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AMEDD BOLC Exam Questions and Answers: Infantry Medical (Combat Medic) Section, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the infantry medical (combat medic) section of the amedd bolc exam. It covers key topics such as force multipliers, medical planning factors, warfighting functions, staff functions, and tactical sustainment. Valuable for students preparing for the amedd bolc exam, offering insights into the exam's structure and content.

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Available from 12/06/2024

Estrelia 🇨🇦



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Download AMEDD BOLC Exam Questions and Answers: Infantry Medical (Combat Medic) Section and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

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Breakdown of the Infantry Medical (Combat Medic section) - - - correct answer ✅15 combat medics (dispersed between the manuver companies) Name some Force Multipliers - - - correct answer ✅Appropriate gestures Proper greetings How to show respect What is deemed disrespectful Role of women within the culture What is considered sacred How to ask for things Eye contact (remove sunglasses) Medical Planning Factors - - - correct answer ✅Maintain a medical presence with the Soldier Maintain the health of the command Save lives Clear the battlefield of casualties Provide state of the art medical care

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Ensure early return to duty What are EEFIs - - - correct answer ✅Essential Elements of Friendly Information "what I DO NOT want the enemy to know" Intelligence - - - correct answer ✅The related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding of the enemy, terrain, weather, and civil considerations. Movement and Maneuver - - - correct answer ✅The related tasks and systems that move forces to achieve a position of advantage in relation to the enemy. Fire Support - - - correct answer ✅The related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, joint fires, and offensive information operations.

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Protection - - - correct answer ✅The related tasks and systems that preserve the force so the commander can apply maximum combat power. Sustainment - - - correct answer ✅The related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance. Mission Command - - - correct answer ✅The related tasks and systems that support commanders in exercising authority and direction. Define War Fighting Functions - - - correct answer ✅A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. S1 functions - - - correct answer ✅Manning (Unit Personnel Strength) Personnel Service Support

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Manage organization & administration of the headquarters Coordinates staff responsibilities for Special Staff Officers S2 functions - - - correct answer ✅Military Intelligence -Collecting, processing, producing, and disseminating intelligence -Conducts Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) -Helps the G/S-3 and Commander figure out the enemy's decision cycle Counter Intelligence -Identifying and evaluating enemy's intelligence capabilities -Security Operations -Supervises the command & personnel security programs Intelligence Training

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-Prepares the command intelligence training plan and integrates intelligence, counterintelligence, operational security, enemy, and IPB S3 functions - - - correct answer ✅Training -Prepares and supervises the execution of training within the command Operations & Plans -Prepares, coordinates, authenticates, and distributes the command SOP, OPLAN, OPORD, FRAGOs, and WARNOs to which other staff sections contribute Force Modernization S4 functions - - - correct answer ✅Logistical operations & plans Supply Maintenance Transportation Coordinates Mortuary Affairs Activities

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G5 functions - - - correct answer ✅-Overseeing operations beyond the scope of the current order (such as the next operation or the next phase of the current operation) -Developing plans, orders, branches, and sequels -Conducting military deception planning Developing policies and other coordinating or directive products, such as memorandums of agreement S6 functions - - - correct answer ✅Signal Operations -Managing radio frequency allocations -Recommending command post locations within the battlespace (based on terrain) Automation - manages employment of hardware / software and coordinates LAN configuration

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Information Security - Manages Commo Security (COMSEC), automation security, and information security G8 functions - - - correct answer ✅Establishes and implements command finance operations policy Responsible for those operational financial management tasks supporting the theater S9 functions - - - correct answer ✅Evaluates civil considerations during mission analysis Prepares the groundwork for transitioning the area of operations from military to civilian control Advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the area of operations Define Company Trains - - - correct answer ✅Company Trains provides tactical sustainment for a maneuver company

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Located in the company's rear area Company XO provides Mission Command Provides resupply to the company Senior medic provides medical support at the Company Casualty Collection Point (CCP) What does CTCP stand for? - - - correct answer ✅Combat Train Command Post What is at the CTCP? - - - correct answer ✅BN S-4 Officer provides mission command BN S-1/MEDO The CTCP provides supplies, services, maintenance, & medical aid forward to the companies

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Battalion Aid Station What does FTCP stand for? - - - correct answer ✅Field Trains Command Post What is at the FTCP? - - - correct answer ✅HHC Commander provides Mission Command Provides supply, distribution and maintenance to their maneuver battalions where is the FTCP - - - correct answer ✅FTCP is located in the BSA What is a FSC and where is it? - - - correct answer ✅Forward Support Company located near the CTCP tasked organized to support a maneuver battalion, however it falls under the Brigade Support Battalion

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What does the FSC do - - - correct answer ✅FSC Commander provides mission command over field feeding, water, bulk fuel, general supply, ammunition, and field maintenance. Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) - - - correct answer ✅Provides Tactical Sustainment for a BCT Supply and Distribution Maintenance (vehicles, weapons, electronics, etc.) Medical (Role II Medical Treatment Facility) One Forward Support Company per maneuver battalion What can the Sustainment Brigade do - - - correct answer ✅Supply (Food, Water, Fuel, Ammo, construction material, vehicles/weapons, etc.)

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Maintenance (vehicles, weapons, communication equipment, etc.) Transportation (provides trucks to move supplies & soldiers) Composition of Sustainment Brigade - - - correct answer ✅3-7 battalions that can be tailored to the mission. Includes following battalions: Transpo Petroleum Special Troops (HQ, Signal Company) Combat Sustainment Support Who leads a Squad - - - correct answer ✅Squad Leader (SSG or SGT) *can be composed of Fire Teams Who is in a PLT HQ? - - - correct answer ✅PL, PSG, RTO, medic

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How many PLTs in a Company - - - correct answer ✅3- Who leads a Company - - - correct answer ✅CPT or 1LT, as a Commander Who is in charge of the Staff - - - correct answer ✅XO How is an OPORD made - - - correct answer ✅Each staff section does their part of the order, guided by the Commanders Intent Define Mission Command - - - correct answer ✅the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations Plans and Orders - - - correct answer ✅Focus subordinates' activities Provide tasks and activities, constraints, and coordinating instructions

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Encourage agility, speed, and initiative Convey instructions in a standard, recognizable, clear, and simple format What are the types of Combat orders - - - correct answer ✅Strategic plans: cover the overall conduct of a war Operational or campaign plans: cover a series of related military operations aimed at accomplishing a strategic or operational objective Tactical plans: cover the employment of units in operations When does the OPLAN become the OPORD - - - correct answer ✅when the commander sets an execution time What are the 3 types of orders - - - correct answer ✅OPORD -directive from CDR to coordinate execution of an operation. 5 paragraph format WARNO- preliminary notice of a mission, issued as soon as mission is received

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FRAGO- timely changes to existing orders, follows 5 paragraphs What are the 5 paragraphs of the OPORD - - - correct answer ✅Situation Mission Execution Sustainment Command and signal What is included in the Situation paragraph - - - correct answer ✅Area of Interest Area of Operations -Terrain -Weather -Enemy Forces -Friendly Forces (includes mission and intent 1 and 2 levels up AND missions of adjacent units) -Civil considerations -Other agency -Attachments and Detachments

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-Assumptions Done by S What is included in the Mission paragraph - - - correct answer ✅CLEARLY STATES TASK AND PURPOSE Who What Where When Why What is included in the Execution Paragraph - - - correct answer ✅-THE COMMANDERS INTENT -Key Tasks -End State -Concept of Operations (written in phases, broken into Decisive, Shaping, and Sustaining lines) -Scheme of Maneuver -Tasks to Subordinate Units

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-Coordinating Instructions (includes timeline, CCIRs, EEFI, fire support and aerospace coordination, ROE, Risk reduction) What is the Commanders Intent - - - correct answer ✅states the commanders KEY TASKS, PURPOSE, and END STATE gives the subordinate leader their left and right limits for Mission Command What are the parts of each Phase in the Concept of Operations - - - correct answer ✅-Decisive (gaining and accomplishing current ops) -Shaping (prepping for future ops) -Sustaining (maintaining current ops) What is included in the Scheme of Maneuver - - - correct answer ✅Scheme of: -Recon/Surveillance -obscuration (smoke) -mobility/counter mobility -intelligence

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-fires -protection -stability ops -assessment What are CCIRs - - - correct answer ✅Commanders Critical Information Requirements -the stuff you'd wake the commander up to tell them -"what do I need to know to win" What is in the Sustainment Paragraph - - - correct answer ✅Logistics (done by S4) -maintenance -supply -distribution Personnel (done by S1) -strength maintenance -finance, religious, and legal support

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Army Health Support System (done by MEDO) -evacuation -hospitalization What is in the Command and Signal Paragraph - - - correct answer ✅Command -location of commander -succession of command -liaison requirements Control -command posts -required reports -signals (includes Challenge and Password) What are the types of attachments - - - correct answer ✅Annexes (each war fighting function has an annex) Appendixes Tabs Exhibitions

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Who is in a Company HQ section - - - correct answer ✅CDR, 1SG, sometimes certain staff like Supply Sergeant Secure - - - correct answer ✅A tactical mission task that involves preventing a unit, facility, or geographical location from being damaged or destroyed as a result of enemy action. Physical occupation not required Seize - - - correct answer ✅To employ combat forces to occupy physically and to control a designated area.* Must physically occupy the ground Clear - - - correct answer ✅A tactical mission task that requires the commander to remove all enemy forces and eliminate organized resistance within an assigned area. Delay - - - correct answer ✅When a force under pressure trades space for time

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by slowing down the enemy's momentum and inflicting maximum damage on enemy forces without becoming decisively engaged. Disrupt - - - correct answer ✅A tactical mission task in which a commander integrates direct and indirect fires, terrain, and obstacles to upset an enemy's formation or tempo, interrupt his timetable, or cause enemy forces to commit prematurely or attack in piecemeal fashion. On Order - - - correct answer ✅A mission which the force will accomplish at a later time, in the 2nd paragraph of the OPORD Be Prepared - - - correct answer ✅A mission which the force may accomplish at a later time; next in priority to any on order mission for planning Destroy - - - correct answer ✅Physical destruction over psychological destruction

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Defeat - - - correct answer ✅Occurs when an enemy force has temporarily or permanently lost the physical means or the will to fight. May or may not entail the destruction of any part of the enemy force Psychological over physical destruction Screen - - - correct answer ✅•To provide early warning for the main body by maintaining contact with the opposing force •Does not become decisively engaged (loses the ability to maneuver) •Normally within indirect fire support range of the main body force Guard - - - correct answer ✅To prevent ground observation, direct fire, or surprise attack on the main body force Can accept decisive engagement

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Rectangle OR Circle - - - correct answer ✅friendly Diamond - - - correct answer ✅enemy Square - - - correct answer ✅neutral Quatrefoil - - - correct answer ✅unknown or pending, usually sea or air assetts Solid Line VS Dotted Line - - - correct answer ✅Solid- present Dotted- planned/suspected Air assault Infantry Platoon - - - correct answer ✅

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How many medical functional areas are there - - - correct answer ✅10, all are interwoven and are controlled by Medical Mission Command Health Service Support (HSS) - - - correct answer ✅all the support and services done by AMEDD to promote patient wellbeing. includes: -casualty care: hospitalization, dental care, neuropsych, clinical lab services -Medical evacuation: includes medical regulating and en route care -Medical logistics Force Health Protection (FHP) - - - correct answer ✅Includes: prevention and promotion of -preventative medicine -veterinary services

  • preventative dental care

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-laboratory services -combat and operational stress control Name the 10 medical functions - - - correct answer ✅-medical mission command -medical treatment -hospitalization -medical evacuation (includes medical regulating) -dental services -preventative med -combat and operation stress control -veterinary medicine -medical logistics (includes blood services) -medical laboratory services Army Health System (AHS) - - - correct answer ✅all encompassing term that describes both the HSS and FHP aspects of AMEDD support Roles of Medical Care - - - correct answer ✅Role 1: batallion aid station and below

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Role 2: batallion aid station, small ho Role 3: Combat support hospital Role 4: CONUS or OCONUS hospital What's at a Role 1 - - - correct answer ✅BATTALION LEVEL -immediate lifesaving measures -CLS -buddy aid/self aid -EMT/AMT -medic, PA -Medical evacuaiton -combat stress What is at a Role 2 - - - correct answer ✅BRIGADE LEVEL