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Download AHA PALS EXAM 2024 ACTUAL EXAM TEST BANK QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWER A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! AHA PALS EXAM 2024 ACTUAL EXAM TEST BANK QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS(VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+|| NEWEST VERSION 1. RA R5-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Rlethargy, Rincreased Rwork Rof Rbreathing, Rand Rpale Rcolor. RThe Rprimary Rassessment Rreveals Rthat Rthe Rairway Ris Ropen Rand Rthe Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R30/min, Rwith Rcrackles Rheard Ron Rauscultation. RThe Rcardiac Rmonitor Rshows Rsinus Rtachycardia Rat Ra Rrate Rof R165/min. RThe Rpulse Roximeter Rdisplays Ran Roxygen Rsaturation Rof R95% Rand Ra Rpulse Rrate Rof R93/min. ROn Rthe Rbasis Rof Rthis Rinformation, Rwhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Rprovides Rthe Rbest Rinterpretation Rof Rthe Roxygen Rsaturation Rof R95% Rby Rpulse Roximetry? R A. R eliable; Rno Rsupplementary Roxygen Ris Rindicated R B. R eliable; Rsupplementary Roxygen Rshould Rbe Radministered R C. RUnreliable; Rno Rsupplementary Roxygen Ris Rindicated R D. RUnreliable; Rsupplementary Roxygen Rshould Rbe Radministered R R R R R 2. RA R3-year-old Rchild Rwas Rrecently Rdiagnosed Rwith Rleukemia Rand Rhas Rbeen Rtreated Rwith Rchemotherapy. RThe Rchild Rpresents Rwith Rlethargy Rand Ra Rhigh Rfever. RHeart Rrate Ris R195/min, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R36/min, Rblood Rpressure Ris R85/40 Rmm RHg, Rand Rcapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris Rless Rthan R2 Rseconds. RWhat Ris Rthe Rchild's Rmost Rlikely Rcondition? R A. RSeptic Rshock R B. RHypovolemic Rshock R C. RSignificant Rbradycardia R D. RCardiogenic Rshock R R R R R R 3. RA R2-week-old Rinfant Rpresents Rwith Rirritability Rand Ra Rhistory Rof Rpoor Rfeeding. RBlood Rpressure Ris R55/40 Rmm RHg. RWhat Rterm Rdescribes Rthis Rinfant's Rblood Rpressure? R A. RHypotensive R B. RNormal R C. RHypertensive R D. RCompensated R R R R R R C. R espiratory Rfailure R D. RDisordered Rcontrol Rof Rbreathing R R R R R R 10. RThe Rparents Rof Ra R7-year-old Rchild Rwho Ris Rundergoing Rchemotherapy Rreport Rthat Rthe Rchild Rhas Rbeen Rfebrile Rand Rhas Rnot Rbeen Rfeeling Rwell, Rwith Rrecent Ronset Rof Rlethargy. RAssessment Rreveals Rthe Rfollowing: RThe Rchild Ris Rdifficult Rto Rarouse, Rwith Rpale Rcolor. RThe Rchild's Rheart Rrate Ris R160/min, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R30/min, Rblood Rpressure Ris R76/45 Rmm RHg, Rcapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R5 Rto R6 Rseconds, Rand Rtemperature Ris R103°F R(39.4°C). RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rintervention? R A. RObtain Rvascular Raccess Rand Radminister R20 RmL/kg Rof Risotonic Rcrystalloid Rover R30 Rminutes R B. RObtain Rvascular Raccess Rand Radminister R20 RmL/kg Rof Risotonic Rcrystalloid Rover R5 Rto R10 Rminutes R C. RObtain Rimmediate Rblood Rcultures Rand Rchest Rx-ray D. RObtain Rexpert Rconsultation Rwith Ran Roncologist Rto Rdetermine Rthe Rchemotherapeutic Rregimen R R R R R RANS: R RObtain Rvascular Raccess Rand Radminister R20 RmL/kg Rof Risotonic Rcrystalloid Rover R5 Rto R10 Rminutes 11. RA R2-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Ra R4-day Rhistory Rof Rvomiting. RThe Rinitial Rimpression Rreveals Ran Runresponsive Rchild Rwith Rintermittent Rapnea Rand Rmottled Rcolor. RHeart Rrate Ris R166/min, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris Rnow Rbeing Rsupported Rwith Rbag-mask Rventilation, Rcapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R5 Rto R6 Rseconds, Rand Rtemperature Ris R102°F R(38.9°C). RWhat Ris Rthe Rbest Rmethod Rof Restablishing Rimmediate Rvascular Raccess? RA. RTwo Rproviders Rmay Rattempt Rperipheral Rvascular Raccess Rtwice Reach R B. RThree Rproviders Rmay Rattempt Rperipheral Rvascular Raccess Ronce Reach R C. RPlace Ra Rcentral Rvenous Rline R D. RPlace Ran Rintraosseous Rline R R R R R RANS: R RPlace Ran Rintraosseous Rline 12. RWhat Ris Rthe Rappropriate Rfluid Rbolus Rto Radminister Rfor Ra Rchild Rwith Rhypovolemic Rshock Rwith Radequate Rmyocardial Rfunction? R A. R10 RmL/kg Rnormal Rsaline R B. R20 RmL/kg Rof R5% Rdextrose Rand R0.2% Rsodium Rchloride R C. R20 RmL/kg Rnormal Rsaline R D. R10 RmL/kg Rlactated R inger's R R R R R RANS: R R20 RmL/kg Rnormal Rsaline 13. RAn Ralert Rtoddler Rpresents Rwith Ra Rbarking Rcough, Rmoderate Rstridor, Rand Rmoderate Rretractions. RThe Rchild's Rcolor Ris Rpink. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rintervention? R A. RObtain Ra Rchest Rradiograph B. RAdminister Rnebulized Repinephrine R C. RPrepare Rfor Ra Rsurgical Rairway R D. RUse Ran Repinephrine Rautoinjector R R R R R RANS: R RAdminister Rnebulized Repinephrine 14. RAn R8-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Ra Rhistory Rof Rvomiting Rand Rdiarrhea. RThe Rchild Rhas Rthe Rfollowing Rvital Rsigns: Rheart Rrate R168/min, Rrespiratory Rrate R15/min, Rblood Rpressure R9060 Rmm RHg, Rand Rtemperature R98.6°F R(37°C). RThe Rchild's Rcapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R4 Rseconds. RAfter R2 RIV Rboluses Rof Rnormal Rsaline R(20 RmL/kg Reach), Rthe Rchild's Rvital Rsigns Rare Rnow Ras Rfollows: Rheart Rrate R130/min, Rrespiratory Rrate R16/min, Rblood Rpressure R94/62 Rmm RHg, Rcapillary Rrefill R2 Rseconds, Rand Rtemperature R98.6°F R(37°C). RThe Rchild's Rurine Routput Ris R1 Rto R2 RmL/kg Rin Rthe Rpast Rhour. RThe Rchild Ris Rstill Rlethargic. RWhat Rdiagnostic Rtests Ror Rinformation Rshould Rbe Robtained Rfirst? R A. RArterial Rblood Rgas R B. RSerum Rpotassium Rconcentration R C. RGlucose R D. RA R12-lead RECG R R R R R RANS: R RGlucose 19. RA R3-month-old Rinfant Rwith Rbronchiolitis Ris Rsuctioned Rto Rremove Rupper Rairway Rsecretions. RThe Rinfant's Rheart Rrate Rdecreases Rfrom R155/min Rto R65/min Ras Rshown Rbelow. RThe Rinfant Rremains Ralert, Rwith Reasily Rpalpable Rpulses. RCapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R1 Rsecond. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rintervention? R A. RAdminister Roxygen Rand Rensure Radequate Rventilation; Rbe Rprepared Rto Rintervene Rfurther Rif Rheart Rrate Rdoes Rnot Rincrease R B. REstablish RIV/IO Raccess Rand Radminister Repinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg RIV R C. REstablish RIV/IO Raccess Rand Radminister Ratropine R0.02 Rmg/kg RIV R D. RCall Rfor Rhelp Rand Rprepare Rto Rprovide Rtransthoracic Rpacing/transvenous Rpacing R R R R R RANS: R RAdminister Roxygen Rand Rensure Radequate Rventilation; Rbe Rprepared Rto Rintervene Rfurther Rif Rheart Rrate 20. RA R3-month-old Rinfant Rwith Rbronchiolitis Ris Rintubated Rfor Rmanagement Rof Rrespiratory Rfailure. RDuring Rtransport, Rthe Rinfant Rdevelops Rbradycardia Rwith Ra Rheart Rrate Rof R60/min, Rand Rthe Rinfant's Roxygen Rsaturation Rdecreases Rto R75%. RThere Rare Rbreath Rsounds Ron Rthe Rright Rside, Rbut Rno Rair Rentry Ris Rheard Ron Rthe Rleft Rside. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rintervention? R A. RAdminister Repinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg RIV R B. RPlace Ra Rchest Rtube Ron Rthe Rleft R C. RVerify Rthe Rendotracheal Rtube Rposition R D. RAggressively Rsuction Rthe Rendotracheal Rtube R R R R R RANS: R RVerify Rthe Rendotracheal Rtube Rposition 21. RFor Ra R6-month-old Rinfant Rwith Rsupraventricular Rtachycardia Rand Radequate Rperfusion, Rwhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Ris Rthe Rpreferred Rvagal Rmaneuver? R A. ROcular Rpressure R B. RCarotid Rpressure R C. RValsalva Rmaneuver R D. RIce Rto Rthe Rface R R R R R RANS: R RIce Rto Rthe Rface 22. RA Rchild Rpresents Rwith Rsevere Rrespiratory Rdistress, Rurticaria, Rstridor, Rand Rtachycardia Rabout R10 Rminutes Rafter Reating Rpeanuts. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rmedication Rfor Rthis Rchild? R A. RNebulized Ralbuterol R B. REpinephrine RIM R C. RIsotonic Rcrystalloid RIV R D. RMethylprednisolone R R R R R RANS: R REpinephrine RIM 23. RA R2-year-old Rchild Rwas Rfound Rsubmerged Rin Ra Rswimming Rpool. RShe Ris Runresponsive, Rnot Rbreathing, Rand Rpulseless. RIn Raddition Rto Rperforming Rhigh-quality RCPR Rand Restablishing Rvascular Raccess, Rwhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rintervention? R A. RGive Ratropine R0.02 Rmg/kg RlIO/IV R B. RApply Rcricoid Rpressure R C. RGive Repinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg RIO/IV R D. RProvide Rtransthoracic Rpacing R R R R R RANS: R RGive Repinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg RIO/IV 24. RA R3-year-old Rchild Ris Runresponsive, Rnot Rbreathing, Rand Rpulseless. RHigh-quality RCPR Ris Rin Rprogress. RA Rcardiac Rmonitor Ris Rapplied, Rand Rthe Rrhythm Rbelow Ris Rnoted. RWhat Ris Rthe Rnext Rappropriate Rintervention? R A. RAttempt Rdefibrillation Rwith Ra R2 RJ/kg Rshock R B. RAdminister Repinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg R C. RConsider Rplacement Rof Ran Radvanced Rairway R D. RAdminister Ramiodarone R5 Rmg/kg R R R R R RANS: R RAttempt Rdefibrillation Rwith Ra R2 RJ/kg Rshock 25. RA Rpulseless R6-week-old Rinfant Rarrives Rin Rthe Remergency Rdepartment, Rand Rhigh-quality RCPR Ris Rin Rprogress. RThe Rinitial Rrhythm Rstrip Ris Rshown Rbelow. RCPR Rhealthcare Rproviders Rare Rpresent Rto Rperform RCPR? R R R R R RANS: R R15:2 32. RA R5-year-old Rchild Rhas Rhad Rsevere Rrespiratory Rdistress Rfor R2 Rdays. RDuring Rassessment Rthe Rchild's Rheart Rrate Rdecreases Rfrom R140/min Rto R90/min, Rand Rthe Rchild's Rrespiratory Rrate Rdecreases Rfrom R66/min Rto R8/min. RWhat Rintervention Ris Rmost Rappropriate? R A. RProvide Rrescue Rbreaths Rat Ra Rrate Rof R12 Rto R20/min RB. RProvide Rrescue Rbreaths Rat Ra Rrate Rof R6 Rto R10/min R C. RInitiate Rchest Rcompressions Rat Ra Rrate Rof Rat Rleast R100/min R D. RInitiate Rchest Rcompressions Rat Ra Rrate Rof R60/min R R R R R RANS: R RProvide Rrescue Rbreaths Rat Ra Rrate Rof R12 Rto R20/min 33. RA R7-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Ra Rnarrow-complex Rsupraventricular Rtachycardia, Rlethargy, Rand Rpoor Rperfusion. RPulses Rare Rweak Rand Rthready. RVascular Raccess Rcannot Rbe Restablished. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rintervention? R A. RUnsynchronized Rshock Rwith R0.5 Rto R1 RJ/kg R B. RSynchronized Rshock Rwith R0.5 Rto R1 RJ/kg R C. RUnsynchronized Rshock Rwith R2 RJ/kg R D. RSynchronized Rshock Rwith R2 RJ/kg R R R R R RANS: R RSynchronized Rshock Rwith R0.5 Rto R1 RJ/kg 1. RA R13-year-old Rpatient Rwith Rasthma Rjust Rreceived Roxygen Rand Ralbuterol Rvia Ra Rnebulizer. RWhat Ris Rthe Rnext Rmost Rappropriate Rintervention? R A. RAdminister R0.1 Rmg/kg Rof Radenosine R B. RObtain Ra Rblood Rsample Rto Revaluate Rarterial Ror Rvenous Rblood Rgases R C. R eassess Rbreath Rsounds Rand Rclinical Rstatus R D. R epeat Rthe Ralbuterol Rtreatment R R R R R RANS: R R eassess Rbreath Rsounds Rand Rclinical Rstatus 2. RThe Rrespiratory Rrate Rof Ra R1-year-old Rchild Rwith Rrespiratory Rdistress Rhas Rdecreased Rfrom R65/min Rto R30/min. RThe Rchild Ris Rmore Rlethargic Rand Rcontinues Rto Rhave Rsubcostal Rretractions. RWhat Rdoes Rthis Rchange Rlikely Rindicate? R A. R espiratory Rdistress Ris Runchanged R B. RProgression Rtoward Rrespiratory Rfailure R C. RImproved Rrespiratory Rstatus R D. RNeurologic Rimpairment R R R R R RANS: R RProgression Rtoward Rrespiratory Rfailure 3. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rlikely Rcause Rof Rhead Rbobbing Rin Rinfants? R A. RIncreased Rrespiratory Reffort R B. RImproving Rrespiratory Rstatus R C. RDecompensated Rshock R D. RBrain Rinjury R R R R R RANS: R RIncreased Rrespiratory Reffort 4. RSeveral Rhealthcare Rproviders Rare Rparticipating Rin Ran Rattempted Rresuscitation. RWhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Ris Rmost Rconsistent Rwith Rthe Rresponsibilities Rof Rthe Rteam Rleader Rof Rthe Rresuscitation? R A. R ecords Rmedications Rand Rinterventions R B. RAssigns Rroles Rto Rteam Rmembers R C. RAdministers Rdefibrillation Rshocks D. RProvides Rcompressions R R R R R RANS: R RAssigns Rroles Rto Rteam Rmembers 5. RWhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Rconditions Ris Rappropriate Rfor Ruse Rof Ran Roropharyngeal Rairway? R A. RConscious Rwith Rno Rgag Rreflex R B. RUnconscious Rwith Ra Rgag Rreflex R C. RUnconscious Rwith Rno Rgag Rreflex R D. RConscious Rwith Ra Rgag Rreflex R R R R R RANS: R RUnconscious Rwith Rno Rgag Rreflex D. RAdminister Rinhaled Ralbuterol R R R R R RANS: R RAdminister Rnebulized Repinephrine 11. RWhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Roxygen Rsaturations Rindicates Rthe Rneed Rfor Radditional Rintervention? R A. R96% Ron Rroom Rair R B. R95% Ron Rroom Rair C. R93% Ron R4 RL Rof Roxygen R D. R97% Ron R50% Roxygen R R R R R RANS: R R93% Ron R4 RL Rof Roxygen 12. RA R3-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Ra R2-day Rhistory Rof Rnausea Rand Rvomiting. RShe Ris Ralert, Rwith Rno Rincrease Rin Rrespiratory Reffort, Rand Ris Rpale Rin Rcolor. RThe Rchild's Rheart Rrate Ris R160/min, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R40/min, Rand Rblood Rpressure Ris R100/70 Rmm RHg. RHer Rextremities Rare Rcool, Rwith Rsluggish Rcapillary Rrefill. RWhich Rterm Rbest Rdescribes Rthis Rchild's Rphysiologic Rstate? R A. RCompensated Rshock R B. RCardiogenic Rshock R C. RHypotensive Rshock R D. RObstructive Rshock R R R R R RANS: R RCompensated Rshock 13. RA R3-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Rdehydration Rafter Ra R2-day Rhistory Rof Rvomiting Rand Rdiarrhea. RThe Rchild Rafter Rhas Rreceived R2 Rfluid Rboluses Rof R20 RmL/ Rkg Rof Rnormal Rsaline. RAfter Rthe Rsecond Rbolus, Rthe Rchild Ris Ralert Rand Rinteracting. RHer Rheart Rrate Ris R110/ Rmin, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R30/min, Rand Rblood Rpressure Ris R92/64 Rmm RHg. RHer Rcapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R2 Rseconds, Rand Roxygen Rsaturation Ris R98%. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rnext Rintervention Rfor Rthis Rchild? R A. RAdminister Ranother R20 RmL/kg Rnormal Rsaline Rfluid Rbolus R B. RAdminister R10 RmL/kg Rof Rpacked Rred Rcells R C. RContinue Rto Rmonitor Rand Rreevaluate Rthe Rchild R D. RInitiate Ra Rdopamine Rdrip Rof R20 Rmcg/kg Rper Rminute R R R R R RANS: R RContinue Rto Rmonitor Rand Rreevaluate Rthe Rchild 14. RA R3-year-old Rchild Rpresents Rwith Ra Rhigh Rfever Rand Ra Rpetechial Rrash. RThe Rchild Ris Rlethargic, Rhas Rno Rsigns Rof Rincreased Rwork Rof Rbreathing, Rand Ris Rpale Rin Rcolor. RHis Rheart Rrate Ris R180/min, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R30/min, Rblood Rpressure Ris R80/68 Rmm RHg. RCapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R4 Rseconds, Rand Roxygen Rsaturation Ris R88%. RAirway Rand Rlungs Rare Rclear. RPeripheral Rpulses Rare Rdiminished. RWhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rintervention? R A. RProvide R100% Roxygen Rvia Ra Rnonrebreathing Rmask RB. RObtain RIV Raccess R C. RAdminister Rdopamine R D. RAdminister Ran Rantibiotic R R R R R RANS: R RProvide R100% Roxygen Rvia Ra Rnonrebreathing Rmask 16. RAn Ralert Rtoddler Rpresents Rwith Ra Rbarking Rcough, Rmoderate Rstridor, Rand Rmoderate Rretractions. RThe Rchild's Rcolor Ris Rpink. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rintervention? R A. RObtain Ra Rchest Rradiograph R B. RAdminister Rnebulized Repinephrine R C. RPrepare Rfor Ra Rsurgical Rairway R D. RUse Ran Repinephrine Rautoinjector R R R R R RANS: R RAdminister Rnebulized Repinephrine 17. RThe Rinitial Rimpression Rof Ra R4-year-old Rchild Rreveals Ra Rlethargic Rchild Rwho Ris Rdiaphoretic, Rwith Rno Rincreased Rwork Rof Rbreathing Rand Rpink Rcolor. RHer Rheart Rrate Ris R220/min, Rrespiratory Rrate Ris R24/min, Rblood Rpressure Ris R84/46 Rmm RHg, Rand Rcapillary Rrefill Rtime Ris R5 Rseconds. RIV Raccess Rhas Rbeen Restablished. RThe Rrhythm Rbelow Ris Rseen Ron Rthe Rcardiac Rmonitor. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rinitial Rintervention? R A. RGive Radenosine R0.1 Rmg/kg Rrapid RIV Rpush R B. RPerform Rcarotid Rsinus Rmassage R B. RSynchronized Rcardioversion Rwith R0.5 Rto R1 RJ/kg R C. REpinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg R10/IV R D. RAmiodarone R5 Rmg/kg R1O/IV R R R R R RANS: R RAttempted Rdefibrillation Rwith R2 RJ/kg 22. RA R2-year-old Rchild Ris Rin Rpulseless Rarrest. RThe Rchild Rhas Rreceived Rhigh-quality RCPR, R2 Rshocks, Rand Ra Rdose Rof RIV Repinephrine. RThe Rnext Rrhythm Rcheck Rreveals Rthe Rrhythm Rshown Rbelow. RWhat Rwould Rbe Ran Rappropriate Renergy Rdose Rfor Rthe Rthird Rdefibrillation Rattempt? R A. R2 RJ/kg R B. R2 Rto R4 RJ/kg R C. R4 RJ/kg Ror Rgreater R D. RGreater Rthan R10 RJ/kg R R R R R RANS: R R4 RJ/kg Ror Rgreater 23. RA R12-year-old Rchild Rsuddenly Rcollapses Rwhile Rplaying Rsports. RHe Ris Runresponsive Rand Rnot Rbreathing. REmergency Rresponse Ris Ractivated. RThe Rchild Rhas Rno Rpulse, Rand RCPR Ris Rinitiated. RAn RAED Rarrives. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rnext Rintervention? R A. RContact Rthe Rchild's Rfamily R B. RProvide RCPR Rfor R2 Rminutes R C. RDrive Rthe Rchild Rto Rthe Rhospital R D. RUse Rthe RAED R R R R R RANS: R RUse Rthe RAED 24. RA R3-year-old Rchild Ris Rin Rcardiac Rarrest, Rand Rhigh- Rquality RCPR Ris Rin Rprogress. RThe Rfirst Rrhythm Rcheck Rreveals Rthe Rrhythm Rbelow. RDefibrillation Ris Rattempted Rwith Ra Rshock Rdose Rof R2 RJ/kg. RAfter Radministration Rof Rthe Rshock, Rwhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rnext Rintervention? R A. R esume RCPR, Rbeginning Rwith Rchest Rcompressions R B. RCheck Rfor Ra Rpulse R C. RAnalyze Rthe Rrhythm R D. RAdminister Repinephrine R R R R R RANS: R R esume RCPR, Rbeginning Rwith Rchest Rcompressions 25. RWhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Ris Ra Rcharacteristic Rof Rrespiratory Rfailure? R A. RInadequate Roxygenation Rand/or Rventilation R B. RHypotension R C. RAn Rincrease Rin Rserum RpH R(alkalosis) R D. RAbnormal Rrespiratory Rsounds R R R R R RANS: R RInadequate Roxygenation Rand/or Rventilation 26. RA R3-year-old Rchild Ris Rin Rcardiac Rarrest, Rand Ra Rresuscitation Rattempt Ris Rin Rprogress. RThe Rchild Ris Rin Rventricular Rfibrillation Rand Rwas Rgiven Ra Rshock Rat R2 RJ/kg, Rfollowed Rby Rimmediate RCPR. RAt Rthe Rnext Rrhythm Rcheck, Rventricular Rfibrillation Ris Ragain Rnoted Ron Rthe Rcardiac Rmonitor. RWhat Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rnext Rintervention? R A. RAttempt Rdefibrillation Rwith Ra R4 RJ/kg Rshock R B. RAttempt Rdefibrillation Rwith Ra R2 RJ/kg Rshock R C. R esume RCPR R D. RCheck Rfor Ra Rpulse Rfor Rat Rleast R10 Rseconds R R R R R RANS: R RA. RAttempt Rdefibrillation Rwith Ra R4 RJ/kg Rshock 27. RCPR Ris Rin Rprogress Ron Ra R10-month-old Rinfant Rwho Rwas Runresponsive Rand Rnot Rbreathing, Rwith Rno Rpalpable Rpulse. RA Rcardiac Rmonitor Ris Rapplied, Rand Rsinus Rbradycardia Rat Ra Rrate Rof R42/min Ris Rnoted. RCPR Ris Rresumed, Rand Rvascular Raccess Ris Robtained. RWhich Rof Rthe Rfollowing Ris Rthe Rmost Rappropriate Rintervention? R A. REpinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg RIO/IV R B. RAtropine R0.5 Rmg/kg RIO/IV R C. RAmiodarone R5 Rmg/kg RIO/IV R D. RLidocaine R1 Rmg/kg RIO/IV R R R R R RANS: R REpinephrine R0.01 Rmg/kg RIO/IV 28. RDuring Ra Rpediatric Rresuscitation Rattempt, Rwhat Ris Rmost Rlikely Rto Rcontribute Rto Rhigh-quality RCPR? R