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AMEDD BOLC Quiz1 / Midterm Questions with Answers
- What are the different types of developmental counseling?: 1. Event 2.Performance 3.Professional Development
- What are the three approaches to developmental counseling?: 1. Nondirec- tive 2.Directive 3.Combined
- What are the four stages of the counseling process?: 1. Identify the need for counseling, 2. Prepare for the counseling
- Conduct the counseling 4. Follow up
- What form is used for conducting and recording counseling?: DA Form 4856
- Define "Army Leadership": The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
- Define "Character": Displays the Army Values (LDRSHIP), empathy, and the warrior ethos
- Define "Presence": Physical fitness, confidence, resilience, and bearing
- Define "Intellect": Sound judgement, mental agility, innovation, expertise
- Define "Leads": Builds trust, leads by example, communicates
- Define "Develops": Fosters a positive environment, prepares self and others, develops self and others, stewards the army profession
- Define "Achieves": Gets results
- Army Leadership levels from largest to smallest: Strategic -> Organizational -> Direct
- What is a leader's role in a command climate?: Be fair and inclusive, have open communication, foster a learning environment, create a positive command climate, have an interest in others, support learning in others
- What are the leadership competencies?: All the things you DO, and allow a leader to accomplish the mission
- What are the leadership attributes?: All the things you HAVE, and
enable a leader to exemplify competencies.
- Presence
- Intellect
- Character
- What are some ways to develop subordinates?: E M CV F T Set an example, accomplish the mission, communicate the vision, be physically fit, build cohesive teams
- What are some advantages of Non-directive counseling?: Encourages ma- turity, open communication, and develops personal responsibility. Leaders explain expectations and use their experiences, insight and judgement to assist subordinates with developing solutions.
- What are some disadvantages of Non-directive counseling?: More time consuming, requires greatest counselor skills
- What are some advantages of directive counseling?: Quickest, good for subordinates that need clear, concise direction. Leader does most of the talking and tells subordinate what to do and when to do it. Works best to correct simple problems, make on-the-spot corrections, and correct aspects of duty performance.
- What are some disadvantages of directive counseling?: Treats the symp- toms, not the problem, discourages free talk, and the solution is the counselor's idea.
- What are the advantages of combined counseling?: Encourages maturity and open communication. Allows counselors to use their experience. Moderately quick. Emphasizes the subordinate's planning and decision-making responsibilities.
- What are the disadvantages of combined counseling?: May take too much time in some situations?
- Describe the parts of the DA 4856: Part I - Administrative Part II - Background Information Part III - Summary of Counseling, Includes Key Points, Plan of Action, Session Closing and Leader Responsibilities
Part IV - Assessment of the Plan of Action
- What are the three phases of PRT?: C T S Initial conditioning, toughening, sustaining Establishes a safe starting point for people considering the Army, Develops foun- dational fitness and fundamental movement skills, and Continues with the physical
development and maintains a high level of physical readiness appropriate to duty position and the requirements of the unit's Mission Essential Task List (METL) as it applies to Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN).
- Define "Physical Readiness": The ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position in order to accomplish the mission
- Identify the 5 levels of military education.: 1. pre-commissioning 2.primary 3.intermediate 4.senior 5.General/Flag Officer
- Identify two types of evaluations.: 1. AER
- What are the two paths of promotion for officers, and what are their requirements: Decentralized: From 2LT to 1LT or from WO1 to WO
- no numerical limit, fully qualified criteria
- CDR gives Yes / No Centralized: Beyond 1LT. Uses best qualified criteria. Has numerical limit / Order of merit list.
- Documents for the promotion board:: 1. Official photo 2.Officer Record Brief 3.Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)
- What form is used for ORBs?: DA 4037
- What are the qualifications and responsibilities for an OER rater?: - Imme- diate supervisor
- senior rank
- 90 days
- performance
- What are the qualifications and responsibilities for an OER intermediate?:
- Must be between the rater and the senior rater
- technical expert
- 60 days
- What are the qualifications and responsibilities of a senior rater?: - Must be senior to the rater and intermediate
- At minimum must be O-4 or GS-
- Must serve a minimum of 60 days
Responsibilities; Ensure support form is distributed, Review DA Form 67- 10-1A,
Ensure rater counsels rated officer, Evaluate officer's potential relative to peers, Conducts final review of report, and Refer reports as required.
- Four Senior Rater Qualifications for an OER: 1. US Armed Forces Officer or US Govt Employee 2.Must serve 60 days 3.senior to the rater 4.Minimum of O-
- Identify the mandatory and optional reports for an OER: Mandatory: COR, PCS, Annual, Ext Annual, TDY/Special Duty, Non-select, Relief, Initial tour of ex- tended active duty, HRC directed. Optional: Complete the Record, Senior Rater and Rater option reports, Special situations such as Warrior Transition Unit (WTU). 36. Identify the DA Forms utilized in the Officer Evaluation Reporting System- : DA67-10-1, company grade, WO1-CW2. DA67-10-1A, support form mandatory COL and below DA67-10-2, field grade, CW3-CW DA67-10-3, strategic COL DA67-10-4 Brigadier
- What is the definition of a referred OER?: reports that contain negative comments or unfavorable ratings regarding an officer's performance, potential, traits, skills, and attributes
- What are two types of OER appeals?: Substantive:
- Differences of opinion
- Prejudice
- Inaccurate / unjust ratings
- Adjudicated by Army Special Review Board (ASRB) 3 year statute of limitations
- Only for administrative errors
- Adjudicated by Evaluation Appeals Branch, HQDA
no time limit
- Which form is used to request Personnel Action?: DA 4187
- What are the paths of promotions for enlisted soldiers?: 1. Decentralized, PV2-SPC, company commander 2.Semi Centralized, SGT-SSG, LTC 3.Centralized, SFC-CSM, HRC
- What are the six Individual Award Categories?: 1. Decorations 2.Good Conduct Medal and Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal 3.Campaign Service Medals 4.Service Ribbons
- Badges and Tabs 6.Certificates, memorandums, letters
- Which form is used to process awards?: DA 638
- Define "reset": focuses on individual and collective training tasks that support METL
- Define "train/ready": higher level collective tasks associated with development
- What is the NCOER support form?: DA Form 2166-9-1A Mandatory for all NCOs; CPL thru CSM within the first 30 days of the rating period.Senior rater should have a face-to-face counseling within the first 30 days and at the midpoint of the evaluation period.
- Describe the parts of a support form.: Part I - SSD and NCOES requirement met for next grade. Part II - Senior rater annotates counseling dates. Part III - Supplementary reviewer, if required. Part IV - Rated NCO provides goals and expectations. Part V - Attributes and
Competencies IAW ADP 6-22. Part VI - Senior rater provides comments.
- DA2166-9-1 is used for what?: SGT/SGT Promotable - Direct Part IV - character -bullet
- DA2166-9-2 is used for what?: SSG-1SG/MSG -Organizational Part IV - character -bullet
- DA2166-9-3 is used for what?: CSM/SGM - Strategic Part IV - character -narrative
- Types of Reports: 02 Annual report 03 Change of Rater 05 Relief for Cause 06 Depart Temporary Duty, Special Duty, Temporary Change of Station 08 Senior Rater Option 09 Complete the RecordExtended Annual 19 HRC Directed
- What are the 3 NCOER Forms: DA2166-9-1 SGT/SGT promotable Direct DA2166-9-2 SSG-1SG/MSG, Organizational DA2166-9-3 CSM/SGM, Strategic Reference: AR623-3, 2015
- Purpose of NCOER: Provide DA with performance and potential of each rated NCO Provide evaluation info to ensure that sound management decisions can be made
- When should counseling be performed?: Within 30 days of the rating period and quarterly.
- 4 NCOER Reviewer Requirements: 1. Direct line of supervision 2.Oversees the entire NCOER for accuracy
- Marks non-concur box and provides a non-concur statement if NCOER shows inconsistent rating 4.Sign and return completed evaluation and support form
- Classification of Property: 1. Expendable: single use, single time. No formal accountability, property code "x"
- Non-expendable: Does not deteriorate. Requires property book, property code "N" 3.Durable: May show wear and tear. "D". Requires hand receipt control.
- Who is responsible for PMCS?: EVERYBODY!
- What does ENVITE stand for in regards to post-deployment health?: Em- pathy. Non Confrontation,DO NOT argue. Validate, affirm their decision. Inform, offer data for specific concerns. Take action, describe possible actions, order tests, follow up. Enlist Cooperation.
- What is a hazard?: Actual or potential condition, situation, or event that can result in injury or loss of personnel, damaged equipment, or mission failure
- Identify the 5 steps of Risk Management: 1. identify hazards 2.Assess hazards 3.Develop controls/make decisions 4.Implement controls 5.Supervise and evaluate
- Four levels of severity:
Catastrophic Critical
Moderate Negligible
- 5 Levels of Probability: Frequent Likely Occasion al Seldom Unlikely
- Types of PRT: On ground Off ground Combatives
- Available: Continues focus on higher level collective tasks, receive trained sta- tus, becomes available for deployment
- What are examples of personnel action requests?: Name change Request training Separate rations EFMP
- Types of PL responsibility: Direct and supervisory
- Define the symbols used on form 5988E: X : not fully mission capable Circle x: indicates an override by the commander / : indicates material defect
- : inspection due E: equipment NMC for safety or admin reason Initials: item verified and
- Unit Management Cycles: Red Amber Green
- 3 Potential sources of exposure: 1. Ambient environment 2.Occupational exposure 3.Wartime agent
- What is a 5988E?: Electronic PMCS form
- What units have medical maintenance?: BDE Med supply office MEDDAC and MEDCEN MEDLOG Maintenance section
- How does a CDR drive training?: Understands Visualizes Describe s Directs Leads Assess
- Full accountability of remains requires what?: 1. proper identification
- explanation as to the cause and manner of death
- Describe the flow of remains: BN TF> BSA MACP>TSC MACP>TMEP>Dover AFB> to the deceased's family
- When should Part I and Part II of the pre-deployment health assessment be completed?: Part I: online within 120 days of deployment Part II: 30 days after part I with a provider *Validated as current within 60 days 75. Identify the processes for the post-deployment health reassessment.: - 90-180 days upon return from deployment part I: online within 30 days of part II part II: within 180 days and with provider
- List the functions of the Personnel Administration Center.: 1.) Process Personnel Actions. 2.) Provide notification of annual records review. 3.) Assist with survivor benefit
plan. 4.) Process Finance Actions.
- Understand the process of barring a Soldier from Reenlistment.: Denies reenlistment of Soldiers whose immediate separation under administrative proce-
dures is warranted. Reentry into or beyond their Expiration Term of Service (ETS) with the Active Army is not in the best interest of the military service.
- What form is needed to bar a Soldier from Re-enlistment.: Must execute a form DA 4126-R.
- Distinguish between the types of Enlisted Promotion Systems.: • Decen- tralized Promotions: advancement from PV1 to SPC
- Semi-centralized Promotions: promotion to SGT and SSG
- Centralized Promotions: promotion to SFC, MSG, and SGM
- Decentralized Promotions are handled by what level of leadership?: Com- pany level (O3), they are authorized to promote from E1-E4.
- Semi-centralized Promotions are handled by what level of leadership?: - Battalion Level (O5), they are authorized to promote from E5-E6. Although HQDA maintains the promotion standing list and issues the orders.
- Centralized Promotions are handled by what level of leadership?: Com- mander AHRC (O8), is the authorized authority to promote from E7-E9.
- What is tactical leadership?: Direct level leadership is where subordinates are accustomed to seeing their leaders all the time: teams and squads, sections and platoons, companies and batteries. A direct leader's span of influence can range from a handful to a several hundred people. NCOs are in direct leadership positions more often than officers and Army civilians and are crucial in the day-to-day development and care of Soldiers.
- What is operational leadership?: Operational/organizational leaders influence several hundred to several thousand people. They have staffs to help them lead their people and manage their organizations' resources.
- What is strategic leadership?: Strategic level leaders, military and Army civil- ian, are responsible for large organizations and influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people. There are roughly 600 authorized military and civilian positions classified as strategic leaders.
- What is Event Counseling?: Covers a specific event or situation. May precede events like a promotion board or attending school.
May follow events such as exceptional duty performance or a performance/profes- sional problem.
- What is performance counseling?: A review of a subordinate's duty perfor- mance over a certain period
Focuses on the subordinate's strengths, areas to improve and potential
- What is Professional Growth Counseling?: Planning for the accomplishment of individual and professional goals Developmental in nature (i.e. future focused), and assists subordinates in identifying and achieving organizational and individual goals
- What are the PRT principles?: Precision, Progression, and Integration. PRT Principles provide the strict adherence to optimal execution standards for PRT activities, a systematic increase in the intensity, duration, volume and difficulty of PRT activities, and multiple training activities to achieve balance and appropriate recovery between activities in the PRT program.
- Define what TLPs are: Troop leading procedures extend the military deci- sion-making process (MDMP) to the small-unit level. The MDMP and troop leading procedures (TLP) are similar but not identical (Parallel Planning).
- How are TLPs used?: Troop leading procedures are a dynamic process used by small-unit leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation. These procedures enable leaders to maximize available planning time while developing effective plans and preparing their units for an operation.
- Describe each step of the TLPs.: 1.) Receive the Mission 2.) Issue a WARNO 3.) Make a Tentative Plan 4.) Initiate Movement 5.) Conduct Reconnaissance 6.) Complete the Plan
7.) Issue the OPORD 8.) Supervise and Refine
- What is the function of the ORB?: DA Form 4037
- Snapshot or resume of assignments and qualifications
Centrally maintained by Officer Records Branch
- Updated through personnel systems Updating is the Soldier's responsibility
- Annually or after significant training or changes
- Describe the factors involved with a Commander's Inquiry.: • For OERs containing:
- Alleged errors
- Injustices
- Illegalities
- Commander Initiates
- Commander may direct corrections of errors
- Reports may not be altered other than to correct items indicated during inquiry
- Define the roles and responsibilities of the Rater in the NCOER system:
- Provide a copy of your support form, along with the senior rater's support form to the rated Soldier at the beginning of the rating period.
- Discuss the scope of the rated Soldier's duty description within 30 days after the beginning of the rating period. At a minimum the duty description and performance objectives will be discussed.
- Provide quarterly NCO counseling and professional development throughout the rating period. Use of DA Form 2166-9-1A is required.
- Verify the rated Soldier's APFT results and if taken, height and weight data. Comments are required for noncompliance with AR 600-9.
- Provide an objective and comprehensive evaluation of the rated Soldier's perfor- mance.
- Define the roles and responsibilities of the Senior Rater in the NCOER system: • Must be in the direct line of supervision
- Minimum of 60 days observing rated NCO
- Must prepare a fair and accurate portrayal of the NCO's potential
- Ensures required counseling programs and support forms are maintained in their units
- Forwards NCOER to Supplementary Reviewer when required
- Once completed, forwards to HQDA in a timely and accurate manner (NLT 60 days past THRU date)
- Define the roles and responsibilities of the Supplemental Reviewer in the NCOER system: The supplementary reviewer has the overarching role of ensuring compliance with the NCOER reporting process, policy and procedural guidance, accuracy of the report and effective written communication focused on the Soldier's career and professional development. The supplementary reviewer will:
- Ensure the evaluations rendered by the rater and senior rater are accurate, clear, consistent, and fair in accordance with known facts. Special care must be taken to ensure bullets support the appropriate ratings (i.e. exceeded standard or did not meet standard).
- The supplementary reviewer may prepare an enclosure to the NCOER pertaining to the accuracy or clarity of the completed NCOER. Comments will not include evaluative statements about the rated NCO.
- Define the roles and responsibilities of the rated NCO in the NCOER system: • Verify all administrative data is correct, to include the Duty MOSC, duty description, APFT / height / weight, counseling dates, and that they saw the com- pleted NCOER
- Perform each assigned or implied duty to the best of their ability, periodically evaluating their own performance and seeking guidance when needed
- Draft and provide major performance objectives, goals and expectations for con- sideration that aligns with the rater's support form
- Maintain a personal working copy of the most recent DA Form 2166-9-1A as feedback and guidance are provided during the rating period.
- Distinguish between the types of Responsibility.: Command - Responsibility for all property within their command. Supervisory - Responsibility for all property in the possession of personnel under their supervision.
Custodial - Supply Sergeant, supply clerk, or warehouse person responsible for property in storage awaiting issue or turn-in. Direct - Responsibility for all property within their command. Personal - Responsibility for property in their possession.
- Distinguish between Commander, Unit Leader, and NCO Training respon- sibilities.: Commander - Commanders are the unit's primary training manager. Unit Leader - Unit leaders (officers and NCOs) are responsible to the commander for the training readiness of their area(s) of responsibility. They evaluate training and provide assessments to the commander. NCOs - NCOs are responsible for the individual training of unit Soldiers, crews, and small teams. NCOs conduct standards-based, performance- oriented training. 101. Distinguish between retrain, retry, and recovery when executing training.- : Re-train/retry - Not all tasks will be performed to standard on the first, or even second attempt. In some cases, a "restart" or "retry" of an event may be necessary before moving to the next training event. Retraining allows participants to implement corrective action. To retry a task is to subsequently attempt the same task over and over until the Army standard is met. Recovery - The recovery process is an extension of a training event. Recovery activities units should routinely perform following a training event, or operation:
- Personnel accountability
- Sensitive item accountability
- Perform preventative maintenance checks and services on all vehicles and equip- ment
- Ensure accountability of organizational and individual equipment
- Ensure that Class IV, V, TADSS, and other support items are accounted for, maintained and turned in
- Close out training areas and ranges
- Conduct AARs
- Allow time for the individual Soldier to recover personal equipment and conduct personal hygiene