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ALF Core Training Florida Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

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ALF Core Training Florida Exam

Questions and Answers

Assisted iiLiving iiFacility ii- iiAnswers ii-A iifacility iithat iiis iioperated iiand iiregulated iias iia iiresidential iienvironment iinot iimedical iithat iiprovides iihousing, iimeals, iiand iione iior iimore iipersonal iiservices iifor iia iiperiod iiexceeding ii 24 iihours iito iione iior iimore iiadults iiwho iiare iinot iirelatives iiof iithe iiowner iior iiadministrator. Renewal iiLicense ii- iiAnswers ii-Must iibe iicompleted iiat iileast ii 60 iidays iiand iino iimore iithan ii 120 iidays iibefore iicurrent iilicense iiexpires. CHOW ii- iiAnswers ii-Change iiof iiOwnership Initial iiLicensure iiCHOW ii- iiAnswers ii-Must iibe iireceived iiat iileast ii 60 iidays iiprior iito iithe iichange iiof iiownership Omitted iiInformation iiLicensure ii- iiAnswers ii-Must iibe iisubmitted iiwithin ii 21 iidays iiafter iithe iirequest iifrom iithe iiagency iiis iimade. The iiAgency iifor iiHealthcare iiAdministration ii- iiAnswers ii-Also, ii"the iiagency", iiAHCA, iiAgency iiCentral iiOffice Length iiof iiALF iiLicensure ii- iiAnswers ii-Licensing iiis iibiennial iiunless iia iishorter iilicense iiperiod iiis iispecified. ALF ii- iiAnswers ii-Assisted iiLiving iiFacility Activities iiof iiDaily iiLiving ii- iiAnswers ii-Functions iiand iitasks iifor iiself iicare iisuch iias iiambulation, iibathing, iidressing, iieating, iigrooming, iiand iitoileting ADL ii- iiAnswers ii-Activities iiof iiDaily iiLiving Administrator ii- iiAnswers ii-An iiindividual iiat iileast ii 21 iiyears iiof iiage iiwho iiis iiresponsible iifor iithe iioperation iiand iimaintenance iiof iian iiassisted iiliving iifacility. Standard iiLicense ii- iiAnswers ii-Facilities iiwhich iiare iilicensed iito iiprovide iiroutine iipersonal iicare iiservices.

ECC ii- iiAnswers ii-Extended iiCongregate iiCare Extended iiCongregate iiCare iiLicense ii- iiAnswers ii-Can iibe iirequested iiby iia iifacility iithat iihas iibeen iilicensed iias iian iiassisted iiliving iifacility iifor ii 2 iior iimore iiyears iiand iithat iiprovides iiservices, iidirectly iior iithrough iicontract, iibeyond iithe iistandard iilicense iiand iiLNS iilicense iiincluding iibeing iiable iito iiprovide iitotal iicatheter iicare, iiall iioxygen iiservices, iiand iiany iitype iiof iitube iifeedings. LNS ii- iiAnswers ii-Limited iiNursing iiServices Limited iiNursing iiServices iiLicense ii- iiAnswers ii-Provide iiservices iibeyond iistandard iiincluding iiconducting iipassive iirange iiof iimotion iiexercises, iiapply iiice iicaps iiand iicollars, iiapply iiheat, iiperforming iiear iiand iieye iiirrigations, iiconduct iiurine iidipstick iitest, iiand iicutting iitoenails iiof iidiabetic iiresidents iiwhen iiapproved iiby iitheir iihealthcare iiprovider. iiResidents iican iialso iireceive iilicensed iinursing iiassistance iiwith iireplacement iiof iia iiindwelling iiurinary iicatheter iior iithe iiperformance iiof iiintermittent iiurinary iicatheterizations iican iibe iiperformed iiby iilicensed iipersonnel, iiperform iidigital iistool iiremoval, iiand iithe iiapplying iiand iichanging iiof iiroutine iidressings iithat iido iinot iirequire iipacking iior iiirrigation iibut iiare iiabrasions, iiskin iitears, iiand iiclosed iisurgical iiwounds. Specialty iiLicenses ii- iiAnswers ii-ECC, iiLNS, iiLMH LMH ii- iiAnswers ii-Limited iiMental iiHealth Limited iiMental iiHealth iiLicense ii- iiAnswers ii-Must iibe iiobtained iiby iia iifacility iithat iiserves iione iior iimore iimental iihealth iiresidents. Mental iiHealth iiResident ii- iiAnswers ii-An iiindividual iiwho iireceives iisocial iisecurity iidisability iiincome ii(SSDI) iidue iito iia iimental iidisorder iior iisupplemental iisecurity iiincome ii(SSI) iidue iito iia iimental iidisorder, iiand iireceives iioptional iistate iisupplementation ii(OSS). Community iiLiving iiSupport iiPlan ii- iiAnswers ii-Includes iisupports, iiservices, iispecial iiresident iineeds iinecessary iifor iithe iiMental iiHealth iiresident iito iilive iiin iiALF. ALF iiBusiness iiRecords ii- iiAnswers ii-Must iiidentify, iisummarize, iiand iiclassify iifunds iireceived iiand iiexpenses iidisbursed iiand iishall iiuse iiwritten iiaccounting iiprocedures iiand iia iirecognized iiaccounting iisystem. Personnel iiRecords ii- iiAnswers ii-Must iicontain, iiat iia iiminimum, iidocumentation iiof iibackground iiscreening, iiif iiapplicable, iidocumentation iiof iicompliance iiwith iiall iitraining iirequirements iiof iithis iipart iior iiapplicable iirule, iiand iia iicopy iiof iiall iilicenses iior iicertification iiheld iiby iieach iistaff iiwho iiperforms iiservices iifor iiwhich iilicensure iior iicertification iiis iirequired iiunder iithis iipart iior iirule.

Aging iiin iiplace ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiprocess iiof iiproviding iiincreased iior iiadjusted iiservices iito iia iiperson iito iicompensate iifor iithe iiphysical iior iimental iidecline iithat iimay iioccur iiwith iithe iiaging iiprocess iiwhile iipermitting iithem iito iiremain iiin iia iifamiliar, iiresidential iienvironment iifor iias iilong iias iipossible. Chemical iiRestraint ii- iiAnswers ii-A iipharmacologic iidrug iithat iiphysically iilimits, iirestricts iian iiindividual iiof iimovement iiand iiis iiused iifor iidiscipline iior iiconvenience iiand iinot iirequired iifor iithe iitreatment iiof iimedical iisymptoms. Cooperative iiAgreement ii- iiAnswers ii-A iiwritten iistatement iithat iimust iispecify iidirections iifor iiaccessing iiemergency iiand iiafter-hours iicare iifor iithe iimental iihealth iiresident. Department iiof iiElderly iiAffairs ii- iiAnswers ii-AKA ii"Department" Personal iiServices ii- iiAnswers ii-Direct iiphysical iiassistance iiwith iior iisupervision iiof iithe iiactivities iiof iidaily iiliving iiand iithe iiself-administration iiof iimedication iiand iiother iisimilar iinon-medical iiservices. Capacity ii- iiAnswers ii-The iinumber iiof iiresidents iifor iiwhich iia iifacility iihas iibeen iilicensed iito iiprovide iiresidential iicare. Physical iiRestraint ii- iiAnswers ii-A iidevice iiwhich iiphysically iilimits, iirestricts, iior iideprives iian iiindividual iiof iimovement iior iimobility. Amount iiof iiresidents iiper ii 1 iibathroom iiwith ii 1 iisink iiand ii 1 iitoilet ii- iiAnswers ii- 6 Square iifeet iiof iisingle iioccupancy iisleeping iiroom ii- iiAnswers ii- 80 Number iiof iiresidents iiin iifacility iithat iirequire iifacility iito iimaintain iian iiaccessible iitelephone iiin iieach iibuilding iiwhere iiresidents iireside, iimaintain written iistaff iijob iidescriptions, iihave iiawake iinight iistaff iior iimaintain iistandardized iirecipes. ii- iiAnswers ii- 16 Amount iiof iiresidents iiper ii 1 iibathroom iiwith ii 1 iisink iiand ii 1 iitoilet iiwith iian iiECC iilicense ii- iiAnswers ii- 4 Pre-Service iiOrientation ii- iiAnswers ii- 2 iihours iiin iiduration iiand iicover iitopics iithat iihelp iithe iiemployee iiprovide iiresponsible iicare iiand iirespond iito iithe iineeds iiof iifacility iiresidents. How iioften iidoes iisomeone iineed iia iilevel ii 2 iibackground iicheck? ii- iiAnswers ii-Every ii 5 iiyears Class ii"I" iiViolation ii- iiAnswers ii-Are iithose iiconditions iior iioccurrences iirelated iito iithe iioperation iiand iimaintenance iiof iia iiprovider iior iito iithe iicare iiof iiclients iiwhich iithe iiagency iidetermines iipresent iian iiimminent iidanger iito iithe iiclients iiof iithe iiprovider iior iia

iisubstantial iiprobability iithat iideath iior iiserious iiphysical iior iiemotional iiharm iiwould iiresult iitherefrom. How iilong iito iieliminate iia iiclass ii"I" iiviolation? ii- iiAnswers ii- 24 iihours Class ii"I" iifine ii- iiAnswers ii-Not iiless iithan ii$5,000 iiand iinot iiexceeding ii$10,000 iiper iiviolation. Class ii"II" iiViolation ii- iiAnswers ii-Are iithose iiconditions iior iioccurrences iirelated iito iithe iioperation iiand iimaintenance iiof iia iiprovider iior iito iithe iicare iiof iiclients iiwhich iithe iiagency iidetermines iidirectly iithreaten iithe iiphysical iior iiemotional iihealth, iisafety, iior iisecurity iiof iithe iiclients, iiother iithan iiclass iiI iiviolations. Class ii"II" iifine ii- iiAnswers ii-Not iiless iithan ii$1,000 iiand iinot iiexceeding ii$5,000 iifor iieach iiviolation. Class ii"III" iiViolation ii- iiAnswers ii-Are iithose iiconditions iior iioccurrences iirelated iito iithe iioperation iiand iimaintenance iiof iia iiprovider iior iito iithe iicare iiof iiclients iiwhich iithe iiagency iidetermines iiindirectly iior iipotentially iithreaten iithe iiphysical iior iiemotional iihealth, iisafety, iior iisecurity iiof iiclients, iiother iithan iiclass iiI iior iiclass iiII iiviolations. Class ii"III" iifine ii- iiAnswers ii-Not iiless iithan ii$500 iiand iinot iiexceeding ii$1,000 iifor iieach iiviolation. Class ii"IV" iiViolation ii- iiAnswers ii-Are iithose iiconditions iior iioccurrences iirelated iito iithe iioperation iiand iimaintenance iiof iia iiprovider iior iito iirequired iireports, iiforms, iior iidocuments iithat iido iinot iihave iithe iipotential iiof iinegatively iiaffecting iiclients. Class ii"IV" iifine ii- iiAnswers ii-Not iiless iithan ii$100 iiand iinot iiexceeding ii$200 iifor iieach iiviolation. Fine iifor iinon-compliance iiwith iibackground iiscreening ii- iiAnswers ii-$ Direct iiCare iiStaff ii- iiAnswers ii-Staff iiin iiRegular iiContact iior iiStaff iiin iiDirect iiContact iiwith iiresidents iithat iiprovide iipersonal iior iinursing iiservices iito iiresidents, iiincluding iiadministrators iiand iimanagers iiproviding iisuch iiservices. Elopement ii- iiAnswers ii-An iioccurrence iiin iiwhich iia iiresident iileaves iia iifacility iiwithout iifollowing iifacility iipolicy iiand iiprocedures. Health iiCare iiProvider ii- iiAnswers ii-A iilicensed iiphysician iior iiphysician's iiassistant iior iilicensed iiadvanced iiregistered iinurse iipractitioner LTCOP ii- iiAnswers ii-Long iiTerm iiCare iiOmbudsman iiProgram

Registered iiDietitian ii- iiAnswers ii-An iiindividual iiregistered iiwith iithe iiCommission iion iiDietetic iiRegistration Respite iiCare ii- iiAnswers ii-Facility-based iisupervision iiof iian iiimpaired iiadult iifor iithe iipurpose iiof iirelieving iithe iiprimary iicaregiver. Significant iiChange ii- iiAnswers ii-A iisudden iior iimajor iishift iiin iibehavior iior iimood iiinconsistent iiwith iithe iiresident's iidiagnosis, iior iia iideterioration iiin iihealth iistatus. Universal iiPrecautions ii- iiAnswers ii-A iiset iiof iiprecautions iidesigned iito iiprevent iitransmission iiof iihuman iiimmunodeficiency iivirus ii(HIV), iihepatitis iiB iivirus ii(HBV), iiand iiother iiblood iiborne iipathogens iiwhen iiproviding iifirst iiaid iior iihealth iicare. Contiguous iiProperty ii- iiAnswers ii-Property iiunder iithe iisame iiownership iiseparated iiby iino iimore iithan iia iitwo-lane iistreet iithat iitraverses iithe iiproperty. Admission iiPackage ii- iiAnswers ii-1. iiadmission iiand iicontinued iiresidency iicriteria,

  1. iithe iicharge iito iireside iiin iithe iifacility iiand iithe iiservices, iisupplies, iiand iiaccommodations iiprovided iiby iithe iifacility iifor iithat iirate,
  2. iipersonal iicare iiservices iithat iithe iifacility iiis iiprepared iito iiprovide iito iiresidents iiand iiadditional iicosts, ii4. iinursing iiservices iithat iithe iifacility iiis iiprepared iito iiprovide iito iiresidents iiand iiadditional iicosts iito iithe iiresident, ii5. iifood iiservice iiand iithe iiability iiof iithe iifacility iito iiaccommodate iispecial iidiets, ii6. iiavailability iiof iitransportation iiand iiadditional iicosts iito iithe iiresident, ii7. iiany iiother iispecial iiservices iithat iiare iiprovided iiby iithe iifacility iiand iiadditional iicost, ii8. iisocial iiand iileisure iiactivities iigenerally iioffered iiby iithe iifacility, ii9. iiany iiservices iithat iithe iifacility iidoes iinot iiprovide iibut iiwill iiarrange iifor iithe iiresident iiand iiadditional iicost, ii10. iifacility iirules iiand iiregulations iithat iiresidents iimust iifollow ii11. iifacility iipolicy iiconcerning iiDo iiNot iiResuscitate iiOrders iiand iiAdvance iiDirectives ii12. iifacility's iiresidency iicriteria iifor iiresidents iireceiving iiextended iicongregate iicare iiservices ii13. iiwritten iidescription iiof iispecial iiservices iiprovided iifor iiindividuals iiwith iiAlzheimer's ii14. iifacility's iiresident iielopement iiresponse iipolicies iiand iiprocedures. Documents iiprovided iito iiresident iior iiresponsible iiparty ii- iiAnswers ii-1. iiA iicopy iiof iithe iiresident's iicontract iithat iimeets ii2. iiA iicopy iiof iithe iifacility iistatement ii3. iiA iicopy iiof iithe iiresident's iibill iiof iirights ii4. iiA iiLong-Term iiCare iiOmbudsman iiProgram iibrochure iithat iiincludes iithe iitelephone iinumber iiand iiaddress iiof iithe iidistrict iioffice.