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1) Which of the following is considered a parasitic infection? A. Lyme disease B. Rabies C. Ringworm D. Malaria - Answer

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  1. Which of the following is considered a parasitic infection? A. Lyme disease B. Rabies C. Ringworm D. Malaria - Answer
  2. Aspirin and acetaminophen are examples of: A. Analgesics and antipyretics B. Antitussives and decongestants C. Antihistamines and antiemetics D. Antidotes and antibiotics - Answer
  3. Demerol 75 mg, IM every 4 hours, as needed for severe pain, is what type of medication order? A. Single B. PRN C. Stat D. Routine - Answer
  4. This unit in the hospital is run by physicians and experts in the field of musculoskeletal disorders of bones, joints, ligaments and tendons, identify this department. A. Rheumatology B. Obstetrics C. Ophthalmology D. Oncology - Answer
  1. MSDS information includes: A. Table of chemical elements B. Product manufacturing conditions C. General and emergency information D. Information on competitor products - Answer
  2. The physician prescribes a buccal medication. The medical assistant should instruct the patient to: A. Place the medication between the lower teeth and cheek B. Chew the medication and swallow it C. Place the medication under the tongue D. Dissolve the medication in water and drink it - Answer
  3. Which of the following is the best specimen to test for levels of iron in the blood? A. The one collected in a tube that contains sodium citrate B. The one collected in a microcuvette C. The one collected in the tube that contains EDTA D. The one collected in a tube with no additive - Answer
  4. All pathogens are: A. Microorganisms that live in soil B. Microbes that can cause disease C. Communicable microorganisms D. Normal bacteria found on skin - Answer
  5. Every prescription for a controlled substance requires the physicians signature and a ____________ number? A. FDA B. DEA


D.CDC - Answer

  1. When using a No. 10 envelope, where should the address be placed? A. 10 lines down from the top and 4 inches from the left edge of the envelope B. 14 lines down from the top and 2 inches from the left edge of the envelope C. 10 lines down from the top and 2 inches from the left edge of the envelope D. 14 lines down from the top and 4 inches from the left edge of the envelope - Answer
  2. What drug prevents the action of another drug or chemical? A. Trade B. Narcotic C. Synergist D. Antagonist - Answer
  3. Co-insurance is calculated based on a: A. A capitation rate B. Percentage of charge C. A fixed charge for each visit D. Number of policy holders in the plan - Answer
  4. Muscles that act on the knee joint exhibit two actions: A. Adduction and lateral rotation B. Medical rotation and extension C. Adduction and Abduction D. Flexion and extension - Answer
  5. A structure that is composed of two or more tissue types is called a/an: A. System

B. Organism C. Organ D. Cell - Answer

  1. Cellular respiration is a function of the: A. Cell membrane B. Mitochondria C. Golgi apparatus D. Nucleus - Answer
  2. Somatic tremor is the result of: A. Muscle movement B. Loose sensors C. Unequal amounts of electrolytes D. Improper standardization of the instrument - Answer
  3. The smallest structural unit of the nervous system is the: A. Spinal cord B. Neurofibrils C. Neuron D. Supine - Answer
  4. A patient came into the doctor's office with chest pain and shortness of breath. which position is the best to help him breathe better? A. Lithotomy B. Prone C. Fowler's D. Supine - Answer
  1. The primary function of the nervous system is: A. To protect deep organs B. To cleanse the blood of pathogens C. To detect changes in the internal and external environment and respond appropriately D. To provide body support and levers for muscle action - Answer
  2. Mr. Smith is suffering from an enlargement of the bones in the entire skull as well as in the hands and fee, in addition to thickening of the skin. Which of the following conditions is Mr. Smith suffering from? A. Addison's B. Cushing's C. Acromegaly D. Cretinism - Answer
  3. The functional unit of the kidney is the: A. Nephron B. Ureter C. Urethra D. Bladder - Answer
  4. Which of the following types of gloves can be decontaminated and reused if they show no signs of deterioration after use? A. Disposable B. Utility C. Sterile D. Examination - Answer
  5. After obtaining an ECG tracing, a Medical Assistant would be expected to? A. Check the patient with a pulse oximeter to verify accuracy of the ECG tracing B. Evaluate the patient's medication list for cardiac altering drugs

C. Instruct the patient on the tracing results and cardiac prognosis D. Observe the tracing for quality and decide if another tracing may be required - Answer

  1. There are two types of civil actions healthcare providers for injuries resulting from health care, The first one is lack of informed consent and the second one is: A. Violation of standard of care B. Trial and Post trial C. Violation of confidentiality D. Violation of continued care plan - Answer
  2. Dr. Jones and Dr. Brown decide to share a practice. Together, they share patients, expenses, profits and assets. Which type of medical practice is this? A. Group practice B. Clinic C. Partnership D. Sole proprietorship - Answer 26)What is the appropriate test used for heparin therapy? A. POCT B. APPT C. H&H D. SST - Answer
  3. A provider withdraws from the care of a patient without reasonable notice of discharge is considered: A. Abandonment B. Malpractice C. Negligence D. Slander - Answer
  1. Which agency regulates the Controlled Substances Act? A. IRS B. DEA C. SWAT D. OSHA - Answer
  2. Defamation through spoken statements is known as: A. Libel B. Sympathy C. Empathy D. Slander - Answer
  3. Insulin syringes are calibrated in: A. Milliliters B. Units C. Cubic centimeters D. Minims - Answer
  4. Which of the following is not true regarding HIPPA laws? A. Patients can make informed choices regarding how their personal health information is used B. Few boundaries are set on the use and release of health records C. Patients have more control over their medical records D. Violators are held accountable if patient privacy rights are compromised - Answer
  5. To determine our ventricular pulse, the EKG technician would: A. Calculate the ST repolarization segments B. Calculate the spacing between the P waves C. Calculate the spacing between the ventricular repolarization T waves D. Calculate the spacing between the QRS complexes - Answer
  1. PHI stands for: A. Protected health information B. Private health instructions C. Private health information D. Protected health instructions - Answer
  2. Which situation would a Medical Assistant's signature be required? A. After the chief complaint is documented B. After the patient gives a medical history account C. On an informed consent document D. When a patient gives implied consent - Answer
  3. The Privacy Rule gives patients the right to: A. Access their medical record B. Access their ex-spouses record C. Sue the doctor D. Refuse treatment - Answer
  4. A patient has an oral temperature of 100.8 F. The medical term for this is: A. Pyrexia B. Pyuria C. Hyperpyrexia D. Purulent - Answer
  5. A routine hand wash procedure uses plain soap to remove soil and transient bacteria. Hand antisepsis requires the use of: A. Scrub brushes B. Antimicrobial soap

C. Gel- based creams after the routine hand wash D. Medicated towels for drying clean hands. - Answer

  1. Which of the following precautions require special air handling and ventilation? A. Contact precautions B. Standard precautions C. Airborne precautions D. Droplet precautions - Answer
  2. Which of the following is correct regarding contact transmissions> A. It involves the transfer of pathogens by food and water. B. It involves contaminated instruments, needles, or contaminated hands that are not washed. C. It involves transmission of pathogens that remain suspended in air for a long period of time. D. It refers to the transfer of pathogens by mosquitoes, flies, and rats - Answer
  3. Important information a patient should know about immunizations would be that: A. They are not necessary if quality infection is maintained B. They are prophylactics against deadly diseases C. They are known to cause autism D. They can unintentionally give the recipient a disease - Answer
  4. What is the process used to wash and remove blood and tissue from medical instruments called? A. Asepsis B. Sanitization C. Disinfection D. Sterilization - Answer
  5. A patient weights 83.92 kg. How many pounds does he weigh? A. 185 lb.

B. 210 lb. C. 200 lb. D. 195 lb. - Answer

  1. While taking a patient's medical history for active tuberculosis, what type of PPE is required? A. Goggles B. Lab coat C. Gloves D. Mask - Answer
  2. Most exposures to HIV in healthcare settings are the result of: A. Contact with AIDS patients B. Splashes during surgery C. Accidental needle sticks D. Tainted blood transfusions - Answer
  3. The four symptoms of inflammation are erythema, edema, pain, and: A. Irritation B. Vomiting C. Heat D. Headache - Answer
  4. A tympanic temperature means the body temperature is measured: A. Under the armpit B. Under the tongue C. At the eardrum D. In the rectum - Answer
  5. A pulse site used to measure blood pressure is:

A. Brachial B. Popliteal C. Radial D. Temporal - Answer

  1. What is the correct way to calculate pulse pressure? A. The number found when subtracting the diastolic from the systolic B. The sum of the diastolic and the systolic C. The pulse taken at the carotid location D. The pulse taken at the apical location - Answer
  2. The patient has been given a prescription that says the medication should be taken "bid". This medication should be taken: A. Before bed time B. Once a day C. Before meals D. Twice a day - Answer
  3. Which of the following procedures can be performed by a medical assistant? A. Intramuscular injection B. Start fluids through a catheter C. Insert peripheral catheter D. Intravenous injection - Answer
  4. Post- prandial means: A. Before a meal B. Before bed time C. Fasting D. After a meal - Answer
  1. A round, raised skin lesion with itching that is a positive sign of reaction to allergic testing is a: A. Wheal B. Nodule C. Papule D. Vesicle - Answer
  2. You are to draw the blood of a patient. After reviewing the lab order, you realize that you need to draw a CBC w/diff (complete blood count with differential) on your patient. knowing that this test is drawn in a lavender top-tube, which lab department would this go to for processing? A. Microbiology B. Hematology C. Coagulation D. Chemistry - Answer
  3. The patient information sheet contains: A. The past medical history of the patient B. The patient's past family history C. The patient's chief complaint D. patients personal and insurance information - Answer
  4. Which of the following drug administration routes is the most appropriate for a patient who has nausea and vomiting? A. Nasal B. Buccal C. Sublingual D. Rectal - Answer
  5. The medical assistant is to collect a Prothrombine time (PT) test, a complete Blood Count (CBC), and a fasting Blood Sugar (FBS). What is the correct order of draw?

A. Grey ( FBS), Lavender (PT), Red (CBC) B. Light-blue (PT), Lavender (CBC), Grey (FBS) C. Lavender (FBS), Red (CBC), Green (PT) D. Grey (FBS), Lavender (CBC), Light-blue (PT) - Answer

  1. The information of blood cells is defined as: A. Hematopoiesis B. Erythropoietin C. Mean corpuscular volume D. Hemoglobinopathy - Answer
  2. The primary purpose of wearing gloves during phlebotomy procedures is to protect the: A. Venipuncture site from contamination by the phlebotomist's hands B. Specimen from contamination by the phlebotomist C. Patient from contamination by the phlebotomist D. Phlebotomist from exposure to the patient's blood - Answer
  3. While Mr. Dillon's hematocrit is spinning in the centrifuge, you perform an automated hemoglobin test on a sample of his blood and record the value as 15g/dL. You do a quick mental calculation and expect that the hematocrit value will be approximately: A. 5g/dL B. 45% C. 5% D. 45g/dL - Answer
  4. What is the best location to check the pulse of an adult who is unconscious and not breathing? A. At the carotid artery of the neck B. On the chest, directly over the heart C. At the radial artery of the wrist

D. At the brachial artery of the arm - Answer

  1. The act of listening for sounds made by internal organs to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders is called: A. Menstruation B. Percussion C. Auscultation D. Palpation - Answer
  2. When a blood pressure cuff is deflated, the first tapping sound is the _____ pressure. A. Pulse B. Systolic C. Mean arterial D. Diastolic - Answer
  3. The body organ targeted by HBV is the: A. Brain B. Liver C. Heart D. Lungs - Answer
  4. A female patient came into the office for her scheduled routine physical. You are measuring the patient's vital signs. Which part of the brain is responsible for the temperature regulation? A. Hypothalamus B. Thalamus C. Medulla oblongata D. Pons - Answer
  5. What position should the patient be placed in when performing an ECG?

A. Dorsal recumbent B. Supine C. Trendelenburg D. Prone - Answer

  1. Which mode of infection transmission occurs from touching contaminated linens? A. Droplet contact B. Direct contact C. Vehicle contact D. Indirect contact - Answer
  2. Which of the following is the most common means of transmitting pathogens? A. Ingesting food B. Blood transfusions C. Coughing D. Touching - Answer
  3. When a patient fails to show for their appointment, the event must be: A. Erased from the schedule B. Written on a no-show log C. Monetarily charged to the patient D. Documented in the patient's chart - Answer
  4. Notifiable infection must be reported to: A. The patient's physician B. Your supervisor C. World Health Organization D. Center for Disease Control - Answer
  1. A quantitative test is one that: A. Tests for the presence and amount of substance in sample B. Tests for presence of substance only C. Does not require a trained technician D. Tests for all substances found in the sample - Answer
  2. The interval between exposure to infection and the appearance of the first symptom is called: A. Incubation period B. Active period C. Means of transmission period D. Incineration period - Answer
  3. Complete destruction of all forms of microbial life. A. Sterilization B. Germicide C. Sanitization D. Disinfection - Answer
  4. A patient is having a seizure. Which of the following is the most appropriate step for the medical assistant to take to protect the patient? A. Raise the patient's feet B. Call for help C. Loosen clothing around the patient's neck D. Administer small amounts of liquid - Answer
  5. Most specialists are paid by MCOs using which of the following methods? A. Fee-for-service B. Coinsurance C. Copayment

D. Capitation - Answer

  1. Which of the following is classified as abnormally rapid, deep or labored breathing? A. Hypertension B. Tachypnea C. Hyperpnea D. Hyperpyrexia - Answer
  2. The invoice for the monthly rent of the building where the medical office is located, is typically handled by which department? A. Compliance B. Human Resources C. Accounts payable D. Accounts receivable - Answer
  3. What drug enhances the effects of another drug? A. Narcotic B. Antagonist C. Trade D. Synergistic - Answer
  4. When using a venterogluteal approach to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock area, what is the muscle the medication goes in? A. Gluteus maximus B. Gluteus medius C. Right upper and outer quadrant D. Gluteus minimus - Answer
  5. A baby's pulse and respirations are:

A. The same as adults B. Not significantly different than an adult C. Faster than an adults D. Slower than an adults - Answer

  1. Which of the patient's limbs serves as an electrical ground? A. Right arm B. Left leg C. Left arm D. Right leg - Answer
  2. Another name for chest leads is: A. Standard B. Precordial C. Limb D. Augmented - Answer
  3. When the body has had adequate rest and no food for at least 12 hours, it is said to be in: A. Hemostasis B. Basal state C. Homeostasis D. Steady state - Answer a
  4. What organ's main function is to eliminate excess water and waste products from the body? A. Liver B. Intestines C. Gall Bladder D. Kidneys - Answer
  1. A murmur is an abnormal sound that may indicate: A. Intestinal obstruction B. Valvular heart disease C. Stroke D. Bronchial asthma - Answer
  2. How many electrodes are used as part of a 12-Lead EKG? A. 10 B. 6 C. 12 D. 8 - Answer
  3. The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute is called: A. Ejection fraction B. Cardiac output C. Contractility D. Blood pressure - Answer
  4. Sinus __________ is a slow dysrhythmia. A. Bradycardia B. Tachycardia C. Rhythm D. Dysrhythmia - Answer
  5. When a person stays in the same position all the time, pressure causes the skin to: A. Become firm and dry B. Weaken and become necrotic C. Become stronger D. Stay pink and moist - Answer
  1. A patient's weight should be listed in the patient's chart to the nearest: A. Pound B. 1/2 pound C. Ounce D. 3/4 pound - Answer
  2. Which of the following blood pressure readings would be considered Stage 1 Hypertension? A. 148/ B. 116/ C. 126/ D. 178/104 - Answer
  3. A normal resting heart rate for the average adult is: A. 15-20 BPM B. 80-120 BPM C. 10-15 BPM D. 60-100 BPM - Answer
  4. Automaticity refers to: A. The ability of the myocardial cell to contract when stimulated by an electrical impulse B. The ability to transmit an electrical stimulus from cell to cell throughout the myocardium C. The ability to respond to an electrical stimulus D. The ability of certain myocardial cells to produce an electrical impulse without the need for outside nerve stimulation - Answer
  5. Collection devices used in skin punctures are called: A. Capillary tubes B. Butterfly sets

C. Blood culture collection systems D. 25 gauge needles - Answer

  1. Normal sinus rhythm has a heart rate of ______ beats per minute: A. 80 to 120 B. 50 to 75 C. 60 to 100 D. 40 to 60 - Answer
  2. What is the function of the large intestine (aka colon)? A. Absorb water B. Absorb sugar C. Absorb fat D. Absorb vitamins - Answer
  3. No anticoagulants are found in which of the following tubes? A. Green-topped B. Yellow-topped C. Lavender-topped D. Red-topped - Answer
  4. Without a clot activator, whole blood typically clots in____ minutes. A. 60 to 20 B. 1 to 2 C. 30 to 60 D. 5 to 10 - Answer a
  5. Thixotropic gel, found in the SST red gray marbled- topped Vacutainer tube: A. Is more dense than red blood cells and less dense than white blood cells

B. Is more dense than red blood cells and less dense than serum C. Is less dense than red blood cells but more dense than serum D. Has the same density as red blood cells - Answer

  1. Which of the following procedures is appropriate for preparing blood and other potentially infectious materials for transport? A. Freezing the materials before transport B. Placing the materials in a leak-proof container during collection C. Decontaminating the hazardous waste container D. Relabeling containers provided for waste - Answer
  2. The normal volume of urine produced by an adult in a 24-hour period generally does not exceed: A. 2000 L B. 2000 mL C. 400 mL D. 750 ml - Answer
  3. The patient's specimen is lipemic. This is usually an indicator that the patient is: A. Smoking B. Not fasting C. Normal D. In basal state - Answer
  4. Which of the following tests is not a part of complete blood count? A. Activated partial thromboplastin time B. Differential C. Hemoglobin D. Hematocrit - Answer
  1. The boundaries for the approved area in performing heel punctures are: A. The line extending from the third toe, dividing the plantar surface into medial and lateral aspects. B. The line extending from the third and fourth toe, dividing the plantar surface. C. The lateral line extending from the third toe and the medical line extending from the second toe. D. The medial line extending from the great toe and lateral line extending from the fourth and fifth digit.
  • Answer
  1. What is the best sample for the determination of blood pH and blood gases? A. Cerebrospinal fluid B. Arterial blood C. Venous blood D. Capillary blood - Answer
  2. The ability to identify with someone else's feelings is called: A. Respect B. Feedback C. Sympathy D. Empathy - Answer
  3. How far above the site of draw is the tourniquet placed? A. 3-4 inches B. 1-2 inches C. 5-7 inches D. 4-6 inches - Answer
  4. A female patient came into the clinic for follow-up after a right sided mastectomy with some removal of lymphoid tissue. What is the name of the condition that makes blood draw on the right arm not recommended? A. Syncope B. Lymphostasis

C. Anemia D. Hemoconcentration - Answer

  1. Which of the following is correct for ending a venipuncture procedure? A. Remove the tourniquet, remove the needle, remove the tube, apply pressure B. Remove the tourniquet, remove the tube, remove the needle, apply pressure C. Remove the needle, remove the tube, remove the tourniquet, apply pressure D. Remove the tube, remove the tourniquet, remove the needle, apply pressure - Answer
  2. Which of the following is known as swimmer's ear? A. Otitis externa B. Otitis C. Otitis media D. Otitis interna - Answer
  3. Which of the following should be used to chill a specimen as it transported? A. A small freezer unit B. Frozen blocks of ice C. Crushed ice D. Tepid water - Answer
  4. The Medical Assistant was sent to the ward to draw blood for coagulation studies, Which of the following is correct about this draw? A. The Medical Assistant can use capillary tubes for the blood collection B. Draw a red top tube before the light blue tube C. Fill a light blue to the top D. Before drawing the specimen, make sure the patient has fasted for 12 hours - Answer
  5. The tube of choice for glucose testing is:

A. Gray-top tube B. Red-top tube C. Light-blue top blue D. Lavender-top tube - Answer

  1. The function of the platelet is to: A. Cause the blood to clot B. Fight infection C. Carry oxygen D. Carry nutrients - Answer
  2. The three kinds of blood cells are: A. Leukocytes, red blood cells, erythrocytes B. Erythrocytes, Platelets, thrombocytes C. Leukocytes, white blood cells, platelets D. Erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leukocytes - Answer
  3. The hormone tested for in pregnancy tests is: A. TSH B. Progesterone C. Estrogen D. HCG - Answer
  4. When performing a dermal puncture and the lancet hits the bone, what is the potentially serious fatal bone infection that could occur? A. Osteochondritis B. Osteomyelitis C. Osteomalacia D. Osteoporosis - Answer