct answer✔✔ 75 to 85 degrees F List at least three benefits of wearing aquatic shoes during shallow water exercise (7) - correct answer✔✔ Shoes protect the skin, traction to change direction, shock absorption, cushioning, and support, weighted resistance for entering or existing the pool The acoustics in pool areas are generally poor. List three ideas that can help reduce instructor voice injury and enhance leadership skills. (7) - correct answer✔✔ Instructors can experiment with different teaching locations, learn how to use hand and arm signals and other nonverbal cueing techniques effectively, and use a microphone system Explain why it is generally recommended to exercise at mid-rib cage to mid-chest depth during shallow- water programs (7) - correct answer✔✔ This depth reduces impact while still maintaining proper

alignment and control of movement and allows for activities that sufficiently train all the major muscle groups against the water's resistance Pendulum, rocking horse and side steps are variations of which lower body base move? Land on both feet, land repeatedly on one foot, land on alternating feet, none of these (8) - correct answer✔✔ Moves that land on alternating feet T/F: Arm movements above the head represent a functional range of motion, but are not recommended in a shallow-water exercise class. (8) - correct answer✔✔ False what tempo: 1-R 2-X 3-L 4-X 5-R 6-X 7-L 8-X (8) - correct answer✔✔ Water Tempo Level II movements are considered to be ____ (8) - correct answer✔✔ Low impact T/F: Power tucks are variations of movements performed in levels I, II, and III that always increase the impact level (8) - correct answer✔✔ False Land tempo, sometimes cued as ____ is the same speed of movement used on land. (8) - correct answer✔✔ Double time Crossing the arms over the chest while water walking is an example of using the arms in what manner? (8) - correct answer✔✔ Neutral arm position You can add variety to arm patterns in 5 basic ways. Which option makes it easier for participants to maintain proper alignment (8) - correct answer✔✔ Float the arms on the surface of the water ____ movements are performed in an upright position, and involve impacting movements where both feet are off the pool bottom for a brief period of time (8) - correct answer✔✔ Level I Plyometrics performed in the water can be referred to as ______ (8) - correct answer✔✔ Propelled movements

T/F: With transitional depth training, participants do not rebound off the pool bottom. However, they may touch the bottom of the pool during some movements. (9) - correct answer✔✔ True T/F: When compared to land training, deep water training shows higher oxygen consumption for maximal exercise and submax exercise. (9) - correct answer✔✔ False Form is not only an important attribute for safety considerations, it also has been found to be a contributing factor in _______ (9) - correct answer✔✔ Caloric expenditure T/F: Deep-water base movements can be categorized as moves that use an alternating foot pattern, and moves that use a repeated single-foot pattern (9) - correct answer✔✔ True _____ is the body's ability to maintain neutral, or near neutral, postural alignment (a stable position) while moving. a. dynamic stabilization b. dynamic training c. suspended stabilization d. vertical alignment (9) - correct answer✔✔ Dynamic stabilization T/F: In deep water, the core postural muscles play a key role in maintaining balance and correct alignment of the body (9) - correct answer✔✔ True A well fitting floatation belt will allow the participant to maintain the head above the water level while _____ (9) - correct answer✔✔ In a relaxed, motionless vertical position Which of the following would be considered an asymmetrical move in deep-water exercise? a. deep-water jacks b. moguls c cross-country skis d. jogging (9) - correct answer✔✔ moguls T/F: Half water tempo moves cannot be performed in deep water because you cannot bounce on the pool bottom (9) - correct answer✔✔ False For optimum safety in deep-water exercise, vertical recovery techniques should be discussed and practiced (9) - correct answer✔✔ With all participants

___ is a specialized form of communication designed to instigate action. (10) - correct answer✔✔ A cue ___ are used to maintain an open line of communication between the instructor and participants. (10) - correct answer✔✔ Feedback cues Cueing "right, left, right, right" is an example of what type of transitional cue? (10) - correct answer✔✔ Footwork A(n) ___ cue is any cue received through hearing, including spoken words (verbal) and sounds, whistles, claps, musical changes, and bells. (10) - correct answer✔✔ Audible Which type of shallow-water transition requires the greatest degree of core strength and coordination to safely execute? (10) - correct answer✔✔ Advanced T/F: The AEA recommends deck instruction as the preferred method of leading aquatic classes in most situations. (10) - correct answer✔✔ True ___ is a style of choreography in which a series of moves are performed without a predictable pattern. (10) - correct answer✔✔ Freestyle List four qualifications employers might look for in an aquatic instructor. (10) - correct answer✔✔ - Education and knowledge -Experience and enthusiasm -Energy and motivation -Good interpersonal skills -Adaptability, responsibility -Consistency and sincerity A ___, often a jog or vertical flutter kick, allows more time to prepare for the next movement in a pattern that may be needed to change planes or direction of travel or simply stabilize the body in the water. (10) - correct answer✔✔ Deep-water transitional move

___ is an example of a non-impact deck instruction technique. (10) - correct answer✔✔ -Using the arms to demonstrate leg movements and using a stool or chair to demonstrate leg movements without touching the feet to the pool deck T/F: The purpose of class formatting is to steadily progress the body into an exercise state and then gradually return it to a pre-exercise state. (11) - correct answer✔✔ True Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the warm-up component of class? (11) a. Prepares the musculoskeletal system by increasing tissue extensibility b. Allows acclimation to the exercise environment c. Promotes more rapid removal of lactic acid d. May reduce risk of injury - correct answer✔✔ c. Promotes more rapid removal of lactic acid The ___ is made up of rhythmic movements that generate body heat while allowing for acclimation to the aquatic environment. (11) - correct answer✔✔ Thermal warm-up T/F: Cardiorespiratory endurance training can be structured as continuous, interval, or circuit formats. (11) - correct answer✔✔ True ___ includes exercises performed with or without equipment to target specific muscles, muscle groups, or body segments (upper body, lower body, or trunk). (11) - correct answer✔✔ Muscular fitness training T/F: A thermal warm-up is not needed for a class that targets muscular flexibility during the conditioning component since the moves are gentle and the water is warm. (11) - correct answer✔✔ False In most aquatic fitness programs, the cool-down consists of two parts: ___ and ___. (11) - correct answer✔✔ The cardiorespiratory cool-down and the poststretch ___ is often referred to as station training. (11) - correct answer✔✔ Circuit training

T/F: Sport-specific training formats are applicable only to athletes due to the intensity of the workout. (11) - correct answer✔✔ False If you choose to include very-high-impact moves, such as plyometric training, in your class, be sure to: ___ .(11) - correct answer✔✔ -Ensure that participants are at an appropriate water depth (at least mid- rib cage) -Cue for proper alignment and form -Include appropriate rest List four sensory changes associated with aging. (12) - correct answer✔✔ -Decreased visual sharpness and perception, smaller visual field, and impaired judgment of the speed of moving objects -Decreased hearing sharpness and reduced ability to discriminate between different sounds -Reduced sensitivity to touch -Decreased communication between muscles and nerves and decreased reaction time leading to altered mobility, response time, spatial awareness, and balance. T/F: Heart rate and respiration rate and both higher in younger children and gradually decrease or normalize with age. (12) - correct answer✔✔ True Due to the enlarging abdomen women experience during pregnancy, aquatic programming should consider the degree of ___ with sagittal-plane lower-body movements. (12) - correct answer✔✔ Hip flexion For a general weight loss program, the ACSM recommends a reduction of ___ initial weight over 3 to 6 months by an intervention of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise, resistance training, and behavior intervention. (12) - correct answer✔✔ 3-10% Define the 2-hour pain rule. (12) - correct answer✔✔ Some muscle soreness is a normal response to exercise; if you develop joint pain that lasts for 2 hours or more after exercising, reduce exercise intensity or duration of the next class. ___ is a chronic condition characterized by fatigue and widespread pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. (12) - correct answer✔✔ Fibromyalgia syndrome

T/F: People with CVD should exercise to the point of chest pain or angina. (12) - correct answer✔✔ False For people with pulmonary disease, the hydrostatic pressure can make it more difficult to breathe when immersed. What programming consideration may be helpful to participants? (12) - correct answer✔✔ Start in waist-deep water and gradually transition to chest-deep water T/F: For people with diabetes, exercise can help improve body composition by decreasing body fat, leading to better insulin sensitivity. (12) - correct answer✔✔ True Heat intolerance is a key factor for ___, who are more comfortable exercising in water temperatures at or below 84 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius). (12) - correct answer✔✔ Participants with multiple sclerosis An ___ is a preconceived plan of action designed to prepare staff to deal with emergencies in a coordinated effort. (13) - correct answer✔✔ Emergency action plan For a person who ___, check the scene and approach if it is safe. (13) - correct answer✔✔ -Appears to be unresponsive -Is responsive T/F: The drowning process continues until the person gets a breath, either spontaneously or through rescue breathing. (13) - correct answer✔✔ True T/F: You should always remove a victim from the water before administering CPR. (13) - correct answer✔✔ True ___ occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, causing damage to part of the heart muscle. (13) - correct answer✔✔ A heart attack List three tips to avoid vocal abuse and injury. (13) - correct answer✔✔ -Keep your throat moist and your vocal chords lubricated -Avoid overuse by limiting the number of classes you teach

-Maintain proper breathing T/F: An AED is safe to use if the person has been removed completely from the water and is not lying in a puddle. (13) - correct answer✔✔ True T/F: An acute injury is defined as an injury with a long onset and long duration. (13) - correct answer✔✔ False Define the American Heart Association's FAST acronym, which is used to quickly determine whether someone has experienced a stroke. (13) - correct answer✔✔ Face Arms Speech Time ___ is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of blood sugar (glucose). (13) - correct answer✔✔ Hypoglycemia Which of the following is a non-caloric (calorie-free) micronutrient? (14) a. Water b. Vitamins c. Minerals d. All of these e. B and C only - correct answer✔✔ e. B and C only (vitamins and minerals only) ___ are the primary source of energy for the skeletal muscles and the exclusive source of energy for the brain and nervous system. (14) - correct answer✔✔ Carbs ___ found in barley, legumes, oats, and some fruits and vegetables assists in lowering blood cholesterol levels and slows the process of digestion, allowing for greater absorption of nutrients. (14) - correct answer✔✔ Soluble fiber

The amino acids that must be consumed in the diet, because the body cannot make them, are know as ___. (14) - correct answer✔✔ Essential amino acids T/F: The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for men and women is 0.8 grams of high quality protein per kg of body weight per day. (14) - correct answer✔✔ True ___ provide a much greater risk to heart health because they raise LDL (unhealthy cholesterol) levels while also lowering HDL. (14) - correct answer✔✔ Trans fats Total cholesterol levels are determined based on a ratio of low-density lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins, and ___. (14) - correct answer✔✔ Triglycerides The % Daily Value listed on prepackaged food labels is based on a diet of ___ per day, so this may need to be adjusted based on your required caloric intake. (14) - correct answer✔✔ 2000 calories T/F: Specific diseases are linked to poor diet and physical inactivity, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. (14) - correct answer✔✔ True Which of the following is true regarding BMI? (14) a. BMI greater than or equal to 25 is considered overweight b. BMI greater than or equal to 30 is considered obese c. BMI greater than or equal to 40 is considered extremely obese d. All of these e. None of the above - correct answer✔✔ d. All of these As a(n) ____ your employer (company) is responsible for deducting federal and state required taxes from your payroll and reporting all taxes to the appropriate agencies. (15) - correct answer✔✔ Employee ___ provides protection when you are held legally liable for how you rendered or failed to render professional services. (15) - correct answer✔✔ Professional liability insurance

T/F: Liability is the process of measuring or assessing potential risk and developing strategies to manage that risk. (15) - correct answer✔✔ False What are the two sets of standards provided by the AEA? (15) - correct answer✔✔ AEA's certified Aquatic Fitness Professional Code of Ethics and Conduct and AEA's Standards and Guidelines for Aquatic Fitness Programming T/F: As an aquatic fitness instructor, you have all the liability (legal obligations and responsibility) to ensure the safety of all participants. (15) - correct answer✔✔ True _____ refers to the level of responsibility that one has to protect another from harm under the circumstances. (15) - correct answer✔✔ Duty of care A ___ is commonly used in the fitness industry to protect the facility or fitness professional from damages and potential lawsuits. (15) - correct answer✔✔ Liability release or waiver of liability Injury reports should be properly filled out and documented for all accidents or injuries sustained by any participants or guest _____. (15) - correct answer✔✔ Immediately after an incident T/F: When using music purchased from fitness music companies, fitness facilities must still pay appropriate public performance rights licensing fees. (15) - correct answer✔✔ True The ___ is a federal civil rights law that prohibits the exclusion of people with disabilities from everyday activities. (15) - correct answer✔✔ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)