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Anatomy Physiology- The Unity of Form and Function Chapter 1 Actual solution.pdf, Exams of Nursing

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Anatomy Physiology- The Unity of Form

and Function Chapter 1 Actual solution

Anatomy - answer - The study of structure Physiology - answer - The study of function Inspection - answer - Looking at the body's appearance as in performing a physical examination or making a clinical diagnosis from surface appearance Palpation - answer - Feeling a structure with the hands, such as taking a pulse Auscultation - answer - Listening to the natural sounds made by the body, such as heart and lung sounds Percussion - answer - The examiner taps on the body, feels for abnormal resistance, and listens to the emitted sound for signs of abnormalities such as pockets of fluid or air

Dissection - answer - The careful cutting and separation of tissues to reveal their relationships Cadaver - answer - A dead human body Comparative Anatomy - answer - The study of more than one species in order to examine the structural similarities and differences and analyze evolutionary trends Exploratory Surgery - answer - Opening the body and taking a look inside to see what was wrong and what could be done about it Medical imaging - answer - Methods of viewing the inside of the body without surgery Radiology - answer - Branch of medicine concerned with imaging Gross anatomy - answer - Structure that can be seen with the naked eye Histology (microscopic anatomy) - answer - The process of taking tissue specimens, thinly slicing and staining them, and observing them under a microscope to see individual cells Histopathology - answer - The microscopic examination of tissues for signs of disease

Cytology - answer - Study of the structure and function of individual cells Ultrastructure - answer - Refers to fine detail, down to the molecular level, revealed by the electron microscope Neurophysiology - answer - Physiology of the nervous system Endocrinology - answer - Physiology of hormones Pathophysiology - answer - Mechanisms of disease Comparative Physiology - answer - The study of how different species have solved problems of life such as water balance, respiration, and reproduction. Basis of development of new drugs and medical procedures Hippocrates - answer - Father of medicine. Established a code of ethics for physicians, the Hippocratic Oath along with followers. He urged physicians to stop attributing disease to the activities of the gods and demons and to seek their natural causes Aristotle - answer - One of the first philosophers to write about anatomy and physiology. He believed that diseases and other natural events could have either supernatural causes, which he called theologi, or natural ones, which he called physici or physiologi

Claudius Galen - answer - Physician for Roman gladiators and wrote the most up influential textbook of the ancient era Maimonides - answer - Name of Moses ben Maimon as known in Christendom, who was the most famous Jewish physician Avicenna - answer - Galen of Islam. Most highly regarded medical scholar among Muslims. Andreas Vesalius - answer - Taught anatomy in Italy and broke tradition by coming down from the cathedra and doing the dissections himself. He pointed out many faults in Galen's book and was the first to publish accurate illustrations for teaching anatomy. Published first atlas of anatomy, "De Humani Corporis Fabrica" William Harvey - answer - Remembered for his studies of blood circulation and a little book he published in 1628, by its abbreviated title De Motu Cordis Michael Servetus - answer - Along with William Harvey they were first to realize that blood must circulate continuously around the body, from the heart to other organs, and back to the heart again Robert Hooke - answer - An Englishman who designed scientific instruments of various kinds and made many improvements in the compound microscope. First to see and name cells because of his microscope

Antony van Leeuwenhoek - answer - Invented a single-lens microscope. Achieved 200x magnification Matthias Schleiden & Theodor Schwann - answer - Concluded all organisms were composed of cells Francis Bacon & René Descartes - answer - Credited with putting science on the path to modernity, not by discovering anything new in nature or any new techniques. Neither were scientists Scientific method - answer - Refers less to observational procedures than to certain habits of disciplined creativity, careful observation, logical thinking,no honest analysis of ones observations and conclusions. Inductive method - answer - Process of making numerous observations until one feels confident in drawing generalizations and predictions from them. Hypothetico-deductive methods - answer - An investigator begins by asking a question and formulating a hypothesis Falsifiability - answer - If we can claim something is scientifically true, we must be able to specify what evidence it would take to prove it wrong. If nothing could possibly prove it wrong, then it isn't scientific. Sample size - answer - The number of subjects used in a study

Controls - answer - Comparison between between treated and untreated individuals so that we can judge whether the treatment has any effect. Control group - answer - Consists of subjects that are as much like the treatment group except with respect to the respect to the variable being tested. Psychosomatic effects - answer - Effects of the subjects state of mind on his or her physiology Placebo - answer - A substance with nosing juicing physiological effect on the body Double-blind method - answer - Procedure in which the neither the subject to whom a treatment is given or the person giving it and recording the results knows whether that subject is receiving the experimental treatment or placebo Statistical tests - answer - Can be applied to data Law of nature - answer - A generalization about the predictable ways I which matter and energy behave Model - answer - An animal species or strain selected for research on a particular problem Arboreal - answer - Treetop

Opposable - answer - Can cross the palm to touch fingertips Prehensile - answer - Able to grasp branches by encircling them with the thumb and fingers Stereoscopic - answer - Vision (depth perception) Bipedalism - answer - Standing and walking on two legs Organ - answer - A structure composed of two or more tissue types that work together to carry outa particular function Tissue - answer - A mass similar cells and cell products that Formosa discrete regain of an organ and performs a specific function Cells - answer - The smallest units of an organism that carry out all the basic functions of life. Organelles - answer - Microscopic structures in a cell that carry out its individual functions