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AESC 2050 Final Exam – Complete Study Guide and Practice Questions for Agricultural Engine, Exams of Agricultural engineering

AESC 2050 Final Exam – Complete Study Guide and Practice Questions for Agricultural Engineering and Safety

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AESC 2050 Final Exam Q&A AND AESC 2050



Questions with Expert Answers

culture is made up of: a. rituals and language b. customs and beliefs c. clothing and food d. thoughts and values e. all of the above - -correct ans- -e. all of the above The Top 3 nonperishable storable cereal grains produced globally are: - -correct ans- - corn, rice, wheat About _____ years ago, hominins began _____ which scientists believe was the first conscious cultural act. - -correct ans- - 2 million/ tool making agriculture allowed humans to produce ____ which led to the creation of ____, both of which were not known to human culture prior to agriculture - -correct ans- - surplus food/ labor specialization the separation between prehistory and history occurred about ___ years ago with the ____ - - correct ans- - 5,000/ invention of writing the domestication of potatoes began ~ 8,000 years ago in modern day - -correct ans- - peru

the average % of annual income spent on food in US households is: - -correct ans- -less than 10 _______ was the 1st major cash crop in the American Deep South (~1700-1800) - -correct ans- - tobacco _____ was the 2nd major cash crop in the american deep south (~1800-1900) - -correct ans- - cotton what agriculture commodities are most often at the "heart" of food politics - -correct ans- - non- perishable storable grain crops What did Juanfra DeVillena say was the cultural difference between Americans and Latinos when it comes to "personal space"? - -correct ans- - americans demand much more personal space than latinos What book credited with starting the Environmental Awareness movement in the U.S. in the 1960s? - -correct ans- - silent spring the macro-nutrient diet of the average american is dominated by 50% - -correct ans- - carbohydrate what percentage (%) of the total USDA budget is is devoted to nutrition (food assistance) programs? - -correct ans- - Advertising, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view is called _________________. - -correct ans- -propaganda treating an animal with an antibiotic before it shows symptoms of an illness is known as treating

  • -correct ans- - sub-therapeutically

(T/F) crops labeled as organic are pesticide free - -correct ans- -false approximately what % of the global population is lactose-intolerant (their lactase gene has been turned off after weaning from mother's milk) - -correct ans- - 66 the natural disaster that was a major factor in causing the dust bowl was - -correct ans- - drought the name food stamps has been replaced with the name - -correct ans- - SNAP coca-cola was originally developed as a: - -correct ans- -patent medicine after pressure from the temperance movement, what was removed from the original coca-cola - -correct ans- - wine ketchup traces it origins back to modern day ___ as a type of ___ called ketchup - -correct ans- - indonesia/ fish sauce tomato ketchup was developed in the US because - -correct ans- - there was an over-abundance of tomatoes the person is given credit for spreading the popularity of tomato ketchup throughout the US is - - correct ans- -henry heinz who is known as the father of frozen food - -correct ans- - clarence birdseye the key to top quality frozen food is - -correct ans- - freeze it fast

what is the common story given to why the potato chip was fist invented - -correct ans- -it was in response to a restaurant customer complaint about thick and soggy fried potatoes in 1961, what 2 companies merged to create the nation's largest snack-food manufacturer? - - correct ans- - fritos & lay's Where was the CACAO tree (where chocolate comes from) first domesticated - -correct ans- - central & south america 60% of your BRAIN is made up of this MACRO-NUTRIENT: - -correct ans- - fat archeologists believe it was this eating habit of early hominids that was a key to us becoming the Alpha species on planet earth? - -correct ans- - non-selective omnivores what animal is part of the national dish of Kazakhstan that is it cultural unacceptable to eat in the US - -correct ans- -horse what does the word Board mean in room and board - -correct ans- -food (a place at the eating board) why are thes eyes of prey animals on the sides of their heads? - -correct ans- - provides the widest field of vision Colonel (Harland) Sanders is most famous for his KFC secret 11- herbs and spices recipe, but his real breakthrough invention in the emerging "fast food" restaurant industry was - -correct ans- - pressure frying to speed up frying chicken

What famous fast-food entrepreneur made his fortune working for Colonel (Harland) Sanders at KFC prior to starting his own fast food chain? - -correct ans- -Dave Thomas why did old drugstores have soda fountains in them? - -correct ans- - they help make drugist prepared concoctions more palatable by adding flavorings What highly-digestible PROTEIN containing part of animals do people in developing countries use as a valuable food source, but we Americans rarely, if ever, eat? (Hint: It was part of Dr. Kiepper Chinese Chicken Soup)? - -correct ans- - blood what famous atlanta-based food product was development out of the drugstore/ patented medicine concept? - -correct ans- - coca-cola use of food in religion practices include(s): a. abstaining from consuming certain foods and drinks b. forbidding the consumption of certain foods and drinks c. restrict foods and drinks during their holy days d. associate dietary and food preparation practices with rituals of the faith e. all of the above - -correct ans- -e. all of the above the principle of ahimsa (non-violence or harmlessness) impacts food consumption in - -correct ans- - buddhism which religion does not allow the consumption of seafood, unless it has "fins and scales" - - correct ans- - judaism this religion uses the analogy of food consumption as a substitute for absorbing a dietary into ones' self (aka Eucharist) - -correct ans- -christianity

the term Halal is associated with - -correct ans- -islam religion often makes the consumption of food a(n) ___ issue - -correct ans- -moral proselytizing is - -correct ans- - attempting to convert someone from one belief to another raw vegan/ raw food dieters do not consume food that has been - -correct ans- - heated above 115 degrees People on this diet can eat meat occasionally: - -correct ans- -flexitarian people on this diet do not eat animal flesh except for fish - -correct ans- - pescatarian the CDC estimates that 1 in ___ americans will get sick each year due to foodborne illness - - correct ans- - 6 according to a table presented by Lauren Vaccaro during her food safety lecture, food in the US was ____ in 2012 as compared to 1999 in terms of foodborne illnesses. - -correct ans- - safer what book is credited with leading to the passing of the meat inspection act of 1906? - -correct ans- - the jungle What is the #1 pathogen in the U.S. that causes illnesses and hospitalizations? - -correct ans- - norovirus During the Food Safety lecture, Lauren Vaccaro talked about the cultural impact of 2 foodborne illness outbreaks in 2015 involving E. coli and what restaurant chain? - -correct ans- -Chipotle

what changes in US culture has/have led to increases in food related illnesses contracted in the home? a. loss of cooking skills b. loss of cleaning skills c. increase number of pets d. storage problems with large portion sizes e. all of the above - -correct ans- -e. all of the above (T/F): according to the world food safety performances ranking from 2014, the USA was #1 in food safety - -correct ans- - false research has found that almost half of all food items from food companies doing this: _______< reach the consumer above the recommended 40-degrees F refrigerated temperature: - -correct ans- -supplying home meal delivery kits low- income areas in the US that have less access to supermarkets/ large grocery stores are known as "Food ____" - -correct ans- -deserts which of the following government agencies plays a role in regulating food and food safety? a. US food and drug administration (FDA) b. food safety and inspection service (FSIS) of the USDA c. Centers for disease control (CDC) d. none of the above e. A,b,c - -correct ans- -e. a,b,c 1920s - -correct ans- -Jell-O

1930s - -correct ans- -casseroles 1940s - -correct ans- -SPAM and Canned food 1950s - -correct ans- -TV dinners 1960s - -correct ans- -fondue early hominids ____, which led directly to the evolution of modern humans - -correct ans- - cooked their food what new technology emerged in the 1920s that "flattened" or " normalized" the food culture in the US - -correct ans- -home refrigeration in the early 1900s, Dr. _____ touted the evils of a meat (i.e protein/fat) based diet being consumed by most americans and wanted to replace it with a carbohydrate diet - -correct ans- - kellogg in the early 2000s, Dr. _____ touted the evils of a carbohydrate based diet being consumed by most americans and wanted to replace is with a protein/fat based-diet - -correct ans- -atkins food fads rely on which of extrinsic value the most - -correct ans- -conformity where does wasted food rank in the amount of material placed in the US landfills - -correct ans- - 1st what percent of food produced in the US is never eaten? - -correct ans- -40%

56% of the global population lives on how much money per day? - -correct ans- -$2-$ 56% of americans live on how much money per day? - -correct ans- -more than $ the act of collecting leftover crops from a field after a harvest in a historical practice that still takes place and is known as - -correct ans- -gleaning the breakdown of organic wastes in landfills naturally produces ___ which can be recovered and used as an alternative fuel - -correct ans- -methane UGA's Office of Service Learning sponsors a student-run food recovery program called: - -correct ans- -the campus kitchen U.S. Law requires only 1 food be labeled with an Expiration Date for food safety reasons - - correct ans- -baby formula (T/F): "sell by" or "use by" dates on food are manufacturer created and are intended to indicate food quality issues, not food safety issues - -correct ans- -true what region of the united states is traditionally highest in poverty and hunger - -correct ans- - southeast russ moon of moon farms is a - -correct ans- -3rd generation farmer moon farms grows a. poultry b. strawberries c. cattle

d. soybeans e. all of the above - -correct ans- -e. all of the above russ moon of moon farms said he transferred to UGA as a senior and graduated with a with a degree in (this was his major - his minor was in animal science) - -correct ans- -sports business what did russ moon of moon farms say about poultry - -correct ans- -"Poultry has been the cornerstone of income for our farm over the years" Russ Moon of Moon Farms says they grow "Springer Mountain" chickens for fieldale Farms that he says was an industry leader for more than 20 years in? - -correct ans- -growing "antibiotic free" chicken what did russ moon say that "springer chicken" (fieldale farms) has started recently since all companies are pretty much doing their industry-leading idea (from previous question) now? - - correct ans- -started feeding only non-GMO feed What non-perishable, storable cereal grain did Russ Moon say that Moon Farms just invested in a with a new storage bin and drier? - -correct ans- -corn russ moon, of moon farms, said ___% of the farm he farms is rented? - -correct ans- -80% What ag enterprise did Russ Moon say was the newest addition to Moon Farms operation (hint: taking advantage of drive-by traffic)? - -correct ans- -U-pick strawberries What OIL did MOON FARMS produce from their fields in the past that has become very popular (he showed a beautiful picture of this crop in the field), but they didn't plant this year due to lower prices? - -correct ans- -canola

the annual budget for the U.S. government is approximately ___ trillion of which approximately _____ trillion is discretionary spending - -correct ans- -4/ US farm bills cover a number of diverse and/or seemingly unrelated topics. these types of bills are known as - -correct ans- -omnibus the first US farm bill (federal legislation to help support agriculture) was introduced by - -correct ans- -Franklin D. Roosevelt the first US farm bill focused on the price stabilization and supply of - -correct ans- -storable, non-perishable grains the US farm bill of 1973 saw the growth of larger and larger farms. american culture at the time was focused on the US being self-sufficient, mainly based on - -correct ans- -widespread fuel (gasoline) shortages the US farm bills of the 1980s has significant focus on - -correct ans- -the environment Dr. Kiepper gave the farm bill of the 2000s the nickname of "back to small" because it focused on a. the environment b. community food projects c. organic crops d. removing farm subsidies e. B, C, D - -correct ans- -e. B, C, D The US farm bill 2008 continued to contain the long-troublesome policy standard of - -correct ans- -farm subsidies

the US farm bill of 2014 replaces the policy of "farm subsidies" with - -correct ans- -crop insurance the current US national debt is - -correct ans- --$29 million What is most often at the heart of food politics? - -correct ans- -non-perishable storable commodity crops (corn, rice, wheat, etc.) Archeologists believe it was this eating habit of early humans that was a key to us becoming the Alpha species on planet earth - -correct ans- -Non-selective Omnivores Non-selective omnivore habit led to an abundant access of this macronutrient - -correct ans- -Fat Why are your eyes on the front of your head? - -correct ans- -It produces a large binocular field of vision What animal do the national dishes of Kazakhstan come from? - -correct ans- -horse What famous Atlanta-based food product was created within the concept of "room and board"?

  • -correct ans- -Coca-Cola Who is the founder of Wendy's? - -correct ans- -Dave Thomas Who is the founder of KFC? - -correct ans- -Colonel Sanders What is the connection between Dave Thomas and Colonel Sanders? - -correct ans- -Dave Thomas worked for KFC when it first opened

What are politics? - -correct ans- -the activities associated with the governance of a country of other area, especially the debate of conflict among individuals of parties having or hoping to achieve power Food politics involve the governmental control and debate over the __________ , _________ , __________ , __________ , and _________ of food. - -correct ans- -production, regulation, inspection, distribution, and consumption of food Food politics are affected by the _____ , _____ , _____ , and ______ disputes concerning farming, agriculture and retailing methods and regulations. - -correct ans- -ethical, cultural, medical, and environmental Food politics influences (both domestically and internationally) the: -______ of food production and ______ that consumers pay for food -______ of different food products -________ of the food supply - -correct ans- --costs; prices -availability -safety Global food politics focuses on: - -correct ans- --protectionist trade policies -international trade agreements -famines -political instability -aid The greatest new focus of food politics concerns debates over _______ _______ and predictions and the future affects on an adequate worldwide food supply. - -correct ans- -climate change

U.S. Food Politics focuses on:

    • -correct ans- -1) modern techniques of rearing animals
  1. genetically modified foods
  2. "big" food companies
  3. pesticide use on crops
  4. "food movements" Modern Techniques of Rearing Animals:
  • what are concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)? - -correct ans- -animal feeding operation (AFO) with more than 1000 animal units Genetically Modified Foods: -what is a genetically modified organism? - -correct ans- -any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques "Big" Food Companies: -The 10 largest food companies in the U.S. produce more than ____% of all domestic food sales - -correct ans- -50% (1. PepsiCo, 2. Tyson Foods, 3. Nestle) Pesticide Use on Crops: -one of the keys to crop yield increases during the ____ ________ (1930s-1960s)

-__________________ has jurisdiction over the use of pesticides in crop management and sets tolerances for trace amounts of pesticides that may be found in the food supply - -correct ans- -- Green Revolution -U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Food Movements: - -correct ans- --modern cultural reactions against what many see as an increasingly mechanized food industry Politics of Farming (Farmers' side): - -correct ans- --legal "right-to-farm) -interest in preserving their livelihood Politics of Farming (Neighbors' side): - -correct ans- --legal rights to clean air and water -interest in preserving quality of life "Right-to-Farm" Laws - -correct ans- --seek to protect qualifying farmers and ranchers from nuisance lawsuits filed by individuals who move into a rural area where narmal farming operations exist -laws are different for every state General "Right-to-Farm" Laws: -prohibit _____ _______ from passing stricter laws on agriculture than the _____ _______ -restrict nuisance suits if the plaintiff moved to the area of an ______ _____ agricultural operation -restrict nuisance suits if the farm operation engages in _______ ________ agricultural practices that do not violate any laws - -correct ans- --local governments; state laws -already established -generally accepted

Oklahoma: State Question 777 -designed to require courts to rule on any law regulating farming and agriculture by employing "____ _____" -require the courts to apply the same standards to lawsuits concerning agriculture an livestock as in cases concerning _____ _______ , _____ ________ , and ______ ________ - -correct ans- -- strict scrutiny -free speech, gun ownership, and religious freedom NAFTA: -an international trade agreement between the ______ , _____ , and ______. -highlighted by the elimination of _______ associated with imported and exported goods between the 3 countries -majority of the trading is between the U.S. and _______, and the U.S. and ______ - -correct ans- --United States, Canada, and Mexico -tariffs -Mexico; Canada NAFTA Pros for U.S.: -______________ for U.S. consumers, with __________ (ex: fresh fruits and veggies) -____________ for U.S. goods not available in trading partner countries - -correct ans- -- expanded variety of foods; stabilized year-round supplies -larger markets NAFTA Con for U.S.: -_______ associated with products that can be supplied more inexpensively by free trade partners -___________ - the amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports - -correct ans- --loss of business (jobs) -increased U.S. trade deficit

What is and embargo? - -correct ans- -the partial or complete prohibition of commerce and trade with a particular country or a group of countries What is a quota? - -correct ans- -a government set maximum volume of a product that can be imported into a country Tariff-Rate Quota (TRQ): - -correct ans- --combine two trade policy instruments traditionally used to restrict imports -brooms, ethyl alcohol, milk and cream, olives, mandarins, tuna, upland cotton How much money does the U.S. government spend on agriculture? - -correct ans- -5% of its $ trillion budget U.S. Farm Bills -primary agricultural and food ______ tool of the federal government -broad _________ (covers a number of diverse and/or unrelated topics) bills -reauthorized every 4-6 years -annual appropriations - -correct ans- --policy -omnibus Homestead Act 1862 - -correct ans- -encourage westward expansion of farming Morrill Act 1862 - -correct ans- -established system of land grant schools Smith-Lever Act 1914 - -correct ans- -system of agricultural extension, university partnerships

First Farm Bills: -New Deal (FDR) - -Price Stabilization "Ever-Normal Granary" - -land, water conservation -subsidized food, school lunch -farm credit, insurance -research and extension - -correct ans- --Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933 -focus on storable, non-perishable grains An _______ _________ is a governmental payment made to _________ and agribusinesses to manage the ______ of agricultural commodities, and influence the ______ and _______ of such commodities. These payments supplement farmer income. - -correct ans- --agricultural subsidy; farmers; supply; cost and supply "Get Big or Get Out" - -correct ans- -phase out supply management; work towards yield maximization Food Stamps Program -brought into Farm Bill in 1970s -allowed the use of _________ for feeding mothers and young children - -correct ans- -- commodities 1985, 1990 - Environmental Programs: -Conservation and ______ reserve programs -_________ compliance -info and research on ________ agriculture - -correct ans- --wetlands -conservation

-sustainable Freedom to Farm (1996): -aim to end ________ intervention in commodities -in economy, prices _____ -large increase in gov. _____ -dropped plan to end _________ - -correct ans- --government -dropped -payouts -subsidies Back to Small: -community food projects -fruit and veggie snack program -______ ______ promotion program -Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program -Value Added Producer Grants - -correct ans- --Farmers Market 2008 Farm Bill: -continued funding for innovative small local and regional healthy foods programs -still contained long-troublesome farm bill policy standard of ____ ____ -problems with appropriations caused congress to let it expire in 2012 - -correct ans- --farm subsidies What Negative affects do food subsidies have on world agriculture? -encourages _______ and export of food

-poor countries and ______ cannot compete -less money spent on innovation and _______ -benefits middle man more than farmer and ________ - -correct ans- --overproduction -farmers -research -consumer Positive affects of food subsidies on world agriculture: -food ______ - farmers -protects the ________ -need to feed a ________ world population -supports other business - -correct ans- --stability -environment -growing 2014 Farm Bill: -sets spending outline of _______ over 10 years -The possible end to direct payment farm subsidies??? -SNAP cuts - -correct ans- --$956 billion 2014 Farm Bill: -saves tax payers ______ (2%) -cut $15 billion from agricultural and conservation programs (___%) -cut $8 billion from ______ - -correct ans- --$23 billion -7%


Walmart is one of the biggest beneficiaries of ____ _____ - -correct ans- -food stamps U.S. government borrows about ______ per day - -correct ans- -~$1.7 billion What book, written by Paul Ehrlich in 1968, foretold billions of deaths from starvation and the collapse of civilization? - -correct ans- -The Population Bomb Green Revolution (1940-1960s): -development and spread of _____, plant varieties, and agricultural practices -often contributed to ____ ______, and American scientist (Mexico-disease resistant high yield wheat, Nobel Peace Prize) - -correct ans- --technology -Norman Borlaug Green Revolution: -focus on high _____, high ______ varieties that responded to fertilizers -increase use of _____ -population boom -success of the scientific advances resulted in increased emphasis and resources in combining ________ with cutting-edge ____ to feed the world - -correct ans- --yield; nutrient -irrigation -agriculture; science Antibiotics - -correct ans- -a medicing that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms

Hormone - -correct ans- --a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action OR -a synthetic substance with a similar effect Antibiotics in chicken feed: -Sub-therapeutic doses *increase ___ ___ and food efficiency (lower prices) -prevent or reduce incidence of ______ -antibiotics in the meat? (T/F) -Antibiotic resistant _______ - -correct ans- --growth rate -disease -False -bacteria Antibiotic Resistance: -natural ______ mechanism -resistant genes already present without ABs -ABs selected for resistant bacteria - -correct ans- --defense rBST - Bovine Somatotropin: -____ ______ produced naturally by the cow to stimulate milk production -approved by FDA to increase ____ production in dairy cows -produced in _____ and injected into cows -no biological activity in humans -Walmart only sells milk from non-BST treated cows - -correct ans- --protein hormone -milk

-bacteria selective ________ kill specific target plants wile leaving desired crop relatively unharmed - - correct ans- -herbicides _______ are substances meant for attracting, seducing, destroying, or mitigating any pest - - correct ans- -pesticides Fertilizers: -primary nutrients: nitrogen, ____, and potassium -secondary nutrients: _____, magnesium, and sulfur - -correct ans- --phosphorus -calcium a chemical or natural substance added to soil to increase its fertility - -correct ans- -fertilizer Nitrogen and phosphorus are ________ to life on earth - -correct ans- -essential eutrophication - -correct ans- -excess nutrients What did we use before synthetic fertilizer? -moved on to ____ land -____ _____ -human _____ (night soil) - -correct ans- --new -animal waste -human waste

Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) - -correct ans- -any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques Genetic Selection: -all plants and animals have been _____ _______ - -correct ans- --genetically selected Religion - -correct ans- -the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods Religious - -correct ans- -relating to or believing in a religion Religiously - -correct ans- -with consistent and conscientious regularity Food IN religious practices: -_____ or forbid the consumption of certain foods and drinks -restrict foods and drinks during their ____ periods of time -associate dietary and food ________ practices with rituals of the faith - -correct ans- --abstain -holy -preparation Why are food and religion so closely related? -food is essential for _____ -food is an _____ object that literally becomes part of us -food often associated with human _____ story -adequate food is a ___ to stable society - -correct ans- --life -intimate

-creation -key Food IN Religion: -archeological evidence shows that food played an important part of religious observance and ______ _____ for almost all religious faiths - -correct ans- --spiritual rituals Christianity is the world's _______ religion (~2.2 billion followers) -communion -blessing before meals - -correct ans- -largest Islam is the world's ____ largest religion (~1.6 billion) - -correct ans- -2nd Halal (Islam) -no pork, blood, alcohol -fast/feast during Ramadan -all food must be prayed over -only animals slaughtered invoking the name of Allah can be eaten - -correct ans- -denoting of relating to meat prepared as prescribed by Muslim law ~1 billion people consider themselves _________ - -correct ans- -non-religious _______ is the world's 3rd largest religion (~1 billion) -avoidance of killing any animal -no meat, fish, alcohol, eggs, milk -fasting/feasting at festivals