Download ALAT CERTIFICATION STUDY QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERS 2023-2024 LATEST 100% GRADED and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! ALAT CERTIFICATION STUDY QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERS 2023-2024 LATEST 100% GRADED 2023-2023 ALAT Certification Study Questions With Verified Answers Other than the ALAT Training Manual, name the publication that you must read and study to prepare for the ALAT certification exam. - answerThe Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals List the three levels of AALAS Technician Certification. - answerAssistant Laboratory Animal Technician (ALAT), Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT), Laboratory Animal Technologist (LATg) What organization was formed in 1950 by Dr. Nathan Brewer and other veterinarians? - answerAnimal Care Panel (ACP) In 1967, the Animal Care Panel (ACP) changed it's name to what? - answerAmerican Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences (AALAS) What does the acronym RALAT mean? - answerRegistered Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician What does the acronym RLAT mean? - answerRegistered Laboratory Animal Technician What does the acronym RLATg mean? - answerRegistered Laboratory Animal Technologist What does the Principle Investigator do? - answerPlans and coordinates all phases of the research work and prepares the protocol What is an Animal Use Protocol? - answerA document written by the Principal Investigator What guidelines must an animal facility follow when research animals are euthanized at the end of a study? - answerAVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia Beyond food, water, shelter, and healthcare requirements, to comply with the Animal Welfare Act, what must be provided to dogs in a laboratory animal research facility? - answerOpportunities for exercise What does the acronym SOP stand for? - answerStandard Operating Procedure What are the 3 Rs? - answerReplacement, refinement, reduction How often must an IACUC perform inspections of the facility? - answerEvery 6 months Who has the authority to sign the PHS Assurance? - answerThe Institutional Official Who reviews all animal use protocols at the institution before studies using animals can begin? - answerInternational Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) What regulation applies to animal and non-animal research and safety studies funded or reviewed by the FDA and the EPA? - answerGood Laboratory Practices (GLPs) Records of USDA inspections are available to the public under a provision of which federal law? - answerFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) What document contains information regarding potential disasters, evacuation, and emergency contacts? - answerDisaster plan What is the best way to measure the effectiveness of an institution-wide emergency system? - answerPeriodic disaster drills What involves the development of methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon physical features? - answerBiometrics If you are present in the facility when a major disaster or accident occurs, what should be your first priority? - answerProtecting human life What does an eye wash station use to clean the eye? - answerClean water under low pressure What type of hazard causes musculoskeletal injuries - answerErgonomic What provides information on the toxicity of chemicals? - answerMaterial Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Whose standards specifically address the storage and handling of radioactive materials in the facility? - answerNuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Adult sheep may consume up to how many gallon(s) of water a day? - answer1 gallon The average life span of a goat is how many years? - answer8-12 years, and sometimes as old as 15+ The color of rabbit urine is determined by what? - answerThe amount of minerals in the urine Every six months , a female cat will have several periods of estruses, which may last 3-6 days, reproductively she is said to be what?: - answerSeasonally polyestrus A female cat is called what? - answerQueen A male cat is called what? - answerTom A male goat is called what? - answerBuck A female goat is called what? - answerDoe A female sheep is called what? - answerEwe A male sheep is called what? - answerRam A female dog is called what? - answerBitch A male dog is called what? - answerDog What is the scientific name for a goat? - answerCapra hircus What is the scientific name for sheep? - answerOvis aries What is the scientific name for common house mouse? - answerMus musculus What is the scientific name of an African Clawed Frog? - answerXenopus laevis What does the term subcutaneous mean? - answerUnder the skin The Largest government agency fostering biomedical research with direct financial support is? - answerThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) What cellular structure contains the genetic material? - answerThe nucleus What is the recommended width for a hallway in animal facility? - answer6 - 8 feet Where should microisolator cages be changed? - answerIn a ventilated work bench The Panel of Euthanasia Report which lists methods and guidelines on animal euthanasia is published by who? - answerAmerican Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Brown fat - answerA special fat that is found in newborns and some young adult animals that can be metabolized very rapidly to provide heat to increase or maintain body temperature. How often must nonhuman primates be observed during ground transportation? - answerOnce every 4 hours The "true stomach" in Ruminant is known as what? - answerAbomasum What is the term for a specific causative agent of disease, such as a virus or bacterium? - answerPathogen Fomite - answerA non-living material that can transmit a disease. Vector - answerAny living thing that carries a disease When referring to disease , what does sub-clinical mean? - answerIllness which does not make an animal sick The USDA annual report must be submitted by what date each year ? - answerDecember 1st What federal agency regulates and publishes guidelines for the use of biohazards? - answerCenter for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) What is not a physical method of euthanasia? - answerCarbon dioxide A male ferret is called? - answerA hob A female ferret is called? - answerA Jill What is the term for eating feces? - answerCoprophagy What are animals that are mostly active at night called? - answerNocturnal Porphyrin - answerThe reddish material found in the tears and saliva of rats. The hooded rat is also known as what? - answerLong-Evans The Syrian hamster is also known as what? - answerthe golden hamster What is the normal color of hamster urine? - answerWhitish What do you call an animal that is born blind and helpless? - answerAltricial What is the most common out-bred guinea pig used in research? - answerDunkin-Hartley What is the normal gestation period for a cat? - answer2 months A female guinea pig is called what? - answerSow A male guinea pig is called what? - answerbuck What is the unique reproductive trait among gerbils? - answerThey mate for life. What is parturition in rabbits called? - answerkindling What is the normal gestation period for dogs? - answer2 months Why do rabbits ingest night feces? - answerto recover B vitamins, proteins and water What is the scientific term used to describe blood in urine? - answerhematuria How long is the gestation period for rabbits? - answer1 month Who prepares the "Guide for the care and Use of Laboratory Animals"? - answerILAR (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources) What is it called if an animal lacks a means of generating heat internally? - answerEctotherm What do all organic compounds contain? - answerCarbon What is the standard symbol for the element calcium? - answerCa What is the correct formula for the conversion of the Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees? - answerC=5/9 (F-32) The anatomic term ventral means towards the what? - answerAbdomen The anatomic term medial means towards the what? - answermiddle of the body The kidneys are part of which body system? - answerUrinary What is the function of the lungs? - answerDeliver oxygen to the blood How many compartments are in a ruminant stomach? - answerFour What is the largest vein in the body? - answerVena cava In the gonads, sex cells divide and the daughter cells contain only half the number of chromosomes as the parent cells, this division is called ? - answermeiosis What type of caging material that has high impact strength, is transparent, and can withstand high temperatures? - answerPolycarbonate What is another term for gnotobiotic animals? - answer What is Alopecia defined as? - answerHairloss What type of drug relieves pain? - answerAnalgesic What government agency is in charge of preparing standards and enforcing the Animal Welfare Act? - answerUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA) In a rodent-breeding colony, which type of breeding scheme should be used to obtain minimal homozygosity in the shortest period of time? - answeroutbreeding Clean rodent barrier rooms should be ventilated with what type of pressure towards the hallway? - answerPositive pressure The destruction of all organisms on an object is referred to as what? - answerSterilization An unusual behavior that may be noticed in approximately 20% of gerbils is what? - answerSeizures What is the scientific name for swine? - answerSus Scrofa Domestica What is the scientific name for the Rhesus Macaque? - answerMacaca Mulatta What is the scientific name for baboons? - answerPapio What is the scientific name for Orangutans? - answerPongo What is the scientific name for Squirrel Monkeys? - answerSaimiri What is the scientific name for marmosets? - answerCallithrix What is the scientific name for Tamarins? - answerSanguinus What is an engineering standard? - answerA guideline that specifies in detail a method or technique for achieving a desired outcome. How does The Guide describe a Policy? - answerA practical statement of collective wisdom. Animals on a fluid regulation protocol should have their body weights recorded at least how often? - answerOnce a week What is the recommended number of air changes in an hour in an animal room? - answer10-15 exchanges/hour What condition can occur in susceptible animals due to high room illumination levels? - answerPhototoxic retinopathy What is the max sound level above which both auditory and non-auditory effects can result?