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Army Principles of Unit Training - Correct Answer--Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training
- NCO train indiciduals, crews and small teams
- Train to standard -Train as you will fight
- Train while operating
- Train fundamentals first
- Train to develop adaptability -Understand the operational environment
- Train to sustain
- Train to maintain
- Conduct multiechelon and concurrent training A unit's primary training manager is? - Correct Answer-Commander Commanders drive training process through? - Correct Answer--Understand
- Visualize
- Describe
- Direct
- Lead -Assess Mission-essential task (MET) - Correct Answer-A task a unit could perform based on its design,equipment,manning, and table of organizaation and equipment Mission-essential task list (METL) - Correct Answer-Compilation of mission essential tasks Collective tasks - Correct Answer-Clearly defined, discrete, and measurable activity, action, or event which requires organized team or unit performance and leads to accomplishment of a mission or function Who approves Standard Decisive Action METL for like type units and echelons down to the company level? - Correct Answer-Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) Individual tasks include - Correct Answer--Common soldier task -Leader task -Common skill level task
- Organizational level task
Military Decision Making process (MDMP) - Correct Answer-Army's operation planning method use for commands WITH a coordinating staff Troop Leading Procedures (TLP) - Correct Answer-Army's operations planning and execution process for units WITHOUT a coordinating staff T/F the Unit training plan (UTP) is the product of MDMP and TLP - Correct Answer-True What facilitates the development of the unit's "Long-Range" training calender? - Correct Answer-UTP (Unit Training plan) Training focus on units in RED - Correct Answer-Maximizing self development opportunities to improve leader and individual task proficiency Training on units in AMBER - Correct Answer-Training proficiency at the individual, leader, crew, and squad levels Training on units in GREEN - Correct Answer-Multi-echelon, collective training that leads to METL proficiency Where can commanders and leader post and view vital unit and individual training documents and data? - Correct Answer-DTMS Eight-Step training model - Correct Answer-1. Plan the training
- Train and Certify leaders
- Recon the training site
- Issue the OPORD
- Rehearse
- Execute the training
- Conduct an AAR
- Retrain/Retry (as necessary) Ideally training is executed using what approach? - Correct Answer-Crawl-walk-run T/F The recovery process is an extension of a training event - Correct Answer-TRUE T/F Training events are not complete until the unit has recovered - Correct Answer- TRUE 3 types of training assessments - Correct Answer-1. Unit
- Training
- Leader Training and evaluation outlines (T&EOs) - Correct Answer-Provide the proponent established standards of nearly all collevtive and individual tasks in the army
4 types of evaluations - Correct Answer-1. Informal Evaluation
- Formal evaluation
- Internal evaluation
- External evaluation 4 parts of AAR - Correct Answer-1. Review what was supposed to happen
- Establish what happened
- Determine what was right or wrong
- Determine how the task should be done differently next time UTP is the product of? - Correct Answer-MDMP and TLP NCO's train? - Correct Answer-Individuals,crew and small team DTMS - Correct Answer-Digital Training Management System Post and view training data and documents Most important meeting the unit will conduct? - Correct Answer-Training meetings MDMP for developing a Unit plan - Correct Answer-1. Receipt of mission
- Mission analysis
- COA development
- COA analysis
- COA comparison
- COA approval
- Orders production T/F Training is complete without recovery - Correct Answer-FALSE Informal Evaluation - Correct Answer-Leader's real-time feedback Formal Evaluation - Correct Answer-Planned and resourced with dedicated evaluators or OC's Internal Evaluation - Correct Answer-Planned and resourced conducted by the unit undergoing the eval External evaluation - Correct Answer-Conducted by HQ at an echelon higher in COC (CSM spot checking soldiers range card) Secure - Correct Answer-Gain possession of a position or terrain with or without force. Physical occupation not required Seize - Correct Answer-To clear designated area and obtain control of it, must physically occupy
Clear - Correct Answer-Eliminate organized resistance in an assigned zone by destroying, capturing or forcing the withdrawal of enemy forces Delay - Correct Answer-Slow the time of arrival of enemy forces Disrupt - Correct Answer-Direct and indirect fires, terrain and obstacles to upset an enemy's formation On order - Correct Answer-Will accomplish at a later time Defeat - Correct Answer-Temporarily or permanently lose the physical means or will to fight 2 main groups the army health system is responsible for - Correct Answer-1. Health service support (HSS)
- Force Health Protection (FHP) The Army Health System is distributed across ____ roles of medical care - Correct Answer- 3 Components of HSS - Correct Answer-1. Casualty Care
- Medical evacuation
- Medical logistics (MEDLOG) Prevention aspects of AMEDD functions are included in? - Correct Answer-Force Health Protection (FHP) FHP encompasses? - Correct Answer--Preventative medicine
- Veterinary services
- Lab Services
- Preventative dental services
- Combat and operation stress control (COSC) 10 medical functions - Correct Answer-1. Medical mission command
- Medical treatment
- Hospitalization
- Medical evac
- Dental services
- Preventative medicine
- Combat and operational stress control
- Vet services
- Med LOG
- Med lab
Health Threat - Correct Answer-Composite of ongoing or potential enemy actions, adverse environmental, occupational, and geographic conditions; endemic disease and CBRN weapons that have potential to affect short or long term health of personnel Categories of Health threats - Correct Answer-1. Diseases
- Occupational and environmental health hazards
- Poisonous or toxic flora and fauna
- Medical effects of weapons
- Physiological and psychological stressors Role 1 - Correct Answer-Battalion aid station and below
- Self and buddy aid, EMT
- Medic, Physician and PA Role 2 - Correct Answer-All of role 1 plus
- Area support squad
- Pt holding (72 hours) -Located Brigade support (Charlie med) medical company area support medical company or preventative med Role 3 - Correct Answer-Combat support Hospital (CSH)
- Pharmacy
- Initial damage control surgery 6 medical modules - Correct Answer-1. Combat medic
- Ambulance squad
- Treatment squad
- Area support squad
- Patient holding squad
- Forward surgical team Command Surgeon - Correct Answer-Special staff officer that plans and monitors execution of AHS mission, med functions and operational planning factors
- NOT A COMMANDER Responsibilities of the Medical Planner - Correct Answer-1. Analyze all med requirements before, during and after all phases
- Conducts medical estimate as the tactical staff does MDMP
- Develops medical plan for each COA
- Considers med support capabilities for each COA
- Integrates medical plan with tactical plan 6 principles of Army Health System - Correct Answer-1. Conformity
- Proximity
- Flexibility
- Mobility
- Continuity
- Control Medical Estimate would be found in what section of MDMP? - Correct Answer-Mission analysis Each medical COA should address medical support for? - Correct Answer-- Security Ops
- Main attacks
- Rear ops
- Follow on ops Decision Matrix - Correct Answer-- Provides medical planner for a tool for evaluating COAs
- LOWEST NUMBER is best 2 products needed for a medical plan? - Correct Answer-1. COA sketch
- Medical Sync Matrix Squad - Correct Answer-Lead by CPL/SGT 4-8 soldiers Platoon - Correct Answer-PL 16-44 soldiers Company - Correct Answer-HQ section Company CDR 60-200 soldiers Battalion - Correct Answer-LTC/CSM
- 300-1000 soldiers Brigade - Correct Answer-COL/CSM -3.5- 4k soldiers Division - Correct Answer-MG 15k soldiers 4 BCT Corps - Correct Answer-LTG 30-60k soldiers 2-4 divisions S1 - Correct Answer-Personnel services S2 - Correct Answer-Intelligence
S3 - Correct Answer-Operations S4 - Correct Answer-Logistics Mortuary affairs S5 - Correct Answer-Civil military ops S6 - Correct Answer-Signal operations Warfighting function - Correct Answer-1. Mission command
- Movement and maneuver
- Intelligence
- Fires
- Sustainment
- Protection
- Special operations BN Aid station is located where? - Correct Answer-Combat Trains command post Role 2 is located where? - Correct Answer-Brigade Support BN OPORD - Correct Answer-DIrective from CDR to coordinate the execution of an op Warning order - Correct Answer-Preliminary notice of an order Fragmentary Order - Correct Answer-Timely change of existing orders 5 Paragraph OPORD - Correct Answer-1. Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- Sustainment
- Command and signal Operational environment - Correct Answer-Composite of conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on decisions of commander Operational Variables - Correct Answer-Political, military, economics, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, time Primary purpose of hospital ships - Correct Answer-Provide rapidly responsive,flexible, mobile medical capability for acute medical car Secondary purpose of hospital ships - Correct Answer-Provide mobile surgical hospital service for use by appropriate US government agencies
First area with all 10 medical functions? - Correct Answer-Echelons above Brigade (EAB) Medical Mission Command - Correct Answer-Provides AOR mission command for EAB medical units EAB Medical Units - Correct Answer-Med CO, Area support Ground Ambulance MEDLOG CO Blood support Dental COSC Preventive med Veterinary Area medical lab FST Difference between 164 bed CSH and 84 bed CSH - Correct Answer-All 84 bed services PLUS
- Organic dental services
- General, orthopedic, thoracic, urological, gynecological surgery Minimal Care Detachment - Correct Answer-120 bed Role 3 capability enhancer Provides PT/OT capability Medical Company - Correct Answer-Provides Role II medical care to those battalions with organic medical platoons 2 types of Medical Companies - Correct Answer-1. Brigade Support Medical Company (BSMC)
- Medical Company Area Support (MCAS) T/F Physical therapy may be found in an MCAS - Correct Answer-FALSE Treatment Platoon consists of - Correct Answer--Treatment squad
- Patient Holding squad
- Area Support squad Medical treatment Squad - Correct Answer-Reconstitute and reinforce BN aid station, provide emergency and sick call treatment Area medical treatment squad - Correct Answer-Base treatment element of Role 2 med facility
Patient Holding squad - Correct Answer-20-40 holding cots Evacuation Platoon - Correct Answer-PLT HQ Ambulance squads Medical Platoon - Correct Answer-Organic medical unit in direct support of a maneuver BN providing role 1 Medical Platoons are organic to? - Correct Answer-- Maneuver BN
- RSTA squadrons
- Field Artillery BN Medical platoon HQ section responsibilities - Correct Answer--Mission command
- Evac assets
- Medical logistics
- Maintenance program Treatment squad responsibilities - Correct Answer-Provide role 1 care Establish and operate BAS in support of BN ENVITE - Correct Answer--Empathy
- Non confrontation
- Validate
- Inform
- Take action
- Enlist cooperation 4 Principles of convoy operations - Correct Answer-1. 360 degree security
- Deterrence
- Agility
- Unpredictability When is a health threat analyzed? - Correct Answer-During the planning process of an operation The Brigade Medical supply office is found in what Role? - Correct Answer-Role 2 T/F Preventative medicine and Physical therapy are found in role 2 - Correct Answer- TRUE Ambulance squad module - Correct Answer-4 68W 2 Ground ambulances Area Support Squad - Correct Answer-- Dentist
- Dental specialist
- X ray specialist
- Lab NCO
- Lab specialist Patient holding Squad - Correct Answer-- Nurse
- 2 LPN -2 Medics Forward Surgical Team - Correct Answer-- Provide rapidly deployable urgent initial surgical service in a division AO
- Perform surgeries for 30 patients within 72 hours When a treatment squad, area support squad, and patient holding squad are co- located, they form? - Correct Answer-Area Support Section 5 C's of IED detection - Correct Answer-1. Clear
- Check
- Confirm
- Cordon
- Control Pre-deployment health assessment (2795) - Correct Answer-Part 1 online Part 2 provider with 30 days of part 1 Parts 1 and 2 must be completed within 120 days of deployment 3 sources of environmental exposure - Correct Answer-1. Ambient environment
- Occupational exposure
- war agent usage Post Deployment health reassessment (DD2900) - Correct Answer-Part 1 Online Part 2 within 180 days (6 months) 3 types of BCT - Correct Answer-Infantry Armor Stryker Who is in charge of Casualty Collection Point? - Correct Answer-First Sergeant