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This comprehensive overview covers a wide range of topics related to military leave and pass policies, including the correct answers to various questions on leave and pass procedures, governing regulations, forms used, leave accrual, and special leave considerations. It could be highly valuable for military personnel preparing for the AG BOLC Pass/Leave Test 1 exam.
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When correcting chargeable leave, how long are organizational copies maintained? - Correct Answer-6 months When correcting chargeable leave, what entry would you put in Block 17? - Correct Answer-Corrected leave Charged Who is responsible for establishing a leave and pass program in a unit? - Correct Answer-Commanders What regulation governs the leave and passes program? - Correct Answer-AR 600-8- DA Form 647 - Correct Answer-This form will be used to sign Soldiers in and out of leave, passes, PCS, or TDY. What document can assist commanders and S1s in monitoring the amount of leave a Soldier has accrued? - Correct Answer-UCFR (Unit Commander's Finance Report) Can a DA Form 31 be handwritten with the exception of Block 27? - Correct Answer- Yes Which of following forms will be utilized when automated leave control logs are not available? - Correct Answer-DA Form 4179 When correcting chargeable leave how long are organizational copies maintained? - Correct Answer-6 months When correcting chargeable leave, what entry do you put in block 17? - Correct Answer-Corrected Leave Charged Two categories of leave - Correct Answer-Chargeable and non-chargeable leave Chargeable leave - Correct Answer-Ordinary leave Advance Leave Emergency Leave Environmental Morale Leave Leave awaiting Orders Leave together w/COT Reeinlistment Leave transition leave rest and recuperation leave
leave encompass w/holiday pregnancy home leave AWOL Leave in conj w/PCS or TDY Nonchargeable Leave - Correct Answer-Convalescent Leave sick-in-quarters sick-in hospital excel leave graduation leave (USMA) Holiday Leave Leave awaiting orders Passes PTDY Proceed Time POV travel Paternity Leave Who among the following is an immediate family member? - Correct Answer-a. Aunt b. Stepbrother c. Stepmother d. none e. Both b and c E!!! How many days of leave does a soldier accrue per month? - Correct Answer-2.5 days Except when authorized special leave accrual, what is the maximum amount of leave that a Soldier is authorized to have as of the end of each fiscal year? - Correct Answer- 60 days Which block of the leave form will be filled out if a Soldier is granted an extension of his leave? - Correct Answer- What do Battalion S1s receive that they can compare to the DA Form 4179 for discrepancies in reconciling chargeable leave? - Correct Answer-JUMPS Automated Coding System Report 7 When it comes to reconciling official travel, who is responsible for computing leave charges? - Correct Answer-Finance Which of the following is true in regards to leave? - Correct Answer-a. Soldiers who fail to comply with the leave and pass policies are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (ONLY)
b. Soldiers will be physically present in the local area (on post, duty station, or commutes to duty location) at the ending of leave (ONLY) c. Soldiers will be physically present in the local area (on post, duty station, or commutes to duty location) at the beginning of leave (ONLY) d. All of the above D!!!! All of the above When does leave control numbers start over with the number 0001? - Correct Answer- At the beginning of the fiscal year What is the name given to this type of leave when a specified period is set aside that all Soldiers may take leave? - Correct Answer-Block leave Which of the following is a non-chargeable absence for Soldiers from an all-others overseas tour? - Correct Answer-Proceed time Who is the approving authority for a special pass? - Correct Answer-Unit Commander Which of the following conditions may qualify for special leave accrual? - Correct Answer-a. Deployed for a lengthy period, normally sixty days or more (ONLY) b. Deployed to meet a contingency operation of the United States (ONLY) c. Prevented from using leave through the end of the fiscal year because of a deployment (ONLY) d. Deployed to enforce national policy or an international agreement based on a national emergency or in the need to defend national security (ONLY) e. All of the above E!!!ALL THE ABOVE