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Health Threat - ANSWERScomposite of ongoing or potential enemy actions; adverse environmental, occupational, and geographic and meteorological conditions; endemic diseases; and employment of CBRN weapons (to include weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to affect the short- or long-term health [including psychological impact] of personnel.) Health Support Service (HSS) - ANSWERSall support and services performed, provided, and arranged by the AMEDD to promote, improve, conserve, or restore the mental and physical well being of personnel in the Army
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Health Threat - ANSWERScomposite of ongoing or potential enemy actions; adverse environmental, occupational, and geographic and meteorological conditions; endemic diseases; and employment of CBRN weapons (to include weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to affect the short- or long-term health [including psychological impact] of personnel.) Health Support Service (HSS) - ANSWERSall support and services performed, provided, and arranged by the AMEDD to promote, improve, conserve, or restore the mental and physical well being of personnel in the Army HSS encompasses three components: •Casualty care •Medical evacuation •Medical logistics (MEDLOG) Casuality care - ANSWERSpatient treatment, hospitalization, the treatment aspects of dental care, neuropsychiatric treatment and clinical laboratory services medical evacuation - ANSWERSmedical regulating and en route care Medical logistics (MEDLOG) - ANSWERSall functional subcomponents and services Force Health Protection (FHP) - ANSWERSmeasures to promote, improve, or conserve the mental and physical well-being of Soldiers. These measures enable a healthy and fit force, prevent injury and illness, and protect the force from health hazards and includes the prevention aspects of a number of AMEDD functions. encompasses: •Preventive medicine (PM) •Veterinary services, including food inspection and the prevention of zoonotic diseases •Combat and operational stress control (COSC) •Dental services (preventive dentistry) •Laboratory services and support Army Health System (AHS) - ANSWERSall encompassing term that describes both the HSS and FHP aspects of AMEDD support Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) - ANSWERSoccurs during a combat mission and is the military
counterpart to prehospital emergency medical treatment. Includes:
Mobility - ANSWERSassets remain in supporting distance to maneuver units Continuity - ANSWERSmoving the patient through progressive, phased roles of care control - ANSWERSensure that scarce resources are efficiently employed Role 1 - ANSWERSunit-level medical care). This role of care includes—
•Ensures all Medical Functions and medical operational planning factors are planned and synchronized in operation plans and orders •Has technical supervision of medical operations within the command, but is not a commander (may recommend policy and procedures, but can not give orders to subordinate units except through unit plans and orders) Secure - ANSWERS•A tactical mission task that involves preventing a unit, facility, or geographical location from being damaged or destroyed as a result of enemy action. (FM 3-90-1) See also assault, breach, denial measure, destroy, reduce, suppress, tactical mission task. •Physical occupation not required Seize - ANSWERS•A tactical mission task that involves taking possession of a designated area using overwhelming force. (FM 3-90-1). •Must physically occupy the ground Clear - ANSWERSA tactical mission task that requires the commander to remove all enemy forces and eliminate organized resistance within an assigned area. (FM 3-90-1) See also reduce, tactical mission task. Delay - ANSWERSWhen a force under pressure trades space for time by slowing down the enemy's momentum and inflicting maximum damage on enemy forces without becoming decisively engaged. (ADP 3-90) disrupt - ANSWERS1.A tactical mission task in which a commander integrates direct and indirect fires, terrain, and obstacles to upset an enemy's formation or tempo, interrupt the enemy's timetable, or cause enemy forces to commit prematurely or attack in piecemeal fashion.
A mission which the force will accomplish at a later time; second in priority to any primary mission for planning; included in paragraph 2 of the OPORD be-prepared mission - ANSWERSA mission assigned to a unit that might be executed. (FM 6-0) See also on-order mission.
A mission which the force may accomplish at a later time; next in priority to any on order mission for planning; not included in paragraph 2 of the OPORD. defeat - ANSWERSTo render a force incapable of achieving its objectives. (ADP 3-0) May or may not entail the destruction of any part of the enemy force Psychological over physical destruction Destroy - ANSWERSA tactical mission task that physically renders an enemy force combat-ineffective until it is reconstituted. Alternatively, to destroy a combat system is to damage it so badly that it cannot perform any function or be restored to a usable condition without being entirely rebuilt. (FM 3-90-1) See also reconstitution, tactical mission task. Physical destruction over psychological destruction team/crew - ANSWERS Medical Platoons are organic to what units? - ANSWERSManeuver Battalions Cavalry Squadrons Field Artillery Battalion PLT HQ Section - ANSWERS1 Field Medical Assistant (70B) 1 PSG (68W40) Treatment Squad - ANSWERSThe medical treatment squad consists of two treatment teams that provide emergency care, ATM, and routine sick call for Soldiers assigned to supported units without organic medical support within the MCAS's AO A Team 1MD 3 Combat Medics B Team 1PA 3 Combat Medics Evacuation Section - ANSWERS4 Stryker MEV Ambulances 12 Combat Medics (68Ws) •4 Emergency Care SGT •4 Emergency Care SPC •4 Ambulance Drivers Combat Medic Section - ANSWERS14 Combat Medics (68Ws) •3 Emergency Care SGT 11 Combat Medics located with the combat/maneuver forces
HQ Section Responsibilities - ANSWERS1. Mission command
4.Conducts Class VIII Re-supply from BAS to maneuver companies Maintains mission readiness of their ambulances Treatment Platoon Task Organization - ANSWERSprovides Role II FHP and reinforcing Role I FHP to assigned and attached units of the BCT (or the MCAS area of responsibility). The platoon receives, triages, treats and determines the disposition of patients. The platoon provides for ATM, general medicine and general dentistry Treatment platoon HQ - ANSWERS•Provides mission command of the platoon and platoon attached assets •Directs activities of the clearing station and monitors Class VIII supplies, blood usage and inventory roles •Tracks patients and coordinates evacuation to higher roles of care •Field Medical Assistant acts as platoon leader in garrison; generally retains position and responsibilities while deployed Medical Treatment Squad - ANSWERS•To reconstitute and reinforce treatment squads of the Battalion Aid Stations (BAS) •Provide emergency and routine sick call treatment to soldiers assigned to supported units •Can operate for up to 48 hours while separated from their parent unit Medical Treatment Squad (Area) - ANSWERS•One treatment squad •Serves as base medical treatment element of a Role II Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) •Provides sick call services and initial resuscitative treatment - Advanced Trauma Management (ATM) and Emergency Medical Treatment (EMT) for supported units Evacuation Platoon - ANSWERSevacuates patients from supported units to its role 2 facility. also provides casualty evac support on an area basis for units that do not have organic evac assets Evacuation Platoon HQs - ANSWERS•Provides mission command for evacuation platoon operations •Maintains communications to direct ground ambulance evacuation of patients •Performs route reconnaissance and develops and issues graphic overlays to all its ambulance teams •Composed of a platoon leader (70B Field Medical Assistant) and a platoon sergeant (68W40) Brigade Medical Supply Office - ANSWERS•The BMSO / Med Supply Section has limited Class VIII / blood management capability and will maintain a Class VIII Authorized Stockage List (ASL) for immediate resupply of high-use / critical Class VIII items
•Medical units will deploy with organic MES (sufficient to sustain operations for approximately 72 hours) •Initially, Class VIII resupply will be via push packages tailored to meet the need of the BCT. Combat-configured Class VIII push packages are shipped through the Corps MEDLOG company to the BMSO every third day or based on projected casualty estimates and usage •Supported units will order supplies from the BMSO, or Stryker BCT/MCAS Medical Supply Section, by line item through DMLSS Customer Assistance Module (DCAM); BMSO / Med Supply Section routes the request to the supporting MEDLOG Company by DCAM •Upon receipt of supplies, BMSO / Medical Supply Section distributes supplies by ambulance backhaul, BSB LOGPAC, or supply point distribution from the medical company area Strategic Level Medical Logistics - ANSWERS1.Determination of material requirements 2.Acquisition, assembly, and fielding of medical supplies and equipment 3.Management of strategic programs for medical force modernization and material readiness US Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC) - ANSWERSCentrally Manages Army MEDLOG Programs US Army Medical Material Agency (USAMMA) - ANSWERSsubordinate command of USAMRMC, is responsible for execution of the AMEDD's strategic MEDLOG programs and initiatives. The agency has a wide range of strategic roles involving centrally managed MEDLOG programs, Army supply Class VIII cataloging and set assembly, medical equipment maintenance planning and operations, and Army Force Generation integration and synchronization. The USAMMA has operational oversight of medical materiel acquisition programs and serves as the agency responsible for fielding new medical equipment sets (MES) for Army operational forces in support of force projection, sustainment, and redeployment Prime Vendors - ANSWERSAcquire CL VIII from industry and deliver to IMSAs and TLAMMs via military or commercial transportation Installation Medical Support Activity (IMSA) - ANSWERS•Provide CL VIII general support to installations and geographic specific areas. Medical Logistics Support Team (MLST) - ANSWERSIssue Army Prepositioned Stock Role 1 logistics - ANSWERS- Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) Customer Assistance Module (DCAM) (automated system) -Medical Materiel Mobilization Planning Tool (M3PT)
•Provides secure communication and auditing capability and operates as the remote customer module for the MEDLOG support system. •Allows the electronic exchange of files back and forth between two separate DCAM devices to facilitate the transfer of automated information between Roles 1 and 2 MTFs. •Permits users to view the suppliers' catalog and provides capability to perform basic customer-level medical supply functions such as ordering, receiving, managing due-ins, and inventory control. Medical Materiel Mobilization Planning Tool (M3PT) - ANSWERS•Web-based application •FORSCOM mandated all medical units utilize to inventory MES •Accounted aligned to UIC Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A) - ANSWERS•Utilized for equipment accountability and maintenance •All medical equipment must be input into GCSS-A system •Allows for proper accountability of maintained equipment •Allows for proper requisition of parts to fix equipment EAB Medical Units - ANSWERSMedical Company Area Support (MCAS, FST) Medical Company Ground Ambulance Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) company Medical Detachment Blood Support Medical Detachment Veterinary Service Support Medical Detachment Preventive Medicine Medical Detachment Combat Operational Stress Control (COSC) Dental Company Area Support Area Medical Laboratory MEDCOM (DS), MEDBDE, MMB Mission Command Elements - ANSWERSMEDCOM (Deployment Suppport) and MEDBDE (Support) elements provide Medical Mission Command and administrative supervision of assigned and attached medical units. Multifunctional Medical Battalion - ANSWERSmultifunctional organization which can provide the requisite planning, synchronization, and coordination for modular medical companies, detachments, and teams/elements.
Mission: To provide scalable, flexible, and modular medical mission command, administrative assistance, logistical support, and technical supervision capability for assigned and attached medical functional organizations task organized for support of deployed BCTs and EAB forces. Multifunctional Medical BN Configuration - ANSWERS- Modular battalion-role medical headquarters; can be scaled upwards as complexity of mission and battlefield increases
Priority 1 Urgent - ANSWERSassigned to emergency cases that should be evacuated as soon as possible and within a maximum of one hour in order to save life, limb, or eyesight and to prevent complications of serious illness and to avoid permanent disability. Priority 1A Urgent-Surgical - ANSWERSassigned to patients that should be evacuated as soon as possible and within a maximum of one hour who must receive far forward surgical intervention to save life, limb, or eyesight and stabilize for further evacuation. Priority 2 Priority - ANSWERSassigned to sick and wounded personnel requiring prompt medical care. This precedence is used when the individual should be evacuated within four hours or if his medical condition could deteriorate to such a degree that he will become an URGENT precedence, or whose requirements for special treatment are not available locally, or who will suffer unnecessary pain or disability. Priority 3 Routine - ANSWERSassigned to sick and wounded personnel requiring evacuation but whose condition is not expected to deteriorate significantly. The sick and wounded in this category should be evacuated within 24 hours. Priority 4 Convenience - ANSWERSassigned to patients for whom evacuation by medical vehicle is a matter of medical convenience rather than necessity. 9 line medevac - ANSWERS•provides a standardized message format that helps expedite the medical evacuation process. The same format is used for both air and ground MEDEVAC requests. •request should be transmitted using secure communications for operational security. •Medical evacuation requests often are sent from the Point of Injury (POI), through intermediaries, such as higher headquarters, who then transmit the request up to the nearest MEDEVAC unit. Medical evacuation of detainees - ANSWERS•Sick, injured, and wounded detainees are treated and evacuated in military police channels when possible. •They must be physically segregated from U.S. and multinational patients. •Providing guards for the transport of detainees is NOT the responsibility of MEDEVACs units or the MTF. Guards for these detainees are provided according to the BCT, division or corps orders and are from other than medical resources. •The U.S. provides the same standard of medical care for wounded, sick, and injured detainees as that given to U.S. and multinational Soldiers. Line 1 in 9 line - ANSWERSLocation of the pick-up site
Line 2 in 9 line - ANSWERSRadio Frequency or Call Sign Line 3 in 9 line - ANSWERSNumber of patients by precedence: A - Urgent B - Urgent Surgical C - Priority D - Routine E - Convenience Line 4 in 9 line - ANSWERSSpecial equipment required Line 5 in 9 line - ANSWERSNumber of patients by types Line 6 in 9 line - ANSWERSSecurity at pickup site Line 7 in 9 line - ANSWERSMethod of marking pickup site Line 8 in 9 line - ANSWERSPatient nationality and status Line 9 in 9 line - ANSWERSNBC Contamination Site Full Accounting - ANSWERS"I will never leave a fallen comrade" •Full accounting requires: -Proper identification -Explanation as to the cause and manner of death Family members expect and deserve a full accounting Providing a full accounting takes precedence over any procedure that may or may not preserve remains mortuary affairs program - ANSWERSstarts at the unit level with search and recovery and continues until remains are returned to the PADD (Person Authorized to Direct Disposition) and all PE (Personal Effects) is returned to the PERE (Person Eligible to Receive Effects). mortuary affairs collection point (MACP) - ANSWERStheater are always co-located on bases with Role 3 facilities and usually co-located with Role 2 facilities Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point (TMEP) - ANSWERSis located at a major Aerial Port of Embarkation Flow of Remains - ANSWERS