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AMEDDMBOLC Final Exam: Medical Logistics and Warfighting, Exams of Military leadership

A comprehensive set of questions and answers covering key concepts in medical logistics and warfighting functions within the ameddmbolc program. It covers topics such as medical evacuation, operational levels of medical logistics, capabilities and limitations of infantry bct, staff roles and responsibilities, warfighting functions, and the structure and functions of medical companies and battalions. Valuable for students preparing for the ameddmbolc final exam, offering insights into the key concepts and principles.

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What units are the the operational level of medical logistics? -

✔✔✔ Correct Answer > - MEDCOM (DS)

  • Theater lead agent for Medical Material (TLAMM)
  • Medical Logistics Management Center (MLMC)
  • Medical Material Center (MMC)

What is medical evacuation? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Timely

and effective movement of the wounded, injured, or ill to and between medical treatment facilities on dedicated and properly marked medical platforms with en route care provided by medical personnel.

What are the 2 types of medical evacuation support? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > 1. Direct support: Requiring a force to support another specific force

  1. Area support: A method of logistics, medical support, and personnel services What are the capabilities and limitations of the Infantry BCT? -

✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Capabilities

  • Flexibility to accomplish different missions
  • Most rapidly and strategically deployable
  • Effective on different terrain against a variety of enemy forces Limitations •In combat predominately dismounted •Vulnerable to enemy artillery attack and heavy forces

Who commands a Division? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > 2 star


What are the supporting brigades of a division? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > - Battlefield service BDE (BFSB)

  • Aviation
  • Maneuver Enhancement
  • Fires
  • Sustainment

What elements make up a Corps? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > 2 - 4

divisions, supporting brigades, theater sustainment command, and Marine Expeditionary Force or Multi-National Forces based on METT-TC What does the number and type of supporting brigades depend

on? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > The mission

What are the critical capabilities of Army Special Operations

Forces (ARSOF)? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > 1. Special Warfare

  • Unconventional warfare
  • Foreign internal defense
  • Psychological operations
  • Civil-military operations
  1. Surgical Strike
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Counter-proliferation
  • Direct action
  • Recovery operations

What is the role of staff? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > • Helps

commander understand, visualize, describe, and direct the battle •Establishes and maintains coordination and cooperation both internally & with staff of higher, lower, & adjacent units •Always focuses on helping the commander and subordinate units •Commander may delegate authority to his staff, but not responsibility •Exists at Battalion level and higher What are the different staff designators and when are they

used? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > - S for staff under a COL or LTC

(BDE and BN)

  • G for staff under a General Officer (DIV, Corps, Army)
  • J for staff working for Joint Staff

What is the role of the Chief of Staff/ Executive Officer (XO)? -

✔✔✔ Correct Answer > • Commander's main assistant for

directing, coordinating, supervising, and training the staff •Integrates & synchronizes the war fighting plans •Manages the Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIR) •Ensures that the staff renders assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs, as necessary

What is the role of S-1? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > • Manning

(Unit Personnel Strength) •Personnel Service Support •Manage organization & administration of the headquarters •Coordinates staff responsibilities for Special Staff Officers

  • Adjutant General
  • Surgeon
  • Chaplain
  • Staff Judge Advocate

What is the role of S-2? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Intelligence

  • Military intelligence
  • Counter intelligence
  • Security operations
  • Intelligence training

What is the role of S-3? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Operations


  • Prepares and supervises training •Operations & Plans
  • Prepares, coordinates, authenticates, and distributes the command SOP, OPLAN, OPORD, FRAGOs, and WARNOs to which other staff sections contribute

•Force Modernization

What is the role of S-4? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Logistics

•Logistical operations & plans •Supply •Maintenance •Transportation •Coordinates Mortuary Affairs Activities

What is the role of S-5? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Plans

•Planning operations for the mid- to long-range planning at division and higher •In conjunction with the G-3 (S-3), the G-5 prepares Annex A (Task Organization), Annex C (Operations), and Annex M (Assessment) to the operation order or operation plan

What is the role of S-6? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Signal

•Signal Operations

  • Managing radio frequency allocations
  • Recommending command post locations within the battlespace (based on terrain) •Automation - manages employment of hardware / software and coordinates LAN configuration •Information Security - Manages Commo Security (COMSEC), automation security, and information security

What is the role of G-8? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > • Responsible

for all financial management •Establishes and implements command finance operations policy •Responsible for those operational financial management tasks supporting the theater

What is the role of S-9? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Civil Affairs

Operations •Evaluates civil considerations during mission analysis

•Prepares for transitioning the AO from military to civilian control •Advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the AO •Responsible for enhancing the relationship between Army forces and the civil authorities and people in AO

What is a Warfighting Function? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > A

group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives.

What are the 6 warfighting functions? Describe them - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > 1. Intelligence: Understanding the enemy, terrain, weather, and civil considerations.

  1. Movement and Maneuver: Moving forces to achieve a position of advantage in relation to the enemy.
  2. Fire Support: Provide collective, coordinated use of Army indirect fires, joint fires, and offensive information operations.
  1. Protection: Preserving the force so the CDR can apply maximum combat power.
  2. Sustainment: Provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance.
  3. Mission Command: Support CDRs in exercising authority and direction.

Describe Company Trains - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Provides

tactical sustainment for a maneuver company

  • Located in the company's rear area
  • Company XO provides Mission Command
  • Provides resupply to the company
  • Senior medic provides medical support at the Company CCP

Describe Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP) - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > • BN S-4 provides mission command

•BN S-1/MEDO located in CTCP •The CTCP provides supplies, services, maintenance, & medical aid forward to the companies •Battalion Aid Station located at CTCP

Describe the Field Trains Command Post (FTCP) - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > • HHC Commander provides Mission Command •FTCP is located in the BSA Provides supply, distribution and maintenance to their maneuver battalions Describe the role, mission command, and location of the

Forward Support Company (FSC) - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > • FSC

CDR provides mission command over field feeding, water, bulk fuel, general supply, ammunition, and field maintenance. •Tasked to support a maneuver battalion, however it falls under the Brigade Support Battalion •Located in the vicinity of the Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP)

What is the role of the Brigade Support Battalion (BSB)? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > Provides Tactical Sustainment for a BCT

  • Supply and Distribution
  • Maintenance (vehicles, weapons, electronics, etc.)
  • Medical (Role II Medical Treatment Facility)
  • One Forward Support Company per maneuver battalion

What is the role of a Sustainment Brigade? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > Provides logistical support mission command for Division and above:

  • Supply (Food, Water, Fuel, Ammo, construction material, vehicles/weapons, etc.)
  • Maintenance (vehicles, weapons, communication equipment, etc.)
  • Transportation (provides trucks to move supplies & soldiers)

What is the mission of the medical company? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > Provide Role II medical care to BNs with organic medical platoons. Provide Role I and II treatment to units without organic Army Health System (AHS) assets.

What are the two types of medical companies? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > 1. Brigade Support Medical Company (BSMC)

  • Assigned to a Brigade Support Battalion; supports a Brigade Combat Team (BCT)
  1. Medical Company Area Support (MCAS)
  • Supports units without organic AHS assets

What elements make up a BSB? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > - HHC

  • A Co. (Supply)
  • B Co. (Maintenance)
  • C Co. (Medical)

What elements make up a Medical Company? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > - HQ

  • BDE Medical Supply Office Treatment PLT --treatment SQD --treatment SQD (area) --area support SQD

--patient hold SQD

  • Evac PLT --evac SQD (area)
  • evac SQD (forward)
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Behavioral health What elements/positions are only found in MCASs, not BSMCs? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Food service element Maintenance element Communication element

What does the preventative medicine section do? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > Provides advice and consultation •Identify actual/potential health hazards, recommend corrective measures •Assist in training BCT soldiers in disease and non-battle injury prevention programs •Analyze and report medical surveillance information •Executes the BCT preventive medicine plan

What does the behavioral health section do? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > • Assist CDRs in preventing / controlling operational stress throughout BCT and for units within their assigned AOR.

What are the functions of the Medical Treatment SQD? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > • To reconstitute and reinforce treatment squads of the Battalion Aid Stations (BAS) •Provide emergency and routine sick call treatment to soldiers assigned to supported units •Can operate for up to 48 hours while separated from their parent unit What are the functions of the Medical Treatment SQD (Area)? -

✔✔✔ Correct Answer > • One treatment squad

•Serves as base medical treatment element of a Role II •Provides sick call and initial resuscitative treatment - Advanced Trauma Management (ATM) and Emergency Medical Treatment (EMT)

What services are provided by the Area Support SQD? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > • Emergency dental treatment •Basic diagnostic lab services and specimen collection

•Routine X-Ray and radiographic film processing capability What area support SQD personnel are only fond in BSMCs, not

MCASs? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Physical therapist (65B) and

Physical therapy NCO (68F20) What personnel make up the Evac PLT HQ in MCAS and all

BCTs? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > 1 Field Medical Assistant (70B)

1 PSG (68W40)

What is the role of Evac PLT HQ? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer >

  • Provides mission command for evacuation platoon operations •Maintains communications to direct ambulance evacuation of patients •Performs route reconnaissance and develops and issues graphic overlays to all its ambulance teams What are the functions of the Evac SQD (forward) and Evac SQD

(area)? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Forward:

•Provides evacuation between the Battalion Aid Stations (BAS) and the Ambulance Exchange Points (AXPs) / Brigade Support Area (BSA)

•Reconstitutes & reinforces Battalion Aid Stations (BAS) Area: •Provides evacuation within the Brigade Support Area (BSA) or between the Ambulance Exchange Point (AXP) and the Brigade Support Area (BSA)

How is Class VIII resupplied? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Resupply

will be via push packages tailored to meet the need of the BCT. Combat-configured Class VIII push packages are shipped through the Corps MEDLOG company to the BMSO every third day or based on projected casualty estimates and usage

What do Secure, Seize, and Clear mean? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > Secure: preventing a unit, facility, or geographical location from being damaged or destroyed as a result of enemy action. Physical occupation NOT required Seize: Employ combat forces to occupy physically and to control a designated area. Clear: Remove all enemy forces and eliminate organized resistance within an assigned area.

What do Delay and Disrupt mean? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer >

Delay: When a force under pressure trades space for time by slowing down the enemy's momentum and inflicting maximum damage on enemy forces without becoming decisively engaged. Disrupt: Integrates direct and indirect fires, terrain, and obstacles to upset an enemy's formation or tempo, interrupt his timetable, or cause enemy forces to commit prematurely or attack in piecemeal fashion.

What do "On order" and "Be prepared" mean? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > On order: A mission which the force will accomplish at a later time; second in priority to any primary mission for planning; included in paragraph 2 of the OPORD. Be prepared: A mission which the force may accomplish at a later time; next in priority to any on order mission for planning; not included in paragraph 2 of the OPORD.

What does Destroy and Defeat mean? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer >

Destroy: To render the opposing force combat ineffective unless reconstituted. Physical destruction over psychological destruction

Defeat: To render a force incapable of achieving its objectives. May or may not entail the destruction of any part of the enemy force. Psychological over physical destruction

What does Screen mean? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > To provide

early warning for the main body by maintaining contact with the opposing force

  • Does not become decisively engaged (loses the ability to maneuver)

What does Guard mean? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > To prevent

ground observation, direct fire, or surprise attack on the main body force

  • Can accept decisive engagement

What does the frame of a symbol represent? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > The standard identity, physical domain, and status of the object being represented. What does the standard identity (shape) of a symbol represent?

Give examples - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > The relationship of the

symbol being represented to friendly forces.

  • Circle or Rectangle: Friend
  • Diamond: Hostile or suspect
  • Square: Neutral
  • Quatrefoil: Unknown/pending

What does the physical domain of a symbol represent? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > Primary mission area for the object being represented (i.e. air, space, land, sea surface). What does the status (type of line) on a symbol represent? -

✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Solid line: Present status

Dashed line: Anticipated, planned, or suspected status. a.Present or Confirmed - operational object exist at the location identified b.Planned or Anticipated - will in the future reside at that location c.Suspected - thought to reside at that location

What does the color (fill) of a symbol represent? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > Provides a redundant clue with regard to standard identity.

  • If color is not used, the fill is transparent.

1)Friendly = blue or cyan 2)Enemy = red 3)Neutral = green 4)Unknown = yellow

What do modifiers represent on symbols? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > Provides additional information about the icon (unit, equipment, installation, or activity)

  • Displayed inside of the frame

What do amplifiers represent on symbols? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > Provides additional information about the symbol

  • Displayed outside the frame
  • Only essential amplifiers should be used
  • Arabic numerals are used, except for Corps (Roman numerals) Where are the section modifiers in a horizontal bounding

octagon? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Section 1 modifier is above

and Section 2 modifier is below the Main Icon Modifier

Where are the section modifiers in a vertical bounding

octagon? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Section 1 modifier is to the

left and Section 2 modifier is to the right of the Main Icon Modifier

What are the basic rules of building symbols? - ✔✔✔ Correct

Answer > • Existing standard symbols must be used •Must be usable in hand-drawn and computer-generated modes •Easily distinguishable •Friendly symbols must not use attributes that could be confused with enemy symbols •Distinguishable without color for use on a monochrome display •Have the primary symbol centered on or below the modifying symbols •Symbols drawn or portrayed with the top of the symbol facing the top of the overlay What are the standard identity colors and what do they mean?

- ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Blue/black = Friendly (use unit name on line)

Red/black = Enemy (if using black, put "ENY" on line Black = Neutral/Unknown (Put "NEU" or "UNK" in field 15. Green = obstacles What are control measure symbols and what are they used for?

- ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Graphics used on maps and displays to regulate forces and warfighting functions. Used to: •Assign responsibilities •Coordinate fire and maneuver •Control combat operations What do control measure symbols include? How are they

organized? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > Boundaries

Lines Areas Points Targets

CBRN attacks/events Organized by the 6 warfighting functions What actions are done during the "Issue the Warning Order"

step of TLPs during convoy planning? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer >

Statement that an event is going to happen

  • Given as a FRAGO
  • Provide subsequent FRAGOs as information becomes available Include: •Destination •Timeline What actions are done during the "Make a Tentative Plan" step

of TLPs during convoy planning? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > -

Mission analysis (mission, enemy, terrain, weather

  • Courses of action (COA)
  • COA analysis/comparison of results
  • Select a COA
  • Analyze data

What actions are done during the "Initiate Movement" step of

TLPs during convoy planning? - ✔✔✔ Correct Answer > -

Identify and alleviate shortfalls.

  • Determine fuel requirements.
  • Determine requirements for all classes of supply.
  • Coordinate load pickup.
  • Coordinate movement preparations.
  • Determine billeting and messing support.
  • Coordinate procurement and maintenance of navigation assets.
  • Evaluate environmental impact. What actions are done during the "Conduct Route

Reconnaissance" step of TLPs during convoy planning? - ✔✔✔

Correct Answer > - Ensure route will support vehicles

  • Determine critical points, choke points, potential ambush sites
  • Assess safety risks Route may be pre-determined