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This cavity contains the heart and lungs, among other organs. Select one: a. Cranial b. Nasal c. Thoracic d. Orbital Rationale - The thoracic cavity contains the lungs, heart, esophagus and trachea The correct answer is: Thoracic Located near the back of the body, this body cavity is a continuous internal opening that includes the cranial and spinal cavities. Select one: a. Pelvic cavity b. Posterior (dorsal) cavity c. Abdominal cavity d. Transverse plane Rationale - The dorsal cavity is divided into the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity The correct answer is: Posterior (dorsal) cavity This is the scrubbing of instruments with special brushes and detergents to remove blood, mucous, etc. Select one: a. Sanitization b. Disinfection c. Sterilization d. Distillation Rationale - Sanitization is the scrubbing of instruments and equipment with special brushes and detergents to remove blood, mucous and other contaminants The correct answer is: Sanitization
This is the process that involves a soaking or wiping process and inhibits the activity of disease- causing organisms. Select one: a. Disinfection b. Sanitizing c. Treated with antiseptics d. Sterilization Rationale - Disinfection is the process that destroys most micro organisms; however it cannot kill all The correct answer is: Disinfection The process used for supplies that would come in contact with internal body tissue or an open wound. It involves the use of heat (steam) and an autoclave. Select one: a. Distillation b. Disinfection c. Sanitization d. Sterilization Rationale - Sterilization is required for all instruments and supplies that will penetrate a patient's skin. Sterilization usually involves an autoclave or chemical (cold) process The correct answer is: Sterilization The patient has a history of cardiovascular disease. Which of the following tests would not be used as a screening procedure? Select one: a. Colonoscopy b. ECG c. Chest x-ray d. Blood work Rationale - A colonoscopy is done to visualize the large intestine and also to screen for colon cancer The correct answer is: Colonoscopy Which plane divides the body into right and left portions? Select one: a. Lateral b. Frontal c. Transverse d. Sagittal
Rationale - A sagittal plane divides the body into left and right portions The correct answer is: Sagittal The amount of blood flow to the myocardium is termed: Select one: a. Influx b. Perfusion c. Contraction d. Stenosis Rationale - Sometimes thallium is injected into the patient's vein during a stress test for a better understanding of perfusion (blood flow to the myocardium): The correct answer is: Perfusion Which heart valve is between the left atrium and the left ventricle? Select one: a. Aortic semilunar b. Bicuspid c. Right atrioventricular d. Tricuspid Rationale - The bicuspid valve has two cusps and is located between the left atrium and left ventricle The correct answer is: Bicuspid The total amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute is known as the: Select one: a. Diastolic pressure b. Systemic circulation c. Cardiac output d. Systolic pressure Rationale - Cardiac output is the total amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute The correct answer is: Cardiac output Which of the following irregularities on an ECG would be considered the most severe? Select one: a. V- Fib b. PVC
c. Tachycardia d. A - Fib Rationale - In true ventricular defibrillation, patients will be unresponsive when the ventricles are quivering without contracting. This will always be a Code Blue situation. The correct answer is: V- Fib The heart's ability to create its own electrical impulse is known as: Select one: a. Automaticity b. Excitability c. Conductivity d. Contractility Rationale - Automaticity is the ability of the heart to initiate an electrical impulse without being stimulated by a source outside the heart The correct answer is: Automaticity The technician is placing leads and electrodes on the patient's chest. At which location will lead V4 be placed? Select one: a. Lateral to the V4 lead b. Fifth intercostal space in the left midclavicular line c. Fourth intercostal space at the right sternal border d. Fourth intercostal space at the left sternal border Rationale - V4 is placed at the fifth intercostal space in the left midclavicular line The correct answer is: Fifth intercostal space in the left midclavicular line The horizontal flat line that separates the various waves on the ECG strip represents: Select one: a. A segment b. The baseline c. The amplitude d. An interval Rationale - The portion between two waves is known as a segment. The length of the wave with a segment is known as an interval. The horizontal line that separates the various waves is known as the baseline. The correct answer is: The baseline
When applying chest leads, V2 is placed: Select one: a. At the fourth ICS, right sternal border b. At the fourth ICS, left sternal border c. At the fifth ICS, left midclavicular line d. Midway between V3 and V Rationale - V2 is placed at the fourth intercostal space at the left sternal border The correct answer is: At the fourth ICS, left sternal border Which body plane divides the body into equal portions? Select one: a. Sagittal b. Transverse c. Frontal d. Midsagittal Rationale - vertical plane that passes through the midline of the body and divides the body or organ into equal right and left sides The correct answer is: Midsagittal When you are facing someone in normal anatomical position, at which body plane are you looking? Select one: a. Sagittal b. Midsagittal c. Frontal d. Transverse Rationale - plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portion is known as the frontal plane The correct answer is: Frontal Which body plane divides the body into upper and lower portions? Select one: a. Midsagittal b. Transverse c. Sagittal d. Frontal Rationale - plane that separates the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions is known as the transverse plane The correct answer is: Transverse
The term "distal" means: Select one: a. Farthest from the point of attachment b. To the back of the body or body part c. Higher or above or toward the head d. Nearest the central portion of the body Rationale - Farther from the point of attachment to the trunk or structure The correct answer is: Farthest from the point of attachment Which ECG lead is considered bipolar? Select one: a. aVF b. II c. V d. aVR Rationale - The bipolar leads of the 12 - lead ECG are the first three leads, I, II and III. The correct answer is: II An example of a dorsal cavity is the: Select one: a. Thoracic cavity b. Abdominal cavity c. Spinal cavity d. Pelvic cavity Rationale - the dorsal cavity is divided into the cranial and the spinal cavities and contains the brain and the spinal cord The correct answer is: Spinal cavity You are obtaining an ECG using a 10 lead ECG machine. The patient accidentally coughs while the strip is running, causing an artifact on the strip. This can be identified as a: Select one: a. Wandering baseline b. Electrical interference c. Somatic tremor d. Voluntary muscle movement
Rationale - A somatic tremor is an involuntary movement of the muscle such as a burp or cough The correct answer is: Somatic tremor The P wave on the ECG strip should be: Select one: a. Upward reflection following the QRS complex b. Upright reflection and in front of the QRS complex c. Downward reflection and in front of the QRS complex d. After each QRS complex and upright reflection Rationale - Basic rhythm interpretation involves noting whether there is a consistent P wave in front of every QRS complex and that the reflection is upright. The correct answer is: Upright reflection and in front of the QRS complex Select the method of preparation for the patient that will ensure a successful ECG recording. Select one: a. Placing the electrodes in the correct position over the patient's clothing b. Having the patient disrobe and put on a patient gown c. Making sure the patient's legs are not crossed and arms are resting at each side d. Informing the patient that is normal to be scared and to not worry about breathing Rationale - Assure the patient that procedure is painless but that they should remain still and breathe normally. It is also important to make sure that the patient's legs are not crossed and the arms remain at their sides The correct answer is: Making sure the patient's legs are not crossed and arms are resting at each side The heart is surrounded by a thin fluid-filled sac called the: Select one: a. Endocardium b. Myocardium c. Pericardium d. Epicardium Rationale - The prefix "peri" means around and "cardi" means heart and - um means structure or thing The correct answer is: Pericardium The middle layer of the heart is called the: Select one: a. Epicardium b. Endocardium
c. Pericardium d. Myocardium Rationale - The middle or thickest, muscular layer responsible for heart contraction is the myocardium The correct answer is: Myocardium How many chambers are there in the human heart? Select one: a. 6 b. 2 c. 4 d. 1 Rationale - The heart contains four valves all designed to flow in only one direction - forward The correct answer is: 4 This heart chamber delivers oxygen-rich blood to the ascending aorta. Select one: a. Left ventricle b. Right ventricle c. Left atrium d. Right atrium Rationale - the left lower chamber of the heart, which pumps oxygenated blood through the body is known as the left ventricle The correct answer is: Left ventricle The heart muscle gets its blood supply from the: Select one: a. Coronary arteries b. Pulmonary arteries c. Carotid arteries d. Pulmonary veins Rationale - The blood is delivered to the heart tissue or myocardium through a pair of openings at the base of the aorta called the coronary arteries The correct answer is: Coronary arteries This heart chamber receives blood from the systemic system. Select one: a. Left ventricle
b. Left atrium c. Right atrium d. Right ventricle Rationale - The right atrium receives blood from the entire body and sends blood to the right ventricle The correct answer is: Right atrium Marks on the ECG tracing caused by another source of activity are: Select one: a. Conduction marks b. Artifacts c. Asystole d. Wandering baseline Rationale - An ECG artifact is defined as anything that shows up on the ECG tracing and is not generated by the heart's electrical conduction system The correct answer is: Artifacts The patient is asymptomatic during the ECG recording and you notice normal sinus rhythm. What should you do? Select one: a. Notify the physician b. Continue recording c. Call 911 d. Check the ECG leads Rationale - When a patient is in normal sinus rhythm, which is a rate of 60 to 100 BPM, it is considered normal and no action is required. The correct answer is: Continue recording The average normal heart rate is: Select one: a. 96 beats per minute b. 63 beats per minute c. 81 beats per minute d. 72 beats per minute Rationale - normal heart rate is considered to be 60 - 100 beats per minute The correct answer is: 72 beats per minute
What sinus rhythm has a rate of less than 60 beats per minute? Select one: a. Sinus tachycardia b. Sinus rhythms c. Sinus bradycardia d. Sinus dysrhythmia Rationale - Sinus bradycardia occurs when the sinus node is the pacemaker site and the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute The correct answer is: Sinus bradycardia What sinus rhythm has a rate of more than 100 beats per minute? Select one: a. Sinus bradycardia b. Sinus rhythms c. Sinus tachycardia d. Sinus dysrhythmia Rationale - When the rate of the sinus node discharge exceeds the normal range of 60 - 100 BPM, the rhythm is called sinus tachycardia The correct answer is: Sinus tachycardia If a patient is said to be in asystole, the characteristics would be described as: Select one: a. Possible palpitations and a rate of 60 beats per minute b. Rapid rate and loss of consciousness c. Rate of 0 and no pulse d. Dramatic hypotension and slow thready pulse Rationale - A patient who is asystole would show a flatline on the ECG recording. Asystole characteristics include a 0 pulse rate and no P waves. The correct answer is: Rate of 0 and no pulse Contractility Ability of the heart muscle cells to shorten in response to an electrical stimulus Repolarization Heart muscle cells return to their resting electrical state and the heart muscle relaxes, Bundle branches Branches off the bundle of His that conduct impulses to the left and right ventricles Depolarization
An electrical current that initiates the contraction of the heart muscle AV Node Delays the electrical conduction through the heart Excitability Ability of the heart muscle cells to respond to an impulse or stimulus. Automaticity Ability of the heart to initiate an electrical impulse. Purkinje Fibers Distribute electrical impulses from cell to cell throughout the ventricles, Conductivity Ability of the heart cells to receive and transmit an electrical impulse. SA node Initiates the heartbeat. Match the conduction system parts and unique qualities of the heart to their definitions: Contractility Repolarization Bundle branches Depolarization AV Node Excitability Automaticity Purkinje Fibers Conductivity SA node The correct answer is: Contractility - Ability to shorten in response to an electrical stimulus. Repolarization - Heart muscle cells return to resting state. Bundle branches - Branches off the bundle of His that conduct impulses to the left and right ventricles, Depolarization - An electrical current that initiates the contraction.
AV Node - Delays the electrical conduction through the heart. Excitability - Ability to respond to stimuli. Automaticity - Ability of the heart to initiate an electrical impulse. Purkinje Fibers - Distribute electrical impulses from cell to cell throughout the ventricles. Conductivity - Ability to receive and transmit an electrical impulse. SA node - Initiates the heartbeat