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Air Assault Phase 1 Test Benning National Guard WTU correct!! 2024/2025 Detailed Questions, Exams of Urban Sociology

Air Assault Phase 1 Test Benning National Guard WTU correct!! 2024/2025 Detailed Questions And Expert Answers

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Download Air Assault Phase 1 Test Benning National Guard WTU correct!! 2024/2025 Detailed Questions and more Exams Urban Sociology in PDF only on Docsity!

Air Assault Phase 1 Test Benning

National Guard WTU correct!!

What is the maximum airspeed for the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior? - ANS>110 knots What is the reference for Air Assault Operations? - ANS>ATTP 3-18. What are the missions of the AH-64D? - ANS>1. Anti-armor (primary)

  1. Close air support
  2. Reconnaissance
  3. Air to Air Combat What is the cargo hook capacity for the UH-60's? - ANS>A- 8,000lbs L/M-9,000 lbs What is the correct way to approach the UH-60A/L/M Blackhawk? - ANS>Approach at a 90 degree angle and avoid the rotor. In regard to the CH-47D/F, what is the ACL for ambulatory? - ANS> ambulatory

What is the maximum gross weight of the CH-47D/F Chinook? - ANS>50,000 lbs What is the hoist cable length of the HH-60A/L/M MEDEVAC? - ANS>256 ft total, 250 ft usable In regard to the AH-1W Super Cobra, what are its missions? - ANS>1. Anti-armor (primary)

  1. Close air support
  2. Air-to-air combat
  3. Armed escort What is the aeromedical use of the CH-47 and normal ACL? - ANS>Mass Casualty Evacuation when used for Aeromedical Evacuation. 16 amb, 12 litter What is the tensile strength of the Jungle Forest Penetrator? - ANS> lbs What is the primary use of Kendrick's Extrication Device? - ANS>It is primarily used when a casualty has a suspected spinal injury.

What are the four visual signals that do not require "Hover"? - ANS>1. Assume Guidance

  1. Wave Off
  2. Take Off
  3. Land Must you go to the, "Hover" visual signal before issuing the visual signal, "Hookup Complete"? - ANS>Yes, you must go to the "Hover" visual signal before issuing "Hookup Complete"? Who is the "nucleus" of the Air Assault Task Force (AATF)? - ANS>Infantry What are the five stages of the reverse planning sequence? - ANS>GLALS
  4. Ground Tactical Plan
  5. Landing Plan
  6. Air Movement Plan
  7. Loading Plan
  8. Staging Plan What are the three terrain flight modes? - ANS>1. Nap-of-the-Earth (NOE)
  1. Contour
  2. Low Level Flight What are the five steps to control Close Combat Attack (CCA)? - ANS>1. Gain communication with pilot
  3. Describe your location on the ground and mark it
  4. Describe the enemy location and mark it
  5. Enemy description
  6. After the target is engaged, give the pilot feedback and adjustments (Battle Damage Assessment) What are the three phases of PZ/LZ Operations? - ANS>1. Selection
  7. Marking
  8. Controlling What are the 10 steps that are essential during the Selection Phase? - ANS>1. Landing Point Size, Landing Site, Landing Zone
  9. Number of A/C
  10. Flying/Landing Formations
  11. Surface Conditions
  12. Ground Slope
  13. Approach and Departure routes
  1. Prevailing Winds
  2. Density Altitude
  3. Load Considerations
  4. Obstacles What is the distance between aircraft in flight during daytime operations? - ANS>2 to 3 rotor disks What is the distance between aircraft in flight during night operations? - ANS>3 to 5 rotor disks Which aircraft formation allows for unrestricted fire? - ANS>Trail Formation What is the obstacle ratio for marking obstacles? - ANS>10:1 ratio When configuring the inverted "Y" for marking a night PZ/LZ, what is the distance between the directional light and the base light? - ANS>7m What are the three methods in the Controlling Phase? - ANS>1. Visual
  5. Electronic
  6. Verbal

What are the five steps in establishing a PZ/LZ? - ANS>1. Establish control facilities

  1. Determine length and width of PZ/LZ
  2. Determine area of unusable
  3. Obstacles
  4. Mark and clear TDPs What are the dimensions of an obstacle? - ANS>18 inches high, wide, or deep What are the 4 Rs? - ANS>1. Remove
  5. Reduce
  6. mark with Red
  7. Radio advisory to pilot What is the flight time of the UH-60A/L/M Blackhawk? - ANS>2 hours, 30 minutes What is the flight time of the AH-64D? - ANS>2 hours, 200 miles

How do you approach the CH-47D/F Chinook? - ANS>45 degrees and avoid the exhaust What is the history of the OH-13 Sioux? - ANS>It is known as the "Angel of Mercy" and was first used in the Korean War for Reconnaissance. Saved 18, In regard to the 9-LINE MEDEVAC, how many lines and which ones are necessary in order to get the A/C into the air? - ANS>Need Lines 1-5 to get aircraft into air in 25 sec What are all 9 Lines of the 9-LINE MEDEVAC? - ANS>Some Might Nibble Chalupas LINE 1: Location of pick up site (use grid location) LINE 2: Radio FRQ, call sign and suffix (use GRD Unit's @ PZ) LINE 3: # of patients by precedence (Urgent, Priority, Routine, and Convenience) LINE 4: Special Equipment needed (hoist, stokes litter, etc) LINE 5: # of patients by type of casualty (litter or ambulatory) LINE 6 (COMBAT): Security of pick up site LINE 6 (PEACETIME): Wounds, injuries, and illness LINE 7: Method of marking pick up site LINE 8: Casualty Nationality and status

LINE 9: (COMBAT): NBC contamination LINE 9: (PEACETIME): Description of pick up site Which two Lines of the 9-LINE MEDEVAC have both COMBAT and PEACETIME uses? - ANS>Lines 6 and 9 What is the ACL of all litters? - ANS> What is the tensile strength of all litters? - ANS>400 lbs How many Red Cross markings are on a UH-60Q and HH-60 MEDEVAC?

  • ANS>5 Red Cross markings What is the difference between ambulatory and litter? - ANS>Ambulatory: able to walk under own power (walking wounded) Litter: head, neck, or back injury, unconscious or unable to walk How many Red Cross markings are on a UH-1V? - ANS>4 Red Cross markings How many Red Cross markings are on a CH-47? - ANS>None

What are the two methods of casualty extraction? - ANS>1. Sit down method has a suitable landing zone

  1. Hoist method does not have a suitable landing zone How many medics are assigned to a CH-47? - ANS>No medics are assigned; requires 1 medic for every 6 casualties What is the crew for a CH-47? - ANS>4 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Crew Chief, and In-flight Engineer) What is the ACL Normal Configuration for the UH-60? - ANS>4 litters and 1 ambulatory What is the ACL Prior Notification for the UH-60? - ANS>6 litters and 1 ambulatory or 7 ambulatory What is the Air Mission Brief (AMB)? - ANS>Last meeting of key persons in an air assault mission to finalize details of the plan. What is known as basic equipment for marking a LZ? - ANS>1. Anemometer
  2. Goggles
  3. FM Communications
  1. Map and compass
  2. Daytime marking: VS-17 panel
  3. Night time marking: lights, chem lights, strobe light What colors of lights will not be used to mark a night PZ/LZ? - ANS>White, Green, or Blue What are the three types of feedback and adustments that the pilot expects to receive from the AATF? - ANS>1. Target destroyed - end of mission
  4. Target missed - adjust fire by giving direction and distance in meters from impact to the target
  5. Weapon effects on target, re-engage Can a Close Combat Attack (CCA) be conducted without positive ID of friendly and enemy forces by both the ground and aviation commander prior to attack aviation aircraft opening fire? - ANS>NO, both the ground and aviation commander must have positive ID of the enemy forces What are the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Leader? - ANS>1. Overall responsible for mission
  6. Plans operation
  7. Issue operations order and conducts rehearsals
  1. Briefs leaders
  2. Maintains commo with HQ What are the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Sergeant? - ANS>1. Overall responsible for PZ
  3. Set up PZ
  4. Briefs chalk leaders
  5. Devises and disseminates bump plan
  6. Ensures everything has cleared the PZ
  7. Rides in last A/C for control purposes What are the duties and responsibilities of the Chalk Leader? - ANS>1. Ensures his personnel know their tasks and position on A/C
  8. Ensures lights or panels for A/C are emplaced
  9. assigns area of security to personnel, supervise area of security
  10. Supervises everyone on A/C while in flight
  11. Ensures safe, rapid off loading and security for the A/C What is the lowest level with assets for an Air Assault Operation? - ANS>Division Level

What is the lowest level at which an Air Assault Operation can be planned or coordinated? - ANS>Battalion Level What is the lowest level with a command headquarters to execute an Air Assault Operation? - ANS>Company Level What are the 5 elements of Tactical Employment? - ANS>1. Mass or shift combat power rapidly

  1. Use of surprise
  2. Flexibility, mobility, speed
  3. Gain and maintain initiative
  4. Extending depth and width of modern battlefield with little regard to terrain What are the limitations of Combat Assault? - ANS>1. Adverse weather
  5. PZ/LZ availabilty
  6. Initial reliance on air re-supply and lines of communication
  7. High fuel and ammunition consumption
  8. Reduced ground mobility after insertion What are the vulnerabilities of Combat Assault? - ANS>1. Attack by ground, air, or artillery on PZ/LZ
  1. Attack by A/C or Air Defense Artillery (ADA) during movement
  2. Attack by CBRN
  3. Electronic warfare
  4. Small arms fire What are the capabilities of Combat Assault? - ANS>1. Attack enemy from any direction
  5. Delay a much larger force
  6. Fly over ort bypass barriers, obstacles or enemy positions
  7. Conduct deep attacks and raids well beyond the Forward Line of Troops (FLOT)
  8. Rapidly secure and defend key terrain What is derived from H-Hour? - ANS>All planning times What is the FM for Aircraft Orientation? - ANS>FM 3-04. What is the max speed of the OH58, AH64, UH60 and CH47? - ANS>OH58:110 knots AH64: 140-145 knots UH60: 156 knots CH47: 170 knots

What is the ACL of the UH-60 w/ and w/out seats? - ANS>11 pax w/ seats, 16 pax w/out seats What are the missions of the UH-60? - ANS>FACS FRIES/SPIES, repelling Air assault Casualty Evac Sling load What is the hook capacity for CH-47? Front, center, aft? - ANS>front, aft- 17k lbs center-26k lbs dual hook-25k lbs What is the ACL of the LUH-72? - ANS>8 pax. 2 litters with med crew What is the max weight for the LUH-72 cargo hook and gross weight? - ANS>3953 lbs gross-

What is the fuel capacity of the large and small pods? - ANS>450 gallons 230 gallons What are the proper approach directions for UH60, UH-1H, and CH47? - ANS>UH60-90 degrees UH-1h and CH47-45 degrees What are the exits, aid kits, and fire extinguishers for the UH-1H, UH-60, CH-47? - ANS>UH-1H: 4,4, UH-60: 4,3, CH-47: 10,7, What do you do if in an emergency land accident with helicopter? - ANS>Take all commands from the crew Wait for the propeller to stop spinning What is the FM for Aero Medical Evacuation? - ANS>FM 4-02. Difference between Mascas and Mascal? - ANS>Mascas-larger # of casualties than the UNIT can support Mascal- larger # of casualties than the REGION can support

What are the advantages of aero medical evacuation? - ANS>Flexibility, versatility, speed and range What is the basic aero medevac mission? - ANS>DAME Delivery of blood air crash rescue movement of medical personnel evacuation Aero medical UH-1v crew, ACL(normal), ACL (prior)? - ANS>crew-4( medic) acl normal-3 litters AND 4 Ambulatory ACL prior-6 litters or 9 amb Aero medical HH-60M crew, ACL(normal), ACL (prior)? - ANS>crew-4( medic) acl normal-4 litters AND 1 Ambulatory ACL prior-6 litters or 6 amb Aero medical UH-60Q crew, ACL(normal), ACL (prior)? - ANS>crew-4( medic) acl normal-4 litters AND 1 Ambulatory

ACL prior-6 litters and1 amb, or 7 amb (6+1) What is the fast speed ACL and speed for the utility hoist? - ANS>300 lbs at 250 ft/sec What is the slow speed ACL and speed for the utility hoist? - ANS> lbs at 125 ft/min What is the time limit for patients order by precedence? - ANS>Urgent- within 1 hr Urgent surgical- far forward MTF within 1 hr Priority-4 hr Routine-delayed up to 24 hr Convenience-whenever available Key point of close combat attack? - ANS>get the pilot to see what you are seeing What's the difference between air assault operation and air movement operation? - ANS>Air assault-uphold or seize key terrain and engage specified enemy air movement- using rotary for anything other than air assault (load drops)

What do you want to gain from tactical air assault employment? - ANS>1. surprise

  1. mass or shift combat power
  2. gain & maintain initiative
  3. flexibility, mobility, speed What are the key words for command, control, and mission command?
  • ANS>command-authority control-regulation mission command-decentralized execution Who is the only one that can abort an air assault mission? - ANS>The AATFC, air assault task force commander What factors contribute to aborting an air assault mission? - ANS>weather available aircraft time mission essential combat power enemy mission criticality

What are the flight time considerations for PZ to SP and RP to LZ? - ANS>2 minutes What is the loading time for light infantry and heavy infantry? - ANS> min for light 5 min for heavy What is the FM for Pathfinder operations? - ANS>FM 3-21. What are the seven selection factors of choosing a helicopter landing zone? - ANS>1. type of A/C

  1. formation and 3 of A/C
  2. Surface condition
  3. obstacles
  4. approach & departure
  5. atmospheric conditions
  6. loads What are the TDP sizes? - ANS>1. 25m-OH
  7. 35m-UH-
  8. 50m-UH-
  1. 80m-CH-
  2. 100m-sling and unknown A/C
  3. 125m-sling using long lines
  4. 150m-sling using long lines @ night. What are the ground slopes that helicopters can land on? - ANS>0- degrees: All A/C can land 8-15 degrees: all wheels can land 15+: pilot discretion What is the ground slope formula? - ANS>(vertical distance*57.3)/horizontal distance What are the three steps of the controlling phase? - ANS>visual, verbal (ground-to-air comms), electronic