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All Firefighter 1 Practice Test Questions and Answers 2024/2025 NFPA 1001 is the: A. Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. B. Standard for Industrial Fire Brigades. C. Standard for Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Programs. D. Standard for Blood Borne Pathogen Training. - Correct answer-A
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NFPA 1001 is the: A. Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. B. Standard for Industrial Fire Brigades. C. Standard for Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Programs. D. Standard for Blood Borne Pathogen Training. - Correct answer-A One of the primary functions of the truck/ladder company is: A. performing forcible entry to the fire building. B. directing traffic at the scene. C. laying supply lines for engine companies. D. fire attack. - Correct answer-A OSHA may establish regulations governing fire department activities such as: A. work hours. B. anti-discrimination laws. C. the level of experience required to hold a chief's office. D. health and safety. - Correct answer-D In the Incident Command System (ICS), the functional area responsible for all incident activities, including the development and implementation of strategic decisions is: A. Planning. B. Operations. C. Logistics. D. Command. - Correct answer-D What normal body cooling mechanism is lost when wearing PPE? A. Radiation from the head B. Radiation from the body C. Internal cooling from ingestion D. Evaporation of perspiration - Correct answer-D What is one aspect of high-rise fires that is especially draining of energy? A. Walking up many flights of stairs in PPE B. Taking the elevator up only to the floor below the fire C. The inevitable compromise of the HVAC system D. Establishing staging sometimes many floors below the fire floor - Correct answer-A
A permits fire fighters to gain access during an emergency. A. lockout B. tagout
C. Baker box D. key box/lock box - Correct answer-D The is tied as illustrated below: A. bowline B. becket / sheet bend C. clove hitch D. figure eight - Correct answer-D In kernmantle rope, the kern or core of the rope accounts for approximately of its strength. A. 50 percent B. 90 percent C. 75 percent D. 25 percent - Correct answer-C The is tied as illustrated in the drawing below: A. bowline B. half hitch C. clove hitch D. figure-eight - Correct answer-C The combination of knots recommended to hoist a pike pole includes: A. becket/sheet bend with a bight. B. several half hitches. C. bowline and half hitches. D. a clove hitch and half hitches. - Correct answer-D The order of rank and authority in the fire service describes: A. chain of command. B. discipline. C. span of control. D. unity of command. - Correct answer-A The street, or address side of the structure is termed: A. Division A. B. Division B. C. Division C. D. Division D. - Correct answer-A The ratio of the mass of a given volume of liquid compared with the mass of an equal volume of water at the same temperature is: A. specific gravity. B. vapor density. C. flash point. D. surface to mass ratio. - Correct answer-A
Life-safety rope should be stored in: A. coils or in rope bags. B. a large bundle. C. moisture-proof cases. D. coiled in mesh bags. - Correct answer-A Toxic atmospheres due to smoke and heat are called: A. fire fighter hazardous environments. B. immediately dangerous to life and health. C. carcinogenic hazard areas. D. exclusionary zones. - Correct answer-B Which of the following has the highest priority for a radio transmission? A. Notification from dispatch of road closures B. Emergency traffic from a unit working at a fire or rescue C. Vital signs of a patient being transported by fire department ambulance D. Transmission of local forest fire danger notice - Correct answer-B The telecommunicator's first responsibility is to: A. obtain the information that is required to dispatch the appropriate units to the correct location. B. reassure the caller that help will be forthcoming shortly and that his/her problem can be dealt with. C. provide the caller with real-time, emergency instructions such as how to perform CPR. D. ascertain the exact type of event that the caller is reporting. - Correct answer-A Before transmitting any information over the fire department radio, a firefighter should: A. press the key two or three times to signal the intent to transmit. B. key the microphone and then clear his/her throat to be sure his/her voice will be clear. C. turn up the volume control if his/her voice is naturally soft. D. listen to be sure the channel is not being used. - Correct answer-D When using positive pressure SCBA, a poor seal between the face piece and the fire fighter's face is: A. not dangerous, because the positive pressure will keep toxic gases out of the face piece. B. dangerous, because it is depleting the air supply more quickly. C. not possible, because the positive pressure will seal the face piece to the face. D. the main cause of deaths on the fireground. - Correct answer-B The bypass valve on a self-contained breathing apparatus is used: A. during hazardous materials incidents.
B. in emergency situations involving a malfunctioning regulator.
C. to clear the mask of unwanted condensation. D. to cool the face piece when high heat is encountered. - Correct answer-B The first noticeable signs of oxygen deficiency are: A. profuse sweating and ringing in the cars. B. dizziness, impaired vision, and giddiness. C. increased respiratory rate and impaired muscular coordination. D. headache and rapid fatigue. - Correct answer-C Four hazardous atmospheres that fire fighters are likely to encounter at a fire are: A. super-heated air, toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, and smoke. B. toxic gases, hyperventilation, oxygen deficiency, and heat. C. heat, light, smoke, and chemical chain reaction. D. carbon monoxide, ammonia, water, and hydrogen sulfide. - Correct answer- A Trapped fire fighters awaiting rescue will use less air if they: A. partially close the cylinder valve. B. open the bypass valve. C. struggle to get free. D. control their breathing. - Correct answer-D The primary function of the bypass valve on SCBA is: A. to enable the wearer to breathe more oxygen. B. for use if the regulator fails. C. to help control excessive heat in the face piece. D. to facilitate removal of condensation from the lens of the face piece. - Correct answer-B The proper position of the bypass valve on positive-pressure SCBA under normal conditions is: A. fully open. B. cracked open. C. fully dosed. D. open three full turns. - Correct answer-C Hypoxia is: A. low blood sugar. B. low blood pressure. C. a deficiency of oxygen. D. a lowering of the body's core temperature. - Correct answer-C Inhaled toxic gases can directly cause: A. disease of the lung
tissue. B. muscle cramps in the lower extremities. C. blurred vision, leading to blindness. D. amnesia. - Correct answer-A
Which of the following statements regarding the two SCBA types in fire service use is incorrect? A. In an open-circuit SCBA, exhaled air is vented to the outside atmosphere. B. In a closed-circuit SCBA, exhaled air stays in the system for filtering, cleaning, and circulation. C. The closed-circuit type is commonly used for structural firefighting. D. SCBAs for fire service use are designed and built in accordance with NIOSHand NFPA standards. - Correct answer-C What is the first step a fire fighter should perform before donning the SCBA? A. Check the air supply of the SCBA unit. B. Check the PASS device. C. Test the low air alarm. D. Loosen all straps on the harness. - Correct answer-A The purpose of a pass device is to: A. sound an alarm if certain fire or asphyxiate gases are detected. B. warn fire fighters when their air supply is low. C. sound an alarm if a fire fighter is motionless for a set period of time. D. keep track of elapsed time in deteriorating conditions. - Correct answer-C Oxygen deficient atmospheres are those having less than percent oxygen in the air. A. B.
C. D. 19.5 - Correct answer-D At the beginning of the shift, the fire fighter should make sure their SCBA is at least percent full. A. B. 80 C. D.90 - Correct answer-D There are two methods that can be used to don SCBA that is stored in a case: A. over-the-head and coat method. B. compartment and coat method. C. over-the-head and compartment method. D. jacket and backup mount. - Correct answer-A Manufacturers should provide users of PPE with which of the following information? A. Cleaning instructions B. MSDS
information C. Shelf life
D. Liability protection - Correct answer-A The purpose for the use of reflective trim on PPE is to: A. increase the visibility of the wearer to others. B. provide protection for material under the trim. C. allow the wearer to blend in with the surroundings. D. be more stylish than the plain PPE. - Correct answer-A Tempered plate glass should be broken only as a last resort. It is recommended that it be shattered by striking: A. in the center with a large, blunt object. B. at the lowest corner with the pick end of a fire ax. C. with a flat-headed ax with hands above the head. D. with a flat-headed ax at the highest corner. - Correct answer-B In what type of occupancy will fire fighters usually find sliding doors? A. Barns or warehouses B. Commercial C. Residential D. Institutional - Correct answer-C Once overhead doors have been forced, they should be: A. removed. B. unlocked to prevent locking. C. locked. D. blocked open. - Correct answer-D A K-Tool is correctly positioned when the blades bite into the: A. cylinder. B. outer rim. C. face. D. keeper. - Correct answer-A A/an can be safely carried by two fire fighters, although it is designed to be used by two or four fire fighters. A.hux bar B. Halligan tool C. battering ram D. oxyacetylene cutting unit - Correct answer-C Which of the following tools is considered to be a pulling tool? A. Crowbar B. Flat-head ax C. Pike
pole D. Halligan tool - Correct answer-C
"Irons" are formed by combining a: A. Halligan and a crowbar. B. pickhead ax and a crowbar. C. pickhead ax and a maul. D. flathead ax and a Halligan. - Correct answer-D What is one example of a hand-powered hydraulic spreader tool? A. Spanner tool B. Pompier tool C. Rabbet tool D. Pitot tool - Correct answer-C Which of the following statements regarding power saw safety is incorrect? A. Use the right blade for the material being cut. B. The saw should be started on level ground and carried up the ladder while running. C. Power saws require two fire fighters-the saw operator and a guide fire fighter. D. Conduct daily checks for operation and blade condition. - Correct answer-B Which tool is used to pull out a cylinder lock mounted in a wood or heavy metal door? A. Rabbet tool B. Hux bar C. K- tool D.Ax - Correct answer-C The most important factor to consider in forcible entry is to: A. select the right tool to do the job. B. use the tool that can do the job fastest. C. use prying tools before striking tools. D. use striking tools before prying tools. - Correct answer-A Before fire fighters enter a burning building to perform rescue work, they must first consider: A. manpower on the scene. B. weather conditions. C. damaging evidence of forced entry. D. their own safety. - Correct answer-D The term for a roll call taken by a supervisor at an emergency incident is a: A. Fire Fighter Location Confirmation. B. Time and Location Verification. C. System Communications Check.
D. Personnel Accountability Report. - Correct answer-D OSHA regulations require that when fire fighters are inside a structure fire, at least trained and equipped fire fighters must be standing by outside. A.
D.6 - Correct answer-A When referring to ladders, the term tie rod is used to describe a metal rod running from: A. one beam to the other. B. a beam to a rung. C. rung to truss block. D. the pulley(s) to the ladder frame. - Correct answer-A When a ladder is raised, it should be placed at an angle of approximately to ensure a safe climb. A.55° B. 75° c. 65° D.45° - Correct answer-B A nonadjustable ladder that consists of only one section is called a ladder. A. combination B. single/wall C. folding D. special-use - Correct answer-B Ladders should extend five rungs above the roof edge to aid fire fighters in climbing onto and off the ladder and: A. so fire fighters can find the ladder in heavy smoke conditions. B. to help locate victims who may be trapped. C. to prevent damage to the tips of the beams. D. to keep the ladder cool under heavy fire conditions. - Correct answer-A A fire fighter who is climbing a ladder and carrying a tool in one hand, should: A. grasp only every other rung during the climb. B. place the tool at every other rung during the climb for balance. C. slide the free hand up the underside of the beam while making the climb. D. never climb a ladder with only one hand free. - Correct answer-C When performing the one-person raise, the of the ladder is placed against the building wall. A. tip B. bea m C. butt D. stay poles - Correct answer-C
The common length of the straight ground ladder is usually between feet. A. 6 to 14 B. 12 to 24
C. 18 to 30 D. 25 to 50 - Correct answer-B What are two methods of raising a ladder to the vertical position? A. One-person raise and two-person raise B. Manual raise and mechanical raise C. East raise and West raise D. Rung raise and beam raise - Correct answer-D What are butt spurs on a ladder? A. Protrusions that attach the hose strap to the ladder B. The teeth of the cam system that extends the fly sections C. Bumps and dents on the foot pad D. Spikes on the base that keep it from slipping - Correct answer-D What do the stops do on an extension ladder? A. Prevent it from over-extending B. Limit how far the fly sections can collapse C. Lock the extensions in place when extended D. Prevent the whole ladder from slipping on the ground - Correct answer-A Where does the top beam of the ladder rest in the one-fire fighter carry? A.On the hip B. In the hand C. On the shoulder D. On the crook of the elbow - Correct answer-C One of the most useful tools to aid in handling a charged hose line is a hose: A. wrench. B. jacket. C. strap. D. clamp. - Correct answer-C One-inch rubber-covered and rubber-lined hose equipped with one-inch couplings is commonly called a: A. forestry hose. B. supply hose. C. booster hose. D. engine line. - Correct answer-C In the fire service, the basic definition of the word "rescue" is: A. removing a victim from a hazardous situation to safety. B. stabilizing a victim before transporting.
C. performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a victim. D. All of the above. - Correct answer-A
During search operations, the fire fighter should: A. rest to conserve air. B. regroup with all those searching. C. listen for calls or signals for help. D. leave a trail to aid escape. - Correct answer-C Which of the following are characteristics of a primary search? A. Rapid and systematic B. Slow and deliberate C. Accomplished only with a charged hose line D. Begun only after top-side ventilation is provided - Correct answer-A When conducting a primary search within a structure, a fire fighter should begin: A. in the center of the room. B. on a wall. C. always start with right hand pattern. D. under or behind furnishings. - Correct answer-B During a search of a building involved in fire, if a fire fighter becomes disoriented, the fire fighter should attempt to: A. remain calm. B. retrace steps to original location. C. seek a place of refuge and activate PASS device. D. All of the above. - Correct answer- D Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. The secondary search is the most dangerous. B. Searching a building is completed in two different operations; primary and secondary search. C. During primary search, the team is often ahead of attack lines and may be above the fire. D. The primary search takes place in a rapid but thorough manner in areas most likely to have victims. - Correct answer-A A rapid intervention crew team is composed of: A. at least four fire fighters. B. fire fighters to rescue occupants if found. C. at least two fire fighters. D. fire fighters waiting by ready to don PPE if necessary. - Correct answer-C Immobilizing a victim who is suspected of having a spinal injury on a long backboard requires rescuers. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 - Correct answer-C
When exposed to products of combustion, the are more vulnerable to injury than any other body area. A. lungs and respiratory tract B. heart and respiratory tract C. lungs and eyes D. brain and spinal cord - Correct answer-A What does the E stand for in Lower Limit (LEL)? A. Endothermic B. Energetic C. Explosive D. Evolution - Correct answer-C In a multi-story building with a standpipe system, a fire fighter should make the connection the fire floor. A. on the floor below B. on the floor above C. on D. two levels above - Correct answer-A Fine water droplets and maximum high water surface area are characteristics of a stream. A. solid B. fog C. broken D. straight - Correct answer-B A stream designed to be as compact as possible with little shower or spray is known as a stream. A. solid B. fog C. straight D. narrow-angle fog - Correct answer-A When advancing a dry hose line up a ladder, fire fighters should position themselves on the ladder: A. on opposing sides of the beam. B. no more than six feet apart. C. with no more than one fire fighter per section. D. within arms' reach of each other. - Correct answer-C
A hose is used to seal small cuts or breaks that may occur in fire hose or to connect mismatched or damaged couplings of the same size to stop leaking. A. bridge B. damp
C. jacket D. seal - Correct answer-C A straight stream is discharged from a/an nozzle. A. smooth-orifice B. adjustable- fog C. special- purpose D. applicator - Correct answer-B The method is performed with two fire fighters and used for breaking tight couplings without the use of a spanner wrench. A. stiff- arm B. foot-tilt C. knee-press D. coupling·tilt - Correct answer-A Under what circumstances should master stream devices be directed into buildings where fire fighters are operating inside? A. Only when the whereabouts of every person inside is known to the master stream operator B. Only when the fire is clearly getting the better of the inside crew C. Under no circumstances D. Under any circumstances - Correct answer-C A dutchman is: A. used when loading hose and has a short fold or a reverse fold with a coupling at the point where a fold should occur. B. a process for uncoupling hose. C. a short length of hose that connects a deluge set to the engine company's pump. D. the fold in a twin donut roll. - Correct answer-A When should the fire fighter attaching hose to the hydrant charge the supply line? A. As soon as possible B. Not until the driver/operator's signal is received C. After slowly opening the hydrant all the way D. After ten full minutes from the time of drop-off - Correct answer-B Which of the following statements regarding fog nozzles is not correct? A. Adjustable fog nozzles provide personal protection because of the screening effect between them and the fire. B. Fog nozzles provide better heat absorption. C. They have a greater reach than solid stream nozzles. D. Fog streams can produce more steam that can extinguish hidden fire. - Correct answer-C
Which of the following is a recommended practice to prevent mechanical firehose damage? A. Maintain the same fold positions when reloading hose on apparatus. B. Eliminate all chafing blocks in the vicinity of the operating pumper C. Open and close nozzles, valves and hydrants slowly. D. Avoid inserting hose in ramps or bridges. - Correct answer-C Proper ventilation results in an orderly movement of through and out of the structure. A. water fog B. hose line crews C. rescue personnel D. heated fire gases - Correct answer-D Convection is: A. transfer of heat through space by infrared rays. B. transfer of heat through a solid medium. C. not considered a method of heat transfer. D. transfer of heat through liquids or gases by circulating currents. - Correct answer-D Heat transfer that takes place in the form of electromagnetic waves is known as: A. convection. B. radiation. C. conduction. D. flame contact. - Correct answer-B Which stage of fire releases the maximum amount of heat for the available fuel and produces large volumes of fire gases? A. Ignition B. Fully developed C. Growth D. Rapid oxidation - Correct answer-B Which of the following is the first stage/phase of fire? A. Incipient/ignition B. Fully developed C. Growth D. Decay - Correct answer-A The term vapor density refers to the weight of a gas as compared to the weight of: A. water. B. air. C. carbon.
D. nitrogen. - Correct answer-B If a gas has a vapor density greater than one when it escapes from its container:
A. it will rise. B. its movement will be dependent on wind direction and speed. C. its movement will be dependent on temperature. D. it will sink and collect at low points. - Correct answer-D The acronym BLEVE stands for: A. barometric level emergency valve enclosure. B. bring local emergency vehicles early. C. boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion. D. boiling liquid emergency valve exit. - Correct answer-C Positive-pressure ventilation is: A. pulling smoke out. B. blowing fresh air in. C. removing oxygen. D. increasing thermal layering. - Correct answer-B From a life safety point of view, the advantage(s) of proper ventilation for building occupants is/are that it: A. improves visibility. B. reduces the danger of backdraft explosions. C. removes toxic smoke. D. All of the above. - Correct answer-D Smoke and heat collects at a structure starting from the: A. lowest point. B. windward side. C. highest point. D. leeward side. - Correct answer-C construction is often used in mill construction. A. Frame B. Ordinary C. Heavy timber D. Noncombustible - Correct answer-C The usual cause of collapse of open web steel joist is the: A. amount of heat generated by the fire in a structure. B. poor method of construction. C. impact load of fire fighters on the roof. D. All of the above. - Correct answer-A Which of the following roof structures provide(s) quick and effective initial ventilation? A. Scuttle covers
B. Roof level skylights C. Hatches