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Air Assault Phase 1 Test Benning
National Guard WTU correct!!
What is the maximum airspeed for the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior? - ANS>110 knots What is the reference for Air Assault Operations? - ANS>ATTP 3-18. What are the missions of the AH-64D? - ANS>1. Anti-armor (primary)
- Close air support
- Reconnaissance
- Air to Air Combat What is the cargo hook capacity for the UH-60's? - ANS>A- 8,000lbs L/M-9,000 lbs What is the correct way to approach the UH-60A/L/M Blackhawk? - ANS>Approach at a 90 degree angle and avoid the rotor. In regard to the CH-47D/F, what is the ACL for ambulatory? - ANS> ambulatory
What is the maximum gross weight of the CH-47D/F Chinook? - ANS>50,000 lbs What is the hoist cable length of the HH-60A/L/M MEDEVAC? - ANS>256 ft total, 250 ft usable In regard to the AH-1W Super Cobra, what are its missions? - ANS>1. Anti-armor (primary)
- Close air support
- Air-to-air combat
- Armed escort What is the aeromedical use of the CH-47 and normal ACL? - ANS>Mass Casualty Evacuation when used for Aeromedical Evacuation. 16 amb, 12 litter What is the tensile strength of the Jungle Forest Penetrator? - ANS> lbs What is the primary use of Kendrick's Extrication Device? - ANS>It is primarily used when a casualty has a suspected spinal injury.
What are the four visual signals that do not require "Hover"? - ANS>1. Assume Guidance
- Wave Off
- Take Off
- Land Must you go to the, "Hover" visual signal before issuing the visual signal, "Hookup Complete"? - ANS>Yes, you must go to the "Hover" visual signal before issuing "Hookup Complete"? Who is the "nucleus" of the Air Assault Task Force (AATF)? - ANS>Infantry What are the five stages of the reverse planning sequence? - ANS>GLALS
- Ground Tactical Plan
- Landing Plan
- Air Movement Plan
- Loading Plan
- Staging Plan What are the three terrain flight modes? - ANS>1. Nap-of-the-Earth (NOE)
- Contour
- Low Level Flight What are the five steps to control Close Combat Attack (CCA)? - ANS>1. Gain communication with pilot
- Describe your location on the ground and mark it
- Describe the enemy location and mark it
- Enemy description
- After the target is engaged, give the pilot feedback and adjustments (Battle Damage Assessment) What are the three phases of PZ/LZ Operations? - ANS>1. Selection
- Marking
- Controlling What are the 10 steps that are essential during the Selection Phase? - ANS>1. Landing Point Size, Landing Site, Landing Zone
- Number of A/C
- Flying/Landing Formations
- Surface Conditions
- Ground Slope
- Approach and Departure routes
- Prevailing Winds
- Density Altitude
- Load Considerations
- Obstacles What is the distance between aircraft in flight during daytime operations? - ANS>2 to 3 rotor disks What is the distance between aircraft in flight during night operations? - ANS>3 to 5 rotor disks Which aircraft formation allows for unrestricted fire? - ANS>Trail Formation What is the obstacle ratio for marking obstacles? - ANS>10:1 ratio When configuring the inverted "Y" for marking a night PZ/LZ, what is the distance between the directional light and the base light? - ANS>7m What are the three methods in the Controlling Phase? - ANS>1. Visual
- Electronic
- Verbal
What are the five steps in establishing a PZ/LZ? - ANS>1. Establish control facilities
- Determine length and width of PZ/LZ
- Determine area of unusable
- Obstacles
- Mark and clear TDPs What are the dimensions of an obstacle? - ANS>18 inches high, wide, or deep What are the 4 Rs? - ANS>1. Remove
- Reduce
- mark with Red
- Radio advisory to pilot What is the flight time of the UH-60A/L/M Blackhawk? - ANS>2 hours, 30 minutes What is the flight time of the AH-64D? - ANS>2 hours, 200 miles
How do you approach the CH-47D/F Chinook? - ANS>45 degrees and avoid the exhaust What is the history of the OH-13 Sioux? - ANS>It is known as the "Angel of Mercy" and was first used in the Korean War for Reconnaissance. Saved 18, In regard to the 9-LINE MEDEVAC, how many lines and which ones are necessary in order to get the A/C into the air? - ANS>Need Lines 1-5 to get aircraft into air in 25 sec What are all 9 Lines of the 9-LINE MEDEVAC? - ANS>Some Might Nibble Chalupas LINE 1: Location of pick up site (use grid location) LINE 2: Radio FRQ, call sign and suffix (use GRD Unit's @ PZ) LINE 3: # of patients by precedence (Urgent, Priority, Routine, and Convenience) LINE 4: Special Equipment needed (hoist, stokes litter, etc) LINE 5: # of patients by type of casualty (litter or ambulatory) LINE 6 (COMBAT): Security of pick up site LINE 6 (PEACETIME): Wounds, injuries, and illness LINE 7: Method of marking pick up site LINE 8: Casualty Nationality and status
LINE 9: (COMBAT): NBC contamination LINE 9: (PEACETIME): Description of pick up site Which two Lines of the 9-LINE MEDEVAC have both COMBAT and PEACETIME uses? - ANS>Lines 6 and 9 What is the ACL of all litters? - ANS> What is the tensile strength of all litters? - ANS>400 lbs How many Red Cross markings are on a UH-60Q and HH-60 MEDEVAC?
- ANS>5 Red Cross markings What is the difference between ambulatory and litter? - ANS>Ambulatory: able to walk under own power (walking wounded) Litter: head, neck, or back injury, unconscious or unable to walk How many Red Cross markings are on a UH-1V? - ANS>4 Red Cross markings How many Red Cross markings are on a CH-47? - ANS>None
What are the two methods of casualty extraction? - ANS>1. Sit down method has a suitable landing zone
- Hoist method does not have a suitable landing zone How many medics are assigned to a CH-47? - ANS>No medics are assigned; requires 1 medic for every 6 casualties What is the crew for a CH-47? - ANS>4 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Crew Chief, and In-flight Engineer) What is the ACL Normal Configuration for the UH-60? - ANS>4 litters and 1 ambulatory What is the ACL Prior Notification for the UH-60? - ANS>6 litters and 1 ambulatory or 7 ambulatory What is the Air Mission Brief (AMB)? - ANS>Last meeting of key persons in an air assault mission to finalize details of the plan. What is known as basic equipment for marking a LZ? - ANS>1. Anemometer
- Goggles
- FM Communications
- Map and compass
- Daytime marking: VS-17 panel
- Night time marking: lights, chem lights, strobe light What colors of lights will not be used to mark a night PZ/LZ? - ANS>White, Green, or Blue What are the three types of feedback and adustments that the pilot expects to receive from the AATF? - ANS>1. Target destroyed - end of mission
- Target missed - adjust fire by giving direction and distance in meters from impact to the target
- Weapon effects on target, re-engage Can a Close Combat Attack (CCA) be conducted without positive ID of friendly and enemy forces by both the ground and aviation commander prior to attack aviation aircraft opening fire? - ANS>NO, both the ground and aviation commander must have positive ID of the enemy forces What are the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Leader? - ANS>1. Overall responsible for mission
- Plans operation
- Issue operations order and conducts rehearsals
- Briefs leaders
- Maintains commo with HQ What are the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Sergeant? - ANS>1. Overall responsible for PZ
- Set up PZ
- Briefs chalk leaders
- Devises and disseminates bump plan
- Ensures everything has cleared the PZ
- Rides in last A/C for control purposes What are the duties and responsibilities of the Chalk Leader? - ANS>1. Ensures his personnel know their tasks and position on A/C
- Ensures lights or panels for A/C are emplaced
- assigns area of security to personnel, supervise area of security
- Supervises everyone on A/C while in flight
- Ensures safe, rapid off loading and security for the A/C What is the lowest level with assets for an Air Assault Operation? - ANS>Division Level
What is the lowest level at which an Air Assault Operation can be planned or coordinated? - ANS>Battalion Level What is the lowest level with a command headquarters to execute an Air Assault Operation? - ANS>Company Level What are the 5 elements of Tactical Employment? - ANS>1. Mass or shift combat power rapidly
- Use of surprise
- Flexibility, mobility, speed
- Gain and maintain initiative
- Extending depth and width of modern battlefield with little regard to terrain What are the limitations of Combat Assault? - ANS>1. Adverse weather
- PZ/LZ availabilty
- Initial reliance on air re-supply and lines of communication
- High fuel and ammunition consumption
- Reduced ground mobility after insertion What are the vulnerabilities of Combat Assault? - ANS>1. Attack by ground, air, or artillery on PZ/LZ
- Attack by A/C or Air Defense Artillery (ADA) during movement
- Attack by CBRN
- Electronic warfare
- Small arms fire What are the capabilities of Combat Assault? - ANS>1. Attack enemy from any direction
- Delay a much larger force
- Fly over ort bypass barriers, obstacles or enemy positions
- Conduct deep attacks and raids well beyond the Forward Line of Troops (FLOT)
- Rapidly secure and defend key terrain What is derived from H-Hour? - ANS>All planning times What is the FM for Aircraft Orientation? - ANS>FM 3-04. What is the max speed of the OH58, AH64, UH60 and CH47? - ANS>OH58:110 knots AH64: 140-145 knots UH60: 156 knots CH47: 170 knots
What is the ACL of the UH-60 w/ and w/out seats? - ANS>11 pax w/ seats, 16 pax w/out seats What are the missions of the UH-60? - ANS>FACS FRIES/SPIES, repelling Air assault Casualty Evac Sling load What is the hook capacity for CH-47? Front, center, aft? - ANS>front, aft- 17k lbs center-26k lbs dual hook-25k lbs What is the ACL of the LUH-72? - ANS>8 pax. 2 litters with med crew What is the max weight for the LUH-72 cargo hook and gross weight? - ANS>3953 lbs gross-
What is the fuel capacity of the large and small pods? - ANS>450 gallons 230 gallons What are the proper approach directions for UH60, UH-1H, and CH47? - ANS>UH60-90 degrees UH-1h and CH47-45 degrees What are the exits, aid kits, and fire extinguishers for the UH-1H, UH-60, CH-47? - ANS>UH-1H: 4,4, UH-60: 4,3, CH-47: 10,7, What do you do if in an emergency land accident with helicopter? - ANS>Take all commands from the crew Wait for the propeller to stop spinning What is the FM for Aero Medical Evacuation? - ANS>FM 4-02. Difference between Mascas and Mascal? - ANS>Mascas-larger # of casualties than the UNIT can support Mascal- larger # of casualties than the REGION can support
What are the advantages of aero medical evacuation? - ANS>Flexibility, versatility, speed and range What is the basic aero medevac mission? - ANS>DAME Delivery of blood air crash rescue movement of medical personnel evacuation Aero medical UH-1v crew, ACL(normal), ACL (prior)? - ANS>crew-4( medic) acl normal-3 litters AND 4 Ambulatory ACL prior-6 litters or 9 amb Aero medical HH-60M crew, ACL(normal), ACL (prior)? - ANS>crew-4( medic) acl normal-4 litters AND 1 Ambulatory ACL prior-6 litters or 6 amb Aero medical UH-60Q crew, ACL(normal), ACL (prior)? - ANS>crew-4( medic) acl normal-4 litters AND 1 Ambulatory
ACL prior-6 litters and1 amb, or 7 amb (6+1) What is the fast speed ACL and speed for the utility hoist? - ANS>300 lbs at 250 ft/sec What is the slow speed ACL and speed for the utility hoist? - ANS> lbs at 125 ft/min What is the time limit for patients order by precedence? - ANS>Urgent- within 1 hr Urgent surgical- far forward MTF within 1 hr Priority-4 hr Routine-delayed up to 24 hr Convenience-whenever available Key point of close combat attack? - ANS>get the pilot to see what you are seeing What's the difference between air assault operation and air movement operation? - ANS>Air assault-uphold or seize key terrain and engage specified enemy air movement- using rotary for anything other than air assault (load drops)
What do you want to gain from tactical air assault employment? - ANS>1. surprise
- mass or shift combat power
- gain & maintain initiative
- flexibility, mobility, speed What are the key words for command, control, and mission command?
- ANS>command-authority control-regulation mission command-decentralized execution Who is the only one that can abort an air assault mission? - ANS>The AATFC, air assault task force commander What factors contribute to aborting an air assault mission? - ANS>weather available aircraft time mission essential combat power enemy mission criticality
What are the flight time considerations for PZ to SP and RP to LZ? - ANS>2 minutes What is the loading time for light infantry and heavy infantry? - ANS> min for light 5 min for heavy What is the FM for Pathfinder operations? - ANS>FM 3-21. What are the seven selection factors of choosing a helicopter landing zone? - ANS>1. type of A/C
- formation and 3 of A/C
- Surface condition
- obstacles
- approach & departure
- atmospheric conditions
- loads What are the TDP sizes? - ANS>1. 25m-OH
- 35m-UH-
- 50m-UH-
- 80m-CH-
- 100m-sling and unknown A/C
- 125m-sling using long lines
- 150m-sling using long lines @ night. What are the ground slopes that helicopters can land on? - ANS>0- degrees: All A/C can land 8-15 degrees: all wheels can land 15+: pilot discretion What is the ground slope formula? - ANS>(vertical distance*57.3)/horizontal distance What are the three steps of the controlling phase? - ANS>visual, verbal (ground-to-air comms), electronic