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AESC 2050 Final Exam – Comprehensive Study Guide and Practice Questions for Agricultural, Exams of Agricultural engineering

AESC 2050 Final Exam – Comprehensive Study Guide and Practice Questions for Agricultural Engineering and Safety

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CDC estimates about __________ Americans get sick from food borne diseases. - - correct ans- - in 6 The amount of money Americans spend on eating outside of home has increased about _____ since 1970. - -correct ans- -20% What is the number one pathogen to cause hospitalization and death? - -correct ans- - Salmonella U.S. ranked superior in food safety categories, while _____ and ______ were ranked poor. - - correct ans- - Germany and Italy Food Safety Modernization Act 2011 focuses on - -correct ans- -preventative controls on food supply, inspection of food facilities, ensuring recall of unsafe foods, overseeing safe imported food, creating partnerships with other government agencies FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) - -correct ans- - ensuring nation's supply of meat, poultry, and eggs are safe and correctly packaged FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) - -correct ans- - regulates things other than meat, poultry, and eggs, such as drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices. Protects people from unsafe or incorrectly labeled products CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - -correct ans- - investigates and prevents food borne illnesses. works with state and local health departments. Tester-Hagan Amendment to FSMA - -correct ans- - exempts small businesses from FSMA and regulates them at state and local levels, they must label products and their source

Changes in culture that lead to increase in food borne illnesses - -correct ans- --loss of ability to cook and clean =, increased pets/portion sizes/consumption of fresh fruits and veggies (local market)/bake sales, picnics, home-based daycare -no one is to blame for illnesses, although many come from inside the home What is the key to becoming alpha species? - -correct ans- - being non-selective omnivores What is the key nutrient in human development? - -correct ans- -fat Why are human's eyes on the front of their heads? - -correct ans- - it produces a larger binocular field of vision Right To Farm - -correct ans- --prohibits local gov't from passing stricter laws than laws of state gov't -restricts nuisance suits if plaintiff moved to area after farm was already there -restricts nuisance suits if farm isn't breaking any laws -restricts nuisance suits if farm is located in ag. zone -orders plaintiff to pay attorneys if they lose the case NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) - -correct ans- - agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and US in creating rule-based trade block in North America Current Trade Deficit - -correct ans- -$40.73 billion Population Bomb (1968) - -correct ans- - by Paul Ahrlich, Foretold billions of deaths from starvation and collapse of civilization Green Revolution (1940-1960) - -correct ans- - development and spread of technology, plant varieties, and ag practices Antibiotics - -correct ans- - medicine that inhibits growth of or destroys microorganisms Hormone - -correct ans- - substance produced in organism, transported in blood/sap to stimulate specific cells or tissue Therapeutic dose - -correct ans- - treatment in response to illness Sub-therapeutic dose - -correct ans- - preventative treatment that increases growth rate and feed efficiency and prevents or reduces incidents of diseases

Most cases of antibiotic resistant pathogens are a result of __________ medical treatment, not animals. - -correct ans- - human rBST (bovine somatotropin) - -correct ans- - protein hormone produced by milk cow to stimulate milk production, FDA approved Eutrophication - -correct ans- - caused by excess nutrients, is the pollution of lakes, rivers, or other bodies of water due to the runoff of soil nutrients. can cause death of plant/animal life in water due to lack of oxygen GMO use ______ from 1996-2012 - -correct ans- -increased ____ acre(s) of land feeds ____ person(s) - -correct ans- - 1, Farm Bill - -correct ans- - primary agricultural and food policy tool of the federal government Homestead Act 1862 - -correct ans- - encouraged westward expansion of farming (as did the transcontinental railroad) Morrill Act 1862 - -correct ans- - established system of land grant schools Smith Lever Act 1914 - -correct ans- - system of ag extension, university partnerships What affect does food subsidies have on world agriculture? - -correct ans- - Negative: encourages overproduction and export of food, poor countries and farmers can't compete, less money is being spent on innovation and research, benefits middle man more than farmer and consumer Positive: protects the environment, need to feed a growing world population, supports other business

SNAP - -correct ans- - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program US government borrows about _____ cents on every dollar it spends. - -correct ans- - 16 FNS Programs - -correct ans- - SNP: Special Nutrition Program WIC: Women, Infants, & Children SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) Special Nutrition Programs (SNP) - -correct ans- - focuses on children, USDA is working to raise nutrition standards Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) - -correct ans- - uses vouchers that state exactly what can be bought, serves infants up to age 5 and postpartum mothers, through health departments and includes nutrition counselling Approval is based on... - -correct ans- - household size, expenses, and income In July 2016, SNAP served ______ million Americans - -correct ans- -45. Characteristics of SNAP Participants - -correct ans- -44% children, 10% elderly, 10% disabled, and 43% were in a family with some income Work Requirement for SNAP participants age 16-59 - -correct ans- -registering for work, accepting any suitable employment offered, not voluntarily quitting a job or reducing hours, participating in an employment and training program if offered South's 1st cash crop - -correct ans- -tobacco

South's 2nd cash crop - -correct ans- - cotton What caused the end of King Cotton? - -correct ans- - Boll Weevil Speciesism - -correct ans- - the idea that it is justifiable to give preference to beings simply on the grounds that they are a member of the species homo sapiens Chickens ARE NOT fed __________ - -correct ans- - hormones Chickens ARE fed __________ - -correct ans- - anitbiotics The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) - -correct ans- -conducts animal care facility site visits, evaluates programs of animal care, review animal use proposals and ensures through staff development activities that people who work with lab animals are properly trained Extrinsic - -correct ans- - conformity, image, financial status, power Intrinsic - -correct ans- - all about yourself, self-acceptance, community, fitting in Ethos - -correct ans- -appeals to ethics, honest, credible, character Logos - -correct ans- - appeals to logic, the straight facts Pathos - -correct ans- - appeals to emotions, happy, sad, mad, emotional response Bandwagon - -correct ans- - everyone is doing it so you should too

Individuality - -correct ans- - want to be different, rebel, unique Bait and Switch - -correct ans- -lure you in with an offer and then make you buy something more expensive Celeb Spokesperson - -correct ans- - uses famous person to endorse product, consumers transfer respect and admiration for celeb to product Plain Folk - -correct ans- - shows ordinary people using product, consumers trust product because its good enough for ordinary folk Glittering Generalities - -correct ans- -emphasize values and beliefs, consumers accept info without supportive evidence Humor - -correct ans- -provides little info about product, makes audience remember ad because of positive feelings and laughter Loaded Language - -correct ans- - use words (positive and negative) to describe a product or competitor, words appeal to emotions rather than reason Name Calling - -correct ans- - attacks people or groups to discredit ideas Product Comparison - -correct ans- -compares product to inferior competition Propaganda - -correct ans- -used to promote a product of POV using biased or misleading info Implicative advertising - -correct ans- -implying that others engage in some activity through one's own denial

Calories consumed have gone up by ___________ daily from 1970 to 2010. - -correct ans- - We spend the most money on _________, then _________, then ____________. - -correct ans- - housing, transportation, food ________ is the top reason people buy locally. - -correct ans- -Freshness Food Fads by year - -correct ans- -20's: Jello and home fridge 30's: casserole 45: canned foods 50's: tv dinners 60's: fondue/communal meals 70's: crockpots and fondue parties Dust Bowl 1930's and 40's - -correct ans- -was a man made natural disaster that was caused by the increase in technology that allowed us to plow the land but lack of funds to plant it EPA - -correct ans- -protects human health by safeguarding the air we breathe, water we drink, and land we live on Clean Air Act 1970 - -correct ans- -set national air quality, auto emission, and anti-pollution standards Clean Water Act 1972 - -correct ans- -basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the US

One farmer used to only be able to feed 6-8 people; today they can feed ____ people. - -correct ans- - Food in Religious Practices - -correct ans- -abstain/forbidden from consuming certain foods and drinks, restrict foods and drinks during holy periods of time, associate dietary and food prep practices with rituals of the faith Pescatarian - -correct ans- -abstains from eating all meat, except for fish Flexitarian - -correct ans- -mostly a vegetarian diet, but eats meat occasionally Vegetarian - -correct ans- -does not eat beef, pork, poultry, gish, shellfish, or animal flesh of any kind Vegan - -correct ans- -doesn't eat meat or dairy products Raw Vegan - -correct ans- -raw uncooked vegetable diet Macrobiotic - -correct ans- -interest in eating asian veggies, sugar and refined oils avoided Proselytizing - -correct ans- -attempt to convert others from one religion or belief to another What states are the tri state water wars between? - -correct ans- -Alabama, Georgia, Florida Urban Ag - -correct ans- -the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around a place(city)

Low tech urban ag - -correct ans- -community gardens and farmers markets, taking advantage of existing urban areas for conversion to traditional ag methods- small scale farms Medium tech urban ag - -correct ans- -bringing new ag technologies into the urban environment- aquaponics and hydroponics High tech urban ag - -correct ans- -incorporating innovative ag tech into the planning phase of urban development- vertical farms Most shocking use of pigs from the TED talk was ______. The most beautiful being the production of ________. - -correct ans- -manufacturing bullets, artificial heart valves Did Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, say he was a 1st generation farmer (his parents don't farm) OR he is a multi-generational farmer (his is the latest in a long line of farmers)? - -correct ans- -multi generational Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said Pecans are harvested - -correct ans- -using automated equipment Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said Peaches are harvested - -correct ans- -using all manual labor Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said the biggest weather concern for growing Pecans is - - correct ans- -hurricane conditions Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said the biggest weather concern for growing Peaches is - - correct ans- -late frost Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said that Peaches and Pecans are good complementary crops in Georgia because - -correct ans- -they have an offset harvest, peaches in the spring/summer, and pecans in the late fall

Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said that the "game changer" in growing Pecans over the last 10 years is - -correct ans- -demand from China Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said that growing Peaches organically - -correct ans- -is not possible in Georgia's climate and many pests Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said the biggest challenge today in managing a business in seasonal specialty crops, like Peaches, is - -correct ans- -labor, finding a source of seasonal records Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said most of his seasonal labor today working in his Peach growing fields comes from - -correct ans- -a federal program with the U.S. Department of Labor (H2A) Urban Agriculture can involve ___________________. - -correct ans- -A. Animal husbandry B. Aquaculture C. Agroforestry D. Beekeeping E. All of the above An example of Low-Tech Urban Agriculture is - -correct ans- -Community gardens The "Rule Breaker" in Low-Tech Urban Agriculture is "Footprint", which means productive agriculture - -correct ans- -doesn't have to be BIG (it can happen in relatively small spaces) An example of Medium-Tech Urban Agriculture is: - -correct ans- -Aquaponics

The "Rule Breaker" in Medium-Tech Urban Agriculture is "Nutrient Delivery", which means productive agriculture: - -correct ans- -growing crops effectively doesn't always require soil An example of High-Tech Urban Agriculture is: - -correct ans- -Vertical high-rise farming Aquaponics takes the traditional hydroponics model and adds ___________ - -correct ans- -Fish The Tri-State Water Wars involves Georgia and which other 2 states - -correct ans- -Alabama, Florida One of the major advantages of starting a backyard flock of laying hens is the money you will save in not buying eggs from the grocery store - -correct ans- -false At the start of the Advertising lecture, Dr. Kiepper showed 4 short commercials by 2 poultry companies taking alternate views of _____________ by the poultry industry - -correct ans- - antibiotic use Which of the following is an EXTRINSIC value - -correct ans- -Financial success Which of the following is an INTRINSIC value - -correct ans- -Self-acceptance Ethos appeals to - -correct ans- -Credibility and character Logos appeals to - -correct ans- -reason Pathos appeals to - -correct ans- -emotion

In advertising, using the argument that a person should believe or do something because "everyone" is doing it is known as _______________. - -correct ans- -Bandwagon In advertising, using a non-existent inexpensive product to lure a person into buying a more expensive product is called - -correct ans- -Bait and Switch Chickens are NOT fed HORMONES - it's a myth. They grow big and fast because of advances in genetics and nutrition - -correct ans- -True Chickens are NOT fed ANTIBIOTICS - it's a myth. They grow big and fast because of advances in genetics and nutrition - -correct ans- -False Food companies using marketing that states NO HORMONES are using _____________ advertising - -correct ans- -Implicative, we don't - so they must Advertising, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view is called _________________ - -correct ans- -Propaganda What is unique about the diet of the Inuit people of Greenland? - -correct ans- -it's dominated by meat Approximately what percentage (%) of the land in the continental U.S. is devoted to farmland? - - correct ans- - In the U.S. today, it takes approximately ____ acre(s) to feed one person. - -correct ans- - Globally from 1998 - 2011, farmland acreage INCREASED in ____________________. - -correct ans- -Africa and South America

During the "Diversion" lecture, Lauren showed a New York Times article that said the U.S. is losing _____ acres of farmland per minute - -correct ans- - The majority of farmland lost in the U.S. in the last 50 years is in which region of the U.S.? - - correct ans- -East Coast (Maine through Florida) One of the primary advantages fossil fuels have over biofuels is: - -correct ans- -they are already in a more usable form The "Food vs. Fuel" debate in the U.S. is focused the use of ___________ to make ____________.

  • -correct ans- -Corn / Ethanol The U.S. Energy Policy Acts of 2005 and 2007 weighed in significantly in the "Food vs. Fuel" debate by - -correct ans- -Requiring the use of specific amount of renewable fuel by specific time frames During the "Diversion" lecture, we watch a video at the end that showed the impact of U.S. corn prices on ____________. - -correct ans- -Mexico We watched a VIDEO at the start of the "Food Fads" lecture about an isolated group of people in Afghanistan who live a ______________ lifestyle. - -correct ans- -Pastoral (based on domesticated animals) Foods "Fads" rely on which persuasive advertising technique? - -correct ans- -Bandwagon In the early 1900s, Dr. ____________ touted the evils of a meat (i.e., protein/fat) based diet being consumed by most Americans and wanted to replace it with a carbohydrate-based diet - - correct ans- -Kellogg

In the early 2000s, Dr. ____________ touted the evils of a carbohydrate-based diet being consumed by most Americans and wanted to replace it with a protein/fat based diet - -correct ans- -Atkins We watched an Anti-Humane Society of the U.S. Video focused on Lawyers that used which persuasive advertising technique? - -correct ans- -Humor Decade with food fad 1920s - -correct ans- -Jell-o Decade with food fad 1930s - -correct ans- -Casseroles Decade with food fad 1940s - -correct ans- -SPAM and Canned Soup Decade with food fad 1950s - -correct ans- -TV Dinners Decade with food fad 1960s - -correct ans- -Fondue A movie, television or radio program that provides a factual record or report is known as a ____________. - -correct ans- -Documentary "Food Inc." uses negative imagery to put commercial agriculture in a "bad light". - -correct ans- - True

"Food, Inc." blames ________________ with creating the negative impacts of the fast food culture in the United States - -correct ans- -McDonald's "Food, Inc." advocates that ________________ colludes to purposely keep information about food from consumers - -correct ans- -big Agriculture and Food Companies We are more removed today from the production of our food than ever before. - -correct ans- - True "Food, Inc." touts that the meat aisle in modern grocery stores contains NO ____________. - - correct ans- -Bones "Food, Inc." features Polyface Farms, whose owner condemns modern agriculture, but still uses:

  • -correct ans- -all of the above "Food, Inc." devotes a major section of the film to Monsanto and their domination over the use of seed from: - -correct ans- -Soybean The name "FOOD STAMPS" has been replaced with the name - -correct ans- -SNAP This USDA food assistance program includes the use of vouchers that say exactly what food can be obtained from grocery stores - -correct ans- -WIC Which of the following is NOT a primary item in SNAP eligibility? - -correct ans- -location of residence Individual U.S. states play an important role in implementing the federal SNAP program as they oversee the rules and implementation of the program at the state level. - -correct ans- -True

People on SNAP receive on average ~ ___________ per month to purchase food. - -correct ans- - $ Where does the SNAP (along with other Nutrition Programs) rank in the USDA annual budget? - - correct ans- -1st Out of the ~320 million people in the U.S., ~________ participate in SNAP. - -correct ans- - million Anyone (especially children) living in the U.S., even if they are not a citizen, are eligible to receive SNAP benefits. - -correct ans- -False The CDC estimates that 1 in ____ Americans will get sick each year due to foodborne illness. - - correct ans- - What is the #1 pathogen in the U.S. that causes illnesses and hospitalizations? - -correct ans- - Salmonella Which fast food restaurant chain had a large Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak in 1993 that propelled food safety to the forefront of the public agenda? - -correct ans- -Jack-in-the-box What change(s) in U.S. culture has/have led to increases in food-related illnesses contracted in the home? - -correct ans- -A. loss of cooking skills B. loss of cleaning skills C. increased number of pets D. storage problems with large portion sizes E. all of the above

Which of the following has the largest risk of being exposed to foodborne illness? - -correct ans- -eating food cooked at home The ___________________ is a public health agency (part of the USDA) responsible for ensuring the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and eggs is safe, wholesome, correctly labeled and packaged. - -correct ans- -Food Safety and Inspection Service The ___________________ is charged with protecting consumers against impure, unsafe and fraudulently labeled products. It regulates foods other than meat, poultry and eggs. - -correct ans- -Food and Drug Administration The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies which group that accounts for almost 1/3 of the world's deaths due to foodborne illness? - -correct ans- -children under the age of 5 Culture is made up of: - -correct ans- -A. Rituals and language B, Customs and beliefs C. Clothing and food D. Thoughts and values E. All of the above Agriculture only concerns the production of food. - -correct ans- -False The human population of the earth recently passed the _____________ mark. - -correct ans- - billion Which of the following chemicals has American culture established as legal for recreational use - while the others listed here are declared illegal - -correct ans- -Ethyl Alcohol The TOP 3 "nonperishable storable" cereal grains produced globally are: - -correct ans- -Corn, Rice, Wheat

Which continent has a high population density, but low cereal grain production? - -correct ans- - Africa The video "The Science of Overpopulation" states that in the U.S., we use more water irrigating __________ than any other crop: - -correct ans- -Lawn Grass The biggest difference between the Upper 20% and Lower 20% of U.S. income earners in terms of average annual expenditures, is that the Upper 20% are able to spend significantly more of their income on: - -correct ans- -Personal insurance and pensions The Battle of Cajamarca in 1532 pitted Spanish Conquistadors against the ____________. - - correct ans- -Incas The separation between "Prehistory" and "History" occurred about ___________ years ago, with the _________________. - -correct ans- -5,000 / invention of writing About ___________ years ago, Humans began ____________ which scientists believe was the first conscious cultural act. - -correct ans- -2 million / tool making Instead of just using Biological Evolution to adjust to their environment, early human also developed through _____________________, using intellectual and social skills. - -correct ans- - Cultural Adaptation Most scientists believe that agriculture started in what is known as the "Fertile Crescent", which is located in (the) modern... - -correct ans- -Middle East Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of early emerging hominids - -correct ans- -Male dominated small families

Early hominid males most often took on the dangerous tasks of hunting and defense because... - -correct ans- -they were more expendable than the females Homo Sapiens Sapiens can be translated to: - -correct ans- -"Wise Humans" Advantages of the emerging Farming Lifestyle over the Nomadic Lifestyle DID NOT include: - - correct ans- -less work Agriculture allowed humans to produce __________ , which led to the creation of ____________, both of which were not known to human culture prior to agriculture. - -correct ans- -surplus food / labor specialization The stage in human development in which a concentrated group of individuals develop sustained advanced social, organizational and culture interactions is known as: - -correct ans- - Civilization The video "Crash Course: The Agricultural Revolution" states that early humans tended to concentrate and settle on coasts because: - -correct ans- -marine life provided an abundant food source Which of the following has stayed relatively stable over the last 100 years in U.S. agriculture: - - correct ans- -Total number of acres farmed The Land-Grant College Act of 1862 is also known as the: - -correct ans- -Morrill Act The 2 Land-Grant Universities in Georgia are UGA and: - -correct ans- -Fort Valley State University An ACRE is roughly the size of a: - -correct ans- -(American) Football Field

One (1) HECTARE is roughly equal to _____ acres. - -correct ans- -2. For U.S. Government tax purposes: A farm is any establishment which produced and sold, or normally would have produced and sold, ________ or more of agricultural products during the year. - -correct ans- -$1, The biggest difference between the United Nations' and U.S. Department of Agriculture's definition of a "family farm" is: - -correct ans- -Labor (whether the family provides most of the farm labor or not) Based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's definition of a "family farm", approximately what percentage (%) of U.S. farms are "family farms"? - -correct ans- - The average size farm in the U.S. is about _________ acres. - -correct ans- - Most of the small farms in the U.S. are in the: - -correct ans- -East The first "We Are What We Eat" National Geographic Live! video we watched in class focused on the traditional hunting and gathering diet of native people in what country? - -correct ans- - Tanzania Agricultural land suitable for growing crops is known as: - -correct ans- -Arable Agricultural land suitable for rearing animals is known as - -correct ans- -Pastoral The majority of commercial agriculture is conducted in which global climate zone - -correct ans- - Temperate

The majority of subsistence agriculture is conducted in which global climate zone: - -correct ans- -Tropical What is the best meaning of the term "extensive subsistence" farming? - -correct ans- -when a subsistence farmer works relatively large, but low productive farm lands What is the best meaning of the term "intensive subsistence" farming? - -correct ans- -when a subsistence farmer concentrates his efforts on small plots of farm land Although relatively large, chicken production in modern India is unusual in that: - -correct ans- -it is still ~90% a "live" market (consumers buy most of their chicken live) India losses approximately 40% of their fresh fruit and vegetable crops to rot. Which of the following if NOT given as a reason for this - -correct ans- -affluence The title of the Reading assignment associated with the Role of International Farmers lecture is "The Story of South African Farming is a _________ Story". - -correct ans- -Women's One of the take home messages from the Role of International Farmers lecture is: - -correct ans- -70 - 80% of food in the developing world is produced by subsistence farmers The economy and culture of the American Colonies was centered on what agricultural crop? - - correct ans- -tobacco What agricultural crop became "King" in America around 1800? - -correct ans- -cotton Unwittingly, ________________ re-invigorated ________________ in the south following his invention around 1800: - -correct ans- -Eli Whitney / slavery

Working TOBACCO is early America was back breaking work, thus even small farmers often utilized slaves - -correct ans- -true This Georgia city became an international trade center of activity with the emergence of COTTON as the major cash crop in the south: - -correct ans- -Savannah What had the most devastating effect on King COTTON in Georgia, causing its decline? - -correct ans- -Boll Weevil This Georgia city became the "Poultry Capital of the World" following the development of the Vertical Integration production/processing system there: - -correct ans- -Gainesville What Georgia Agricultural commodity can only be produced in an established 20-country area and farmers must be licensed with the State of Georgia to package and sell? - -correct ans- - Vidalia Onions In the "We Are What We Eat" Video at the start of the Domestication lecture, we saw an ocean/seafood based culture in the country of: - -correct ans- -Borneo What is the SWAG as to why Red Jungle Fowl (wild chickens) were first domesticated in Southeast Asia? - -correct ans- -Cockfighting Domestication is the same thing as Taming. - -correct ans- -False Approximately what % of the global population is lactose-intolerant (their lactase gene has been turned off in adulthood)? - -correct ans- -65 The Mayan culture in Central America believed that the gods mixed their blood with ___________ to create humankind - -correct ans- -Corn flour

About half (50%) of the average American diet of vegetables is made up of: - -correct ans- - Potatoes and tomatoes Domestication of animals has led to biological and cultural changes in humans. - -correct ans- - True Which of the following in NOT a preferred trait of domesticated farm animals. - -correct ans- - High activity level God gives man dominion over the animals of the earth in which Book of the Christian Bible: - - correct ans- -Genesis Hinduism and Buddhism share the religious view of animals that: - -correct ans- -human ancestors return as animals, so animals must be treated with equal respect The term "Speciesism" is associated with the concept of: - -correct ans- -giving preference to species closest to you In the video: "How pigs parts make the world turn", Christien Meindersma says the STRANGEST product she found that included pig was _____________ , and the most BEAUTIFUL was _____________. - -correct ans- -ammunition / a heart valve In 2008, the state of _______________ put Proposition 2 on the state's voting ballot, which established minimum housing area requirements for selected farm animals. - -correct ans- - California What animal is at the heart of the debate in animal product testing of cosmetics since their eyes have no tear ducts, making them a popular choice for testing? - -correct ans- -rabbits

The CDC in Atlanta has published warnings to pet owners of chickens to NOT hug and kiss their birds due to pathogens (bacteria that can make humans sick). - -correct ans- -true When did the dust bowl occur in the US? - -correct ans- -1930-1940 The NATURAL disaster that was a major factor in causing the DUST BOWL was: - -correct ans- - Drought What book did Dr. Kiepper mention in class that tells the plight of one family facing the hardships of the DUST BOWL? - -correct ans- -Grapes of Wrath In 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio: - -correct ans- -Caught on fire What book credited with starting the widespread movement of Environmental Awareness in the U.S. in the 1960s? - -correct ans- -Silent Spring The 1st major piece of U.S. federal environmental legislation passed in 1970 was the - -correct ans- -Clean Air Act Agriculture gets much of the blame for nutrient runoff into surface waters, but _______________ is / are a major contributing factor also. - -correct ans- -homeowners spreading fertilizer At the next party you attend, you are going to get everyone to do what dance that you learned in this class? - -correct ans- -The Mash Potato what diet did humans follow to make them alpha species? - -correct ans- -non-selective omnivores

access to what macronutrient allowed humans to become alpha species? - -correct ans- -fat what field of vision do humans have and why? - -correct ans- -large binocular field, because we are predators what does the "board" in "room and board" represent - -correct ans- -a wooden board which came with rooms, for you to eat off of. There were no plates, simply ate off a damn board Politics definition - -correct ans- -the activities associate with the governance of a country or other area especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. what do food politics involve - -correct ans- -production, regulation, inspection, distribution, and consumption of food what are food politics affected by - -correct ans- -ethical, cultural, medical, and environmental disputes concerning, farming, agriculture and retailing methods what factors of food production do food politics affect? - -correct ans- -cost of production prices consumer pays availability of food products safety of food supply what crops are at the heart of food politics - -correct ans- -non-perishable storable commodity crops (corn, rice, wheat) what percent of all domestic food sales are to the 10 largest food companies - -correct ans- - more than 50%