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AMEDD BOLC Midterm Exam with Verified Solutions 2025, Exams of Nursing

AMEDD BOLC Midterm Exam with Verified Solutions 2025

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AMEDD BOLC Midterm Exam with Verified

Solutions 2025

Explain the different types of developmental counselling Event, Performance, and Professional Development Explain the Approaches to developmental Counselling Nondirective, directive, and combined Explain the four stages of the counselling process identify the need for counselling, prepare for the counselling, conduct the counselling, follow up What form is used for counselling? DA Form 4856 Define Army Leadership The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. Define the army attribute: character displays Army Values (LDRSHIP), empathy, warrior ethos Define the army attribute: presence physical fitness, confidence, resilience, bearing

Define the army attribute: intellect sound judgement, mental agility, innovation, expertise Define the army competencies: leads builds trust, leads by example, communicates Define the army competencies: develops fosters positive environment, prepares self and others, develops self and others, stewards the army profession Define the army competencies: achieves gets results Army Leadership levels from largest to smallest Strategic, Organizational, Direct What is a leader's role in command climate Be fair and inclusive, have open communication, foster a learning environment, command climate, = create a positive command climate, have an interest in others, support learning in others How do we provide developmental feedback? coaching, mentoring, counselling What are the 8 troop leading procedures?

  1. Receive the mission
  2. Issue warning order
  3. Make a tentative plan
  1. Initiate movement
  2. Conduct reconnaissance
  3. Complete the plan
  4. Issue the order
  5. Supervise and refine the plan Who utilizes TLPs and who utilizes MDMP TLP is company and below MDMP battalion and above What are the components of Army Culture the army values and ethics which are to be held by an army professional What is the Army Profession? The Army Profession is a unique vocation of experts certified in the design, generation, support, and ethical application of landpower, serving under civilian authority and entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people. What does the Personnel Admin Center do (PAC) process personnel actions, records, reviews, survivor benefit plan, finance, etc Personnel Action Requests include what? MOS re-class, training requests, separate rations, name/DOB/SSN change, E1-E promotions Who are the authorities that are able to promote SPC and below principals of the HQ department of the army, DoD commanders, detachment commanders

Who are the authorities that are able to promote SGTs and SSGs? Field Grade commanders in units that are in the grade of LTC or higher Who are the authorities that promote SFCs, MSGs, and SGMs? HRC What is a decentralized promotion? PV1-SPC What is a semicentralized promotion? SGT-SSG What is a centralized promotion? SFC-SGM What makes you eligible for promotion? Time in service and time in grade depending on the rank What form is used for awards? DA 638

How many categories of awards are there? 6 What are DoD award? Defense distinguished service, defense superior service, meritorious service, joint services, purple heart What are Army awards? Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service cross, Distinguish Service Medal, silver star, legion of merit, air medal, arcom, aam Service Ribbons? Overseas Training, Overseas Service, Army Service, NCO professional, Army forces reserve medal, Korean Service Badges and Tabs? Combat/Special Skills: EFMB, EIB, infantry, combat medic, etc ID badges: presidential services, physical fitness, ranger, sapper Certificates, memos, and letters Letter of Commendation and Letter of Appreciation

What is a leave form? DA form 31 How much leave do we get a month? 2.5 days What are the types of chargeable leave? ordinary, transition, emergency, and PCS What are the types of non-chargeable leave? Convalescent, PTDY, Excess, Regular pass, and Special pass What is the form for a flag? 268 What are transferable flags? APFT failures, H/W, punishment phase flag What are non-transferable flags? drug/alcohol, security violation, lack of family care plan, cdr's investigation, discharge, adverse actions

What is a BAR? bar for reenlistment, keeps service member from reinlisting, put in place due to article 15s, AWOL, late patter, equipment loss, APFT, H/W What are the steps to risk management? Step 1-Identify the hazards. Step 2 - Assess the hazards. Step 3 - Develop controls and make risk decisions. Step 4-Implement controls. Step 5 - Supervise and evaluate. How are hazards identified? Experiences and history, SOPs, diagrams, training + AARs What are the classes of severity for hazards? catastrophic, critical, moderate, negligible What are the classes of probability for hazards? frequent, likely, occasional, seldom, unlikely What is D3SOE? Denied, degraded, and disrupted space operating environment

What is SATCOM? Satellite Communication. beyond site, voice, and data comms, reduces fratricide and increases command and control How do you conduct Space IGR (intel, surveillance, and recon)

  1. encrypt your GPS recievers (DAGR)
  2. block the jamming signal using different means
  3. Maintain skills in traditional methods of navigating
  4. PACE plan What are cyberspace operations? Cyberspace operations are the employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve military objectives or effect in or through cyberspace. What is electromagnetic warfare? military action involving electromagnetic and direct energy to control the spectrum or attack the enemy What are spectrum management operations? the mngt of portions of the electromagnetic spectrum What is the form used to tentatively identify a lost service member?

DD form 565 How do we positively identify a lost service member? DNA, dental, etc What impacts should we look for upon the lost of a service member? troop morale, national public support, coalition support, local national support What are the best procedures and practices for a lost service member human remains pouch (poncho if not available, supine, eyes closed, lightly tie wrists together, apply bandage to keep jaw closed, keep body in cool area (ice if needed), DO NOT remove anything, toe tag, wrist tag, and bag tag, ask a provider to confirm death What are the procedures following a current death in garrison? ship personal effects(PE) to personal eligible to receive effects (PERE), peacetime What are the procedures of a concurrent return PE goes to PE depot for shipment to PERE in theatre What are the procedures of temporary internment? No disposition of PE, only when authorized by responsible cdr during major military operations

Officer Personal MNGT Systm misssion and function? Assess strength, accessions, and assignments What are the 5 levels of military education? Pre-commissioning, primary, intermediate, senior, and general What are the 2 types of evals? officer evaluation report and an academic evaluation report What form is an OER? 67 - 1 - x What form is an AER DA form 1059 What information is listed on an ORB? assignments, personal/family data, military education, civil education, awards+decs, remarks, and foreign languages What is a decentralized promotion for officers?

2LT/1LT and Wo1/Wo2, no limits, only qualified What is a centralized promotion for officers? beyond 1LT or CW2, only best qualified What are the responsibilities of the rated officer? meet rater in 30 days or less, duties/responsibilities, fill out an OER support form Rater Qualifications immediate supervisor, senior in grade, 90 days in position Rater Responsibilities discuss duties and responsibilities, assess PERFORMANCE, verify apft and h/w, counsel quartely intermediate rater qualifications? between rater and senior rater, special branches, 60 days in position, technical expert intermediate rater responsibilities? PERFORMANCE AND POTENTIAL

senior rater qualifications? most senior in grade/rank, 60 days min in position, O4 or GS13 minimum Senior Rater Responsibilities POTENTIAL, ensure forms are distributed, final review of report Who uses a DA form 67 - 10 - 1,2,3, and 4? 1: 2LT-CPT, WO1-CW 2: MAJ-LTC, CW3-CW 3:COL 4:BG When are evlas mandatory? rater change, job change, annual, extended annual, TDY, officer non-select for promotion, relief of cause, initial tour of extended AD (amedd, jag, chaplain), HRC directed When are evals optional? "good" oer before board, rater option, senior wants to give eval before leaving What is a referred report? Reports that contain negative comments or unfavorable ratings regarding an officer's performance/potential, traits, skills, or attributes

Why would an eval be returned administraviely? errors, done by HQDA Why would an eval be returned substantively? differences in opinion, prejudice, unjust rating, Army special review board does this What form is used for the pre-deployment assessment? DD 2795 What does the Pre-deployment health assessment include? glasses, medical tags, ako assessment, pregnancy test, medical records review, medications, part II needs to be done within 30 days of part I and both must be complete 60 days before deployment What does a post-deployment health include? screening, health assessment, occupational and environmental exposure assessment, behavioral assessment, health surveillance What form is the Post-deployment Health Re-assessment? DD form 2796

What does the acronym ENVITE stand for Empathy, Non-confronttional, validate, inform, take action, enlist cooperation What is accountability? the obligation of having something in one's possession What is liability? Who pays if damage or loss occurs What is responsibility? In whos possession the equipment is Who can be an accountable officer? e5 and above, DOD civilian What does the transportation officer do? accountable for the property during shipment What does the stock record officer do? They receive the shipment and is accountable until the equipment goes where it needs to go

What does the PBO do? Tracks all unit property 100% inventory at least once a year Responsible for the property Ensures PHRH signs for property Items must be issued using a HR If you're signing for something what kind of responsibility do you have? DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY What is expendable property? Property that is consumed in use, or that loses its identity in use. What is durable property? Property that is not consumed in use and does not require property book accountability, but because of UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS requires control (HAND RECEIPT) when issued to the user. What is non-expendable property? personal property that is not consumed in use and that retains its original identity during the period of use.

What are the classes of supply? I subsistence II clothing, individual equipment, tool kits III petroleums, oils, lubes IV fortification and barrier materials V ammo VI personal demand items VII major end items VIII medical IX repair parts X agriculture What is organizational property? property going to field or deployment How long is a temporary hand receipt good for and what form is it on? 30 days, DA 3161 Regular hand reciept form DA 2062