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AMEDD BOLC Study Guide: Operational Environment and Associated Threats, Exams of Military Strategy and Training

This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of the operational environment and associated threats relevant to the army medical department (amedd). It covers key concepts such as health threats, amedd warfighting functions, tactical combat casualty care, the army health system, and medical mission command. The guide also explores the principles of the army health system, the roles of medical care, and the responsibilities of medical commanders and command surgeons. Additionally, it delves into the law of land warfare, the geneva convention, and medical ethics.

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Available from 11/12/2024

tizian-kylan 🇺🇸



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Operational Environment and Associated Threats - answer General Threat Health Threat What are the different Health Threats? - answer Diseases- Foodborne, Waterborne, Vectors Occupational and Environmental Health Hazard Poisonous or Toxic Flora/ Fauna Health Effects from weapons Physiologic and Psychological Stressors What are the AMEDD Warfighting Functions? - answer Health Service Support (HSS)- Defined as all support and services performed.

  • Casualty Care, Medical Evacuation, Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Force Health Protection (FHP)- Prevention aspect of AMEDD functions.
  • Preventive Medicine (PM)
  • Veterinary and food inspection and prevention services
  • Combat and operational stress control (COSC)
  • Dental Services (preventive)
  • Laboratory services and support. Army Health System (AHS)- Describes both the HSS and FHP aspects of AMEDD support. What are the stages of Tactical Combat Casualty Care? (TC3) - answer Care Under Fire Tactical Field Care

Tactical Evacuation Care What are the principles of the Army Health System? - answer (CCCPFM) Conformity Continuity Control Proximity Flexibility Mobility How many roles of Medical Care are there? - answer 4

  • Role 1- Battalion Aid Station and below
  • Role 2- Medical Company
  • Role 3- Field Hospital
  • Role 4- Definitive Care What are the common attributes in the Roles of Medical Care? - answer - Treatment
  • Evacuation
  • Medical Logistics (MEDLOG)
  • Mission Command What are the AHS partnerships? - answer - Our Nation
  • The Tactical Commander and Operational Army
  • Our Multinational Partners
  • Our Soldiers and their families What is the function of Health care and the Command Surgeon in Joint Operations? - answer In joint operations, each service operates it won health care delivery system, however, they can be directed to function in a joint basis, when directed by joint force commander.

Command Surgeon has technical supervision of medial operations within the command, but is not a commander What are the specific medical mission command functions? - answer - Mission Command

  • Communications and computers
  • Medical Intelligence- facilitate the identifications, evaluations and assessment of health hazards to the deployed force.
  • Technical Supervision
  • Regional focus What are the medical Mission Command Organizations? - answer - Medical Command (Deployment Support)
  • Medical Brigade (Support)
  • Medical Battalion (Multifunctional, MMB)- provide support to assigned and attached medical functional organizations in support of deployed BCTs. What is the Medical Commanders responsibilities? - answer To exercise mission command (authority and direction) over subordinate medical resources. What is the Command Surgeons Responsibilities? - answer At all levels of command, a command surgeon is designated. He/she is a special staff officer charged with planning for and executing the AHS mission. What is the Line Commanders responsibilities? - answer Health promotion is a leadership program that encompasses the assets of educational, environmental, and AHS support services that enable individuals to increase control over and improve their health in support of Army well-being. What inspired the Law of Land Warfare? - answer This body of law is inspired by the desire to diminish the evils of war by:
  • Protecting both combatants and noncombatants from unnecessary suffering
  • Safeguarding certain fundamental human rights
  • Facilitating the restoration of peace. What is the function of the Geneva Convention? - answer Is 4 treaties and 3 additional protocols, that establish international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war.
  • Protects wounded and sick, protection and identification for medical units. Describe Medical Ethics. - answer Health care personnel are well-trained in a guided by the ethics of their professional calling. This training and ethical principles, coupled with the requirements of international law as it pertains to the treatment of EPW's, detainees, and civilians during conflict will ensure the ethical treatment of all sick and wounded personnel. What Army doctrine covers Unified Land Operations (ULO)? - answer ADP 3- 0 What is Unified Land Operations? - answer ULO describes the character of the dominant major operations being conducted at anytime within the land force commander's AO. What are the Planning Considerations for Army Health System Support? - answer - Unified Land Operations
  • Operational Variables- PMESII-PT
  • Mission Variables-METTTC
  • Task Organization
  • Support to Decisive Action-Offensive, Defensive, Stability tasks, and defense support to civil authorities
  • Theater Opening and Early Entry Operations
  • Expeditionary Operations