Download European Arrival: Impact on Native Cultures & Colonization in North America & England - Pr and more Study notes United States History in PDF only on Docsity! America Begins 30-10000 B.C. Peopling of America o Siberian hunters o Bering Straits Nomadic hunters came They were chasing big game mammals When they disappeared, these were the ppl who lived in the Americas Migrants pushed down to South America and then they stopped in the North America. o Land Bridge When the process ended, the bridge was covered Nomadic groups-distinct cultures o Each group pursued their own interests o They never developed a common identity Eventually the Europeans exploited this concept o Agricultural revolution o As far back as 3000 BC o This spread to Central/North America o Called this b/c it brought about changes If you move around looking for food, there is instability Once you stay somewhere and cultivate crops, they can expand their population Happened near bodies of water o The first ppl credited w/ this were the Incas o The earlier migrants went to Central/South America o Very sophisticated groups flourished in Central/South America o In order to have a civilization, you have to have writing to write down the laws Incas (Peru, Ecuador, Chile) 11th-15th Century o First to invite agriculture in the Americas Lived in the Andes Mountains They had terraced fields o Very efficient imperial organization The very powerful emperor had messengers They had a rigid structure in society On top of society, there was the ruling class Religious and military leaders On the bottom were the peasants They had a command economy They were communists o Agricultural-Terraced fields o All Aspects of life regulated Sun-god was blood thirsty They had to sacrifice Human sacrifices either had people’s little children or POWs. o Pragmatic Very practical Did not engage in philosophical debates They were great builders Bridges, roads, fortresses In spite of their power, Pizarro conquered them in the 1530’s Flourished between the 11th-15th century Political struggle 2 brothers looking for power Pizarro came at the right time For 2 decades, the Spanish were fighting and pillaging Mayans o In the area of Mexico and Guatemala o Came around ??? and from the NW coast of California o They were very advanced Lived in wooden houses Were very wealthy o Eastern Woodland Indians Both hunters or practice agriculture Algonquian speaking along Atlantic Coast Powhatans, Narrangansets, Abenakis o About 300 different dialects o Indian Divisiveness Indians divided but shared cultural assumptions Patterns of contact o Europeans thought of the Natives as savages o The Natives thought the Europeans were ehhhh Indian spiritual and social values o Colors of the Wind Background of European conquest o There were early voyages o The Vikings came to Newfoundland o 984 A.D. –Eric the Red went to Greenland Went back home to Scandinavia His son, Leif, went to Newfoundland For centuries, ppl didn’t know if he was a rumor or not In the 60’s, they found remains Not until the late 1400s that Spanish conquerors followed suit after Columbus o In Europe, there was a tremendous population expansion o New Monarchs emerged Spain— France- Louis IX France- Henry VII They got tired of having to call on the nobles They established a tax system and armies Founded the first nation states (Spain, France, England) Can’t fund voyages if you fightin wars Renaissance o “Rebirth” o You have new inventions, technology Printing press New ships, triangular sails o Helped make the age of exploration Disease and Dependency o Smallpox o Good for the Europeans o Natives had no immunity o Once the Natives died down and there was a need for labor, they went to Africa to get them. Age of Exploration o Economic Prosperity o Centralization of authority under “New Monarchs” Spain o La Reconquista o Isabella of Castile (1451-1504) o Columbus found San Salvador o He died not knowing that he found the new world o He opened the age of discovery. Amerigo Vespucci o Wrote a book on the new world o Wrote to a German editor and mapmaker o Said there was a landmass between Europe and Asia o Editor thought America would be a good name o Both Spain and Portugal wondered who would get what o A meeting w/ the Pope and they drew a line East of the line was Portugal and West was Spain o Portugal was the first in the slave trade Managing an Empire: Encomienda system- o They were like grants by the crown o To go to the Americas, create villages and make the natives work for them. o The more successful you are, the more natives you had work for you Criollos-Peninsulares o Criollos were the local elite o They led the revolution to be free from Spain Had the best army in the 6th century o Religious fervor o Catholics who are fighting people of another religion o The conquerors had two aims: Find the gold and get rich quick Convert the heathens (they exploited the Natives) o Very independent minded Several Spanish explorers claimed territory: o 1500’s: Juan Ponce De Leon Went to Florida Was looking for gold and the fountain of youth Cabeza de Vaca Hernando de Soto First to explore present-day Mississippi Vasco de Balboa First saw the Pacific Ocean Cortez Went to Mexico o Spain failed to diversify their economy o The empire decline o Inflation occurred o Mestizos (mixed race) France 1584—Sir Walter Raleigh o In one yr., ppl in Roanoke ran out of supplies o By the time the governor came back, the people were gone o No bodies were ever found o Virginia Dare was the granddaughter of Governor White. First baby born in America. Test #1 taken on Jan. 19. Grade: 93 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 The Stuart Dynasty The ppl who came to America were either looking for land opportunities, groups were looking for religious freedom or escape poverty. In England, there was a population explosion, with more and more poor. o Landless peasants used to seasonal work With the poor laws, judges, etc were supposed to give room and shelter to the needy but they had to be in their own village. o If they moved around, they lost the right to be taken care of. Enclosures o The landlords had the land (nobles, etc) o They had part of their land that anyone could cultivate for their own consumption or sell it for money. o Then the landlords figured that if they closed the free lands and had sheep there, they could sell the wool. o Transform the free land to enclose them and sell the wool to the Netherlands. Political Controversy o The Stuart Dynasty o Liked the Anglican church the way it was w/ the Bishops o The Protestants thought there was too much Catholicism in this church. o The Puritans were a broken group: middle class, liked to have their own preachers, wanted to purify their church o The new Bible—King James version—1611. o James was a strong king and he could control the gov’t—esp. Parliament Died of natural causes o His son caused problems Charles I Had a difficult personality Unbending, uncompromising Was not trained to be king His brother was to be king Made mistakes Married a French Catholic princess Ruled w/o Parliament and Puritans called it tyranny o Oliver Cromwell Ironsides were his soldiers He was a Calvinist o First king ousted by Parliament Was also assassinated o After this, there was a Puritan commonwealth o People left by the thousands 1630’s-40’s Left b/c of religious controversy Thursday, January 26, 2012 The Stuart Dynasty James I o Had a lot of experience o He did not want to make reforms o He liked the Anglican church No bishops, no kings o One new version of the Bible King James Bible of 1611 o Had two sons Harry was trained to be king but died Charles I succeeded him Charles I o Uncompromising o Stuttered o He refused to make reforms o Married a Catholic princess Sister of king of France o Governed w/o Parliament Puritans thought it was a tyranny o His archbishop liked to persecute Puritan preachers o Book of Common Prayer Same as the Scots There was a war w/ the King Turned into a religious war By the end of the war, the king will be executed Protectorate o Cromwell purged all the religious radicals o Puritan republic o Sad period of the history of England Shut down the theatres, no dancing in the backyards of the churches, no drinking on Sundays Sent more ships One ship ran aground, one guy delayed his trip, ppl didn’t want to work 1609-1610—Starvation times o Governor De La Warr He established martial law to make people work o Tobacco John Rolfe helped w/ this He also married Pocahontas Saved Jamestown due to this o Sir Edwin Sandys Tried to reimage the Virginia Company People were still dying The company issued new rules People who had $$$ had the right to 100 acres of land Also known as the “head right” system If you could pay for your own passage to the New World Additional acres could be for your servants who were going to cultivate tobacco for you o Indentured Servants Those w/o $$$$ They were hired by the landlord to work for them Could not pay for their passage Work for 7 yrs Only receive clothing, food and shelter Once they repaid their debts, they were free. o 1624 Royal Company The King controls the company, not a business (Virginia Company) The King did not make any provisions to abolish the first assembly in America the Virginia Company made House of Burgesses He made the colony of VA a royal colony Religion had to be Anglican When king James I died and Charles became King, he let the Virginians alone. o Life in Virginia Life was hard Instability and impermanence 6:1 men to women ratio Malaria and disease spread 25% infant mortality rate Rigidly structured society People who came w/ $$$ were not noblemen They were second sons of merchants, storekeepers w/ $ $$ Once they could insure good land for themselves became the elite Freemen were former indentured servants o Most of them did not become rich Indentured servants were at the bottom of the social ladder o Not slaves but they saw it as a harsh position o Tobacco = Inequality Allowed ppl to become very wealthy More servants = more leaves = more $$$ Even though it is easy to cultivate, you needed a lot of land Up to the 1680’s, it was easy for ppl to become members of the elite From then on, ppl got use to the climate and have their kids survive and become the “indigenous elite.” Easterners/ Westerns Haves/ have-nots o Bacon’s Rebellion June 1676 Nathanial Bacon was a successful planter Unhappy w/ Governor Berkley’s policies Thought he played favorites and sucked at protecting the ppl who settled in VA from the Indians When an Indian raid killed his overseer, he rose in rebellion He put together an army (servants, freeman) He raided VA and burned Jamestown He died, so did the rebellion Showed that there was an east/west conflict Westerners thought the governor was not protecting them well Put pressure on the gov’t to reapportion representation in the House of Burgesses Some of his men were freemen, so they had to start bringing servants into VA Basically helped to create slavery Maryland o Named for the wife of Charles I o Sir. George Calvert was a Catholic Was given a charter to go to the New World and find a place for Catholics o Cecilius—2nd Lord of Baltimore Find a place for Catholics Bought a village from the Indians (Mary City) o Lord Baltimore Proprietor of Mary’s City 7 million acres of land Tried to establish a feudal system w/ 2 houses Flourished b/c of tobacco Issued the 1649 Toleration Act Religious matters o People of the middle class o Can pay for their passage and live w/ their families o By the 1670’s, there were people who had grandchildren o As ppl arrived, people created towns, churches and schools. o Church leaders were called “???” o All adult male members of the church could vote o Everyone paid taxes to the church o Everyone must serve in the militia o No separation b/t church and state in New England Roger Williams o Argued that the colony was impure because they had not purchased the land from the Indians Also that the Puritans thought they were reformed The main saints had no right to punish ppl for not going to church Separation of church and state Banished to Rhode Island and founded a self-governing colony Anne Hutchinson o Was a very smart woman o Knowledgeable of the Bible and started women’s Bible study group o Puritan saints didn’t like that o Would say that the main saints were not any better than the archbishop back home o Was tried for heresy Antinomianism o During her trial, her deep knowledge of the Bible was reveled Almost was acquitted but she let her guard down She said she had a personal relation w/ the Holy Spirit which got her banished She left the Puritan colony o She went to Providence, R.I. and then went to New Amsterdam (present-day NY) Thomas Hooker o Fundamental Order Allowed ppl who did not attend church the right to vote o CT becomes a self-governing colony John Wheelwright o Founded New Hampshire o Grew slowly and became a separate colony by the 1670’s Life in New England o As time went on, it became more difficult to prove moral conversion o As religious fervor passed, a new law was passed o The Half-Way Covenant The main-saints still baptized children even though their parents had not had a moral conversion Status of Woman o Not a golden time for women o Men & women adapted to their gender role Rank and Status o Yeomen—owned their own land and farmed it o Society was homogenous o Soon, people could not have moral conversions o Class issues Salem o 1692- Salem was an important town and port but there were east/west problems Eastern section benefitted from prosperity but west did not o They kept changing preachers o The daughter of the minister and 2 others girls started behaving very strangely and everyone blamed the Parrish’s domestic servant (Tituba) o So the woman and 2 friends of hers were jailed for suspicion of witchcraft and everyone blamed each other o 150 ppl were arrested for witchcraft o Eventually, 20 people were hanged for being witches Mostly women were hanged o Did not have consequences o Last episode of witchcraft persecution o Showed the dangers between no separation of church and state Carolinas Stuart Dynasty o Charles I ascended to the throne as Charles II o Was in exile trying to find help for his dad o Some aristocrats had helped him regain his throne o Restoration colonies—grants or rewards to those aristocrats by those who helped him regain his throne. Product of the Restoration 8 Courtiers o 8 gentlemen that got Restoration colonies Sir Anthony Cooper, Lord of Shaftesbury o One of the courtiers o He proposed that they would invest their own money to bring men and ships to Carolina. o Dispatched about 300 settles o Founded Charles Town o Sec. John Locke o Tried to exclude Charles o Wrote the constitution of the Carolinas Two house assembly 1669—Persuaded proprietors to invest their own capital Charles Town o Settled in present-day S.C. Continuous preaching Would not serve in the militia Could not serve/hold office because they would not swear on the Bible o William Penn Very handsome but spiritual Noble family but he associated w/ humble people Smart but troublemaker Came to America b/c of the real estate coup Launched the Holy Experiment Wrote the Frame of Gov’t Allowed all Christians to hold office Quakers, Protestants and Quakers fought over who would initiate legislation Before leaving, he made the legislature one house Germans came here too Called the “Penn Dutch” Quakers were the first in humanitarian efforts William Penn went back home to defend his colony He ends up in jail and loses the colony Georgia James Oglethorpe o Founder of the colony o Aristocrat, officer in the English Army o Launched an experiment after he visited a debtor’s prison Refuge for debtors b/c the ones overseas were horrid o Also had to protect the colonies from the Spanish in Fl. o King George II granted the charter in 1732 Granted land btw the Sav. River and the Altamaha River Has to be a debtor colony Not huge on immigrants No one could own more than 500 acres If a couple has no kids, the land goes back to the trustees The land can only reverse to the first son Slavery is prohibited as well as liquor o People did fundraisers and donated clothing, Bibles, tools, etc o Oglethorpe went to present-day Savannah, and founded Fredericka Named in honor of Fredrick Lewis, father of George III Becomes a military outpost o Oglethorpe wanted to stop the Spanish Led an expedition Laid siege to St. Augustine Underestimated the Spanish army and his people almost rebelled o July 1742 Governor of Florida attacked Fort Fredericka One contingent of Spanish retired to some marshes to eat and sleep but were attacked by the Scottish Highlanders Battle of Bloody Marsh Meant that the colony of GA was safe b/c the Spanish left and never came back. By 1751, the King authorized an assembly The colony reverted back to the King No more trustees The colony was never popular A refugee for debtors but also protection from the Spanish Tuesday, February 07, 2012/ Quiz on Thursday People started leaving England Different ppl left for different reasons o No one told them to leave o They brought all their habits, customs, etc and adapted Virginia o Joint stock company o Investors investing their money and put their resources together, limited liability, get the grant from King James o Malaria, people died, etc o John Smith then comes and makes them work o The V-C reimaged itself and its land grant system Head-right system 100 acres for just having the money Even more if you have family o After John Smith, things fall apart and people eat each other o Then Rolfe came over and had a plan He brought his tobacco leaves Life in VA o High mortality, sense of impermanence o Gov. makes the Anglican church the established religion in VA o Land owners—freemen—indentured servants I.S. did not see themselves as ever becoming land owners Saw their conditions as tough o As time went on, there were differences btw those who lived there Bacon’s Rebellion was a rebellion between the East and West Bacon wanted to participate in the fur trade and westerners could not do that The guys he recruited were freemen, poor farmers. Maryland o Started to provide a place for freedom of worship for Catholics o Sir George Calvert came over and then his son Cecilius founded it o Mary’s City becomes Baltimore o Henrietta Maria = wife of Charles I Puritan New England o Pilgrims- Separatists, humble, pious people o The gentry in Parliament thought that England must have a bigger navy o England must achieve a balance of trade Based on mercantilism Politics of Empire o Mercantilism (Colbert) Devised by Colbert, minister of Finance King Louis did not want any more instability An opinion in the economy opposite of free trade Meant that country must achieve self-sufficiency Discourage foreign imports, do domestic exports, accumulate gold and silver o Bullion is gold/silver The gov’t supports domestic industry o France was making lace, silk, tapestry and porcelain Desirable to acquire overseas colonies in order to gain raw materials for the mother country High centralized type of economy were the gov’t controls everything France is the most powerful of the European colonies o Navigation Acts Relation btw England and overseas colonies The English gov’t wanted to make sure they could control trade within the colonies No ships could trade within the colonies unless it was built in England or the Americans and the crews had to be at least 75% English Tobacco, indigo, dyes, etc had to be shipped to an English port or another colonial port Tobacco, cotton, sugar, indigo, ginger, etc Passed to benefit the British traders and gov’t. o Lords of Trades A new cabinet office to control overseas trade o Board of Trade William accepted this. o The Triangular Trade Anglican-zation of the Americans due to the trade They started thinking that to be American is somewhat different Developed important trade patterns Glorious Revolution o When James came to the throne, in various stages, he incorporated Mass, Ct. R.I., N.H., N.Y. and N.J. All one colony One house—town meetings and religious meetings Edmund Andros had a tyrannical temperament Enforced Navigation Acts Said town meetings were illegal Made Puritans shared meetings w/ Anglicans They put him jail and sent leaders to talk to William of Orange He appointed the governor Regardless of the church one attended, everyone could vote. Changes in NY o Was a Dutch colony til the English got it o Jacob Leisler Wanted to right wrongs Seized a harbor in the name of William and Mary His enemies were waiting and was arrested for treason When a new governor arrived, Leisler had been executed NY is divided by factions Followers of Leisler or anti-Leisler Maryland o Elite were Catholics o Tired of Baltimore family dictating to them Held it until the American Revolution o Official religion became the Anglican religion The Atlantic Slave Trade Went on for four centuries Slave traders kept meticulous records Slavery was already going on in Africa o Slaves were either not liked by the king or POW’s o No difference in color of the skin When the Europeans got there, did their interventions cause more wars in Africa. Portugal started and then everyone else Slaves were taken from West Africa First ship came to Jamestown in 1616(?) Blacks worked during the day but were free to do whatever during the night o As the #s increased, there is a need to pass some laws to define their status. All Africans brought in VA were slaves All babies born to an African woman was a slave, regardless of paternity o Royal African Company—simply to furnish slaves o Main port of entry was Charleston West Indies o The slaves were brought in greater #s o The conditions were pretty difficult o Transportation Act People in England thought it was a good law Gave ppl who were in trouble w/ the law the opportunity to not be hanged if they decided to be indentured servants in the colonies Judges, magistrates, etc decided this. Ben Franklin “How should we repay the English gov’t for this gift?” “I would propose rattlesnakes and have them distributed in the gardens in the nobility and gentry but primarily in the gardens of the PM, lords of trade and parliament. o Economic Expansion Made the Americans think they were part of an empire English merchants always extended credit to the US By mid-18th century, many Americans are in debt to English merchants 2 million pounds = America’s debt o Cultural Ambivalence Not quite American Enlightenment o Started in the late 1600’s to the 1700’s o Started in France w/ the Philosophe They were intellectuals Social critics Present day sociologists Many were scientists Voltaire and Montesquieu They wanted things to be based on reason Prove laws that can be understood through reason o Voltaire Was exiled in England France was cool til Louis XIV didn’t do religious toleration “I don’t believe a word you’re saying but I will fight to the death for you to say it. o Montesquieu Geographic determinism Laws, traditions and religion are affected by the environment That’s how people developed their own laws Romans came up w/ checks and balances o Tests of Faith in Science Realized that the church supported the idea that the Earth was in the middle of the universe Copernicus Heliocentric theory On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres (1543) Devout Catholic Did not publish his book until right before his death Claimed that the sun was in the middle Johannes Kepler Planetary laws of motion Continued observations and realized that the orbits of the planets are elliptical, not circular Paces of the planets accelerated when planets approached the sun Supported the heliocentric theory Representatives of the Enlightenment o Sir Isaac Newton Principia Mathematica Theory of gravity All objects in the universe attract one another o John Locke Epistemology Explains how we learn anything “Human understanding” Study of political theory Making society more rational Tried to make sense of how governments are made No divine right kings or governments Human behavior is shaped by reason The mind at birth is a blank slate and ppl are taught how to be kings Knowledge can be obtained through education, observation, etc Theory of Gov’t They are made based on a contract between the people and the king Protect the natural rights of the people o Rights you are born with o Should the sovereign fail to do this, they shall kick this person out and find someone else. o Theories Kings hold office because of this innate ability to lead Aristocrats hold office for nearly the same reason Locke disagreed on the innate abilities No difference between a prince born to a king and a baby born to a peasant People are taught how to govern and everything can be understood through education. o Ben Franklin American representative Came from a large family Was a genius and by the age of 40, that he did his own experiments and whatnot Was a diplomat in France Writing pamphlets in favor of American independence 1755 Major General Braddock o Aging, obese o From Canada o In July, he was defeated 8 miles from Duquesne o 70% of his troops were killed Seven years’ war o Started spontaneously o Declared in 1756 o English did not fight in Europe o The aim in Europe was to prohibit the aggrandizement of Prussia o Elizabeth died and Peter III became King o In India, the Brits beat the French o The English got India o Most important part was fought in N. America Things didn’t go well until William Pitt became PM Pitt had a vision of England making a huge empire If England wanted to win, they had to cut the bills English gov’t borrowed heavily from countries o Col. Amherst and James Wolfe Once they get to Canada, the outcome turned in favor of the English There were communication issues with the French o Battle of Quebec Montcalm and Amherst were fatally wounded o 1763 French were defeated According to the treaty, had to gift Canada and Quebec to England Spain was on the side of England French are out of the mainland Gave LA to Spain; Canada and Quebec to England After the war, Americans no longer needed the protection of the mother country But the English were broke, so they taxed the colonies Issued the Proclamation Line of 1763 Prohibited American colonies to go beyond the line b/c it costs too much to protect them The Standing Army had to stay there o French & Indian Wars England is broke They taxed America Brought colonies together Gave them a sense of purpose Trained young officers (Washington) how to fight in America Guerilla War o American Views America thought itself to be more moral Influence of the Enlightenment Natural rights did not have to be argued Influence of the Great Awakening Will not be oppressed by any country that did not think of its people’s natural rights Road to Revolution George III o Grandson of George II o Father was Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales o Lonely little child o Grandpa hated him o Not a tyrant but difficult personality o During his rule, it was hard for his officials to understand what he wanted o PMs were coming and going o Agitation in the colonies b/c of taxation w/o representation o The Earl of Bute The Issue of Representation o Can’t regulate trade o If we don’t send any reps to London, the colonial assembly should tax us o Americans thought that each colony had a mini Parliament Colonial assembly – House of Commons o In England, they had about 20% of the population able to vote o “You are virtually represented” o If we don’t like what they’re doing, we can vote them out American view vs. English view o Writings being passed around o Criticized the English system o Thomas Gordon, etc o Power corrupts Politics of Virtue o People are born w/ natural rights o No arguing, no explanation Proclamation of 1763 George Grenville Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Road to Revolution George Grenville Proclamation of 1763 o British drew a line during the proclamation of Paris British troops are marching through the cold Crowd threw snowballs w/ rocks in them at the soldiers Someone fires and 5 Americans die British troops who were involved, all but 2 were acquitted John Adams was their lawyer Another example of British oppression o Lord North New P.M. On the same day of the B.M., he goes to repeal some acts Figured out how to deal with the king Wanted good relations w/ the colonies Thought the Townshend Duties should be repealed Except the tax on tea o Interlude of Order Normal patterns of trade No boycotting English goods Loyalists emerged as an identifiable group Did not want to sever ties o Samuel Adams Sons of Liberty had nothing to fight b/c there was no agitation Leader of this radical group of patriots in Mass o Comm. Of Correspondence Carried messages to the various colonies Sense of belonging in the colonies o May 1773 English pass Tea Act Clause: only politically correct ppl (those who did not participate in any political dissension could sell tea from India) Passed to bail out the British East India Bay Co Commercial venture a la Virginia Company Had the monopoly of trade of the tea from India Sons of Liberty have a reason to be pissed now We’re gonna smuggle Dutch tea o Boston Tea Party Through all the tea overboard By Jan 1774, the British passed the Coercive Acts o Coercive Acts Jan 1774 Aimed at isolating Mass Imposed martial law on Boston Prohibited public town meetings o Quebec Act 10 yrs of trying to find out what to do w/ Quebec Ohio River Valley was given to Canada Roman Catholicism was the official religion Result was calling a Congress o Continental Congress Sept. 5, 1774 Since the beginning, they’re divided GA didn’t send any b/c it was primarily filled with Loyalists Divided by moderates and radicals Moderates won at first C.C. endorsed the Suffolk Resolves Bold statement made in Mass Encouraged resistance to the coercive acts Created Continental Association Boycott British goods Stopped exporting American goods to England o Gen. Gage New military governor His intel told him that in Concord, there were hidden weapons Decided this was time to “show force” Revere told everyone the British were coming and no weapons were found Marched back to Boston o Lexington and Concord As they approach Lexington, someone fired a shot 80 Americans dead, 300 dead Red Coats Thursday, February 23, 2012 Second Continental Congress o Moderates and radicals o Reluctant revolutionaries o Reluctant about cutting ties o Moderates prevailed for a while and drafted the olive branch petition sent to George III Please abolish the coercive acts Quit w/ expedition Olive Branch o George III Bunker Hill o The new military governor, Thomas Gage suffered causalities and the king is mad. o At this time, G. Washington were still loyal to George III o When King G heard this, he got really mad Prohibitory Act (Dec. 1775) o Prohibiting any trade w/ the colonies o Until you come to your senses and quit w/ the rebellion Jan 1776 o Common Sense is published by Thomas Paine Thomas Paine o He had encountered Ben Franklin during his issues in Europe Thomas Jefferson o Adams claimed he was the best guy to write the D.O.I