Download Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. IMDP Process - Week 2 Exam and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!
Process - Week 2. Exam
- Write the Sphinxman prayer. - correct answers✅✅ Oh father, may we as oncoming Alphamen, make full development, so that we may uphold the high standard of Alpha Phi Alpha; manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind. Throughout eternity. Amen.
- Write the Sphinxman credo. - correct answers✅✅ As a Sphinxman, I will uphold high scholastic standards, high moral character, brotherly love, personal progress, loyalty, and the respect of womanhood to the best of my ability.
- What are the lyrics to the Sphinxman hymn? - correct answers✅✅ The Mystic Sphinx, for us the name does signify. We love and guard its customs and ideals. Our task is hard, our vigil long and dutiful. Our hears are ever mindful of our task. And should we cross those burning sands that guard our aims. We pledge ourselves it mandates to obey. To this one goal our concentrated efforts be. To be a worthy part of noble A Phi A.
- What is the title of Chapter 6 of the History Book? - correct answers✅✅ Expansion and Internal Development
- What is the title of Chapter 7 of the History Book? - correct answers✅✅ The Leaven of Self Examination
- Name an Alpha in each of the following 9 fields: - correct answers✅✅ Politics/Government: Congressman Bobby Scott
Process - Week 2. Exam
Arts/Entertainment: Duke Ellington / Lionel Richie Law: Greg Mathis / Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. / W.E.B. DuBois Sports/Athletics: Jesse Owens / Art Shell Education: Cornel West / Dr. Henry Ponder Business: Joshua Smith / Robert F. Smith Medicine: LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. / Leon Walker Herndon Science/Technology: Levi Watkins / Marcus Martin / Dr. Willis L Lonzer
- What is the official Fraternity flower? - correct answers✅✅ Yellow Rose
- Who is the present General President of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.? - correct answers✅✅ Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III
Process - Week 2. Exam
- What is the scope of Alpa Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.? - correct answers✅✅ Limitlessness
- Name the founders of the Chapter to which you aspire: - correct answers✅✅ Big Brother Finesse Armstead Big Brother George Barzay Big Brother Arthur Fox Big Brother Henry Goodson Big Brother Edgar Harris Big Brother Henry Hill Big Brother Andrew Humphries Big Brother Walker Leflore / Big Brother Willam Leflore Big Brother John Miller Jr. Big Brother William Pidgett Big Brother Ben Stevenson
- Give the names of the Chapters in your and their founding dates: - correct answers✅✅ Shaw University Beta Rho October 31st, 1936 North Carolina Central University Gamma Beta May 23rd, 1941 Gamma Psi Saint Augustine's University March 15, 1948
Process - Week 2. Exam
Kappa Omicron Duke University December 7th, 1975 Mu Zeta University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill April 15th, 1976 Eta Omicron North Carolina State University April 7th, 1971
- What is the last sentence of the poem "if" - correct answers✅✅ Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!
- Name the authors and write the words to the following poems - correct answers✅✅ Invictus by William Ernest Henley Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning's of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade,
Process - Week 2. Exam
And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Test of a man by Author Unknown The test of a man is the fight that he makes, The grit that he daily shows, The way he stands upon his feet, And takes life's numerous bumps and blows. A coward can smile when there's naught to fear. And nothing his progress bars, But it takes a man to stand and cheer, While the other fellow stars. It isn't the victory after all But the fight that a Brother makes. A man when driven against the wall, Still stands erect and takes the blows of fate With his head held high, bleeding, bruised and pale ,Is the man who will win and fate defied, For he isn't afraid to fail!
- A chapter was not established simply because a group of students made petition for the creation of one. It was the policy to establish chapters only where standards were met and AND
Process - Week 2. Exam
sufficiently large number of students existed. - correct answers✅✅ True
- During the Seventh General Convention, legislation was passed exclaiming that no organization should be permitted to be a Chapter of the Fraternity and the Chapter of another collegiate fraternity at the same time, and this same rule applied to individual members. - correct answers✅✅ True
- Conflict is inevitable in any interpersonal relationship or among members of any group and can be a very positive experience, if managed properly. - correct answers✅✅ True
- What is the title of Chapter 4 of the History Book? - correct answers✅✅ Local and National Strivings Your Sphinxhead represents or symbolizes the following thing(s): - correct answers✅✅ All of those listed What is the title of Chapter 5 of the History Book? - correct answers✅✅ Permanent Foundations According to Chapter 4, through the actions of Brothers following the convention, the purposes of Alpha Phi Alpha were shown. Which of the following are part of those purposes: - correct answers✅✅ All of those listed
Process - Week 2. Exam
- What is the name, year founded and sear of the Fraternity's fifth Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Epsilon Chapter, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1909.
- What is the name, year founded and prestigious seat of the Fraternity's sixth Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Zeta; Yale University, New Haven, CT; 1909
- What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity's seventh Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Eta; Columbia University, New York, NY; 1909
- What is the name and year founded of the Fraternity's eighth Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Theta; 1910
- What schools served as the seat of Theta Chapter? - correct answers✅✅ University of Chicago; Chicago, IL Northwestern University; Evanston, IL University of Illinois-Urbana; Urbana, IL
- What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity's ninth Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Iota Chapter; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; 1910
Process - Week 2. Exam
- What is the year, host Chapter, and host location of the Second General Convention? - correct answers✅✅ Gamma Chapter; Virginia Union University,
- Who was elected as the second General President? - correct answers✅✅ Roscoe C. Giles
- What is the name, year founded and seat of the fraternity's tenth Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Kappa Chapter, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 1911
- What city hosted the Third General Convention and what year did it take place?? - correct answers✅✅ Philadelphia, PA - 1910
- Who was elected as the third General President? - correct answers✅✅ Fredrick H. Miller
- What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity's first Alumni Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Alpha Lambda; Louisville KY; 1911
- Who is credited with the establishment of Fraternity's first Alumni Chapter - correct answers✅✅ Eugene Knickle Jones
- Who was elected as the fourth General President? - correct answers✅✅ Charles H. Garvin
Process - Week 2. Exam
- Who is credited with the design of the FIRST Fraternity shield? - correct answers✅✅ James A. Dunn
- The designer of the First Fraternity shield came from what Chapter? - correct answers✅✅ Kappa Chapter
- What is the Chapter designation for the Chapter of deceased Brothers? - correct answers✅✅ Omega
- With the exception of 3 Chapters, what is the Greek Letter used as the suffix to an Alumni Chapter's name to denote It is an Alumni Chapter? - correct answers✅✅ Lambda
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's national project/signature education program is called: - correct answers✅✅ Go To High School, Go To College
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's signature voter education and registration program is called: - correct answers✅✅ A Voteless people Is A Hopeless People
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's signature cooperative program with March of Dimes where Brothers engage young men about sexual responsibility and abstinence is called - correct answers✅✅ Project Alpha
Process - Week 2. Exam
- At the 90th General Convention in Las Vegas, NV (July 2010), Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity established its fourth national program. Its mission is to advocate for and improve the quality of life for disabled, mature, ailing Brothers, spouses, widows, and community members while promoting dignity and independence among these same groups. It is called: - correct answers✅✅ A. Charles Haston Brother's Keeper Program
- This special project was created to develop the human resources of Alpha Phi Alpha and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with corporate partners which would result - correct answers✅✅ College Life to Corporate Life Initiative
- This special project aims to develop the next generation of leaders. It starts with youth who demonstrate the potential to comprehend and apply the fundamental principles needed by leaders and provides them with resources and role models to enhance their leadership abilities. - correct answers✅✅ Alpha Phi Alpha Leadership Development Institues
- What is the name of the college chartered on the campus of University of Minnesota? - correct answers✅✅ Mu
- What is the year founded and seat (campus and city) of Nu Chapter - correct answers✅✅ Lincoln University, Lincoln, PA; 1912
Process - Week 2. Exam
- What is the name, year founded and seat (campus and city) of the Fraternity's thirteenth college Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ None of those listed or Xi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Was founded at Wilberforce University - Wilberforce, Ohio - 1912.
- What is the date of the second incorporation - correct answers✅✅ April 3, 1912
- Where did the second incorporation take place? - correct answers✅✅ Washington, D.C.
- Who Wrote Espirit De Fraternite - correct answers✅✅ Charles H. Garvin
- Pick the items that are part of the vision/objectives of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc: - correct answers✅✅ To stimulate the ambition of its members To prepare its members for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom and dignity of the individual To encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood To aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status.
Process - Week 2. Exam
- On the third day of the 5th Annual Convention, Bro George B. Kelley moved, and seconded by Bro. James A. Dunn, that all graduate chapters be named in alphabetical order and end in this letter to signify it was a graduate Chapter. What was that letter? - correct answers✅✅ Lambda
- Following the 5th annual convention, General President Garvin made a new Chapter. What is the name, year founded and seat (campus and city) of this, the Fraternity's, fourteenth College Chapter to be chartered? - correct answers✅✅ Omicron; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; 1913
- One of the permanent achievements of the Sixth Annual Convention was the establishment of a Fraternity journal. What would be the name of this journal? - correct answers✅✅ The Sphinx
- Who was named as the first editor of the Fraternity journal? - correct answers✅✅ Raymond W. Cannon
- During the Sixth Annual Convention, this Brother was elected General President? - correct answers✅✅ Henry Lake Dickason