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Airway Management: Fisdap Airway Major One Examination 2024/2025 Edition, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of airway management techniques and procedures, covering various conditions and scenarios. It includes multiple-choice questions with answers, addressing key concepts such as intubation, ventilation, and airway obstruction. Valuable for students and professionals in the medical field, particularly those involved in emergency care and critical care.

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Available from 11/25/2024

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Download Airway Management: Fisdap Airway Major One Examination 2024/2025 Edition and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Fisdap Airway Major One Examination

2024/2025 Edition

  1. Which patient should be nasally intubated?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔patient with a pulse who is breathing adequately and is no in imminent respiratory failure, patients with copd, asthma, and chf
  2. Which patients should not be nasally intubated?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest with severe suspected head/facial trauma
  3. COPD: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease two classes, emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  4. Emphysema: - Correct Ans: ✔✔damage or destroy the fragile structure of the terminal bronchioles. barrel chest, muscle wasting, and pursed lip breathing as well as tachypnea and do NOT typically present as hypoxic or cyanotic
    • destruction and enlargement of air spaces
  5. Chronic Bronchitis: - Correct Ans: ✔✔sedentary and often obsess, wheezing usually sitting upright, with excessive tissues, often smokers and often have to spit up copious secretions as well as various medication bottles, inhalers and aerosol nebulizers, productive cough
    • increased mucus and inflammation of bronchi
  1. Pleural Effusion: - Correct Ans: ✔✔difficult to hear lung sounds through effusion, very important to manage patient position
    • fluid between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura
  2. Pneumonia: - Correct Ans: ✔✔patients often experience fever, green or yellow sputum, body aches, general malaise, pain when breathing localized or one sides crackles
    • infection of the lungs where airsacs may fill with fluid or pus
  3. Aspiration: - Correct Ans: ✔✔sudden onset of dyspnea, as well as a fever and cough several hours after episode as well as seizure or an episode of unresponsiveness
    • inhalation of anything other than breathable gases
  4. Cystic Fibrosis: - Correct Ans: ✔✔wheezing, shortness of breath, phlegmy cough
    • is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to lungs, secretions are sticky and thick
  5. Pulmonary Edema: - Correct Ans: ✔✔fine crackles in the bases of the lungs become audible at the end of inspiration, audible towards apex as condition worsens, coughing watery, pink, foamy
    • fluid buildup in lung tissue
  1. Asthma: - Correct Ans: ✔✔wheezing upon inhalation
    • difficult to exhale, air becomes trapped in the distal portion of the lung so that air from the next inhalation cannot enter the alveoli
  2. CHF: - Correct Ans: ✔✔edema, orthopnea, crackles typically bilaterally, sometimes white or pink blood tinged phlegm, excessive urination, rapid or irregular heartbeat, hypertension
    • the heart muscle doesn't pump effectively causing buildup of fluid
  3. Fentanyl OD: - Correct Ans: ✔✔pinpoint pupils, cyanosis, shallow respirations, unresponsiveness
    • fentanyl is an opioid, narcan
  4. Spontaneous Pneumo - who is prone to them?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔shortness of breath, sharp pain/one sided chest pain, cyanosis, rapid breathing, low o2 sat, dimished or absent breath sounds
    • abnormal accumulation of air in the pleural space
    • tall, thin people or people who have had them before
  5. Tension pneumo: - Correct Ans: ✔✔jvd, diminished or absent breath sounds
    • lung collapse
  1. Laryngotracheitis (croup- upper airway obstruction): - Correct Ans: ✔✔barking cough
    • inflammation of larynx, trachea and subglottic area
  2. Epiglottitis: - Correct Ans: ✔✔sniffing position, drooling, cyanosis and stridor
    • swelling of epiglottis
  3. Pulmonary Embolus: - Correct Ans: ✔✔tachypnea, dyspnea, chest pain, hemoptysis, cyanosis
    • blood clot in lung
  4. Status Asthmaticus: - Correct Ans: ✔✔much worse asthma attack than usual, asthma triad: airway edema, increased. Mucus production, bronchospasm
    • a severe, prolonged asthmatic attack that cannot be stopped with conventional treatment
  5. Neb treatments for shark fin capnography waveform=Bronchoconstriction: - Correct Ans: ✔✔caused by asthma, cold and sometimes pneumonia, need bronchodilator medications: albuterol and ipratropium
  6. Signs that ET tube is in the esophagus: - Correct Ans: ✔✔condensation in the tube, visualization of tube passing through vocal cords, auscultate (stomach, left, right), chest rise
  1. Hypercarbia ETCO2 of 60: - Correct Ans: ✔✔build up of CO in bloodstream, higher than 45 begins hypercarbia aka hypercapnia, ventilate faster to release more co
  2. ETCO2 of 25 - What would you do with patients ventilations?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔ventilate slower to reduce CO emissions
  3. Overdose of bleach- Concerns and management of airway?:
    • Correct Ans: ✔✔respiratory throat burns, prepare to intubate (prevent/limit aspiration) , bleach is a corrosive do not induce vomiting
  4. Overinflating ET tube cuff-What are potential complications?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔tracheal necrosis, balloon collapse
  5. Epi dose in status asthmaticus: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Epi 1:1.000 IM 0.3mg
  6. Pleural (needle Decompression) is for absent/diminished lung sounds with signs of decreased cardiac output: - Correct Ans: ✔✔preformed through the second or third intercostal space, absent lung sounds, unequal chest rise, pulses paradoxus,

tachycardia, and dysrhythmias such as progression to v-tach and vfib, jvd, narrow pulse pressure and tracheal deviation, pneumothorax increases pressure in the chest, reducing blood return,blood backs up in great vessels and or JVD

  1. Epinepherine: - Correct Ans: ✔✔1:1000 IM 0.3mg or Neb 3mg (1:10,000 not used for airway)
  2. Albuterol/Proventil: - Correct Ans: ✔✔2.5mg Neb
  3. Atrovent/Ipratropium - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 250 - 500mcg via inhaler
  4. Magnesium Sulfate: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Status Asthmaticus: 1 - 2 grams IV over 15-30 minutes Severe bronchoconstriction/impending respiratory failure: 40mg/kg IV
  5. Methylprednisolone/Solumedrol - Correct Ans: ✔✔asthma, COPD or anaphylaxis: 1-2mg/kg IV Status asthmatics or anaphylaxis: 2mg/kg per IV, IO, IM
  6. Decadron/Dexamethasone: - Correct Ans: ✔✔12mg IV,IM,IO
  1. Fentanyl/sublimaze: - Correct Ans: ✔✔1mcg/kg IM or IV
  2. Etomidate/Amidate: - Correct Ans: ✔✔0.2-0.6 mg/kg IV
  3. Succinylcholine/Anectine - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 1 - 2mg/kg IV
  4. Narcan/Naloxone - Correct Ans: ✔✔0.4-2mg IM/IV/IO/IN/Subq/ET/IN
  5. If neb treatments are working with less distress: - Correct Ans: ✔✔continue as needed
  6. When to use BVM or intubate: - Correct Ans: ✔✔ET for severe facial trauma, protection against aspiration, no gag reflex, impending airway compromiseBVM: difficult airway, gag reflex mouth trauma (inability to open airway)
  7. Awake Choking: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Abdominal thrusts
  8. Unresponsive choking: - Correct Ans: ✔✔CPR and direct laryngoscopy with magill forceps
  1. If patient can cough while choking: - Correct Ans: ✔✔encourage coughing
  2. What is hemoptysis?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔coughing up blood
  3. Who exhibits pursed lip breathing: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Asthma or COPD
  4. Overventilating rate or volume can: - Correct Ans: ✔✔cause decreased venous return to heart and lower cardiac output
  5. Treatment for hyperventilation: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Reassure, calm, NOT paper bag
  6. OD with snoring respirations, alert to pain, Which airway would you place?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔OPA
  7. Maximum air inserted in ET cuff: - Correct Ans: ✔✔10ml
  8. Complications of Right mainstem intubation: - Correct Ans: ✔✔only ventilating the right lung
  1. Signs and symptoms of Right mainstem intubation: - Correct Ans: ✔✔unequal Chest rise, absent lung sounds on left side
  2. Intubated patient with stridor- What should you do? - Correct Ans: ✔✔check to make sure nothing has fallen in the tube and if possible, suction with French (whistle) tip if possible. Check size of tube, check placement. Laryngoscopy can cause laryngeal edema due to traumatic nature.
  3. Normal ventilation rate with BVM: - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 5 - 6 seconds
  4. Normal Ventilation rate when intubated: - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 5 - 6 seconds
  5. Can intubation cause a vagal response? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Yes, bradycardia
  6. Amonia inhalation exposure with hoarse voice and stridor- how do you manage airway: - Correct Ans: ✔✔-Racemic epi nebulized for stridor And steroids iv
  7. Dual Lumen Airway- If you inflate both balloons and cannot see chest rise, what would you do: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Try second tube, If still not chest rise balloon may have pushed the epiglottis

over the glottic opening, move the apparatus back 1-1.5 in (2- 4 cm) and reattempt ventilation

  1. Head injury- trauma to maxilla with a low respiratory rate- How would you manage airway best: - Correct Ans: ✔✔bam
  2. Clenched teeth- What airway device could you use: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Nasotracheal tube, Cricothyrotomy, RSI if available to relieve trismus
  3. Macintosh (curved blade) is inserted into: - Correct Ans: ✔✔vallecula
  4. Miller (straight blade) is inserted into: - Correct Ans: ✔✔underneath epiglottis
  5. After a failed RSI attempt, what is a priority: - Correct Ans: ✔✔ventilation/oxygenating patient
  6. Occluded tracheostomy - How would you manage: Standard precautions: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Inject 3 mL of sterile saline into the tracheostomy tube, Have the patient exhale as you insert the French catheter without suction until resistance is felt (no more than 12 cm), Suction while withdrawing the catheter (no more than 10 seconds)
  1. Where does airway cellular respiration occur: - Correct Ans: ✔✔alveoli
  2. Needle cric is for: - Correct Ans: ✔✔unable to intubate
  3. What happens to PH and PCO2 in respiratory failure: - Correct Ans: ✔✔when pH drops and PCO2 rises
  4. pH: - Correct Ans: ✔✔7.35-7.
  5. PaO2 - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 80 - 100 mm Hg
  6. PaCO2 - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 35 - 45 mm Hg
  7. HCO3 - Correct Ans: ✔✔ 20 - 28 mEq/L
  8. SaO2: - Correct Ans: ✔✔>95%
  9. Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis examples: - Correct Ans: ✔✔hypoventilation: acidosis, Hyperventilation: alkalosis
  1. Respiratory alkalosis - Correct Ans: ✔✔Hyperventilation
  2. pH up
  3. PCO2 down
  4. Numbness, tingling, carpopedal spasm, paresthesia of lips and face
  5. respiratory acidosis - Correct Ans: ✔✔OD caused hypoventilation
  6. pH down
  7. PCO2 up as its retained because the hypoventilations can't excrete at the level its being metabolized
  8. Waveform capnography: - Correct Ans: ✔✔best to evaluate airway placement
  9. Best method to evaluate patient's respiration? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Nasal capnography, chest rise, effort
  10. When should you remove a PTL, pharyngeal Tracheal Airway: - Correct Ans: ✔✔If the patient regains consciousness, Gag reflex returns
  11. Infant can have alveolar collapse: - Correct Ans: ✔✔from lack of surfactant
  1. What conditions would cause a gradual increase in ETCO2: - Correct Ans: ✔✔respiratory failure, hyperventilation
  2. Complications of LV failure- other than breathing issues: - Correct Ans: ✔✔blood can't move forward backs up into lungs, cardiogenic shock , Major cardiac output occurs
  3. Best confirmation of an ET tube placement: - Correct Ans: ✔✔capnography and lung sounds
  4. Benzodiazepine OD- on versed (midazolam): - Correct Ans: ✔✔Give romazicon as reversal agent
  5. Polycythemia is? and which condition exhibits?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔the body makes too much rbc
  6. Trauma patient with a crackling sound to chest: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Could be fluid in chest, check L/S, look for flail chest, look for brusing, DCAPBTLS.
  7. What is SubQtaneous emphysema: - Correct Ans: ✔✔air in the subcutaneous layer of tissue beneath the dermis, often indication pneumothorax
  1. Always hold tube until: - Correct Ans: ✔✔its secured
  2. Proventil works on which receptors: - Correct Ans: ✔✔beta 2
  3. What is the physiological response to heart rate and lungs with beta 2agonist: - Correct Ans: ✔✔vasodilation and bronchodilaton
  4. What do you do if you intubate the Right mainstem: - Correct Ans: ✔✔deflate cuff and pull back while listening
  5. Carpopedal spasms are caused by which respiratory condition- How do you correct?: - Correct Ans: ✔✔hyperventilation; corrected with BVM
  6. Burns to face, chest, singed nasal hair- Best way to manage airway: - Correct Ans: ✔✔intubation
  7. How do you know if a stoma is clear: - Correct Ans: ✔✔No gurgling , Pass NG tube to decompress stomach if abdomen is distended after BVM ventilation and intubation
  1. Pass NG tube to decompress stomach if : - Correct Ans: ✔✔abdomen is distended after BVM ventilation and intubation
  2. Obstructed airway, can't ventilate: - Correct Ans: ✔✔Reposition & try again