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Allen notes of current electricity, Schemes and Mind Maps of Medical Physics

It contains short notes and imp. Formulae of current electricity

Typology: Schemes and Mind Maps


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soomya-barik 🇮🇳

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Download Allen notes of current electricity and more Schemes and Mind Maps Medical Physics in PDF only on Docsity! —i» | > 7 = ! Current Eloteucits | Cun — gansag = Gy Elenite CunmUAt 1 —_ = -P2838ing thaou h unit aria —nonmat 4p thy S nak 4 Eleetr ee + sy lotmansion =Car~2 | Electric CLUE UO “ae | ie Taco te WMO UAC _.uaatisy” | era] | . I a | @= "TA | Ne HV = Tax { J = Nevd)] __I T= nNef-ee) ¥. a “om 7 OUD Hf eZ2zP \e, : ty) Fe Wetrsead Conductivity. (Ont) Sse * dts an \sctort Form _ a Ohm's tato. owe = a : a 7 f ~ _ : wo Ped ey TS ae aL =f \ Seger Sa 4 4s = _— qe _ 7 im P= a Ji fe GS = @) Find €liciaie —cunnead cleasr ty Od on, — | Sectian D 9 E —s ! | fe —\ Panne. _ - Il AOA] > ! i 1 —_ | v i val : _ Sains Tet 40 aE ! A 3.14 XCQ2X 107 a2 | JT = to x 10% | | 6223 4 x | “4 : : Pa ©. Pind €licinic cunnentcenaity 04° Dp"? =~ | | | _ sory) Ounrunt dans at = Is f ee MY OF PS _ (TLR?) oo UM — tanus° => X cQR. 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